Chapter 0132

This time, there was no large army to follow. Three or four shadows flickered in the woods leading to the top of the mountain. They were fast, and they were obviously an elite team.

“The boss is too fast, we can’t keep up.”

Farmer No.1, who fell in the end, said helplessly.

“Farmer, since fundamentally, you still don’t hurry up, now we can still see the back of the boss, and we will be afraid that we won’t even be able to see the back.”

It was Gunaza who was talking, and she was just a little bit faster than Farmer One, staying on the branch.

“You said that lightly. If I could hurry, I would have been fast, but wouldn’t it be too fast now? If it is fast, my mech will overheat, and when I get to the destination, my mech is basically scrapped. NS.”

Farmer One glanced at Gunaza.

“Hey, if you beg me, I can perform a light-weight technique for you, which can reduce the weight of your mecha by half, and your mecha’s power will not change, and the speed will definitely increase, how about it?”

Gunaza said with a smile.

“Huh, why would a big man beg a woman? What is it? It can reduce half of the weight, grandma begs you, hurry up.” Farmer No.1 was still awe-inspiring one second before, and the next second was like licking a dog. This is a change. Nuzha was fainted.

“Well, if you have a good attitude, I’ll help you.” After speaking, Gunaza directly performed a light-weight technique on the farmer.

Next second.

A big man with a height of six or seven meters surpassed Gunaza with a single stroke, and soon passed Donald, who was riding his horse, and chased directly to the front Ye Han.

“Um, give him a light body technique to make myself the last one, if it doesn’t work, I have to speed up.” After speaking, Gunaza gave himself a flying technique, which soon surpassed Donald.

“What’s the matter with these two people, how can they run so fast all of a sudden.”

Donald looked puzzled, but he had no choice but to hurry up.

Although Ye Han is at the forefront, he has been paying attention to the situation behind him. When he saw that the slowest farmer No. 1 was about to catch up, he smiled very relievedly, then accelerated again, and disappeared in an instant. The field of vision of each subordinate is gone.

this! ! !

Farmer One was dumbfounded now, and of course Gunaza and Donald were dumbfounded.

The three slowly gathered together and collectively sighed: “This boss is really not a human being.”

After that, Gunaza also performed a light-weight technique on Donald. She herself stood directly on the mecha of Farmer One, and the three of them chased forward at almost the same speed.

Finally, the Donald trio arrived at the target location, and Ye Han had already been waiting for them there.

“Boss, if you follow your speed, I wouldn’t believe it if you weren’t for Lv20.”

Farmer One originally thought that he could catch up with Ye Han by relying on Gunaza’s light body technique, but he actually thought too much.

And Gunaza and Donald both looked at Ye Han like monsters.

“Why are you looking at me like this? It’s useless to improve yourself if the speed is not good.” After speaking, Ye Han turned his head to the mountain, pointed to a cave, and said, “There should be the place where the tramp is. I just don’t know if he is in the cave or hiding somewhere.”

“According to the report of the waiting team, this tramp would drink on the boulder next to the cave during the day. It is estimated that he would use the cave only at night. There is no way to see it at our location, but every half an hour this tramp will Stand up and we can see him at this time.”

Donald said calmly.

“In this case, let’s wait to make sure that the tramp is working.” The more reckless way is to rush directly, but Ye Han is worried that if he rushes and finds no one at all, it will be embarrassing.

“Waiting for the battle is still as we discussed in the camp. I am in charge of the main attack, Old Tang and the farmer are responsible for side-by-side containment, and Nuzha, you are responsible for hiding behind me and using magic attacks. The phenomenon of escape, but this is not absolute. It is very important for everyone to prevent each other from escaping at all times.”

“After the battle begins, let’s not rush to attack, first gradually figure out the opponent’s moves and skills, and then find weaknesses to counterattack…”

While waiting, Ye Han and the others recalled their offensive strategy again.

Did not wait for half an hour, after ten minutes, Ye Han and the others saw a boulder on which the tramp stood up and stretched.

After Ye Han saw the tramp, he understood why the waiter team would call this guy a tramp, because he was dressed in tatters, and there was a wine gourd behind him, like a tramp.

“Be careful of that wine gourd, come on!”

After confirming that the monster was there, Ye Han rushed up first.

Stepped on the rock, kicked a few times, and landed in front of the tramp. A few seconds later, the Donald trio followed.

The tramp naturally found Ye Han and the others, but it was a little different from the previous monsters. The tramp seemed to know that they were coming, and after a calm drink of wine, he slowly stood up.

“Intruder, die.”

This word came out of the homeless man’s mouth, and then the homeless man breathed out flames, and directly pounced on Ye Han and the others.

“Water escape!”

Gunaza, who was hiding behind Ye Han, used magic to counteract the flame.

“Good job, Nuzha.”

Ye Han immediately complimented that although the flames just now were not fatal, if they were burned to the point of injury, their combat effectiveness would still be affected.


Donald and Farmer No.1 took advantage of the opportunity to go to the left and right of the homeless man, while Ye Han stared at the homeless man to prevent the other from attacking again.

“That gourd is the key thing, don’t let him drink.”

When Ye Han saw that the tramp wanted to drink, he took the initiative and entangled with the tramp. The opponent was also an Lv20 monster. Ye Han directly exploded and then used mutation. The two transformation skills were used together. .

In fact, Ye Han is better at attacking mid-to-long distances, but now they are all standing on top of a boulder. Although the boulder is very large, it is only about 50 meters away. It is difficult to exert the power of Flying Dragon Slash except for moving around.

But Ye Han burst out with all his strength when he came up, but he suppressed the tramp in a short time.

At this time, the attacks of Donald and Farmer One also followed, and Donald was stabbed the side of the homeless man with a spear, while Farmer One smashed the back of the homeless man with a sword.


But soon they discovered that the tramp had a transparent protective cover all over his body.

“No, this is an energy shield!”

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