Chapter 0352 Blood Drops

Facing the question of the old blood evil monster, Ye Han smiled slightly and said to Ye Qing: “Ye Qing, you come and tell him who I am.”

Ye Qing didn’t pretend anymore at this time, raised her head and pointed at Ye Han and said, “This is the first Ye Han of the Righteous Hired Monk Brigade!”

“The first hired patrol team? He is the righteous monk!” The old blood evil demon reacted and looked at Ye Qing coldly, “It seems that you have betrayed the Heretic Temple, damn it!”

With that said, Old Blood Fiend planned to slap Ye Qing to death.

But Ye Han activated the entire Black Crow Mountain formation at this time!

This is the Zhenshan Guardian Great Formation that he bought with a full 10 million spirit stones, which can trap the Nascent Soul monk!

Realizing the fluctuation of the formation, the old blood evil monster was also surprised, but he did not panic at all. The Ye Han just now was just a Golden Core Peak monk, and there was no threat to him, so he still planned to kill Ye Qing first. Say it again.

But when he slapped it out, he realized something was wrong.

“This is the fourth rank formation!”

The formations are also divided into different levels. Only formations that reach the fourth rank or above can resist and trap the Nascent Soul monk. Since Ye Han saw the guardian formations of the Four Holy Spirits on Tianding Mountain, he has thoughts about the formations. The formations are expensive, especially the high-rank formations, which are even more astronomical. Ten million spiritual stones cannot be taken out casually by ordinary monks, and it is difficult for even Yuan Ying monks to take out so many spiritual stones at once.

But Ye Han is different. He first won thousands of spiritual stones in the Fairy Battlefield of Vermilion Bird City, and on the way he slaughtered Xie Xiu and obtained millions of spiritual stones, plus the original treasure of the Black Crow Sect. In order to have such financial resources, buy the fourth-tier formation.

The formation that Ye Han bought is called Zhenshan Guardian Formation, and its biggest role is to defend and trap the enemy. When Ye Han bought the formation, he also thought about whether the function of the formation is biased towards attack or offense. After thinking about it again and again, he chose such a formation that is excellent in defense and trapping the enemy.

In addition, there is another advantage Ye Han cannot refuse. It is simple to set up, and it can even change from a large formation to a small formation for personal use to assist him in the battle.

If it is for personal use, the defensive ability of this Zhenshan guardian formation can withstand attacks in the middle stage of the Yuan Ying, even in the latter stage of the Yuan Ying, it takes some means to break.

As for the area where the enemy is more practical and can be comparable to the dollar infant monks, it can be said that with this set of formations, Ye Han has really shortened the gap with the Nascent Souls monks. Now he can face the hard steel Nascent Souls early monks. Not letting the wind fall, that’s why Ye Han chose the Nascent Soul who took action against the old blood evil monster.

With the opening of the formation, Ye Qing and the others all left. Soon there were only Ye Han and the old blood evil demon, and the other men of the blood evil old demon were protected by him in his domain. , There is no damage for the time being.

“Old Blood Fiend, if you surrender now, I wish you a way to survive!”

Ye Han said with a smile.

Although he is very clear that the opponent will not surrender, saying this at the beginning can also disturb the opponent’s mind.

“A mere Jin Dan wants my ancestors to surrender. You are too self-reliant. If you want to rely on this formation to deal with me, you are afraid that you are dreaming.”

After finishing speaking, the old blood evil demon began to expand his domain. As long as his domain completely covered the domain of the Zhenshan guardian formation, he could turn his back on the guest and easily capture this arrogant monk.

Upon seeing this, Ye Han was cold and cold, and did not stop it, letting Old Blood Fiend do it.

After a while passed like this.

The blood evil old demon felt something was wrong, and immediately stopped, looking at Ye Han with some surprise, “Boy, hello, so rich, I think you have left a lot of spirit stones in this formation. Bar?”

The formation requires spirit stones. Only enough spirit stones provide energy for the formation to be driven smoothly. The formation is a behemoth that swallows spirit stones. If there is no spirit stone, it will be sucked up sooner or later.

After the blood evil old demon spent nearly two layers of spiritual power, he found that the formation did not weaken at all. Only then did he make sure that the opponent’s spiritual stone reserves far exceeded his imagination. The formation broke through and finally fell into Ye Han’s hands.

Even if he is a Yuanying monk, if he doesn’t have aura in his body, he is a waste person.

