Chapter 0174: Cockroach Nest

It was in a dim passage again.

Ye Han didn’t rush out, but started to contact Qiangwei.

The secret of sound transmission can only be used at close range, and now this situation can only rely on system chat.

“Qianwei, please come back to me when you see it.”

Not long after Ye Han’s message method, Qiangwei came back.

“Ye Han, where are you, are you free from the Night King? Are you injured?”

Seeing the news from Qiangwei, Ye Han’s heart warmed, and it seemed that this man himself was not saved in vain.

“I have asked the Night King, but I am now in the dark tunnel again, and I will not be able to get out for a while. By the way, I am not injured. How about you?”

“I kept walking on the right side of the wall as you said, but I still haven’t walked out of the passage. I think I should be lost too.”

“As long as you keep to the right, don’t doubt yourself first, and then walk around. Let’s keep in touch.”

Ye Han couldn’t go out rashly now, it would be difficult if the Night King was still outside waiting for him.

“Got it.” Qiangwei came back.

After finishing the communication with Qiangwei, Ye Han got up and looked at the passage in front of him. Although the passage was similar in length, he could smell a breath. It was very likely that there was a monster in it.

“Maybe after passing this passage, you will be able to go to the remaining intersections.”

Ye Han thought briefly, “Since the Night King is so eager to know the secrets in it, I will follow along to investigate it. I can’t let the Night King gain a breakthrough in Lv40. If that’s the case, That is very bad.”

Immediately, Ye Han walked towards the depths.

“Sure enough, this place is also a maze. It seems that we have to rely on the previous method.” Ye Han leaned against the left wall again, but this method seemed to no longer work in this new passage.

“It’s not that it doesn’t work anymore. It seems to be complicated. It seems that you have to walk a little on the right.”

Ye Han decided to try again according to his own ideas.

But this time Ye Han seemed to have found a way to crack it again. Following the method of keeping to the left for a while and then to the right, he successfully found the changed Ye Mingzhu.

But Ye Han looked at the Ye Mingzhu inlaid on the highest point on the wall, but he still hesitated.

“Since the previous method has a way, then the current situation will also change accordingly.” Ye Han muttered in his heart, and after a serious drive for a while, he looked at the other Ye Mingzhu.

“Huh? I remember there was no faint Ye Mingzhu in the last passage. Is it this one?”

When Ye Han saw a dark night pearl among a kind of night pearl, he thought to himself, and said with a smile: “It seems that the guy who designed this tomb is really an interesting existence.”

Combining all the above, Ye Han basically determined that the mechanism that opened the next channel this time was the dim night pearl.

However, for insurance, Ye Han still made sufficient preparations, as long as there is any abnormality, he immediately turned around and ran.


Ye Han put his hand on Ye Mingzhu, and then gently pressed it.

After pressing it down, Ye Han’s heart also touched his throat.

After waiting for a while, the hidden weapons, poisons, and tunnel collapses in my imagination did not appear.

The next second, a familiar rumbling sounded, and a door appeared in front of Ye Han’s eyes, and the front of the door was like a palace.

Seeing the look behind the passage, Ye Han knew in his heart that he had found the right place!

Entering the palace, the hole behind him closed again, Ye Han looked at the decayed palace, and suddenly smelled a hint of danger.

I looked around vigilantly, and after a while, there was a sparse voice, accompanied by a low growl like a monster.

If this is in an open area, Ye Han has already turned his head and left. As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Although he is not a gentleman, he doesn’t want to put himself in danger, but when he looks at the hard behind him The wall immediately dispelled this idea. There is no way to escape. It seems that the real breakthrough is now.

Through the dialogue with the Night King, Ye Han still learned a lot of useful information. For example, the owner of the tomb he is looking for now is a programmer in the world of natural disasters. In his opinion, he should be a manager. It seems to be They set up a tomb for themselves. If they can break in, it seems that they can get the approval of the owner of the tomb. As for the benefits of being approved, Ye Han doesn’t know, but you don’t need to think about it to know that the benefits are definitely great. Otherwise, the Night King would not want to enter it so urgently.

He and the Night King are now mortal enemies, and if they allow each other to gain the approval of the owner of the tomb, it is simply a rival.

The moment Ye Han thought about this, cockroaches that were bigger than a dog rushed out, filling the entire palace almost instantly. The only thing left was the place occupied by Ye Han. These cockroaches seemed to be still there. Not ready to attack.

“I fell into a cockroach den, right?”

Although Ye Han is not a intensive phobia, it is a bit bad to see the dense cockroaches in front of him.


There are a few more noises.

A new form appeared in the group of cockroaches. They were all cockroach people. The height was almost the same as Ye Han, and it was close to three meters. There was even a cockroach that was more than three meters tall, approaching five meters. The other cockroaches are protected, Ye Han can boldly guess that this cockroach is the commander of this group of cockroaches.

I saw the cockroach commander opened his mouth and made a chirping sound, as if he was saying something?

However, Ye Han was naturally confused, he couldn’t understand it!

Of course, even if he understands it, he will only be more angry. The meaning of this cockroach command is simple: don’t resist, be quiet as our food.

“Hit if you want, why do you talk so much nonsense.”

Ye Han is already thinking about how to deal with these cockroaches. In fact, except for the cockroach people who threaten him, the ordinary cockroach level is only Lv5. He can destroy a large area with a single punch, but the cockroach people are all. Above Lv20, the number is at least a few hundred, especially the level of the cockroach commander is at least Lv30 or above.

No wonder it’s as powerful as the Night King who is also looking for a helper, just encountering this cockroach person can’t bear it.

But Ye Han doesn’t need to worry too much. He has a red-equipped emperor armor body. No amount of attacks below Lv20 will be of much use to him. Attacks below Lv30 will also be absorbed by more than 90%. This armor gave him the confidence to single out all the cockroaches.


Perhaps seeing that Ye Han did not intend to surrender, the cockroach commander issued an attack order.

Suddenly a large group of cockroaches rushed towards him.

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