Chapter 0162: Lv30 Wanrou

This is Ye Han himself a little blindly optimistic. Although he has a hundredfold amplitude, it is not invincible. In this natural disaster world, it is very likely that someone has more talent than him.

“You are right, let your sister take the medicine now.”

Ye Han directly gave Qiangwei the best life continuation pill he had obtained. This was nothing to distress, after all, this was something the dead man would use.


Qiangwei took the pill and slowly put it next to sister Qiangwei’s mouth. The purple-red pill instantly turned into a lump of liquid and entered her mouth.

“You haven’t told me yet, what is your sister’s name?”

Ye Han asked.

“Wanrou, her name is Wanrou.” Qiangwei looked at her sister’s face and said softly: “At first we were transported to the natural disaster world together. On the second day, she was taken away by a mysterious force. Our two sisters have the ability to connect with each other. I know that everything in this ruin is what my sister told me.”

“She’s all like that, can she still communicate with you?”

This surprised Ye Han a little.

“Yeah.” Qiangwei nodded, “Although my sister is unconscious, she is also awake. According to my calculation, when the entire ruins are closed, once the ruins are opened, she will completely become a monster, but when she is sober After that, these memories will appear in her mind.”

“So she told you everything she encountered telepathically.”

Ye Han gradually understood why Qiangwei wanted to rescue her sister so much, even if her sister might die.

If you have someone close to you, you will share her killing and painful things every day, and you will also become an extremely ugly monster. It will be unbearable on anyone.

“I have wanted to let Wanrou free from this ruin several times, but at that time my strength was not enough. I couldn’t even pass the swamp outside the ruins. This is the time until now.” Qiangwei looked up at Ye Han,” Fortunately, I found the right person this time.”

“Hehe, I can be regarded as a blind cat and a dead mouse, but one of the other two red diamond treasure chests is out of the Emperor’s armor, and the other is out of the Burning Blood Pill. I need both of them, you…”

Whether it is the emperor’s armor or the best blood burning pill, it is a treasure above the red color, which is enough to bring Ye Han’s strength to a higher level, and he will not let it go anymore.

“I can’t use these two things. I got a lot of treasures before. You don’t need to tell me, you can hold them.” Qiangwei smiled, “That burning blood pill is very dangerous. It’s lifeless.”

“Don’t worry, I know, I will pay attention.”

Ye Han smiled and nodded.

At the same time, the emperor’s armor was silently integrated into the Variety Treasure Box. In this way, all his weapons have red quality, but only one can be used at a time. This is a bit troublesome. You have to find opportunities to change it. one time.

In the gap between Ye Han and Qiangwei’s dialogue, Wanrou in Qiangwei’s arms moved.

“elder sister….”

“Wanrou, it’s me, how are you feeling now?”

Qiangwei felt the softness of waking up, her eyes lit up, and she said quickly.

“It seems that I slept, and in my dream I became a green monster, but the only thing that makes me happy is to be able to chat with my sister, otherwise I am afraid I can’t hold on.”

Wanrou’s voice is the same as her name, very soft, making the listener feel like a spring breeze.

“Hmm, it’s okay now, you are saved.”

The teardrops from the corners of Qiangwei’s eyes rolled directly down her cheeks.

“Sister, why are you crying, am I okay?” Wanrou stood up again, and at this moment he also noticed Ye Han, frowning, “Who is he?”

“His name is Ye Han. Without his help, I alone cannot save you.”

Qiangwei said quickly.

“Hello, I’m Wanrou, my sister’s younger sister. It’s a pleasure to meet you, but I remember that you seemed to hit me just now.” Wanrou took the initiative to greet Ye Han and said.

“Ahem, I was forced to do the situation just now, sorry.” Ye Han of course knew that the other party was referring to the time he was fighting with the Source of Ten Thousand Poisons.

“Well, I forgive you.”

Wanrou said with a smile.

“Wan Rou, how are you feeling now? Is there anything uncomfortable?” Qiangwei asked concerned.

Hearing that, Wanrou jumped on the spot first, and then turned around. Then she said: “I am very comfortable. I have never felt so comfortable before. The feeling of freedom is really good.”

At this time, Ye Han made an amazing discovery, because he discovered that Wanrou’s level was still Lv30!

“Wan… Rou, give me a punch and try it.” Ye Han said suddenly.

At this moment, everyone on the scene was stunned. Qiangwei quickly asked, “Ye Han, what’s wrong with you? Did you find anything?”

“Qianwei, didn’t you realize that your sister’s current level is still Lv30? Where did her power come from?”

Although Ye Han doesn’t believe that Wanrou still has the source of all kinds of poisons in her body, it is better to be more careful in the current situation.

When Qiangwei heard Gu Tian’s words, she immediately looked at her sister, and then her expression changed, “Wan Rou, do you really feel nothing at all?”

Seeing Qiangwei’s serious question, Wanrou became nervous, “I…I… don’t feel anything, but my chest is a little tight, as if something is somewhere.”

“Sister, am I okay?”

“Chest!” Qiangwei quickly reached out and placed her hand on Wanrou’s chest to probe, and finally opened her eyes, “The Poison Orb is still in my sister’s body!”

“It shouldn’t be. Hasn’t this Ten Thousand Poison Orb already been broken?”

Ye Han was controlling the source of all evil at the time, and heard the broken sound with his own ears.

“But I also really felt the Poison Orb just now, will my sister become the source of all evil?” Qiangwei asked uncertainly.

“I can’t answer this question, but from the current situation, it is unlikely that Wanrou will return to the source of all evil again, but if the Wanrou Orb is not resolved, it will be a potential danger.”

Ye Han calmly analyzed.

“Then what should we do?”

Qiangwei asked.

“In fact, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Since the Wanrou Orb is in Wanrou’s body, it gives her an Lv30 level. This strength is probably not much worse than the Night King. In addition, as long as we help Wanrou controls the Poison Orb, so the source of all evil will never be returned.”

Ye Han said slowly.

“But all this depends on Wanrou’s will. Only she herself can conquer this Ten Thousand Poison Orb, then she might still become our thigh in the future, and we all have to rely on her to survive.”

Ye Han said half jokingly.

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