Hearing the words of the old blood evil monster, Ye Han smiled slightly, “I didn’t prepare much for the spirit stone, but there is a high-grade spirit vein in the Black Crow Mountain. I have connected the formation and the spirit vein to each other, which consumes you. Brother Yuanying has no problems.”

Hearing this, the blood evil ancestor’s face changed drastically, and he couldn’t believe it and said: “You really paid a great price to deal with the old man. You must know that this spirit vein consumption can not be restored. Once the spirit vein is exhausted, you will never be saved. If you don’t come back, won’t you be afraid that there will be no place to practice then?””What am I afraid of? This was originally your evil cultivation, consuming a spiritual vein. That is also the loss of your evil god temple. It’s a big deal for me to go to your blood evil valley.”

Ye Han said.

Hearing this, the bloody ancestor had a murderous intent in his eyes, “Boy, it seems that you have already thought about it, you want to take my bloody three valleys.”


Ye Han little bit.

He had long since inquired clearly that this Blood Fiend Mountain Ancient was not far from Black Raven Mountain, where it was considered to have penetrated into the enemy’s interior.

“Huh, don’t think about it.”

As soon as the old blood monster’s voice fell, he sucked all the disciples behind him.

These disciples didn’t know what was going on, they were sucked all the spiritual energy and blood power by the old blood evil monster. The next second, the old blood evil monster returned to its peak state.

Upon seeing this.

Ye Han nodded and sighed, “As expected, he is the ancestor of evil cultivators, he is decisive enough to do things.”

“Stop talking nonsense, I will kill you today, and everything about you will belong to me. This is the first time the old man has seen such a wealthy Golden Core monk.”

Speaking of Blood Fiend, the old demon rushed directly to Ye Han.

Without the drag of his disciples, the old blood evil monster has become more free and can easily attack Ye Han, but under the interference of the formation, the attack power of the old blood evil monster has been weakened a lot.

Therefore, Ye Han faced the attack of the old blood evil demon without hiding in the slightest, and went directly on the hard steel.

Both of them belonged to monks with relatively powerful physical bodies. In the beginning, neither side used magic weapons, but directly attacked each other with their physical bodies.

This scene was naturally seen by Ye Qing and Zhao Ye Tian who were hiding in the underground palace.

“Brother Zhao, do you say that the adults can kill the ancestor of the blood evil? Although the ancestor of the blood evil is the last of the evil cultivator ancestors, it is also the real ancestor of the ancestors, Jindan and Yuanying. The gap is like a moat. If the adults fail, we will really be over.”

Ye Qing still said with some worry.

Zhao Ye Tian is also frowning at this time. After three years of getting along, the deeper he understands Ye Han, he believes in his heart that Ye Han can kill the blood evil old demon, but the ancestor of Yuan Ying is a killer wherever he is. , And Ye Han is still the golden core. Although slaughtering other golden cores is like pinching an ant to death, dealing with Yuan Ying is another matter.

“Our only expectation right now is that the adults can defeat the old blood evil monster. After all, the adults still have the guardian formation to help. The unique field of the Yuan Ying cultivator will not affect him, so there is a chance to fight against the Yuan Ying, and you You must know that this is a plan deployed by the lord himself, and he will not fail.”

As he said, Zhao Ye Tian’s eyes became firmer and firmer.

Hearing Zhao Ye Tian’s words, Ye Qing also stabilized. Yes, every time an adult looked at his plan, he was bold, but it was all carefully thought out and never failed.



Ye Han and the old blood evil demon made a fist, exploding with great power.

The roofs of the summit hall were all lifted off directly.

The entire Black Raven Mountain was vibrating, but these big movements were still around Black Raven Mountain and did not spread out because the formation was blocked.

This is to avoid being discovered by other forces.

“A Golden Core cultivator, who can do this, can fight against me, you are already very good.” Old Blood Fiend said coldly: “However, if you only have this ability, then this battle will be fine. ended.”

“Blood Fiend is out!”

I saw Old Demon Blood Fright with his hands facing each other, and then a three-foot-sized phantom appeared on his body, a bloody war god with three heads and six arms.

“This is the Yuan Ying Dharma!”

In the underground palace, Zhao Ye Tian and Ye Qing exclaimed.

It should be known that in addition to the unique domain, the symbol of Yuan Ying monk is also a powerful Dharma image. It can be said that a Dharma image is the greatest inspiration of the power of the Yuan Ying monk.

“My lord is just a golden pill, and there is no law at all. What should he do now?”

