FTLN 0357 I am not a man

Inside the spaceship cabin.

Ye Han sat on the top, and the Blood Fiend puppet stood aside.

On the lower two sides, there are sitting blood sacrifice, Ye Qing and several other golden core cultivators.

“Ancestor, what we are passing through is the Scarlet Demon City. After passing this city, we will fly to the Evil God Temple headquarters in another month.”

As the guide for this outing, the blood sacrifice is very dedicated.

“Blood sacrifice, the evil cultivators below are too arrogant. They are actually making comments on us. Can they be wiped out?”

Ye Qing frowned and said.

The Blood Sacrifice shook his head, “Ye Qing, you don’t know anything. Although the lord of this Scarlet Demon City is only a monk at the peak of the Golden Core, his uncle is a Nascent Soul and a loose cultivator named Scarlet Demon Sanren. He is not in the Scarlet Devil City but travels everywhere. It is said that he is about to break through the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. If we can not offend such a character, we should not offend him.”

Hearing this, Ye Qing nodded, and suddenly realized: “I’ll just say why these people are so arrogant. It turns out that it is supported by the Yuan Ying monk.”

After speaking, he ignored it.

Although Ye Qing wanted to maintain the reputation of the Blood Fiend Sect, he couldn’t cause Ye Han to trouble.

However, at this moment, the spacecraft stopped abruptly.

Blood Sacrifice and Ye Qing frowned and shouted angrily: “What happened?”

Immediately there were subordinates coming in and reported: “Report, the road ahead was blocked by Master Red Devil, the Lord of Scarlet Devil City.”

“Hmph, the only way the Red Devil Master dare to stop my bloody evil sect’s spacecraft, I think he is alive and well.” Ye Qing brushed up and said, “Ancestor, let me go out to meet the Red Devil Master.”

“Well, go, pay attention to safety.” Ye Han nodded faintly. Now it is no longer worthy of Jindan-level characters to do it personally. He just needs to guard against Yuan Ying’s sudden action.

Seeing Ye Han’s agreement, Ye Qing was overjoyed and walked out directly.

Coming to the outside, Ye Qing saw that he was in front of the spaceship, being stopped by another spaceship sideways. This spaceship was the most basic flying spacecraft, and its quality was only a low-grade magic weapon. Compared with the bloody evil sect’s spacecraft, It looks very shabby, but the two are similar in size, just enough to stop them.

“Master Red Devil, just get out of my way if you are aware of it!”

Ye Han flew out of the sky and said coldly.

“Who are you? I want to see the blood evil ancestors, and at worst, the Blood Sacrifice Sect Master will come to see me. Although you have enough cultivation level, your status is not enough.”

At this moment, the spaceship on the opposite side also flew out of a figure, and saw this person wearing the clothes of the city lord, with an arrogant expression and an arrogant expression.

Hearing this, Ye Qing was so angry that he coldly looked at the person in front of him, “I am Ye Qing, the Deputy Sect Master of the Blood Fiend Sect. If you remember this name, it might be useful even in hell.”

“Haha, it turned out to be the clan of the Black Crow Sect, what? You are still alive after being annexed. To be honest, if you are the Black Crow Sect Master, you are still qualified to talk to me, but now you are not qualified. NS.”

Master Red Devil said without counseling.

“I really shouldn’t say that you are stupid, or that you are really powerful enough to be deceptive. On this spaceship is my blood evil ancestor, blood evil ancestor, you are not afraid to offend him and let you become one. Is it bloody?”

Ye Qing asked.

Master Red Devil nodded, “Father Nascent Soul, who is not afraid, but I heard that since the Black Crow Sect was annexed, the Old Blood Fiend has been retreating in the Blood Fiend Valley. Got it!”

“What bullshit are you talking about!”

Ye Qing couldn’t help but want to do it anymore.

But at this moment, suddenly a blood beam shot out from the spaceship, with great power and momentum!

Upon seeing this, Master Red Devil was so scared that the Seven Souls lost six souls, and shouted in horror: “Second Uncle, help me!”

