Chapter 0332

“Xiao Wuhao, you only use one hand to deal with me, are you looking down on me?”

Ao Hong saw that only one arm hit him, but the one hitting the Phoenix girl had three arms, and he immediately became unhappy.

“Lei Dun!”

I saw Ao Hong’s huge body disappear instantly in the air.

Next second.

He came in the direction of Phoenix Girl and reached the top of Xiao Wuhao’s head, with a ball of lightning condensed in his mouth.

It also gave Xiao Wuhao any chance to react, and directly spit the lightning ball on Xiao Wuhao’s head.


The lightning ball hit Xiao Wuhao’s four-armed demon Faxiang’s head, and this time he successfully repelled Xiao Wuhao.

The crisis of the natural phoenix girl was also relieved.

Ao Hong turned to look at the Phoenix girl, “How? Not bad, right.”

In order to better protect Ye Han, who was refining blood, the Phoenix girl backed away a lot before Xiao Wuhao attacked, but seeing Ao Hong’s appearance repelled Xiao Wuhao, her face also showed a smile.

“It seems that I didn’t take you wrong. It’s good to be able to repel Xiao Wuhao alone.” The Phoenix girl changed her previous poisonous tongue character, and then said, “Since you are so great, then the task of restraining Xiao Wuhao Leave it to you. I am responsible for protecting Ye Han. After Ye Han successfully refines the blood of the dragon and the phoenix, this will be the time when Xiao Wushao will die!”

After speaking, the Phoenix girl backed a few hundred meters, and she had come to the edge of the battle circle.

Seeing the Phoenix girl arranged in this way, Ao Hong’s expression suddenly changed, “This…”

He was able to repel Xiao Wuzhuo once by surprise. After the opponent reacted, he would definitely not be able to repel it anymore. It was too difficult for Ao Hong to contain a strong man in the early Yuan Ying period.

No, I can’t be looked down upon by the Phoenix girl.

At this moment, Xiao Wuhao’s attack came again.

“Lei Dun!”

Ao Hongsi did not hesitate to use Thunder Dunn. This is considered to be his dragon’s talents and supernatural powers. The attributes of members of the dragon family are determined by nature, but members of the dragon family generally only possess one attribute. The attributes are different. The attributes of the dragon clan are very simple, which is equivalent to that each dragon is the root of heaven.

“You are all going to die!”

Xiao Wushao’s state seems to be changing too, the meaning of killing in his eyes is increasing, but the expression of Qingming is decreasing, and he seems to be in the state of zombie consciousness.

When he failed to attack Ao Hong, he set his sights on the Phoenix woman, and rushed towards the Phoenix woman with big strides.

Ao Hong, who had already dodged behind Xiao Wuchao, gritted his teeth and immediately saw another ball of lightning.

The lightning ball steadily hit Xiao Wuhao.


The sharp pain from his back made Xiao Wuhao turn around again, he wanted to tear up the guy who attacked him.

Seeing Xiao Wuzheng running towards him, and at extremely fast speed, Ao Hong couldn’t help being taken aback.

“Lei Dun!”

At the final critical moment of being hit, Ao Hong quickly used Lei Dun to escape.

However, a hand of Xiao Wushao Faxiang cut through Ao Hong’s back, causing a nearly one-meter-long cut to appear on his back. When Ao Honglei escaped, blood stains were left on the scene.

Ao Hong reappeared at a distance of 300 meters from Xiao Wuzhuo. At this time, his back injury had healed, but he would reappear in the next second.

“Fuck, poisonous!”

Ao Hong felt the fiery pain coming from his back, and these toxins continued to spread throughout his body, even his spiritual consciousness was affected.


Ao Hong grinned with pain, and even yelled to relieve the pain.


In order to eliminate the toxins in his body, Ao Hong did not hesitate to discharge himself to eliminate these toxins.

Soon, arcs of lightning flashed on Ao Hong’s body. Under normal circumstances, these arcs would not cause harm to Ao Hong, but if he controlled it himself, it would.

A burnt smell radiated in the air, and Ao Hong felt a little fragrant after asking himself, okay, this is his own meat, but I can’t eat it.

He successfully drained the toxins out of the body, and the wound healed again without tearing.

Ao Hong breathed a sigh of relief when he got here.

But soon he frowned. The reason was simple. The mana in his body was about to bottom out. Thunder Dun was an extremely mana-consuming thing, and continuous use made him consume huge amounts of mana.

According to Ao Hong’s estimation, he can still use Thunder Escape at most twice. After two times, he can no longer use Thunder Escape, and he doesn’t even have the ability to escape. If he escapes now, he might still have a chance.

Ao Hong turned to look at Phoenix Girl and Ye Han, gritted his teeth, and secretly said: “Forget it, if I escape, Phoenix Girl and Ye Han will be dead, and I have also become an unrighteous dragon. This is not in line with me. identity.”

“Phoenix, I can’t stand it anymore. You take Ye Han and leave first. I’ll break it for you. If you don’t leave, it will be too late.”

Ao Hong said to the Phoenix girl.

“Why are you going? Our goal is to kill Xiao Wuhao. We came here, but now we are running away. What kind of thing is this? Just hold on. If you can’t stand it anymore, say it, let me take the lead.”

The Phoenix girl replied loudly.

When Ao Hong heard such a sentence, he couldn’t help but stared, and then he seemed to think of something, right, we ran here all the way, wasn’t it just to kill Xiao Wushao and take back the bead? This will run if you can’t win? In addition, Ye Han is already fusing the dragon and phoenix bloodlines. Once the fusion is successful, then the strength will increase exponentially, and it will not be difficult to defeat Xiao Wuhao by then.

“Well, I can hold back two more rounds, and then you will come for me!”

Ao Hong’s fighting spirit rekindled in his heart and said loudly to the Phoenix girl.


The Phoenix girl nodded.

With the help of the Phoenix girl, Ao Hong felt a lot more confident. This time he took the initiative to launch an offensive against Xiao Wuchao. Ao Hong also discovered that Xiao Wuchao was gradually falling into a state of madness, but this was nothing. Good thing, because it is often the case that Xiao Wuhao’s strength will be horribly improved, and fighting with him will be even more dangerous.

This idea just came out.

Ao Hong suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and his whole body suddenly felt unable to move, as if he was being pressed in place by an invisible hand.

When he took a closer look, he didn’t know when, Xiao Wuzheng had already appeared within 100 meters of him.

“Yuanying field!”

Ao Hong was astonished. He originally thought that Xiao Wuhao had the strength of Yuanying level, and there would be no areas like Yuanying, but now he is wrong.


Seeing that Xiao Wushao’s giant hand has been raised high, if he is photographed, it is estimated that his body will not be able to be kept anyway.

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