Chapter 0168

The Night King’s intuition is accurate, but Ye Han’s intuition is more accurate. He has bypassed the place where the Night King rested just now, and then continued to catch up, which means that the Night King still can’t find Ye Han who is following him.

After half an hour passed, the Night King felt the induction array he had set up, and it was still intact, which made the doubts in his heart disappear. “It seems that I think too much. I came out very secretly. No one will follow.”

Then he took a look at the floating carriage that followed, “It’s getting late, and you can’t continue to bend, go straight to your destination.”

He changed his direction and flew towards a strange place.

When the Night King suddenly changed direction, Ye Han who followed behind smiled at the corner of his mouth, “Don’t think I didn’t know that you were always turning around before, now you are going to the real destination.”

Then Ye Han distanced himself from the Night King once again to ensure that he would not be discovered.

The place where the Night King took place was something Ye Han had never been to. The road in the woods was rugged and there were no roads at all. This made Ye Han suspect that there were no survivors landing here at the beginning. It seemed that this was about to reach his destination.

The Night Kings have floating equipment, basically flying in mid-air, even if there are monsters below them attacking them, they can quickly evade with the mobility of the floating equipment.

The only time they were more dangerous was that they encountered a sneak attack by a team of devil birds. The strength of these devil birds was about Lv5. Although their strength was not high, they were won by a large number. In the end, the Night King shot and threw a group of purple flames. The entire group of devil birds was ignited, and in the end, the devil birds were completely wiped out.

Ye Han, who followed behind, saw all this in his eyes, his eyes filled with jealousy. This purple flame was not a simple flame at first sight. When it opened, only one devil bird was burned, but this burning devil After the bird came into contact with other devil birds, it immediately spread the purple flame to other devil birds. It passed ten to ten, and then a hundred, and finally the entire group of devil birds was burned by the purple flame. It didn’t take long. It became black, gray, and gray, and the Night King absorbed all the black, gray, and gray.

Immediately afterwards, the night king exuded a large amount of black fog. After the black fog collapsed, all became devil birds, but these devil birds seemed to have become the night king’s pets, covering the floating motorcycle and the floating carriage. When he got up, he was no longer attacked by other bird monsters.

“What is the purple flame of the Night King?”

A question rang in Ye Han’s mind.

Regardless of the flame, according to the current situation, if Ye Han wants to defeat the Night King, he must think of a way to deal with his purple flame, otherwise there is no chance of winning.

“Follow up first, find a way to get in touch with Sister Qiangwei, and inquire about the specific situation.” Ye Han’s eyes condensed, and he quickly followed.

Time passed by a little bit.

Ye Han still followed the Night King.

But this time, Ye Han did not wait long. The Night King, the floating motorcycle and the floating carriage stopped at the entrance of a cave.

Ye Han looked far behind and found that there was no news at the entrance of the cave, but when the Night King took Sister Rose directly into the cave, he could judge that this was the destination of the Night King’s trip.

However, although the Night King and Sister Qiangwei walked in, the Night King still left the only floating carriage driver.

“The coachman is not bad, he already has Lv15. This night king is really extravagant.” Ye Han sighed. After all, he would be at least a legion commander.

However, a small Lv15 hero poses no threat to Ye Han and can be solved easily, but the only problem is that if the night prince installs sensors in motorcycles and carriages, once he does it himself, he has a great chance to find out. he.

“It doesn’t matter, if you don’t go in again, when the Night King and them all go in, it will be too late if you want to go in.” Thinking of this, Ye Han acted immediately.

Concentration and concealment.

Then he grabbed the coachman’s head and wiped it directly on his neck.


The coachman was thrown to the ground by Ye Han.

In order to determine whether he was discovered by the Night King, Gu Tian also deliberately checked the suspended motorcycle and carriage.

“Fortunately, I didn’t find the sensor. It seems that the Night King still doesn’t know that he has followed and he still has a chance.” A smile appeared on Ye Han’s face.

“This floating motorcycle and floating carriage cost more than one million, so I will take it together, and it will be robbing the rich and helping the poor.”

Don’t take advantage of it, bastard!

After putting things away, Ye Han followed him into the cave.

This cave is really black, so dark that it makes people doubt life, the kind that you can’t see your fingers, but Ye Han didn’t choose to use the searchlight. After all, he was in front of the Night King, and it was easy for him to notice it.

“But this can’t stop me.”

Since Ye Han couldn’t see Ye Han, he closed his eyes and walked inside with his powerful perception.

With strong perception, Ye Han really smoothly walked into the depths of the cave.



Deep in the cave.

The Night King and Sister Qiangwei have come to a stone gate.

“Night King, what the hell is this inside?”

Qiangwei and her sister Wanrou stood side by side.

“Didn’t I say it before. There are hidden secrets of the natural disaster world. To be more precise, this is a programmer’s tomb. Although it is only a basic programmer, he has mastered what we have never known. The secret, as long as we go into his tomb, everything will become clear.”

The Night King said with a smile.

“You mean… this is a man’s grave! And you called our sister to help you robber the grave?” Qiangwei frowned.

“Grave Robber? Almost right.” The Night King nodded, “But I want to remind you that this programmer is not a human at all, and is not the same creature as us. They are just similar in appearance to us, even they just think We humans have a relatively perfect body. No one has ever seen his real body. If you go to his tomb, you can see it.”

“Night King, what kind of creature is the programmer you’ve been talking about? How come I have never heard of it. Wouldn’t you just want to fool our sisters?”

Qiang Wei continued to ask.

Hearing that, the night king glanced at Qiangwei, his eyes a little displeased, but soon a smile appeared on his face, “Now that we are in the place, we are not afraid that you will reveal the secret.”

“To tell you the truth, the natural disaster world we are now in is just someone else’s toy, or an interesting experiment.” The Night King shook his head and said.

“How can I believe what you say?”

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