“Haha, Fellow Daoist Blood Fiend! This is just a quarrel before the younger generations, why bother to be angry?”

Almost at the same time, a phantom of Dharma form appeared in front of the Master Red Devil, and stretched out his palm to block the bloody light very lightly.


This blood light directly penetrated the palm of Faxiang Void, and then passed through Faxiang Void’s chest, and finally hit the Master Red Devil hiding behind it accurately.

Almost instantly, Master Red Devil was wrapped in a mass of blood, and in the next second he was sucked into it by blood drops.

And when the blood drop came back, he once again penetrated the phantom of Dharma.

All of this happened between the electric light and flint. When Faxiang Void discovered it, the blood drop had already returned to Ye Qing to protect it.


Then a roar broke out.

“Old Demon Blood Fiend, your attack is too dark. You actually killed my demon. Don’t leave today!”

As soon as the voice fell, a red demon loose man in a black robe appeared in front of the spaceship, furious.

Ye Qing was also very frightened when he saw this situation, backed up again and again, and finally returned to the spacecraft.”Die all to me!”

A huge palm of the Buddha suddenly appeared near the spaceship, seeming to intend to crush the entire spaceship directly.

But this idea seems too wishful thinking.

The bloody old demon’s body did not appear, but the blood droplet did not pay attention to this giant hand at all, but directly rushed towards the scarlet demon loose man, as long as the opponent still controlled the palm, it would inevitably be hit by the blood droplet.


The Scarlet Demon Sanren didn’t expect the Blood Fiend Old Demon to make such a move, and he was a little flustered in the response, and the huge palm directly dissipated.


The blood drop and a middle-grade magic weapon hurriedly sacrificed by the Scarlet Demon Sanren collided.

Soon, the Scarlet Demon Sanren’s face was delighted, because he actually blocked the attack of the blood droplets with a medium-grade magic weapon.

“Hmph, Old Blood Fiend is nothing but that.”

The Scarlet Demon Sanren took back the sacrificed magic weapon as he spoke, but at this moment, the magic weapon suddenly uncontrollably prepared to explode, which shocked the Scarlet Demon Sanren.

Want to use magic to suppress the magic weapon’s self-destruction.

But this was all in vain. In the end, this middle-grade magic weapon contaminated with red exploded by the side of the Red Demon Sanren, although the power of the middle-grade magic weapon to explode was not enough to seriously injure the Red Demon Sanren.

But he was still quite embarrassed by his own magic weapon.

Not long after, the wounded Red Demon appeared at the location of the explosion, looking at the blood droplet and the spaceship, a look of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

“Old Demon Blood Fiend, I have remembered this hatred, the Scarlet Demon, and you just wait for my revenge!”

Abandoning the cruel words, the Scarlet Demon Sanren drove away.

And inside the spacecraft.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Han didn’t move a finger, it was the Blood Fiend puppet running on him, and the blood drop successfully returned to the Blood Fiend’s body.

Seeing the Red Demon Sanren retreating, the blood sacrifice face was happy at first, but then his face darkened, “Ancestor, although we repelled the Red Demon Sanren, the other party is the Nascent Soul monk, and it is about to break through to the Yuan Dynasty. The master of the infant stage, we have enmity with him like this. If he protects us, we will not dare to go out of the valley except you.”

Hearing the analysis of Blood Sacrifice, Ye Qing and other golden core monks were a little scared. After all, a golden core monk, even at the peak of the golden core, would basically only be lost due to the pursuit and killing of Yuan Ying. Of course, this is necessary. Excluding Ye Han, he is not a golden core cultivator at all. Have you ever seen a golden core cultivator who can kill Nascent Soul?

Hearing the gap in the blood sacrifice, Ye Han nodded silently. He also thought of this.

Immediately he got up slowly, “Blood Sacrifice, I’ll see if I can kill the Scarlet Demon Sanren. You drive the spaceship to move on, and I will catch up immediately after solving the problem.”

