Chapter 0341

Fairy battlefield.

Ye Han was led by Wu Liu to a private room.

This is a relatively large private room, a bit like a large conference room on Earth in the previous life. When Ye Han entered, he had already done a lot of people.

With a slight sweep of the spiritual sense, Ye Han knew the cultivation level of these people.

“Senior, the seniors sitting here are all going to participate in the competition today. You can communicate with each other.” Wu Liu said with a smile.

“Well, this pill was taken when I was building the foundation. Now it is useless for me, so I will give it to you.” Ye Han raised his hand and a small porcelain bottle fell into Wu Liu’s hand. .

“Thank you, senior.”

Wu Liu was very proficient in thanking him. A disciple of his dignified sect in the late stage of foundation building came to Xiandouchang as a receptionist because he received a lot of rewards when he received seniors like Ye Han. Even though some stingy monks would not give a lot of money, it was enough.

Opening the porcelain bottle, a strong medicinal fragrance poured into his nose. Wu Liu’s expression changed. This seemed to be a top-grade nourishing pill, worth at least 10,000 yuan!

What a big hand!

Not only Wu Liu exclaimed, but even the Golden Core monk in the box was alarmed.

They naturally look down on a pill for the foundation period, but they marveled at Ye Han’s handwriting, but they soon figured it out.

The Taoist fellow in front of him had won more than one million Lingshi yesterday, and a pill worth 10,000 was really trivial.

“Senior, this is really precious.” Wu Liu has received many good things, but this top-grade nourishing pill is extremely important to him.

“You are just a step away from the top of the foundation building. This top-grade nourishing essence pill should be able to help you, and it can be considered destined.” Ye Han said lightly.

“Thank you so much, Senior.” Wu Liu didn’t marvel that he was seen through by Ye Han. He saluted Ye Han and whispered: “Senior, you don’t need to worry about other people in this game. The only thing to be careful is Master Iron Sword, he was a casual cultivator during the golden core peak period. Anyone who fought against him died. It was the golden core late phase cultivation base. If you are not sure, you can come again next time.”

Hearing Wu Liu’s words, Ye Han nodded slightly, but Ye Han was a person who could even get rid of Yuan Ying, a late Jindan stage, really nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing that Ye Han did not move, Wu Liu stopped persuading him, “Senior beware of everything, junior retire.”

With Wu Liu leaving, Ye Han also formally walked into the private room.


Ye Han’s entry immediately attracted the attention of other Jin Dan.

However, it seems that it is still early. There are only a dozen Golden Core cultivators at the scene, and most of them are in the early stage, with only two in the middle stage, and he is the only one in the later stage of the Golden Core.

Judging from Wu Liu’s mouth and his own news, most of his opponent was the guy named Master Iron Sword, and he just meditated before the opponent came.

The other Jindan monks were afraid of Ye Han’s prestige and chose to stay away from him.

“Is this the famous Tiannan Territory Golden Core Sanxiukou Muhan? It doesn’t seem to be special.”

“How many good things do you have in the late Jindan period? And I heard that even the ancestor of the Yuan Ying was dispatched yesterday, and he was fine. It shows how powerful his strength is.”

“Most of today, Master Iron Sword played against him. I don’t know who loses and who wins.”

“It seems that there is a good show to watch today.”

“It’s not necessarily. You remember the old Chimu who fought against Master Iron Sword a year ago. That person is also the pinnacle of the Golden Core. It is also a famous existence in Vermilion City. How about facing Master Iron Sword? It’s not that Master Iron Sword was split into two alive, and died on the spot, without even leaving the chance to reincarnate.”

“Listening to what you said, I decided to bet on Master Iron Sword. Although I won a bit less, it is safe to say!”


Several monks from the early stage of Jin Dan gathered together and discussed in whispers.

Ye Han’s divine sense is strong, and these golden core monks did not use divine sense to communicate, so he heard all these words.

However, he just listened to these golden core words, and did not pay too much attention to it, but one thing reminded him.

If you want to play against Master Iron Sword, then you should bet on yourself.

Have to ask later.

Time passed a little bit.

In Nuo Da’s private room, several golden core cultivators gradually came, but there was still only Ye Han in the late golden core cultivator.

This is Wu Liu coming into the box.

He also took several maids, with spiritual tea in their hands, and began to pour the golden core monks in the box.

“Seniors, please taste our spirit tea from Xiandouchang.”

After Wu Liu finished speaking, he brought a cup of tea to Ye Han by himself.

Because of the pill just now, Wu Liu was very concerned about this senior and came to pour tea for Ye Han himself.

“Senior, this is my unique spirit tea in the Fairy Battlefield. It can slightly increase the cultivation level. Although it has little effect on monks like you, the taste of the spirit tea is also very good. Please taste it.”

Wu Liu said with a smile.

“Well, let’s not drink tea for now.” Ye Han waved his hand, and then asked, “Wu Liu, let me ask you, if I play the competition myself, can I buy myself to win?”

Wu Liu nodded immediately, “Of course I can, it’s amazing.”

“However, seniors can only buy themselves to win, you know the reason.”

Wu Liu said again.

Ye Han nodded, naturally knowing that buying yourself to win is a means of self-confidence. Is buying yourself to lose a means to lose deliberately?

“If that’s the case, then buy me one and a half million spirit stones and I will win.”

Although Ye Han said this in a very soft voice, the Golden Core monks in the entire private room heard it.

Suddenly, they exploded the pot, and when they looked at each other, they all felt that Ye Han might be crazy.

Wu Liu was shocked when he heard these words, and quickly persuaded him: “Senior, you have never seen your opponent, and the odds have not yet come out. If you just bet like this, finally You are the one who loses.”

Ye Han smiled, “I just heard that my opponent, Master Iron Sword, never keeps alive in his hands. If I lose, everything in my body belongs to the other party. So, why not bet on yourself? If I lose, these spirit stones will be returned to you.”

“Yes, senior…”

Wu Liu wanted to say something more.

But Ye Han interrupted him, “Don’t say anything when you are ready, go and place a bet on me.”

With a wave of his hand, a bag of storage bags appeared in Wu Liu’s hand.

“Okay, senior.” Wu Liu turned and left with the bag.

Ye Han looked at the other party and turned around, then raised the tea cup in front of him, smiled, and finished drinking.

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