Chapter 0155: Eighth Floor Of The Giant Tower

The fourth floor…the fifth floor…the sixth floor…the seventh floor…

Ye Han, Qiang Wei and the Chinese team and the white team successfully passed the seventh floor to the eighth floor. As for the black team as early as the fifth floor, the entire army was wiped out.

At this time, the eighth floor was a cliff, as if there was no shelter from the top of the head, and there was also an abyss below.

Except for Ye Han and Qiang Wei, which are two people, there is only one person left on the Chinese team and the white team, that is, their respective leaders.

The Chinese team leader is a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face and a gray suit named Chen Zhen. The white team leader is a strong and tall man with a slightly fat body, wearing loose sportswear and his name is Arthur.

“Ye, how do you think we should pass on your level?”

After passing through the first few layers, Ye Han found a way to pass, Arthur respected Ye Han very much. During the whole process, everyone saw Ye Han’s strength and his leadership qualities.

“Mr. Ye, Chen Zhen, I am willing to listen to your command, and even join your team, and reward those who choose first.”

Chen Zhen is more direct. Both he and Ye Han Qiangwei are from Kyushu, so they are more acceptable in their hearts.

Ye Han smiled bitterly, “Two, the captain of my team is not me, it is Miss Qiangwei. If you want to join our team, she must agree.”

After speaking, Ye Han took a step back to highlight the rose.

Regarding what Ye Han said, Qiangwei just rolled her eyes, but she had already discussed the specific matter with Ye Han through Voice Transmission and came to a conclusion. First, she and Ye Han decided to accept Chen Zhen and Arthur. The reason is also very simple. In the current situation, being able to become a teammate is better than being an enemy, so that their goal is only the final boss. Another point is that no one knows what is going on in the ninth layer now. One more person also means more strength.

“It’s no problem to join our team, but all actions follow the command. If someone makes small moves, don’t blame us for using some special methods.” Qiangwei’s cold voice surprised Chen Zhen and Arthur.

“But don’t worry, everyone’s purpose is the same. We must be the one who wins in the end.” Ye Han said with a smile.

Chen Zhen and Arthur looked at each other, and then both nodded, “We know what to do.”

Soon the four people regrouped successfully, and three more teams became one team, and Qiang Wei was still the captain.

Ye Han was standing on the stone platform and looking at the entire structure of the eighth floor, frowning slightly.

“How are you? Can it work? If we can’t think of a way, let’s find a way to fly to the opposite stone platform, don’t you have wings? Just take us over.”

Qiangwei came over and said.

“Things are probably not that simple. If it were really just as simple as flying to the opposite side, it would not be the eighth floor.” Ye Han rushed up from the lower floors all the way up. Although none of the levels have the same content, there is one thing. To be sure, the difficulty is gradually increasing, which means that the eighth layer should be the most difficult except the last one.

“Then we can only wait here?” Qiang Wei said in a deep voice.

Ye Han shook his head, “You’re right, we can’t just wait like this. I’ll go to investigate and see the situation now. You can help me look at it and let me know if there is any danger.”

“Be careful.”

Qiangwei wanted to stop Ye Han from exploring, but if he didn’t do it, he couldn’t find the correct way to pass the eighth floor, and it was most suitable for Ye Han to have clouds and thunder wings.

Seeing Qiangwei caring about herself, Ye Han felt warm. He had no relatives in the real world. He has always been a person in the natural disaster world, and it seems that it is not bad to be remembered by others.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

Ye Han said softly.

Then he jumped directly off the cliff, which scared Chen Zhen and Arthur. When they ran to the edge of the cliff, Ye Han spread out his wings and flew up.

“Mr. Ye, you scared us to death.”

Chen Zhen patted his chest.

“Ye, your wings are so good-looking. If you want to sell them, I can buy them at a high price.” Seeing the wings behind Ye Han, Arthur’s eyes were straight.

“Sorry, this wing is not for sale.”

Ye Han shook his head. He only had these wings. How could it be sold?

Hearing Ye Han’s answer, Arthur was obviously disappointed.

But Ye Han didn’t care about him anymore, but flew towards the opposite platform alone.

A few minutes later, without any hindrance, Ye Han came to another platform. Seeing what the platform looked like, Ye Han frowned. The platform here is almost exactly the same as the platform he just stood on.

Ye Han came to the platform again, and there was also a light curtain here, could it be that when you walked in, you returned to the seventh floor? Or did you go to the ninth floor?

After thinking for a while, Ye Han decided to give it a try. After giving Qiangwei a voice, he walked in.

“Ye Han, Ye Han?”

After confirming that Ye Han walked into the light curtain, Qiangwei kept calling Ye Han through voice transmission, but there was no answer.

“Mr. Ye has been there for so long, why is there still no news?”

After waiting for a long time, Chen Zhen began to inquire.

“Captain Qiang, do you have any news about Ye?” Arthur also asked.

Qiangwei shook his head. I just seemed to see Ye Han walk into the light curtain on the platform over there, and then disappeared.

“Could it be that Ye has gone to the ninth floor and left us behind?”

Arthur’s expression changed, and he said immediately.

“Impossible, Ye Han will not go to the ninth floor alone, we are a team!”

Qiangwei said angrily.

“Captain Qiangwei, I’m just guessing, please don’t be angry.”

Although there is no Ye Han helper, Qiangwei’s strength should not be underestimated. Arthur is also alone, and he has no chance of winning.

“I also believe that Mr. Ye is looking for a way to enter the ninth floor. Let’s wait patiently.”

In fact, Chen Zhen was also playing drums in his heart, but now he can only wait honestly.

At this moment, a voice came from their backs, “I think I know the way to the ninth floor.”

Hearing this sound shocked the three of Qiangwei and turned their heads quickly, but when they saw the speaker, they were all shocked.

“Ye Han, why did you get out of here?”

Qiangwei asked in shock.

“Hehe, in fact, these two platforms are interoperable, you will know if you try it yourself.”

Ye Han said with a smile.

After stepping into the light curtain, he seemed to have entered a void passage, walked out along the void passage, and Ye Han returned here.

After listening to Ye Han’s words, the three of Qiangwei immediately tried it, and as expected, the two platforms were connected.

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