“Don’t worry about security issues, the blood evil puppets will stay here, you only need to reach the Cthulhu Temple headquarters safely.”

After speaking, Ye Han disappeared.


Stretching among the mountains.

The Scarlet Demon Sanren landed on the top of a mountain, and he glanced at the back with a stunned look, and then relaxed after confirming that no one was chasing after him.

“Strange, when did this old blood evil demon become so powerful, I was defeated without even seeing him, this person is really lost.”

“The Red Devil boy died when he died, but the Scarlet Devil City cannot be lost. He may provide me with a lot of cultivation resources. If I lose this city, then I will become a casual cultivator, which is not good.”

“Before I leave that sentence, this old blood evil demon will probably not send someone to occupy the Scarlet Demon City. After they leave, I will go back to receive it and re-select a city lord. This hatred must be reported.”

At this moment, suddenly a voice came.

“Are you the Scarlet Demon Sanren?”

“Who?” The Scarlet Demon was taken aback. He had clearly explored the surrounding area with his spiritual sense, and there was no other powerful monk at all. Even if there is, he can quickly find out.

But the other party is obviously near him, why didn’t he find it?

“I don’t know you.”

With words, Ye Han soared into the sky and landed behind the Scarlet Demon Sanren.


The Scarlet Demon Sanren turned around and looked at Ye Han with some doubts.

The pinnacle of the golden core dared to appear in front of him so grandiosely, which made his heart angry again. The golden core monk of the blood evil sect just dared to be so unscrupulous, and now he has it again. It seems that he is not a Scarlet Demon. How many are not enough to regain their prestige.

At this moment, Ye Han was already dead in the heart of the Red Demon Sanren.

“Boy, while the ancestors are still not angry, you kneel down for me, and give a trace of your soul, I will spare your life, and at the same time give you another glory and wealth?”

But after thinking about it, he still needs a candidate for the city lord of the Scarlet Devil. This city lord must be at the pinnacle of the Golden Core to be competent. Except for his nephew, the Master Red Devil, the other disciples are only in the late Golden Core. It almost meant that the guy in front of him had a good cultivation base, and if he could control it, he could barely use it.

Ye Han smiled slightly when he heard the words, “I still don’t look down on Scarlet Devil City. I am after you.”

Now Ye Han’s puppet technique has improved a lot. If he can conquer the Scarlet Demon Sanren, he will not only have one more Nascent Soul, but also an extra city by the way.

With a city, more trade can be carried out, and then more resources will be earned.

Ye Han is now determined to build the blood evil sect into a big sect.

He discovered more and more that afterwards, it was difficult to get to the road by himself, and he had to lay a solid base for himself. Perhaps this was the meaning of the existence of the sect.

But Ye Han’s career has just started, and everything has to be done.

Hearing Ye Han’s words, the Scarlet Demon Sanren seemed to have heard some big joke, and couldn’t help laughing: “Boy, do you know who I am?”

“You? Master Scarlet Demon, Brother Nascent Soul.”

“Since you know who I am, you still dare to talk to me like this, it seems that you are indeed impatient with your life, or you have swallowed up your cultivation base and contributed to the cultivation base of this seat!”

After that, the Red Demon Sanren no longer had the idea of ​​subduing him, so he started directly.

The Scarlet Demon Sanren stretched out his hand and sucked at Ye Han, but found that he didn’t suck it at all.

This made him stunned.

You know this is his unique secret skill, Wan Mo sucks!

Concentrate a body of magic on the arm to produce a strong suction. This trick is simple and quick to deal with the Jindan monks. Often, you can draw the opponent over with your hand, and grab the opponent’s neck with your hand, and at the same time, the magic is injected into the opponent’s body. Can control each other’s whole body in an instant.

Every time this trick is used against the Golden Core monk, it is all detrimental, but today it is true that he misses frequently. This has caused the Red Demon Sanren to have self-doubt. Is it possible that he has cultivated a fake Ten Thousand Demon Suction?

