Chapter 0350 Ye Qing’s shock!

“Under normal circumstances, there will be at least ten patrols around.”

Ye Qing said quickly.

After all, he has now betrayed Xie Xiu’s side, and if he is really caught back, then he is definitely the kind who can’t die anymore.

“Ten teams, that is to say there are ten Golden Core cultivators, that is 20,000 points, I will accept them.”

After speaking, Ye Han directly sat on the ground and began to meditate.

This frightened Ye Qing, wondering if this master was crazy? Although he knows what merit points there are on the right side, killing a golden core evil cultivator will probably get two thousand points, but ten golden core cultivators are besieging, even the golden core peak cultivators can’t hold it, let alone they are all. With the cooperation of the foundation building cultivators, each of these foundation building evil cultivators is not weaker than him, and they can also use evil formations, and they are also quite a golden core. All evil repairs are caught in one go.

Ye Qing thought of this, and for the sake of his own life, he decided to persuade this master again.

“My lord, if these evil cultivators surround you, unless we have the Nascent Soul cultivation base, we won’t be able to escape at all. If we fall into their hands, it will be hard to die!”

For Ye Qing’s words, Ye Han slowly opened his eyes.

Ye Qing was overjoyed when he saw this, but then Ye Han’s words stunned him.

“If you feel dangerous, you can go back now.” Ye Han continued, “Of course, if you stay, these storage bags for foundation building evil repairs can be handed over to you for inventory. If there is anything you want in it, I will I can give it to you.”

After hearing Ye Han’s words, Ye Qing’s first thought was, no, I don’t want it, I will go back now.

But after another thought, he thought of his previous guesses about the identity of the master, which immediately gave him a new idea, maybe the other party is really a hidden Nascent Soul monk.

But such a young cultivator Yuan Ying is too fake.

After thinking about it again and again, Ye Qing decided to stay. Although the master promised to let him leave alone, he didn’t keep the balance. This is the other party trying to test himself. As long as he chooses to leave, he will kill himself directly.

It’s better to die than to live.

In this way, Ye Qing stood beside Ye Han honestly and protected the law for him.

Time passed a little bit.

Ye Qing is also getting more and more nervous.

Suddenly, hundreds of black shadows attacked, and finally landed a hundred meters around them.

You don’t need to look at it to know that this is a large army of evil cultivators who have surrounded them.

Judging right with him, apart from the fact that there were more evil cultivators in the foundation building period, there were a lot of ten golden core evil cultivators. Although there were no masters in the late golden core, many of them were evil cultivators in the middle golden core period.

When this was over, Ye Qing suddenly regretted that he should go, but now he can’t go if he wants to.

However, at this time, the man next to him was still meditating and cultivating, and he was really calm enough.

The evil cultivators on the other side found that this situation also rushed to some doubts. They were worried that it was a trap, so they did not attack rashly. Especially after seeing Ye Qing, their expressions changed even more. They naturally recognized that Ye Qing was an evil cultivator. Ming Xie Xiu stayed beside the righteous cultivator and protected the law for him. This was obviously a betrayal.

“Boy, since you have rebelled, you know our evil cultivators’ methods to deal with traitors. If you kill the righteous monk next to you now, we will leave you a whole body, so that you can reincarnate with peace of mind.”

Hearing this, Ye Qing, who had originally regretted it, was also furious, and said loudly, “Just by you? Look at the evil cultivators on this ground. If I disturb my adults’ cultivation, you have to die here too. Don’t get out of here!”

“Haha, boy, you are afraid that you are crazy, this is my evil cultivation site, besides us, there are countless evil cultivations coming here, even if you can kill us, can you escape?””Furthermore, with the joint efforts of these people here, no one will be able to save you unless the Nascent Soul arrives!”

“What are you doing with so much nonsense, get rid of them!”


These evil cultivators were clamoring, and they were about to rush forward.

Ye Qing quickly took another look at Ye Han, and found that the other party still showed no signs of being awake, and hurriedly shouted: “Wait!”

“What’s the matter with you? Are you going to do it?”

“I think this guy is afraid of death, otherwise he wouldn’t surrender to the righteous cultivator.”

“I know that anyone who takes refuge in the righteous monks will be completely controlled and become slaves!”

“If so, I might as well die.”



