Chapter 0135 Final Boss

“Yeah.” Gunaza nodded heavily, her face filled with joy, “Our magician profession can always be upgraded, but it will be more difficult to break through ten levels.”

“I know this. When you get to Lv9, I will find a way.”

Ye Han said with a smile.

There is still great expectation for the magician Ye Han. Powerful magic can instantly destroy a city or a huge army. This is the charm of magic.

“thank you boss.”

A dimple appeared on Gunaza’s face.

“Since we are here, let’s just go to the top of the mountain to take a look, the last boss, so you can prepare for the final battle.” Ye Han knows that this final battle is the most difficult one, an Lv20 leader. Level monsters made them quite embarrassed, and it would be even more difficult if they encountered Boss.

But no matter how difficult it is, this level must be done.

“Okay, I’ve long wanted to see how strong this boss is.” Farmer No.1 raised his hands in agreement.

“Farmer, your heart is so big, you really think we can come here on our own. If we hadn’t had a boss by our side, we probably wouldn’t even be able to pass the first level.”

Donald rolled his eyes directly at Farmer One.

“Uh, it seems to be right.” Farmer One scratched his head and said with a smile.

Then Ye Han and his party continued up the mountain along the mountain road. After passing the boulder, the mountain road became wider and full of neat stone steps. As the stone steps look up, you can see a huge mountain villa.

“Tsk tsk, this is probably at least seven to eight advances.”

The seven or eight entrances in Ye Han actually meant that the villa had seven or eight large yards. Every entry into a yard was counted as one entry. One can imagine how big the villa is.

“We can’t walk the stone steps, otherwise we will be discovered by the monsters of the villa before we get to the door of the villa. We can approach it from the side.”

Ye Han did not take his men along the stone steps, but chose to continue to approach the top of the mountain under the cover of the forest.

But soon they came to a cliff.

“It’s too high, my mech can’t go up at all. If it goes up forcibly, it will cause a lot of movement.” Farmer One said with a sad face looking at the huge cliff in front of him.

“My light magic and flying magic can’t climb such a high cliff. I guess I fell off halfway through.” Gunaza shook her head.

Ye Han looked at Donald again, “How about you?”

“Lord, my speed depends on the horse. Although I have the confidence to climb up, but when I climb up, it is probably dark.” Donald said with a wry smile.

“Okay, since you can’t do it, then I’ll be the only one on it.” Ye Han nodded, “You just wait for me here. If there is a noise in the waiting, don’t worry, if I spend an hour Before you come out, you will go back and bring your troops to attack.”

“Yes, boss (main).”

The three Donald nodded.

“Boss, I will cast you a light magic and flying magic, but it can only support you half the distance.” Gunaza finished speaking and began to chant the spell.


In fact, Ye Han can climb the cliff quickly without using magic, but his energy will be consumed a lot. Now it will be easier to have Gunaza’s magic help.

Soon, Ye Han felt that his body became a lot easier, and he could fly with just a light jump.


With a few soft sounds, Ye Han climbed up quickly, and soon disappeared.



On the edge of the cliff on the top of the mountain.

A figure jumped up, it was Ye Han who had just climbed up from the cliff.

Looking around, the patrolling monster has just passed by. All he has to do now is to quickly climb over the wall and enter the villa.

Let it go.

Ye Han jumped over the tall red wall and came to the villa.


Ye Han landed in the yard and looked at the environment. It was a garden. He was standing behind the rockery now.

“Such a good place, the truth is moving here.”

I have to say that the architectural scenery of this villa is so beautiful, just seeing the artificial mountains and water in this yard is refreshing.

“After I get here, can I build a place similar to a sub-city here, so that it will consolidate my receiving range? And it can also defend the Refuge City.”

Ye Han thought silently in his heart.

Next, Ye Han began to wander around the villa, remembering the situation of the villa in his head, and slowly he came to the back yard of the villa.

This yard should be the yard where the monster boss is. Ye Han feels a powerful aura from a distance. Although the induction is mutual, Ye Han has passive skills. Unless he appears in front of the boss monster, otherwise he is It won’t be discovered.

Hiding in a relatively high but hidden corner, Ye Han has already explored the entire villa at this time, and came to the conclusion that, first of all, there are almost 5,000 monsters in the villa, and the strength is basically maintained at Lv6 to aLv8. Among them, there are not many Lv10 and above. Each of the first four yards has an Lv10. This is not a big problem for them, but from the fifth yard to the seventh yard, there are one Lv15 and two A Lv20 guard, which takes some experience.

Until the last eighth yard, the boss Ye Han hadn’t seen it, but from the aura he felt, it was estimated to be Lv25. This is the highest level existence Ye Han has ever encountered, even the original Night King. It is estimated that it is not as good as this Boss, but it is definitely possible now.

“Wait a moment, if the boss hasn’t come out after ten minutes, I will leave.”

Ye Han has been up for more than half an hour now. It is estimated that Donald and the others should be in a hurry, so Ye Han made a decision quickly.

Five minutes passed quickly, and there was no sound in the courtyard room.

After another five minutes, there was still no movement in the room.

“It seems that this boss usually won’t come out. Go back first.”

Ye Han shook his head, preparing to leave.

At this moment, a monster broke into the room as if to report something.

After a while, the monster would fly upside down and land on the ground. Ye Han looked intently, and the monster had been squeezed into a tuft of meatballs.

Immediately afterwards, the entire ground began to shake.


It was as if there was a giant walking around.


The door was opened with a big hole, and then a ten-meter-high monster with hundreds of weapons on his back came out.

“This is the final boss!”

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