Or did you have hallucinations?

While the Red Demon Sanren was thinking about this, Ye Han had disappeared from his vision and spiritual consciousness.


When the Red Demon Sanren reacted, his expression suddenly changed!

“How is this going?”

“Boy, you come out quickly!”

Soon the Scarlet Demon Sanren received Ye Han’s response, “Since you asked me to come out, then I have to give you this face, I am out, you are optimistic.”

After the words fell, the Scarlet Demon scattered people looked around, but still did not see Ye Han.

“Boy, are you kidding me? Get out of here, or I will destroy the surrounding area!”

The Red Demon Sanren was both worried and excited in his heart. The reason was simple, because he believed that this strange monk at the peak of the Golden Core had mastered this high-level stealth secret skill. As long as he killed him and robbed him, he would definitely be able to get better. 10%!

So now I have become more careful and cautious, and I don’t seek to kill the opponent directly, but it is best to catch the opponent alive, so as to force the whereabouts of this mysterious technique.

“Didn’t I come out?”


With the sound of this sound, the Red Demon Sanren felt a pain in his body. When he looked into his abdomen, he found that a knife had pierced his dantian, and even Yuan Ying and his physical body were also condemned to death. Together.

This made it impossible for him to escape by using Yuan Ying’s shelling.

At the same time, he also felt a huge bloody air pouring into his body, which made him quickly lose control of his body. He also thought about resistance, but was quickly washed away by more bloody air. , This bloody air is so familiar, how is it similar to the fellow Blood Fiend Old Demon.

“You are….?”

“Yes, I am from the Blood Fiend Sect, and I am also the one who wants to kill you.”

Ye Han has completely controlled the opponent at this time. The reason is very simple. His chasing knife is now a spirit treasure, which can easily lock the opponent’s blood and mana. Now it is equivalent to being given by the Red Demon. Controlled, can’t run away at all.

For Ye Han who wanted to further improve his puppetry skills, it was a rare material for Ye Han who was caught alive for the first time.

The ability to catch alive this time has something to do with the Red Demon Sanren’s underestimation of the enemy.

Being able to get yourself into the body so close, and suppress the unopened domain, this can only be said that the Red Demon Sanren is too self-confident.

With these prerequisites, Ye Han will capture the Scarlet Demon Sanren alive.

With the power of blood and energy completely occupying the whole body of the Scarlet Demon Sanren, it was completely sealed by Ye Han, but he was not in a hurry to dig out the opponent’s Yuan Ying, because he planned to refine the most perfect puppet this time.

The puppet technique you get from the Ghost Underworld Bride is mainly the content of the Golden Core Period. There are very few puppets involving the Nascent Infant Period, and only two methods of refining Nascent Infant Puppets are recorded.

The first one is made by assembling and refining various raw materials. The biggest advantage of this method is that you can refine the puppets with the functions you want, but the cultivation base is generally not high, and you want to refine the puppets above the Nascent Soul level. It is simply difficult to reach the sky.

The second is to use the existing monster beast corpses or monk corpses for refining, which can basically guarantee more than 50% of the power of the corpse itself.

Both types of Ye Han have been tried. The first type of puppet, Ye Han, has been refined a lot. It is specially used to manage the medicine garden in the Blood Fiend Valley. Most of the monks are building foundations and refining Qi.

And the second method is to refine the blood evil old demon.

In the last article of the puppet secret technique, this is an article about how to refine a puppet with a living monk, once it succeeds, it will retain more than 90% of its strength!

It was after seeing this that Ye Han had this idea to catch the Scarlet Demon alive.

Of course, I must be thankful for being able to catch it alive. He has learned about the technique of phantom from the murderous knife.

That is to say, the body can be virtualized and blended into the void, because it is in the void, so even the Nascent Soul monk cannot observe it.

It’s like two people are on the same coordinate, but they are people in two worlds. As long as they avoid creating a breath link with each other, they can easily avoid being discovered.And at a certain distance, it is even more impossible to find it, whether it is used for hiding and actual combat, it is very practical, and it can even be regarded as a secret technique invented and created by Ye Han himself.

