Chapter 0307 Victory Return

Zenith Mountain.

The ancestor Cheng was still in retreat, and the whole sect revealed a very serious atmosphere.

Because everyone knows that whether the ancestor Cheng can smoothly advance to the Nascent Soul, it must be related to the survival of Tianding Mountain.

In the main hall of the summit, several high-level members of Tiandingshan at home are discussing.

Cheng Kun was sitting in the first seat on the left, the middle position was empty. He looked at the people on both sides, his face was not very good, “Everyone, this time Ye Han and the elder of the mountain guardian beast are going to the front to save people. Some need to be eliminated. The disciples under the sect should investigate a lot, and immediately notify me to wait as soon as there is news, so that I can be prepared.”

“This is natural. Now that our eight big families are connected together, we will lose all the glory and the loss, and it is at this critical time that everyone must cheer up.”

Brother Wu Jindan said immediately.

He was sneak attacked by the real Huanglong, hurting his foundation. I am afraid that he can only stay in the early stage of Jin Dan in his life. Now there is no better way except for deep bondage with Cheng and Wan.

“Everyone, I heard that Old Ancestor Cheng used the middle-grade Po Ying Pill this time. I’m afraid this probability will increase a lot.”

Said the pinnacle of the building base from the next family.

“Yes, the ancestor used the middle grade Po Ying Pill, which is why we have such confidence.”

Cheng Kun said with a smile.

Seeing that Cheng Kun admitted that the big families who were a little flustered immediately felt a lot of peace of mind. You must know that the reason why they chose to come to the Tianding Mountain to join the Cheng family alliance is that the ancestor Cheng had the opportunity to attack Yuan Ying. Once Cheng If the ancestor becomes the Yuanying monk, then the whole situation will be different, unless the other three sects unite to deal with the Tianding Mountain, otherwise there will be a fourth force in the southern world!

In the hall, there are two golden cores, Cheng Rou and Cheng Yaodan, who have not spoken. One of them is Ye Han, who is worried about not returning, and the other is Ancestor Cheng, who is worried about breaking through.

Just when a few people discussed in the hall.

The people below rushed in.

“Report, Palace Master Ye and the others are back!”

Hearing this, everyone in the hall stood up, with smiles on their faces.

“Quick, let’s go and take a look.” Cheng Kun even flew out of the hall, planning to meet Ye Han in person, and the other monks flew out immediately.

Above Tianding Mountain, Ye Han sat on the back of a large dragon. Behind him were Wan Fu and the surviving monks of Wan’s family. Wan Fu was so badly injured that he passed out into a coma.

“Ye Han go down, we have already arrived.”

Ao Hong’s voice sounded, and then he transformed from a dragon body into a human form and stood side by side with Ye Han.

But before they could get down, someone flew over immediately. Ye Han took a closer look. Good guy, everyone at the top of Tianding Mountain, except Mr. Cheng, who was still in retreat, flew over. Among them was Wan Qing. In it, and after everyone else stopped, she rushed over.

“Husband, my father?”

Wanqing came to Ye Han, her eyes flashed with sadness, and she asked quickly.

“Qing’er, my father-in-law was seriously injured by the Asukamen Grand Elder. Fortunately, I went in time and rescued my father-in-law, but he was still in a coma from the serious injury. I have stabilized his injury with a pill and went back to recover. It won’t take long to get better.”

Ye Han quickly relieved.

After hearing Ye Han say this, Wan Qing’s face improved a lot.

“Dianzhu Ye, welcome back!”

Cheng Kun, as the person in charge of Tianding Mountain at this time, walked and said.

“Patriarch Cheng, seniors, and family owners, Ye Han, fortunately, saved my father-in-law. Not only that, I also captured the Great Elder Asukamen.”

After speaking, Ye Han slapped his storage bag, and immediately a bad old man appeared in front of everyone, but the other party was already in a coma.

When everyone saw that he was a bad old man, they were first taken aback, but then they were pleasantly surprised.

“I have seen this elder Asukamen. Although his appearance has become extremely old now, I can be sure that this is him.”

Cheng Rou stood up and said slowly.

With Cheng Rou’s testimony, the uncertain and complete news in everyone’s mind was replaced by real surprise.

“Dianzhu Ye is extraordinary, you should remember a great achievement!” Cheng Kun said loudly: “Dianzhu Ye, you should send Brother Wan back to the cave mansion to heal your wounds. Let the Great Elder Flying Bird Gate leave it to us for interrogation.”

“Well, I caught him back to see if he could get something valuable from his mouth.” Ye Han didn’t refuse. On the way back, he already got what he wanted from this person. thing.

After handing over the elder Asukamen to Cheng Kun, Ye Han took Wanfu and his party back to Wan’s house.

Now, as one of the three pillars of Tianding Mountain, Wanjia is divided into a large area to the left of Tianding Mountain. With the joint efforts of the Wanjia people, this has become a brand-new family base.

Settling down with Wanfu, Ye Han came to the yard, and Cheng Rou also followed.

“I have seen Master.”

Ye Han saluted and shouted.

“Ye Han, you are already a Golden Core cultivator. Although we have the status of master and apprentice, you don’t need to salute like me.” Cheng Rou said.

Ye Han nodded. He knew that this was indeed the rule of the world of immortality. After all, it was everywhere for apprentices to catch up with the master. Once the apprentice’s cultivation reached the same level as the master, there was no need to bow out.

“Thank you, Master.”

“I don’t know why Master came here?”

Ye Han asked.

“Although I saw that you were intact and captured the Great Elder Asukamen back alive, I still feel a little uneasy, so I want to come over and take a look.”

Cheng Rou looked at Ye Han with a worried expression. She knew that there are many secret methods that can stimulate the potential in the monk’s body, so as to burst out super power, but once used, the user will be greatly backlashed. .

In Cheng Rou’s view, Ye Han mostly used similar secret techniques. Otherwise, with his early golden core cultivation base, no matter how strong it is, it will be difficult to defeat the Asukamen Great Elder who has been in the late golden core for many years, let alone. Caught alive.

She guessed that the reason why Ye Han didn’t say it was mostly because he didn’t want to spare the military spirit of Lun Tiandingshan.

After speaking, she directly handed Ye Han a jade bottle, “There is a golden pill-quality great return pill inside. After taking it, you can recover from multiple injuries. You can eat it quickly.”

Looking at the pill that Master handed over, Ye Han was a little confused. Why did he give me the pill? But after thinking about it, he seemed to have figured it out.

Shaking his head, he said: “Master, I am not injured, you have to believe me.”

In order to prove that he was really not injured, Ye Han simply grabbed Chen Rou’s hand and said, “Master, if you don’t believe it, use spiritual power to explore it.”

When Cheng Rou saw Ye Han grabbed her hand, a strange color flashed in her eyes, but she still used her spiritual power to probe.

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