Chapter 0170 Labyrinth Channel

Ye Han saw the murderous intent in the opponent’s eyes, and at the same time felt the power of the Night King, but it was not the time when he had no resistance at all in the beginning.

“Night King, do you want to kill me?”

Ye Han stood up slowly, his whole body covered by armor.

“A red-quality emperor’s armor?” The Night King saw the armor on Ye Han’s body, his eyes condensed, “I really want to kill you. If you want to survive on this red-quality armor, it’s impossible.”

“You haven’t reached Lv40 yet. If you surpass Lv40, I just choose to give up resisting, but now, you have to pay the price if you want to kill me.”

Ye Han is betting that the Night King needs his fighting power and will not smash him.

“Lv28?” When the Night King felt Ye Han’s level, his brows were slightly frowned, and other expressions appeared in his eyes, “Hehe, I underestimate you, I’m close to level 30, so it’s no wonder that I dare to follow him. ”

“So, let’s talk about it?”

Ye Han heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. If he really fought, not only would he not be able to save Sister Qiangwei, but he would probably be seriously injured. This was the last thing he wanted to see.

“Hmph, it’s useless to say it is useless, I only know after passing the hand.” After speaking, the night king patted his palm, “Wan Rou, kill him!”

The voice fell off.

Immediately rushed out a white shadow from the darkness, and at the same time a silver light flashed. This was an extremely sharp dagger piercing Ye Han’s throat.


Ye Han cursed secretly and quickly avoided.

Just now, he and Wanrou looked at each other, and the other’s eyes were red, and they were obviously in a state of madness, as if they had become a killing machine.


Wanrou’s speed was extremely fast. After Ye Han escaped, she pierced the stone wall and left a big hole in the stone wall.

Ye Han looked back at the stone wall and felt cold. If he was stabbed by this, his whole person would be gone, but with the protection of the emperor’s armor, he wouldn’t be able to die.

“Wan Rou, what are you doing?”

Ye Han yelled, trying to wake him up, but unfortunately it was of no use.

“Ye Han, she is under my control. Unless I let her stop or you kill her, she won’t stop killing you. I heard Qiangwei said that in the last ruin, you were alone Finished the boss monster of Lv30, oh, I almost forgot, Wanrou is the last boss by all accounts.” At this time, there was a woman beside the night king, it was Qiangwei, but she couldn’t move and was obviously controlled. It’s just that Qiangwei just seems to be controlled by her body, and her eyes reveal sadness and hatred.

“Night King, I don’t think you will let me be killed by Wanrou, nor will Wanrou be killed, because you still need us.” Ye Han escaped Wanrou’s attack again, “If you want If you want to cooperate, I advise you to put away these tricks, I will not take yours.”

Hearing this, the night king’s expression jumped, “Even if you guessed it, in fact, I only need a helper. You and Wanrou are dead, don’t I have another one here.”

“Don’t pretend to be in front of me. If you can get it done with one, you won’t contact me. This shows that three are the safest. Only three of us can help you in the entire area. An opportunity is better than an opportunity.”

“Haha, Ye Han, I have to say that you are really good at talking. I admit that you convinced me.” The Night King suddenly laughed, “Wan Rou, come back.”

With the order from the Night King, Wanrou’s eyes returned to normal, “I…what’s wrong?”

Wanrou looked at Ye Han in confusion.

“It’s okay, you were a little confused just now.”

Before speaking, Ye Han glanced at Qiangwei, and the other party shook his head at him, motioning not to tell the truth to Wanrou.

“Ye Han, why are you here, didn’t Big Brother Ye Wang say that you are not coming back?” Wanrou leaned over immediately when she saw Ye Han, and said with a smile.

“I thought for a while and decided to stay with you.” Ye Han said with a smile, but he felt a little distressed and soft, but at the same time, his intention to kill the Night King had reached a whole new level, and he had to find a way to get rid of this guy. , Or else you won’t be able to live in peace in the future.

“It’s good for you to come, if you are there, my sister and I will be very happy.”

Wanrou continued.

“Wanrou, come here.”

At this time, Qiangwei seemed to have returned to normal, and shouted to Wanrou.

“Here, sister.”

The Night King was obviously satisfied with the current situation, “Well, now everyone is finally there, let’s move on.”

“Ye Han, I think you are wearing the best armor, so you can lead the way.”

Ye Han clenched his fists, but quickly relaxed. Even if he broke out now, he might not be able to kill the Night King. If he can’t kill him in the first place, it is very likely that Qiangwei and Wanrou will be under his control. At that time, I was a one-to-three, and there was no chance of winning at all.

First bear with it.

Ye Han jumped to the front and began to probe.

But the Night King wanted to control the three of them in this way, it was too simple.

The secret technique of sound transmission!

“Qianwei, are you okay?”

“Sorry, Ye Han dragged you down again.”

Qiangwei’s voice sounded in Ye Han’s mind, very guilty.

“What does this have to do with you? I came here voluntarily. Now you have to tell me what happened to you and Wanrou and why you became like this.”

“I am relatively simple. I was just given the Dingshen pill by the night king. The effect of this Dingshen pill is only four hours, but my sister was split personality by the night king and controlled the split personality. Live, which causes my sister to be another person once she enters a fighting state.”

“I understand, don’t worry, I will save you all. Let’s find a chance to kill the Night King so that we can solve the problem.”

Ye Han has never been a kind person. The threat to him by the Night King is really too great, and he doesn’t want to get rid of him.

“Can you? As far as I know, he is the powerhouse of Lv40. We haven’t even arrived at Lv30 yet.”

Qiangwei said with some worry.

“If there is a will, it will be done. His Night King is also carrying a head on two shoulders, and he is not immortal. He is afraid of a ball!”

Ye Han is also fierce now, besides Dai Li, now the Night King is the person he wants to kill most.

“Since you have confidence, then I will believe in you. What you want me to do, you can arrange it yourself.”

Qiangwei replied firmly.

“Haha, what you want is your words. I’m afraid the Night King will die without knowing it. The two of us will discuss killing him under his nose like this.”

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