Ye Qing really wanted to rush to get rid of these evil cultivators, but he knew that his cultivating base would only kill him, and it was more likely that he would be caught alive. The only way now was to delay time.

At this moment, Ye Han finally opened his eyes.

He smiled and said, “The performance is pretty good. You will be free to choose from these storage bags for foundation building and evil repair.”

The reason why Ye Han closes his eyes and rests his mind is actually to look at Ye Qing’s performance, because this involves an idea of ​​his, and it is necessary to determine whether Ye Han is suitable for him.

It seems barely qualified now.

Originally, he still wanted to watch it for a while, but he felt a breath of Yuan Ying coming towards this side. In a short time, he still wanted to fight Yuan Ying Xie Xiu, so he had to fight quickly.

“My lord, how are you!!”

Ye Qing saw Ye Han open his eyes and praised himself. He immediately returned to heaven from hell, but seeing so many evil cultivators rushing towards them, he closed his eyes in despair.

Time passed a little bit.

Ye Qing didn’t dare to probe with his spiritual sense, nor opened his eyes, but he began to have big questions in his heart. It was strange why he couldn’t hear the sound of fighting, and even felt that everything around him was quiet.

Did he enter a hallucination?

If this is the case, then he can’t even open his eyes. If he can’t fight, he will die.

Time passed a little bit again.

Ye Qing couldn’t bear the doubt anymore and opened his eyes abruptly, but when he opened his eyes, he was shocked.

Because what appeared in front of him was more than a hundred corpses. These corpses were still standing, but their souls had been wiped out.


Ye Qing opened his mouth wide, his eyes finally fell on Ye Han. There is no doubt that only this master can do all this.

Killed so many evil cultivators in an instant, even the Nascent Soul cultivator can’t do this!

“I have already accepted the storage bag of Brother Jindan. You, who built the foundation, will collect it and arrange it for me. If there is anything you can see, please give me a list, and go.”

Ye Han realized that there was still some time before the Yuan Ying cultivator came, so he let Ye Qing handle it.


Ye Qing’s head was dumb, but he still followed Ye Han’s instructions, and with a wave of his hand, he collected the magic treasure from the storage bag of the foundation building evil repair.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Ye Han got up and took Ye Qing away.

Not long after Ye Han left, a black robe old monster fell here. His eyes were gloomy and he inspected the scene, but he couldn’t see the evil repair corpses at all, because Ye Han had already repaired all the evil corpses before leaving. It was incinerated.

“Isn’t such a quick method a cultivator at the beginning of Yuan Ying?”

The black robe old monster said coldly.

At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded.

“Jiejie, the old demon of Black Mountain, I didn’t expect your speed to be faster and faster. Old lady, I can’t catch up with you.”

The voice fell, and an old woman with a cane holding a dragon head appeared.

“Poison Long Po, what are you doing?” The old demon Black Mountain looked very jealous when seeing Po Long Po, and took the initiative to keep her distance from the other side.

“What are you doing here?” Poison Dragon’s eyes were cold, “A total of eleven patrols were killed, but now they can’t even find the murderer. If I don’t come, things will be big!”

“Hmph, I can naturally find the murderer, and you don’t need to be nosy.” Heishan old demon said.

“Only you? Heishan, don’t forget, I am the principal and you are the deputy. Do you dare to listen to what I say?” Poison Dragon asked in a cold voice.

“Huh, you don’t take the magistrate to order me. My deputy is an independent deputy and has the same rights as the magistrate. Since you are here, help. If you come to make trouble, I don’t mind having a few tricks with you. .”

The Old Demon Black Mountain continued to say coldly.

“Forget it, there is no benefit to fighting with each other. Killing you is just a body. Who doesn’t know that you are the poorest ancestor in the evil cultivation world, otherwise you won’t be a deputy until now. Make.”

Poison Dragon shook her head and said.

Hearing what the Poison Dragon said, the old demon Black Mountain did not refute, but looked at the other person, “Do you have any familiarity with the aura here.”

“No, what I felt the first time I came here was the unfamiliar aura. It seems that there are new characters on the right side of the road. That’s okay. If you are always fighting with those old men, you are almost vomiting. Come to some new opponents. Or, it’s just that he killed our eleven golden cores and hundreds of foundation-building cultivators this time. This cannot be done for good.”