Ye Han took the Scarlet Demon away and immediately turned and left.

He doesn’t plan to chase the big army. In fact, with the current strength of the blood evil sect, he can steadily enter the top 20, and Ye Han must make a shot to enter the top ten, but Ye Han does not seem to make the blood evil sect too dazzling, or Decided to slow down first, but let the blood evil sect develop further.

Ye Han came to a relatively quiet place and began the process of refining the Red Demon Sanren.

Deploy hidden formations, defensive formations, and spirit gathering formations…

Ye Han chose this place mainly because there is a spiritual spring in the cave, which can be regarded as a treasure place for cultivation. There is no problem in providing a golden core for cultivation.

Everything was ready, Ye Han directly took out his pill furnace. Now Ye Han’s pill furnace has been replaced with the best magic treasure pill furnace. This was replaced at the Yuan Ying Hall. It cost him a lot of points and spirit stones, one mouthful The best magic weapon alchemy cauldron is even more expensive.

But in order to allow his subordinates to have more and better pills to eat, Ye Han still chose this one.

Now Ye Han refines foundation building and gas refining pill. Almost every furnace is top-grade pill. Originally, it can be advanced to the top-grade pill. But Ye Han did not do this, but chose all of them. For the exchange to become a middle-grade pill, the quantity will be increased, and the quality will also be leveraged.

Refine the living puppets according to the puppet technique.

The first step is to use the pill furnace to refine for three days!

In order to ensure that the temperature will not cause any problems, Ye Han directly uses the direct golden core fire for calcination.

As the pill furnace was released and the flames began to burn, Ye Han threw the Scarlet Demon Sanren into it.

This calcination with fire is to wipe out the puppet’s original strong resistance consciousness, so that there will be no problems in the subsequent refining.


With the gradual increase in the power of the flames, the soul of the Scarlet Demon Sanren awoke, and when he saw everything in front of him, he began to scream frantically in the pill furnace.

“You…what do you want to do?”

“You let me go, I am willing to sign a life contract with you!”


With that said, the Scarlet Demon Sanren wanted to try to break the pill furnace to escape, but his mana was completely sealed, it was impossible to escape!

“Senior, I know you are definitely not an ordinary Golden Core cultivator, please give me a chance.”

“I really don’t want to die!”


“I want to curse you, not to die!”


As the Red Demon Sanren cursed less and less, three days passed quickly.

At this time, the Master Scarlet Demon in the furnace was sitting cross-legged, his eyes slightly closed, like an old monk entering concentration, and there was no mood swing on his body.

This is not to train for three days. It is not to burn all the emotions of the Red Demon Sanren, but to temporarily seal their emotions, and then open them after the refining is successful.

But this is only the second step, followed by a longer refining process, which takes a full half a month.

And in the middle of this, we will continue to add various spiritual materials, such as adding nine-day profound iron, to increase the strength of the puppet’s physical body, such as increasing the blood-colored aura to change the strength of the flesh and blood in the body.

It is also important to prevent the invasion of foreign snake souls in the Yuanying process and control the driving of the Yuanying.

Soon half a month passed.

The puppet finally came to the last moment.


As the lid of the alchemy furnace was opened, his skin was dark. A puppet with powerful blood appeared in front of Ye Han.

“Open the realm of Yuanying!”

“It’s the master.”

Boom boom boom!

As the Red Demon Sanren released the domain, the entire cave began to tremble, and soon all the formations in the cave were destroyed one by one.

The mountains collapsed, but Ye Han and the Scarlet Demon Sanren were safe and sound. The reason was that they were protected by the Nascent Infant Realm.

“Use a magic weapon!”

“It’s the master.”


I saw the Scarlet Demon Sanren slam the storage bag around his waist, and a flying sword came out from the sky. It was a top-grade flying sword with very good quality.

“The Nascent Infant comes out of the body and casts spells.”

“Yes, master.”

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