Chapter 0127

“If you want me to say, that is to take advantage of the victory and pursue, directly attack this ruin.”

Farmer One said loudly.

“I don’t think we should be in a hurry. Now we have been fighting for two consecutive battles with our soldiers, and there have been casualties just now. Although we have won, we have also suffered losses. I think we should spend two or three hours to digest what we just did. To gain something and strengthen our strength, so that we will be able to win if we encounter a stronger enemy.”

Gunaza said softly.

“Old Tang, you are the commander this time. Tell me what you think, instead of asking me every time.”

Ye Han came here more to escort the large army, and he will be more relaxed when the army is stronger.

“Lord, I personally support Miss Gunaza’s idea, but I think there is a little too much time, one hour of rectification time, and during this time we will also arrange to wait for the next wave of monster news to do a good job. Prepare accordingly.”

“Very well, just follow what you said.”

Ye Han nodded.

“Yes, boss (main).”

After receiving the order, the three of Donald went to arrange, and Ye Han also found a quieter place and prepared to open the box.

Ye Han doesn’t have much interest in ordinary golden treasure chests, but they are all opened.

One hundred sets of sword and shield equipment (blue), shield skills: Jianbi (xuan)…

The silver treasure chests and golden treasure chests are basically things used by the army. They are basically not useful to Ye Han. Even if they are slightly useful, Ye Han is also going to give Donald these heroes. The goal now is to promote them quickly. stand up.

The next step is to open the platinum treasure chest.


[Ding, congratulations on successfully opening the Platinum Treasure Box and triggering the Hundred Times Amplitude, you have the following options:][One: Double Dragon Strangulation (Xuan-level inferior) or Double Dragon Strangulation (Earth-level inferior)]

Is there any choice for this? Ssangyong who chose the power of the sub-grade at the prefecture level must be strangling.

Skills, such items, can’t be a hundredfold in number, so Ye Han’s choice is generally a reward for improving the power of his skills. In fact, this is still very good. The Xuan-level inferior may be able to cause a little damage to Lv15, but it is difficult to use. This skill will kill it, but the lower grades are different. The power used is at least one hundred times that of the Profound Grade. Ye Han can say with certainty that as long as he uses the twin dragons to strangle it, the monsters within Lv20 will not be able to resist. of.

At present, he has three passive skills, 100% shooting hit, breath reduction, ignoring coercion, four active skills, mutation, Ssangyong Going to the Sea (Xuan-level high-level), Shuanglong Strangling (earth-level low-level), self-explosion, the last two Equivalent to a trick.

“There is nothing wrong with skills and weapons. The most important thing now is the level problem. My level is still too low. Although there are mutations and self-explosions, a good foundation determines the superstructure. Only if I have strong strength can I have more Good play.”

Ye Han stood up and walked towards the large group.


Gunaza stood on the edge of the large army to guard, holding the magic bow and arrow just obtained in his hand.

“Where is Donald?”

Ye Han swept into the army, only to find that Donald was missing.

“He took a team of soldiers to detect the enemy’s situation. He said he would be back within half an hour. It seems that he should be coming soon.”

Before Gunaza finished speaking, Donald walked back with a team of soldiers, because seeing Ye Han was there, he came over naturally, “Lord.”

“How is the investigation?”

Ye Han asked lightly.

“The next level is halfway up the mountain. A wooden stockade was built there to block the way up the mountain. If we want to continue up the mountain, we must break this wooden stockade.”

Donald said.

“How many people are there in Muzhai? What’s the strength?” Ye Han frowned. If it’s okay for a field battle, if it’s a siege, they don’t have any siege weapons here. If the opponent has a strong defense, then They will be difficult to break through, and even if they are broken, the casualties will be heavy. As long as the monsters in these ruins are refreshed, then these monsters will come back to life, but if these men of his are dead, they are really dead.

“Their defense is still relatively tight. I can only observe from a distance. There are about a hundred people in Muzhai. The level is not high, but they are all between Lv6 and Lv8. During the observation process, I saw a level at Lv19. Someone like the leader came to Muzhai to inspect, and there were only two Lv10 monsters on Muzhai all the time.”

“It is definitely not right that there are only one hundred people in a wooden village. If they take turns guarding, they must at least be doubled, and this still does not determine whether the other party is in ambush.”

Ye Han said in a deep voice.

“No matter how many people he has, don’t we know if we fight it once?”

Farmer One came over and said.

“I think the farmer is right this time. Let’s fight once. We can know the real situation of Muzhaizi no matter whether we can get it down or not.” Gunaza nodded and said.

“Whoever does this is at risk of increasing the enemy’s troops, but I personally think it can still be tried.”

Donald nodded, then said.

After listening to what other people said, Ye Han pondered for a while, “Since everyone has decided to pretend to attack once, let’s start preparing, but I have another simple one, that is, this attack is divided into three parts and two. The main attack, one feint, the feint is responsible for attacking in front of Muzhaizi, and the remaining one is ambushing in the woods on both sides of the Muzhai. ”

“Boss, what about another main attacking unit?”

Farmer One asked.

“There is also a group of elites who choose a hundred people to go around from the dense forest and attack from behind the wooden village. Once it succeeds, the other two troops will leave and start attacking!”

Ye Han smiled, then said.

“The main method is a good one. It can be said that you have thought of everything you can think of, and only a hundred people are needed to deal with the feint and the main attack behind it. It will not weaken the overall strength of the large unit, but how to allocate the main attack? Who pretends to attack? ”

Donald nodded after listening, and then asked a new question.

“Let me take the task of feint attack. With my strength, I can attract the attention of the enemy to the greatest extent. Old Tang, you are the most stable. The task of leading the team to the back of Muzhai and launching the main attack is left to you. The remaining troops are divided into two. Partly, one team is led by the farmer and the other is led by Gunaza. They are lying in ambush on both sides of the mountain road, ready to attack at any time.”

Ye Han thought about it for a moment, then arranged the personnel in place.

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