Chapter 0192


The little mute also yelled excitedly at the sight outside the window.

“Little mute, we will also buy a private carriage in the future, and then my brother will take you around to play.”

If he can’t find what the programmer needs in this Blood Spirit Sect, he will leave sooner or later, but before he leaves, he must arrange the little mute first, especially the little mute mouth.

The journey of two days passed quickly.

The ox cart stopped in front of a towering city.

Ye Han walked out of the bullock cart holding the little mute boy, and looked at the huge city in front of him, he couldn’t help but feel a little shocked.

His refuge city can be considered big enough, a full 30 meters high wall, but the blood holy city wall in front of him is at least a hundred meters long. There are many gates under the wall, and each gate is in front of There was a long queue, those who were ready to enter the city like Ye Han and others.

After the ox cart puts all the guests down, it changes to the cart and leaves.

“Let’s go in line.”

In order to avoid being separated from the mute in the huge crowd, Ye Han still hugged the mute. He was almost three meters high, and he was like a giant in the crowd, so he naturally received a lot of attention.

But Ye Han also found a way, which is to make himself look like a fool.

Absent eyes, a silly look, coupled with the dumb image of a little dumb ‘uuuu’, it instantly makes people understand that this is a combination of a dumb and a dumb.

“Tsk tsk, a fool and a dumb, come to this blood holy city, fearing that they will be sold, they still have to pay for the number of people.”

“I don’t know what the adults of these two children think, let them come here by themselves.”

“Forget it, we can’t manage it ourselves, so how can we manage others.”

“Well, I hope they won’t meet bad guys.”


The voices of people discussing before and after all came into Ye Han’s ears. He sighed in his heart that the people in this realm are still good, most of them are simple farmers, just don’t know what the blood spirit sect is like.

After lining up for a full hour, it was finally Ye Han and the little mute.


A soldier-like person stopped Ye Han and looked at him suspiciously. After all, Ye Han’s height was too oppressive.



The little mute showed the fact that he was a mute under Ye Han’s signal. Ye Han himself was acting online and became a veritable big idiot.

Seeing the city gate soldier here, he understood it, frowning, “A fool and a dumb, forget it, you will always have a guide.”

Lu Yin was in the hand of the little mute and passed it directly.

The soldiers at the gate just glanced at Lu Yin and let Ye Han and the little mute pass.

The reason why Ye Han did this was to reduce the direct threat. After all, for his size, normal people would get frustrated when they saw it, and the guards would increase their scrutiny, even if they entered the city, they would probably be subject to strict Surveillance, this is something he doesn’t want to see.

After passing the pass, Ye Han and the little dumb really entered the city, but the city is too big, they can only walk aimlessly on the street, but they are not boring at all, because the streets on both sides of the street can be seen. There are so many things. The tallest building here should be the most central guard tower, dozens of stories high, and even higher than the city wall.

Other buildings are relatively short, basically no more than nine floors. Most of them are three-story lofts. The first floor is basically a shop selling a variety of materials.

After shopping for a long time, Ye Han bought a piece of candied haws for the little mute. Of course, he bought it not with spirit stones, but with small golden beans. This is something mortal likes to use. If the spirit stone is a hundred yuan bill, then the small golden beans is Ten yuan of change was used to buy some necessities of life, and these things Wu Lizi and the old village head had prepared some for Ye Han.

The little mute ate the candied haws happily, and when Ye Han was buying candied haws, he inquired about the place where the Blood Spirit Sect was recruited to save his life.

“The registration point is in the center of the city. It takes two hours to walk there, and one or two golden beans for the ride. I don’t know how long it will take to register. After registering, I still need to find a place to stay. Forget it, in order to save some time, Let’s take a carriage.”

There are also public carriages in the city. They are smaller in size than ox carts. They are similar in size to buses. They all have seats and walk on a fixed route. After asking the bus stop, Ye Han took it with him. The little dumb waited.

After handing in two or two golden beans, Ye Han and the little mute got into the carriage smoothly.

The horse pulling the cart is different from the horse under the influence of Ye Han. It is several times larger. Only three horses pulled the cart with hundreds of people.

Ye Han deliberately chose a position by the window so that he could take a closer look at the city along the way and get in as early as possible.

This world allows Ye Han to see a lot of the shadows of his past lives, but compared with the previous science and technology cities, this place looks old again, but it is still very good in terms of public facilities and so on. It can be seen that the blood spirit sect is very serious in managing this. City.

Even in the carriage, Ye Han took half an hour to arrive at the registration site.

When I got out of the car, it was completely crowded.

Although he had predicted that there would be a lot of people, he did not expect that there would be so many people. The whole crowd was rolled up like a measuring tape. Most of them also brought dry food and small benches. When they saw it, they were fighting for a long time. Prepare.


The little dumb was shocked when he saw this situation, and quickly looked at Ye Han.

“It’s okay, there are so many people anyway, let’s find out first, maybe there is another way.”

Ye Han is worthy of being in the 21st century. There is a good saying, where there is a society, there must be a society, and where there is a society, there must be unspoken rules.

At this moment, a young man with eyebrows and squirrel eyes came over and whispered: “You are here to sign up. I have a way to sign up without queuing up. If you want to know, come with me.”

After speaking, the young man continued to walk forward, seemingly not worried that Ye Han would not follow.

Upon hearing this, Ye Han’s first reaction was that this is the scalper party of this era, but he quickly responded that it is definitely not just as simple as a scalper. Anyway, he needs to find someone to get some news. This person may be more suitable, so he hugged him. The little mute followed.

And this scene was seen by a few fierce-looking strong men, one of them anxiously said: “Boss, this fool and dumb were taken away by the dog, this is our prey.”

The headed burly man knocked the melon seeds in his hand, and vomited the peel of the melon seeds in his mouth at will. “Bah, this dog dared to snatch Laozi’s prey. I am impatient.”

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