Chapter 0188 New World

Hearing what Ye Han said, several farmers discussed and arranged for a farmer to leave. If Ye Han didn’t allow him, the bald man wanted to leave by himself.

Just when a few farmers were at a loss, Ye Han spoke again and asked: “I just heard you say that my family has ten acres of spiritual land?”

Ye Han is keenly aware of the subtle differences. The word’spiritual’ is not something that can be said at will. This made him think of a certain possibility, but it still needs to be verified.

“Yes, this is the spiritual land originally allocated by the lame Wu. It is the best ten acres of land in our Dongling Village. It is possible to grow spiritual rice. It is something that immortals can eat. It is always valuable.”

This time, without waiting for the bald-headed man to speak, one of the weak farmers rushed to say.

This made the bald-headed man a little dissatisfied, and he gave the thin farmer a fierce look.

Ye Han saw all of this in his eyes, and now it was understood that the lame Wu was the grandfather of the little mute, and his grandfather had passed away. When the villagers saw that the little mute had no support, they were ready to grab this ten acres of spiritual land.

As for the fairy who said in the farmer’s mouth, Ye Han was very interested.

“Since there is a successor to Wu Laizi’s family, this spiritual land naturally belongs to your family, but if the qualified spiritual rice is not handed over by the deadline, then our entire Dongling Village will suffer disaster. If the little brother does not grow spiritual rice, You can leave the spiritual land to us to take care of it, and then we can split it evenly.”

The brawny bald man said with a smile.

Ye Han frowned. Although the bald-headed man ran to grab the land, what he said just now is true. Ye Han understands that he has just arrived in this strange world. The Night King, Qiangwei and Wanrou are all true. I don’t know where it is, it’s best to keep a low profile. If these people are allowed to grow spiritual rice, it seems good to be a rent collector.

But when Ye Han was about to agree, the little mute grasped him again, his head shook like a rattle, which was obviously telling Ye Han not to agree.

“Little mute, if you disagree, you will both starve to death in the end!”

Seeing this, the brawny bald man yelled.

At the same time, there was another noise outside the door, and more people poured in, some of them even took weapons.

“Haha, boy, don’t you just grow tall enough? But your head is not good. Now we are crowded, and there are village chiefs. I think what else can you do?”

Seeing the crowds on his side, the strong bald man immediately became arrogant.

“To shut up.”

The crowd dispersed and walked out of an old man with a gray beard and hair. Ye Han was surprised that this old man looked 70 or 80 years old, but his body was very good, and it gave Ye Han the feeling of facing an Lv5 monster. This shows that the old man’s combat effectiveness is far more powerful than the seemingly strong bald head.

“Young man, you are not from our Dongling Village. Although our Dongling Village welcomes foreigners to settle here, it does not mean that we will accept unidentified people.”

The old village chief put his hands behind his back, looked up at Ye Han and said.


At this time, the little mute broke free from Ye Han’s arms and came to the ground, one facing Ye Han, one facing the sky, and one facing himself, whining for a long time.

Ye Han didn’t understand it anyway, but looking at the old village chief, he seemed to understand.

After a while, the old village chief glanced at Ye Han and sighed, “You mean, your grandfather saved him and added his name to the household registration, but he hasn’t gotten it from me yet. witness?”

The little mute nodded, then took out a booklet wrapped in animal skins, turned to the last page, and read the words’big guy, which is archaic, but Ye Han still recognized it. Suddenly, his skull was a little big. It’s not good to choose a name, it has to be called a big guy, hey…

“Village Chief, Wu Cripple is dead. No one can prove this. I think this family should be driven away and the field should be taken back!”

The brawny bald man was a little anxious and said quickly.

When Ye Han heard this, his eyes condensed, “Just ask you to arrange someone to bring something to eat, but you ran to call someone, do you really think I’m paper-blooded?”

The room was originally narrow, Ye Han came to the bald man with a stride, grabbed his chest and slowly lifted it up.

“The village chief, save me!”

The bald man was frightened by Ye Han’s sudden shot, and he hurriedly called for help.

“Young man, let go.”

The old village chief on the side jumped up and slapped Ye Han’s bald arm with a palm. Ye Han didn’t hide, and let the old village chief beat him.


Only heard the sound of broken bones, the old village head fell to the ground with a look of horror, “How is this possible?”

When he was young, he went to the immortal sect as a handyman, and learned some exercises to strengthen his body. This made him one of the best in Dongling Village, and his palm power was enough to cut trees, but now instead My hand was broken.

“Heroes, heroes, I was wrong, forgive me!”

The bald head saw that even the most powerful village chief in the village couldn’t figure out the big guy in front of him, and he immediately persuaded him.

Just when Ye Han was about to throw this juncture straight away, the little dumb ball at his feet pulled his trousers and shook his head.

“This guy wants to occupy our spiritual land, we should throw him out.”

Ye Han said.

The little girl still shook her head.

“Well, this is yours, you have the final say.” Ye Han put his bald head down.

“Bald head, I will give you two choices. First, I will give you a slap in the face, and then throw it out. Second, prepare the food, and then go and plant the land of our home. If you plant it well, I will give you a share. 10%, if the planting is not good, I will grab yours too, you can choose your own.”

As soon as Ye Han said this, everyone at the scene was crying, and said nothing.

At this time, the old village chief said, “Young man, are you sure you want to settle in our Dongling Village?”

“Naturally it is true. Starting from today, I’m… the big guy is a member of our Dongling Village. Everyone is from the village. The most important thing is to be kind.”

Ye Han smiled, but it made the villagers shiver.

“Be kind.” After listening to Ye Han’s words, the old village chief covered his arm and nodded, “If you are sincere in joining our Dongling Village, then I welcome you on behalf of Dongling Village. In addition, I promised you instead of them on your condition. NS.”

“You choose one?”

Ye Han asked with a smile.

The old village chief twitched his mouth, “Of course it’s choice two. For your ten mu of spiritual land, I will arrange for the best spiritual planter in the village to plant it, but the real best spiritual planter is Wu Lizi. It’s a pity that he is dead.”

“Now that I agree, hurry up, I feel I can eat a cow now!”

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