Chapter 0141 Return!

Ye Han watched the treasure chest turn into liquid to envelop his sniper, and it took about five minutes before he swallowed it successfully.

“Sniper me.”

With a swipe, a sniper identical to the previous one appeared in Ye Han’s hand, feeling the level…golden top!

It’s clear now.

The treasure chest is based on the highest level in the weapon to determine the weapon level.

In order to be further confirmed, Ye Han once again conjured a dog-hand knife. No accident. The dog-hand knife in Ye Han’s hand is now the golden best.

“This… I found the treasure!”

Ye Han was a little excited.

After that, Ye Han integrated some of his commonly used weapons into the treasure chest, and changed them to try them out one by one.

All weapons have been promoted to the best gold.

“Should I also incorporate my own clothes? This is equivalent to having a piece of golden protective equipment, which can save lives in case of danger.”

Ye Han once again had a new idea.

As soon as he thought of it, Ye Han took off his clothes and threw them into the treasure chest.

After a while, Ye Han put on the clothes that changed from the treasure chest, “But I will have to wear two clothes in the future, or else I will run naked as soon as I start fighting.”

Fortunately, Ye Han himself also wears two sets of clothes inside and outside, and there is no problem now.

“The boss treasure chest doesn’t need to be opened yet, I’ll talk about it when I go back.”

Ye Han thought that he had been here for a long time. In order to avoid the worry of his men, he decided to go out first.


Ye Han opened the door and saw Donald, Gunaza, and Farmer One waiting outside, looking like an eavesdropper.

“Ahem, didn’t I tell you, I have nothing to do? Why are you still standing here?” Ye Han frowned, he just took off his clothes inside, he wouldn’t be peeked.

“Boss, we are also worried that something will happen to you. Don’t worry, we didn’t hear or see anything, but why are you taking off your clothes?”

As soon as the words of Farmer One came out, not only Ye Han’s face changed, but the faces of Donald and Gunaza also changed. Their faces were desperate, and they accepted the plant when they met the pig teammates.

“Lord, we did not deliberately eavesdrop. We didn’t see or hear anything except when you said you were going to take off your clothes. This is true.”

Donald immediately chose to admit his mistake.

“Boss, what Old Tang said is true, I can testify.” After Gunaza finished speaking, his face flushed.

“Um, the boss doesn’t know that we’re eavesdropping anymore, and you’ll admit it, like I’m definitely not going to accept… boss, I’m wrong.” When the farmer No. 1 met Ye Han’s eyes, the whole People were frightened and knelt directly on the ground.

“The boss monster burst out a treasure chest, and this thing can change into any form.” Ye Han controlled the treasure chest to become a pair of flying dragons.

“This is amazing too!” Farmer No.1 praised and tried to stand up, but Ye Han’s eyes made him kneel down again.

“That’s why I just took off my clothes, now…what’s the problem?” Ye Han asked lightly.

“there is none left.”

The three of Donald shook their heads.

“Since you have no problems, then I have a request. This matter must be kept secret from everyone. If I know that someone spreads this matter, I will make him die ugly.” Ye Han finished. The sentence also looked at the Farmer No. 1 in particular, this guy is the most likely.

“Boss rest assured, my farmer will definitely not say anything.”

Farmer One said quickly.

Donald and Gunaza also nodded quickly, saying that they would not.

“Old Tang, this will be the first stronghold of our refuge from now on. This stronghold is more suitable for your Golden Legion, so I intend to make you the person in charge of this stronghold. This is to brush up copies, collect resources, and cultivate the Golden Legion. Your mission.”

This is what Ye Han thought about during the cultivation process.

Now the Golden Legion is the most powerful legion under his hand. It is the most suitable to guard this relic. Moreover, the class of a hundred soldiers has been activated. In a short period of time, the level of Donald and his soldiers will be upgraded, and it will not take long. strong force.

“I listen to the Lord.”

Donald said.

“This time you and your Golden Legion don’t have to go back with us. You quickly change your jobs to become Hundred Soldiers. I look forward to the day when you all exceed Lv10. In addition, I will transfer the remaining Golden Soldiers when I go back. , There is no big problem with the Five Thousand Golden Legion guarding the ruins. If you encounter a strong enemy, you just abandon other places and defend the villa. The Refuge City will organize support at the first time.”

Ye Han said in detail.

“Yes, Lord!”

Donald quickly knelt on one knee and saluted Ye Han.

“Farmer, Gunaza, prepare, let’s go back to the city of refuge!”



Soon after, a mecha unit rushed out of Baibingshan and marched towards the refuge city.

On the way.

Ye Han began to summarize the experience of attacking the ruins. To tell the truth, they were able to successfully defeat this time. It really relied on a lot of luck. There were gambling elements in it, but the result was always good.

With the occupation of the Baibingshan ruins, he will have an additional copy base, will continuously explode some materials, and also turn the area between the Refuge City and Baibingshan into his own territory.

“I heard Klein say that with the current technology of our refuge, it is possible to build trains and lay tracks. When I go back, I will discuss with Klein to see if we can build a train path from the refuge city to Baibingshan, so that both sides can pass through. Time will be greatly reduced!”

As the field expands, Ye Han has to consider more and more things.

Two hours later.

Ye Han and his party returned to the refuge city.

At the moment when he entered the refuge city, Ye Han felt that he had gone in the wrong place. He had just walked for a day, but the change of the refuge city was upside down. Although the current refuge city is much different from the real world metropolis, But many of them are modern things. At first glance, they are all high-rise buildings. The original hall has become a 100-meter-high building. The road has become a concrete road, clean and tidy, and there are many more members he doesn’t know.

Soon, Daisy and Nami appeared in front of Ye Han with many core members of Refuge City.

“Boss, welcome back.”

Daisy said with a smile.

“This is just a day’s work, you are really good!”

Ye Han held out his thumb.

“It’s mainly the resources left by the boss that we can have this opportunity.” Daisy walked to Ye Han’s side and led him to the front.

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