Chapter 0158

As time passed, the three Ye Han used the drug ball to easily come to the throne.

“Strange, why is this throne empty?”

Looking at the empty throne, Ye Han couldn’t help but wonder.

Not only Ye Han, but even Qiangwei and Arthur looked around, but found nothing.

“Couldn’t someone be the first to get there and killed the boss?” Arthur said.

“Impossible, there will be no bosses!” Qiangwei was full of anger, staring at Arthur ferociously, “If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you.”

“Ahem, I’m just a normal guess, don’t you need to be so excited?”

Arthur stepped back two steps, spreading his hands, but his eyes kept sweeping towards Ye Han and Qiangwei. He didn’t pay attention to one Qiangwei. The one he was most worried about was Ye Han, even though it seemed Qiangwei’s level is higher than Ye Han, but Ye Han is the most dangerous.

“Ye, you are helping to say something. We can’t hurt each other now. If we wait for the boss to come out, we will all die here.” Seeing Ye Han didn’t do anything, Arthur felt a little relieved. Hurriedly said to Ye Han.

“Arthur, if you want to live longer, you’d better talk less, otherwise I will kill you without Qiangwei.” Ye Han said coldly.

“Okay, okay, I’ll shut up.” Arthur nodded again and again, but there was a trace of hatred in his eyes.

“Qianwei, are you okay?” Ye Han actually felt that Qiangwei’s reaction was a bit overwhelming, but he had promised her before, so he didn’t plan to ask anything more now.

“Ye Han, when the boss comes out, you promise me that I only need to break the poison source orb on the boss’s chest, and don’t hurt her.”

Qiangwei, who had always been strong, showed a hint of weakness at this time.

Ye Han saw all this in his eyes, and the doubts in his heart became stronger, but he nodded, “As long as the boss can be solved.”

Hearing Ye Han’s words, Qiangwei said firmly in her eyes: “Don’t worry, it will definitely be resolved.”

At this moment, there was a bang, and a figure fell from the sky.

The Ye Han trio quickly backed away, looking at the monster falling into the sky.


This is a monster with green skin all over and a lot of bulging. It can barely see the other person’s humanoid appearance. The most attractive thing is the green orb on the monster’s chest.

Seeing the orb, Ye Han immediately realized that this is the source of the boss monster Lv30!

Ye Han and Qiangwei were very close, and he soon discovered that Qiangwei’s eyes looked at the monster a little wrong. When the monster sprayed poisonous mist at Qiangwei, she didn’t hide much.


Ye Han couldn’t watch the rose poisoning, and immediately pulled it away.

“Are you going to kill you?” Ye Han said reproachfully.

“Sorry, I was a little lost just now, but now I’m fine.” Qiangwei said.

“I can attack now, right?” Ye Han said while looking at Arthur. This guy is stronger than him, but now he has retreated a long distance. It seems that he can’t count on this guy.

“Well, but don’t hurt her. I will help you to contain her. Her poison will not harm you.” Qiangwei said in a pleading tone: “You also have this poison prevention bead with you, so even if it is Nothing will happen if you touch the venom.”

“What if I take you?” Obviously, there is only one such good thing, Qiangwei.

“If you stand in front, I won’t have anything to do. I believe you, and I think I was poisoned. As long as you break the boss’s poison source orb in time, you can save me.”

After listening to Qiangwei’s words, Ye Han didn’t hesitate and put the poison avoidance bead on his body.

Although he is confident in his defensive abilities, he is still not sure whether he can withstand the toxin attack of the Lv30 monsters, so there is a lot of insurance in the anti-poison beads.


“Drunken gourd!”

“Yun Lei Wing!”

“Petrified skin!”

“Basalt shield!”

In the face of the Lv30 monster, Ye Han didn’t dare to be careless. Now that he didn’t use the self-explosion skills, he was doing his best. Self-explosion was Ye Han’s lore and a means to save his life.


The treasure chest changed into two flying dragons, and Ye Han rushed directly towards the source of the monster’s poison.

“Poison arrows, flying all over the sky!”

Almost at the same time Ye Han started his hand, the boss also acted. A big hole appeared out of thin air on the top of the monster’s head. Numerous poisonous arrows flew out of the hole. These poisonous arrows are small and dense, and they are fully covered, so you can’t avoid them at all. Chance.

“It can only be hard resistance.”

Ye Han didn’t have time to think about it, and immediately started to spin the Flying Dragon Slash in his hand, like a propeller, and began to resist the poisonous arrow.


The poisonous arrow shot on the Flying Dragon Slash, all of them were smashed, and no poisonous arrow flew past.

“It’s time for you to taste my moves.”

Ye Han targeted the orb on the monster’s chest, and then threw the flying dragon in his hand.

“Poisonous fog barrier.”

Although the boss monster could not speak, he was very smart and knew how to restrain his moves. This made Ye Han’s first attack on the Poison Source Orb failed.

The flying dragon fell on the poisonous fog barrier, as if hitting the surface of a balloon, and was easily bounced back.

Ye Han stared at it and started thinking about the solution in his mind.

At this moment, a figure rushed out beside Ye Han, “Qianwei, what are you doing? Come back!”

Ye Han quickly determined that it was his teammate Qiang Wei who rushed to the boss. Qiang Wei was very fast. Ye Han wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

“Kill!” Ye Han turned to look at Arthur who was still hiding behind watching the play. “If you stand still there again, don’t blame me for doing it on you first.”

When Ye Han’s scorching eyes wanted to look at Arthur, Arthur was almost immediately shocked, “Of course, we are a team, I will definitely help.”

After speaking, he rushed to the boss very reluctantly.

At this time, Qiangwei had already fought with the boss several times.


Qiangwei was knocked back by a poisonous attack, and his body was covered with green liquid, and his whole body could not even stand firmly.

“Qianwei, are you okay.”

Ye Han relied on his own poison bead, and quickly picked up Rose and asked.

“Ahem, I have nothing serious, although I broke her poisonous fog barrier, but then I can’t fight anymore, maybe this is my destiny.”

“You will be fine, I will burst the Poison Source Orb.”

Ye Han said solemnly.

Putting down Qiangwei, Ye Han and Arthur joined forces.

“The saint said that if there is light, there will be light at this time!”

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