Chapter 0151: Giant Tower Breaks Through

Qiangwei rolled her eyes and said, “Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Someone once wanted to climb up from the outside, but as soon as they reached the third-to-last floor, they were caught by a tentacle sticking out from the inside, and finally never came out again. .”

“That’s because he is too weak. If you go to a super strong like me, the situation will definitely be different.”

Ye Han said confidently.

In his opinion, the final boss level of this huge tower is Lv30, so as long as he can resist the attack of Lv30, he can directly enter the last floor.

“There are many people who think like you, but if you climb or fly from the outside, your strength will be limited to more than 90%. Even if you are strong, it is difficult to enter the last one from the outside. Don’t think about it. Let’s go up from the first floor honestly. With the strength of the two of us, it is still no problem to move forward steadily. We are very hopeful that we can win the final victory.”

Qiangwei said.

“You know about this, I have to listen to you.”

Ye Han is not a stubborn person either. He gave up this idea when he learned from Qiangwei that he would be suppressed by more than 90% of his strength on the Internet and would still be attacked by monsters.

At this time, Qiangwei looked under the cliff, “Originally I prepared a paraglider, but since you already have wings. You can help me fly over.”

“You are really welcome.”

Ye Han pouted, but did not explicitly refuse.

“Let’s say yes. It’s the first time I fly from such a high place. If you fall down midway, you can’t blame me, come up.”

After Ye Han finished speaking, revealing her back, Qiangwei jumped onto his back and tied her and Ye Han with a rope.

“Now you don’t have to worry about falling. Let’s fall to death together.”

Qiangwei said with a smile.

“It’s still you cruel.” Ye Han gave Qiangwei a thumbs up, then jumped up and jumped into the air, and then the cloud thunder wings behind him spread out, spread his wings, and flew towards the huge tower extremely fast.

After a few breaths, Ye Han has appeared firmly at the entrance of the first floor of the giant tower.

I didn’t look closely just now, this huge tower is not only big, but also has so many entrances, it seems that it is prepared for other survivors, but at this time the stone gate has not been opened yet.

Ye Han carefully looked at the situation of the giant tower.

In addition to the giant tower, Ye Han and Qiang Wei also found alive people, that is, survivors in other regions. There are three teams. None of these three teams has at least four people. One team is obviously black, and this team has four people. The strength is all Lv15 or higher, and the leader is Lv20 or higher. They are in front of the giant tower stone gate where Ye Han and Qiangwei are sitting. Obviously this is the place they decided to enter.

The pair on the right is obviously Chinese. There are five of them. The leader is Lv20, and the other is Lv18. The rest are below Lv15 and above Lv10.

The last team is European and American. This team has five people, two of them are Lv20 or more, and the other three are also Lv15 or more. From the perspective of paper strength, the European and American team is the strongest.

The arrival of Ye Han and Qiangwei immediately became the targets of other teams.

No way, who makes them look the weakest? Ye Han didn’t plan to fight these people at this time. Everything is still focused on breaking through the barriers.

As time passed, Ye Han discovered that there were five entrances to the huge tower, and now there was only one place.

“Qiangwei, is it possible that we can’t continue through the barriers if the other team doesn’t come?” Ye Han asked softly.

“Almost, but if you don’t come for a long time, this huge tower will be opened. We wait patiently.” Qiangwei replied vigilantly.

Time passed again, but the last group of survivors still did not arrive, but at this time the stone gate of the giant tower was slowly opened.

“It seems that the last team has died in the passage, let’s go.”

“Yeah.” Ye Han nodded and walked through the stone gate with Qiangwei to the first floor of the giant tower.

“The lighting here is so dark.” Ye Han and Qiangwei are almost next to each other, so as to avoid getting lost.

Suddenly, the sound of the frame sounded, and the lights came on, and they could see the appearance of the first layer clearly.

They were standing on the ring at this time. There was a wooden figure in the middle of the ring. The level of this wooden figure was set to Lv21.

“It seems that this wooden man must be defeated to enter the next game.”

Rose analyzed.

As soon as they finished talking, the black group had already begun to take action, and the black team leader rushed directly to the wooden man, blasting the wooden man’s head with just one punch, and the entire black team disappeared in the next second.

“You can enter the next level if you defeat it!”

Now everyone started to take action.

Qiangwei also wanted to rush up first, but was pulled by Ye Han. In the end, she could only watch the white team and the Chinese team defeat the wooden men one after another to the next floor.

“Why didn’t you let me go first? Those few people couldn’t stop me.”

Qiangwei frowned and asked.

Ye Han raised the corners of his mouth, smiled mysteriously, and said, “Don’t you want to be rewarded?”

“Reward? What reward?” Qiangwei is a little confused, isn’t there a reward for killing the last boss?

“Let’s see if there is a round bright spot under each of our team’s stations. I just observed that every time the wood is cut, one round bright spot underneath disappears. Up to now, there are still two bright spots. Disappear, you said, what will happen if we kill this wooden man twice?”

Ye Han raised his mouth and said with a smile.

“Does this mean something else?” Qiangwei said with some suspicion.

“Of course this is very possible, but we have to try it. If there is a reward, then it proves that there will be rewards in the next few layers. If we get the rewards of these eight layers, then even if we don’t kill the boss, we will reward you. That’s a lot.”

“Yeah.” Qiangwei nodded, “You are right, but there are many rewards for the boss, we still have to strive for it.”

“This is natural.” Ye Han took the first step. “I will attack for the first time. Qiangwei, after seeing the wooden man resurrected, attack immediately. We must complete two kills in a very short time.”


Qiangwei nodded solemnly.



“Ssangyong goes to sea.”

Two Flying Dragon Slashes flew out of Ye Han’s hand, and he followed closely. Once the Dragon Slash did not kill the wooden man at once, he could immediately make up the knife.

However, Ye Han now exists in Lv19. With the blessing of the two amplitude skills, the two flying dragons cut off the head of the wooden man without any hindrance.

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