At this moment, Ye Han clasped his hands together, “It’s not just you who have the law.”

“Hell God!”

Following Ye Han’s anger, a three-foot-sized, four-armed evil god appeared on his body!

“How is this possible!” Seeing this scene, the old blood evil demon was directly stunned. How could this guy come up with a magic image? He is definitely not a Yuan Ying, but why can he have a magic image!

Ye Han actually found out that he could summon the Faxiang by accident. Since the last time he fought with Xiao Wuchan, a phantom has appeared in Ye Han’s mind. This phantom is the appearance of the evil god, because he has already summoned it. Once, and his powerful spiritual power allowed him to visualize the evil god, record the image of the evil god, and subconsciously condense in the divine consciousness. When his cultivation level broke through the peak of the golden core, this power was completely activation.

This allowed him to gain the power of Dharma!


Next second.

One is the Blood Fiend God of War, and the other is the Hell God. The two dharma constantly attack each other, bursting out huge energy, which can’t be released, so they all erupted on Black Crow Mountain.



After an attack, the aftermath of the battle directly leveled the top of Black Raven Mountain.

It was another counterattack, and this time the old blood evil demon actually fell behind.

Although supported by the domain, the aura mana in the domain is maintained by the blood evil old demon’s own mana. Ye Han is different. He relies on the Zhenshan guardian formation to absorb the aura.

That is to say, the greater the mana and spiritual power in the old blood evil monster, the less, but the aura in Ye Han’s body is always stable and can be replenished after consumption.

Soon the old blood evil demon’s mana dropped to only half, and in the physical attack, Ye Han was obviously not afraid.

“Ye Han, you are the new powerhouse of the Right Path Yuanying Palace, right?”

The old blood evil monster seemed to have thought of something, and asked specifically.

Ye Han nodded, “If you want to ask who was responsible for the more than ten evil repair patrols three years ago, then I can tell you very clearly, it’s me.”

“Hehe, Poison Dragon Po and Heishan Old Demon are two idiots. They have to say that they are a new Yuan Ying. In fact, you are just a golden pill. No wonder you have not been able to find your trace.”

The blood evil ancestor said with a helpless smile.

“But you met an old man today, so it’s impossible to escape. I will kill you personally, and then go to the evil temple to ask for merit, you know, you are worth ten million spiritual stones!”

Old Blood Fiend became extremely excited.

“That depends on whether you have this ability, your head is also worth 100,000 points.”

Ye Han said with a smile.

“Blood drops!”

After the blood evil old monster finished speaking, he no longer planned to fight Ye Han in hand, but planned to use magic weapons to kill.

In the next second, he saw the old blood evil demon offering a magic weapon made up of countless sharp gears.

“This is a superb evil magic weapon.”

Ye Han knew immediately.

As soon as this blood drop appeared, it went straight to Ye Han’s head.

“Spirit Guardian Bell!”

“Chasing a murderous knife!”

Ye Han didn’t dare to be careless, and directly offered the two best magic weapons: one offense and one defense.


The guardian bell is suspended above Ye Han’s head, and the chasing knife is like a drop of blood.

Then a surprising scene happened. The chasing knife obviously cut the blood drop, but it slashed through the blood drop, as if passing through.

Ye Han didn’t have time to think about it, and quickly backed away, because the blood droplets had already attacked his front door at this time.


There was a loud noise.

The guardian bell successfully blocked the attack of the blood droplets.

But what is strange is that the guardian bell is coated with a layer of blood.

Ye Han immediately noticed the changes on the guardian bell, but strangely, he didn’t feel anything abnormal from the guardian bell.

“Succumbed to death.”

The bloody ancestor looked cold and immediately launched an attack.

The blood drop came again like a blood ball.

Ye Han still doesn’t know what’s wrong with the guardian bell, but when he sees a layer of blood on his chasing knife, he seems to have some guesses.

This time he did not intend to harden the steel again, but chose to avoid it.

The blood droplet directly hit the top of the Black Crow Mountain, directly smashing a large hole, and leaving a large amount of filthy blood on the spot.

Seeing that Ye Han hadn’t been hit by the bloody ancestor, his face was gloomy, but he immediately started casting a spell.

As the bloody ancestor chanted the spell, Ye Han immediately felt that both the guardian bell and the murderous knife had a tendency to explode.


The blood on the top of the mountain exploded first, with great power.

Then the guardian bell couldn’t hold on, Ye Han could only throw it out, and finally exploded…

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