FTLN 0359 I am not a man

Evil world.

Seal the magic city.

At this time, the Zongmen Grand Competition, held once in a hundred years, is being held.

It has directly become the most lively time in the evil world in recent years.

Thousands of sects came to Seal the Devil City, it can be said that this is already the most powerful force in the evil world.

Usually at this time, the evil world will make an agreement with the southern border. At this stage, the two sides will not invade each other. This is also the tradition of both sides. After thousands of years, the two worlds are in a hostile state, but neither is convinced. , The two sides also had a certain tacit understanding.

In order to ensure that neither party will tear up the treaty, the evil world will also invite the Yuan Ying monks from the southern border to come to the conference.

Because each time the evil realm gives more gifts, and you can also exchange a lot of things that only the evil realm can have in the Zongmen Grand Competition, so many Yuan Ying from the right way are willing to come over, so every time they come All of them were Yuan Ying groups, so that the safety of the Yuan Ying monks could be guaranteed, and the Yuan Ying Palace was tacitly approved.

Time soon came to the time of the big competition.

However, there is a strong atmosphere in the resident of the Blood Fiend Sect. This is because their ancestor Ye Han has not yet returned.

“Brother Blood Sacrifice, the ancestor has been out of contact with us for more than a month, will something happen?” Ye Qing was like an ant on a hot pot, back and forth anxiously.

“Junior Brother Ye Qing, you can’t solve the problem by walking around like this, you should sit down!” The Blood Sacrifice saw Ye Qing dangling in front of his immediate eyes and looked very irritable, “If the ancestor really had an accident. , The blood evil puppet must have reacted, but now he is nothing strange, which shows that the ancestor has nothing to do, maybe he is doing more important things now.”

“But… it’s been more than a month. At the speed of the ancestors, it does not take a month from the Scarlet Demon City to the Sealed Demon City. It only takes half a month, but now one month has passed. Now, he still didn’t reunite with us. The most important thing is that the ancestor did not return our message. This is what I worry about the most.”

Ye Qing continued to turn around on the ground.

“Okay, if you like to turn, just keep turning.” Although the Blood Sacrifice is the Sect Master of the Blood Fiend, he cannot completely command Ye Qing. After all, the other party has been following the ancestor for a long time. It was the suzerain, but that didn’t mean that the blood sacrifice could not persuade Ye Qing.

Sure enough, when he heard the words of Blood Sacrifice, Ye Qing stopped directly, looked at the Blood Sacrifice and said with a gloomy expression: “Brother Blood Sacrifice, if you ignore me, what can I do?”

“You are more anxious. What we have to do is to wait honestly. The ancestors have been there all the time. Maybe they are on the way here. All we have to do is to join hands and wait. “The Blood Sacrifice nodded and said.

“Thank you Brother Blood Sacrifice for your guidance, I understand.”

Ye Qing said respectfully.

The two sides looked at each other and smiled slightly.

At this moment, a golden core monk came outside the resident. This golden core monk was wearing a wicked ghost robe. Obviously, this was a member of the Evil God Temple to seal the Devil City.

When the Jindan monk saw Blood Sacrifice and Ye Qing, he immediately said: “People of the Blood Sacrifice Sect, listen, tomorrow will be the opening ceremony of the Zongmen Grand Competition, and Mr. Ye Changkong, the Vice-Hallmaster of the Evil God Temple will attend. You are all Be prepared, except for the participating disciples and the leader of the team, no other monks will be allowed inside~”

“The Blood Fiend Sect understands.”

The blood sacrifice immediately responded, and walked into the golden core monk, and a top-grade pill was delivered to this kind-faced golden core monk.

“These Dao brothers have worked hard, this is just a little favorite.”

The golden pill of Feng Mo Temple immediately brightened when he saw the pill in his hand, this is a good thing!

“The Blood Sacrifice Clan is interested, the Blood Fiend Sect is very satisfied with the loyalty of the evil world, you must do more.”

After speaking, he left contentedly.

“Brother Blood Sacrifice, are you?” Ye Qing asked quickly.

“The senior officials crushed people to death. Although this guy’s strength is only in the early stage of Jin Dan, he is like a brown sugar, which can bother you all the time. If you have a rift with him, our Zongmen contest will be out of the question. NS.”

The Blood Sacrifice gave Ye Qing a detailed account.

Hearing these words, Ye Qing didn’t say anything more, but was silent for a while, then turned and left, “It is estimated that tomorrow will be a fierce battle. I will go to the secret room to practice.”

The Blood Sacrifice watched Ye Qing leave, then looked at the sky far away, “Ancestor, you come back quickly.”


At this time, Ye Han finally entered the Sealed Demon City with the Scarlet Demon Puppet. His own cultivation base was directly controlled in the early stage of Jin Dan, while the cultivation base of the Scarlet Demon Puppet was still in the early stage of Yuan Ying. Such a combination is in the seal. It is very common in the Devil City, and it is usually the San Xiu Yuanying who brings his disciples to the Feng Devil City to participate in the sect competition.

The so-called sect masters are not only those famous sects, but also some inheritors of evil ways. The sects to which they belonged may have been glorious, but because they later declined and became a single pass. In fact, the white spot means casual cultivation. , But it has a complete inheritance, and seeks to re-establish a clan.

For these people, in order to win over these people, the Evil God Temple specifically proposed in the Zongmen Grand Competition that as long as these people show value, they will support these people to restore the sect.

Don’t underestimate this, there is a sect spiritual land recognized by the evil god temple, which is not something ordinary people can find, so many sect inheritors regard this once-in-a-hundred-year sect comparison as the hope of restoring the sect. , Very positive.

In fact, the previous Black Raven Mountain was not recognized by the Evil God Temple, so the Old Blood Fiend dared to rob it brazenly. If it was a sect recognized by the Evil God Temple, the Old Blood Fiend would never dare.

Ye Han looked at everything in the Sealed Devil City. Many things were full of evil spirits. During this period of time in the evil world, he found that even the sun’s rays of the entire evil world were cold, which made people very strange. It is a special area created by the ancient power of supernatural powers.

In the evil realm area, Ye Han felt that he would practice evil ways faster.

He was not in a hurry to go to the Blood Fiend Palace resident to meet with the Blood Sacrifice, but wanted to talk about it in the Sealed Devil City.

After all, there are some things that are very inconvenient if they involve the sect.

Ye Han and the Scarlet Demon Golem just came out of a shop selling evil weapons. As Ye Han expected, there were no magic weapons at all, they were evil treasures full of evil spirits.

Since Ye Han refined the quasi-spirit-level ten thousand ghost banners, he discovered that the use of evil weapons in the evil world would be very powerful, and the use of magic weapons would be greatly affected, so he was planning to buy some evil treasures.

After seeing a few stores, Ye Han suddenly discovered that in the evil world, the price of evil treasures is only one-third of the southern border!

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