Chapter 0197

“So I’ll give you a simple one, that is, take the initiative to give up cultivation and fully support your sister’s cultivation.”

After that, the tester arranged the next test.

Ye Rou heard this, and gently tugged Ye Han’s trouser legs, and then gave Ye Han a smile. She also compared gestures, which meant that she could protect Ye Han.

When Ye Han saw this, he gently touched Ye Rou’s head with his hand, “Brother, I believe in Ye Rou, but I won’t be hit by it.”

Ye Han is not too sad that he is the spiritual root of the five elements. On the contrary, he thinks that his spiritual root may have a better direction of practice.

Walking out of Test Point 1, the eyes of the people around Ye Han and Ye Rou were a bit complicated. One of them envied Ye Rou for possessing the best water spirit roots, and the future is boundless, but at the same time they also get some comfort in their hearts. After all, Ye Han’s spirit roots are the best. Useless roots of the five elements.

Before going out, Du Yang, the inner sect disciple of the Blood Spirit Sect, stopped Ye Han and Ye Rou. He looked at Ye Han with some sympathy, and sighed: “The Five Elements Spiritual Root is actually more difficult than the Single Spiritual Root, but the Five Elements The spiritual root cultivation takes too long and consumes too many resources. According to legend, only the Five Elements Heavenly Monarch has cultivated beyond the realm above the Nascent Soul, and the other Five Elements spiritual roots are basically trapped in the Qi Refining realm, but your brothers and sisters can join the blood together. Spirit Sect practice is also a good result.”

“Thank you for your advice.”

Now Ye Han and Ye Rou can be regarded as half-footed into the Blood Spirit Sect, it is not an exaggeration to call out Senior Brother.

“I can’t talk about giving directions, I’m also looking at Junior Sister Ye Rou’s sake.” Du Yang thought for a while and continued: “Ye Han, you need to participate in the selection four days later. There is no problem in passing the selection with your strength. However, after entering the sect, you can only sit up from the outer disciple based on your qualifications, and Ye Rou is directly an inner disciple or even a true disciple. The gap between you will be…increasing. ”

“I see.”

Ye Han is certainly not stupid, this is reality.

“Well, I have said everything that should be said, then let’s see you in the sect.”

Talking about the big brother Du Yang disappeared.

When Ye Han led Ye Rou out of the registration field, there was still a long line outside. It seemed that this kind of registration would take three or four days.

Ye Han took Ye Rou and started wandering on the street, planning to find a place to live. According to Du Yang, they had better stay in the Blood Holy City for the remaining four days to ensure safety.

In addition, Ye Han also intends to inquire about the cultivation of the Five Elements Spiritual Root, and the two of them can already take Kaijidan. Once they have successfully taken Kaijidan, the meridians all over the body will penetrate, which means that they can absorb the energy between heaven and earth. Because of cultivation, finding a better place is also a very correct option.


Ye Han walked around the street for a long time, and finally found that the closer to the city center, the better the living conditions, and the more expensive the price.

“Brother, our blood saint inn, you can tell by just hearing the name, we are the only blood saint sect that is open to the outside world. Generally, people who live in it are correctors. Each room has a spiritual gathering formation. For those who open the foundation, it is definitely the first choice, and the success rate of the foundation can be increased to 100%!”

The shopkeeper of the Blood Saint Inn told Ye Han about the benefits of the Blood Saint Inn.

But what Ye Han heard was that the price of ten spirit stones a day in the Blood Saint Inn was measured by golden beans, but this one directly uses spirit stones as the unit of measurement, and the price is still so expensive, but Ye Han also noticed that there is a reason for this expensive house.

But the price is too expensive, Ye Han decided to go shopping again. It’s still early and you can shop around. Maybe there will be an inn with a good price.

But at this moment, a clear female voice came, “Are you willing to rent together?”


Ye Han turned his head and looked at the speaker. This is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with a pure and lovely appearance. She has a sword in her hand. She is quite a heroine, but she is a little embarrassed on her face. And blushing, it is estimated that it has not been long since entering the WTO.

“My name is Zhuo Feiyu. I just signed up for the recruitment of the Blood Spirit Sect today. I need to open the foundation. My grandfather said that no matter the aptitude is good or bad, I can be in an environment with abundant spiritual energy when I open the foundation. After taking Kaijidan, the effect will be greatly increased. I am shy in my pocket and rushing all the way. There are not many spirit stones left. I still need to spend money after entering the sect, so I want to rent a room with you. How about practicing?”

Zhuo Feiyu said slowly.

“Is this okay?” Ye Han was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect that it would be possible to rent together here.

“Of course, we can live in a room for three people, and none of you are immortal cultivators, and it doesn’t consume a lot of spiritual energy. It’s a bargain to rent together.”

Xiao Er from the shop on the side introduced very skillfully, presumably this happens often.

Ye Han nodded. If this is the case, it will undoubtedly be a lot more worthwhile, “If this is the case, I have no problem, but how about six spirit stones on my side?”

Zhuo Feiyu thought for a moment, she didn’t know nothing about Ye Han brothers and sisters, one supreme spiritual root, one five element spiritual root, the ability of the five element spiritual root to absorb spiritual energy is almost equal to zero, and she will not suffer.” Okay, I agree.”

In this way, Ye Han and Zhuo Feiyu, one person produced twenty-four spirit stones and the other person produced sixteen spirit stones, and they settled on Room No. 9 of the Blood Saint Inn.

Like the shop’s second child, the room is still very large. There is no problem for the three people to practice. The room is divided into four areas: the lobby, the training room, the master bedroom, and the second bedroom. Ye Han and Ye Rou are naturally the master bedroom, and Zhuo Feiyu lives. In the second bedroom, although the training room has the strongest aura, both the hall and the training room can be practiced.

“Brother Ye Han, I’m ready here, so I’ll go to the training room to take Kaiji Dan first.”

Zhuo Feiyu mentioned it almost as soon as she entered the room.

“Go, pay attention to yourself, there is something to call out loud.”

Ye Han nodded. Although the contact between the two parties was relatively short, Zhuo Feiyu gave Ye Han the feeling that he had a good personality and no bad thoughts.


After Zhuo Feiyu thanked her, she walked into the training room.

As the door of the training room closed, Ye Han and Ye Rou were the only ones left in the living room. Ye Han touched Ye Rou’s head, “Ye Rou, let’s go see the bedroom, okay?”

Unexpectedly, Ye Rou shook her head, and directly sat down cross-legged in the hall, as if she was about to cultivate.

“Do you want to practice?”

Ye Han didn’t expect Ye Rou to be so motivated.


Ye Rou nodded.

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