Chapter 0146: Tomb Remains

Hearing that, Ye Han completely abandoned this idea.

The two continued to walk forward, and finally came to the end.

“Well, if we open this door, then we are considered to have entered the ruins. This ruins cannot be withdrawn midway. Either die inside, or kill the boss successfully to pass the level, or go to the end when the boss is hit. After killing, this ruin will transfer all participants out.”

Qiangwei said to Ye Han.

“Understood, the last sentence is to die, live, or stay.”

“It’s well organized.”

Qiangwei nodded, and then activated Shimen.

The stone gate slowly opened, and the narrow passage leading into Ye Han’s eyes.

“How do I feel like I’m robbing a tomb right now?” Ye Han looked at the scene in front of him and couldn’t help but complain.

“How do you know the name of this ruin?”

Qiangwei asked quickly.

“Um, it’s really called the Tomb Raider Ruins!” Ye Han smacked his tongue secretly, “Hehe, I guessed it. In real society, I like to read tomb robbery novels, so it feels a bit like it.”

“This ruin is called the Tomb Raider Ruins. In the end, the boss is a long buried emperor. Who can kill the emperor, even if the entire copy is cleared, of course, he will get the final reward.”

Qiangwei said calmly.

After speaking, Qiangwei was about to step onto the stone path, but was caught by Ye Han.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Qiangwei frowned slightly and looked at Ye Han.

“When you look at it, you haven’t seen a tomb-robbing novel or TV series. Since this is a tomb-robbing relic, it should be similar to the tomb. People who are buried here definitely don’t want anyone to disturb him, so we must be careful. One point is to let the smell inside dissipate first, what if it is poisonous?”

Regarding what Ye Han said, Qiangwei rarely refuted, and nodded faintly.

Ten minutes after the time has passed.

Only then did Qiang Wei asked, “Is it okay now?”

“Well, let’s go inside.” Ye Han immediately walked in front of Qiangwei.

Not long after entering the stone path, Ye Han hurriedly stopped again.

“what happened again?”

Qiangwei frowned and asked.

“I feel that going further ahead will be dangerous, and I am worried that there will be mechanisms.”

Ye Han looked at the smooth walls on both sides and said hesitantly.

With that said, Ye Han threw an unwanted object into the stone road.

Next second.

The stone path is full of hidden weapons in all directions, and it is powerful enough to cause damage to Lv20 creatures.


Seeing this, even Qiangwei with a cold face had already changed at this time.

“Hey, you don’t need to ask me how I know, unless you tell me how you know it is safe in the swamp.” Ye Han said with a smile.

“I want to use this in exchange, it’s not enough.” Qiangwei shook his head.

“Then how is it? The price can be negotiated.” The main reason why Ye Han is very interested in this is because if he can master this method, he will also predict the danger in the future, so there is no need to worry about it. Into the trap.

“I didn’t think about other things, but I can tell you, but you must promise me one condition in the future, how about it?” Qiangwei thought for a while and said.

“Is it a condition?” Ye Han didn’t immediately respond. After all, he promised Qiangwei last time, and almost took his own life in the end.

“If you feel embarrassed or unable to agree, then forget it.”

Qiangwei said.

“Isn’t it just a condition? It’s not that I haven’t promised it.” Ye Han gritted his teeth. “Yes, in the future, as long as Ye Han can do it and does not violate the principle and heart, you can make a request to me. .”

“It’s not the first time we have cooperated. I don’t need the contract scroll anymore. I hope you can remember what you said.” Qiangwei nodded, “Actually, I can determine that there is no problem with every step, mainly relying on it.”

With that, Qiangwei took out a small transparent bead.

“This is….?”

“This is a golden treasure. Pour zombie fluid and monster blood into this small bead and you can use it. You specify a place, if it is safe, it will be green, if it is dangerous, it will be red. The higher the danger value, The more it consumes.” Qiangwei handed the small bead to Ye Han, “This is an empty pre-judgment bead. I have exhausted the energy in it, and I need to inject those two things again to continue using it.”

“Is it so amazing?”

Ye Han looked at the transparent bead carefully, but found nothing.

“It’s a pity, there is only one such good thing.” Ye Han returned the beads to Qiangwei with some regret.

“Who told you that there is only one bead?”

Qiangwei looked at Ye Han and said.

“Do you have more?” Ye Han asked a little excitedly.

“I got two of these beads in total. It is precisely because there are two that I think it is enough. There is no zombie liquid and monster blood to hide, otherwise there will be a chance for you to show it.”

Qiangwei said with a look of Tsundere.

“Then…can you…” Ye Han asked, rubbing his hands.

“You want one, I can give you the beads, but you have to promise me one more condition, there are two in total.” Qiangwei said with two pre-judgment beads.

“Is my condition so valuable?” Ye Han didn’t think it was too much. On the contrary, he felt that it was a little untrue. As long as he made a promise, he could get a Prejudgment Orb with super high practical value. No matter how you think it is all his own blood.

“I won’t miss it. If you agree to give you one of this pearl, maybe I will earn it in the future.”

Qiangwei smiled rarely.

“That’s a good word for you, I have fulfilled your two conditions.” Ye Han nodded solemnly.

“Then this bead is yours.”

Qiangwei also threw the beads directly to Ye Han.

Ye Han took the pre-judgment beads again and carefully put them away, “It’s a pity that such a good baby was wasted like this.”

Before, Ye Han thought that Qiangwei’s performance in the swamp was astonishing, but now that he knew the truth of the matter, he suddenly felt that it was like that, and if he had to deal with it by himself, he should be able to handle it better.

“You can tell me now why you know there are mechanisms in this stone path, right?” Qiangwei pointed to the stone path and asked, “Do you have a treasure like the Prejudgment Orb like me?”

“Hehe, if I have your stuff, I don’t need to make two promises.” Ye Han smiled, “But I really want to ask, do you never watch TV dramas or novels in the real world?”

“Look, but I have always lived in America, and I don’t understand some domestic things.” Qiangwei shook his head.

“Okay, I understand.” Ye Han looked relieved, “Actually, this is the tomb mechanism in the novel. I don’t know what the specific principle is, but in any case, there must be a trap in a place like this, that’s right. NS.”

“Then how are we going to get there now?”

“Once the general mechanism is triggered, there will be no more danger, so we just walk through it normally.”

After speaking, Ye Han took the lead to step onto the stone path.

“Look, it’s okay.” Ye Han stood at the place where the thing was thrown before, and nothing happened.

Upon seeing this, Qiangwei followed.

Then the two began to walk along the stone road.

“No wonder this is a ruin that can’t be brought in, so many people can’t get in.” Ye Han spit out while walking, and reminded Qiang Wei, “There is one more thing you need to pay attention to. Don’t step on the hollow ground. If you feel that the ground may sink, don’t step on it. Our strength is so strong, I believe it’s not difficult to achieve this.”

As soon as Ye Han finished speaking, he heard a creak behind him.

“Ye Han, what if you step on it?”

Qiangwei’s voice came from behind at the same time.

“If you step on it, you will naturally touch some kind of mechanism. Generally, there will be a hidden weapon attack like just now.”

Ye Han turned his head and saw that one of Qiangwei’s foot had already been stepped on.

“Fuck.” He immediately found a few dark arrows flying behind Qiangwei.


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