Poisonous Long Po: “Black Mountain, are you interested in walking around the boundary of the Right Path Realm to find some face?”

“We have reached a consensus between the two worlds before. Yuan Ying must not act against monks below the Golden Core, otherwise it will start an all-out war. Are you going to war?” The old Black Mountain demon looked at each other coldly. The lord knows, you are afraid that your life will be hard to save.”

“Hehe, you are also the ancestor of the evil cultivator Nascent Soul, how can this courage be so small? The other Nascent Soul cultivator has already done something to our people, and they are still lurking over to do it. What’s the problem if we go back? “Lady Poison Dragon smiled, “On the contrary, it is you. At present, eleven Jindan monks and hundreds of Jiji monks have died tragically, and you can’t catch the murderer. When the time comes, the palace will mainly blame it, and you can explain it. There is no chance for me. Don’t blame me for not reminding you when the time comes.”

Hearing that, the expression of the old Black Mountain demon changed, but his expression was still more hesitant, “But we have not yet determined whether the action is righteous Yuan Ying, so we rushed out like this. If the judgment is wrong, it will inevitably be punished at that time. ”

“Hehe, even if it’s wrong, it’s a big deal, it’s not even a matter of punishment. You must know that my evil cultivator will be retributed, but it’s all right for them to kill so many of us. The Lord will naturally stand by us when the time comes. Here.”

After speaking, Poison Dragon seemed to have run out of patience, and she turned and flew away, “Black Mountain, my old lady said so much today because of your help. If you haven’t figured it out yet, then I’ll be the one. People are gone.”

Watching the Poison Dragon Lady leave, the Black Mountain Old Demon finally made up his mind and immediately followed……..

When Ye Han took Ye Qing back to Black Raven Mountain, Ye Qing reacted from shock.

Ye Han left Ye Qing and said, “Take me a list of the contents of these storage bags and make a list, and then come to me.”

Ye Han threw a lot of storage bags to Ye Qing again, and then disappeared.

In the main hall, Ye Qing looked at the storage bags in front of him, everyone was stupid, and couldn’t help asking, “Fuck, don’t you worry about me running?”

However, he quickly understood that although it seemed that there were only a few evil cultivators in this hall, they were all under the supervision of the right way.

If they drove away, they could be directly controlled by the soul of the soul-raising lamp, let them live and die, and die immediately, without any suspense.

Seeing such a situation, other evil cultivators also surrounded.

“Boss, where did you go with that righteous man just now?”

Ye Qing: “Killing.”

“Is it killing evil repair?”

Ye Qing: “Yeah.”

“At least it’s more than foundation building. To come back safely is definitely to kill a patrol team.”

Ye Qing: “It’s not a patrol team, but a whole eleven teams, and the group is destroyed.”


Suddenly more than a dozen air-conditioning sounds rang out in the hall.

Ye Qing raised his head, waved his hand, and more than one hundred storage bags appeared.

“This is the proof. Don’t be idle, dare to join me and organize the contents of these storage bags in different categories. If we provoke the big devil, we will all die.”

Ye Qing directly summoned his little brothers to help himself.

Seeing so many storage bags, more than a dozen Xie Xiu naturally wouldn’t doubt the authenticity. They were all thinking about how powerful the righteous monk who had just captured Ye Qing was.

With the cooperation of more than a dozen evil cultivators, the contents of the more than one hundred storage bags have been sorted out. Although the resources of evil cultivators are less than those of the righteous monks, there are more than one hundred storage bags, and there are also eleven of them. In the Golden Core period, when Ye Qing sorted out the list, he couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva. It was probably the equivalent of a storage bag for a cultivator Nascent Soul.

Not dare to delay, Ye Qing hurriedly sent the storage bag and the list to Ye Han.

Ye Han looked at Ye Qing, then took another look at the list he had handed over.

“The speed is not bad. You can choose from three things on this list. Choose by yourself.”

Ye Han passed the list to Ye Qing.

Hearing this, Ye Qing raised his head and was dumbfounded, “My lord, are you…really telling me?”

“Of course it’s true, I don’t have to lie to you, and I promised before, don’t you want it?” Ye Han asked.

“I want, I want to dream!”

Ye Qing nodded quickly.

“That’s right, choose quickly.”

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