Chapter 0116

At this time, the battle between the Golem and the Zombie King has become fierce, and the level of the Golem is obviously higher. Even if there are seven heads on the Zombie King, they can still only be passively beaten.

I saw the stone man knocked the zombie king into the air with a punch, and the remaining zombie kings would quickly rush up to bite the stone man, but the stone man’s body is hard rock, even if the zombie king bites his teeth, it’s only damaged. For a little bit, for this injury, the stone man can solve it by fusing a few stones.

On the contrary, the zombie king who was knocked into the air by the stone man had more wounds all over his body. Although he was also repairing it, his speed was never as fast as the stone man.

Ye Han’s target was the zombie king who was shot into the air. Because of the injury, this zombie king fell behind other zombie kings.

Finding the right time, Ye Han directly threw the Flying Dragon Slash in his hand.

The flying dragon cut extremely fast, flew to the front of the zombie king almost in the blink of an eye, and cut off his head before the zombie king responded.

The head and eyes of the zombie king opened wide, and he didn’t realize how he died until he died.

The second flying dragon flew out and directly chopped the head of the zombie that had landed in half, and the fourth zombie was killed by Ye Han.

The familiar system sound sounded, but unfortunately this zombie king didn’t provide him with a platinum treasure chest, only 100,000 points and a king medal. It seems that he has just fired three top-quality weapons in a row, which has almost consumed his luck.

The two Flying Dragon Slashes returned to Ye Han’s hands one after another. At this time, the remaining zombie kings discovered that their companion had been killed, but there was no trace of the enemy, which made them extremely angry and attacked the Golem even more fiercely.


With the roar of the zombie king, an army of zombies suddenly appeared underground, and soon the boulder group was filled with zombies.

Faced with such a sudden situation, Ye Han had to retreat to a distance of close to a kilometer from the battlefield, “Hey, this zombie king can directly summon a group of zombies. Does this zombie need money?”

Ye Han probably counted them. The number of these zombies is about 70,000, which is equivalent to no zombie king can summon a 10,000 zombies army, but I believe that this summoning skill has a cooling time, otherwise the previous zombie kings Just use the zombie wave method to submerge the refuge, Ye Han and the others have no chance to resist.

With the emergence of an army of seven to eighty thousand zombies, the situation suddenly became clear. Although most of the seven to eighty thousand zombies were only Lv5, they continued to attack the Golem like an ant, gnawing on the body of the Golem. Like a wasp.

At first, the stone man was able to crush these zombies, but gradually became unable to do so.

After that, the seven-headed zombie king kept holding the Golem, which made the Golem even more uncomfortable, and his body was getting smaller at a visible speed.

“Sure enough, the zombies are terrifying, the stone man is strong enough, but now it is estimated that it is impossible to escape the devil.”

Ye Han silently took out the golden sniper he had just obtained.

“The stone man, since you are going to be buried in the mouth of the zombies soon, then I should take the advantage of the fisherman now.”

Just when the Golem was eaten by tens of thousands of zombies, Ye Han started.

Aim at the head of one of the zombie kings, then shoot, bang!

The head of a zombie king burst open in an instant, there was no need to specifically aim at the eye sockets, and directly hit the center of the eyebrows.

[Ding, congratulations to the survivor Ye Han for killing the Lv10 zombie king and earning one hundred thousand points and a king medal. 】


Another king of zombie fell, which made the zombie notice the abnormality and began to frantically search for something around.

Ye Han didn’t care about it now. He aimed and shot again, banging, and another zombie king was headshot.

[Ding, congratulations to the survivor for killing the Lv10 zombie king, earning one hundred thousand points and a medal of the king. 】

This was the sixth zombie that died in his hands, and the number of zombie kings on the opposite side dropped from seven to four.

The stone man who fell into the army of zombies seemed to have noticed that the power on the zombie side had weakened, and began to resist. The stone man became a spherical shape and rolled directly on the ground. The zombie lay on the huge stone ball. Was crushed into meat foam.


At this time, the king of zombie found Ye Han’s hidden place, and directly chose to abandon the stone man, and tens of thousands of zombies rushed directly to Ye Han.

But when they arrived, Ye Han had already moved, and once again shot and killed a zombie king. This time he finally got a platinum treasure box again, which made Ye Han excited.

Then, Ye Han kept moving around, and then found the opportunity to shoot the zombie king.

After half an hour, there were no traces of the zombie king at the scene, some knowledgeable zombie corpses, and scattered waves of zombies, Ye Han had three platinum treasure chests and ten king medals in his hand.

Ye Han is still very satisfied with his record. Now he can return directly to the refuge, but this time the diamond war horse brought back Daisy and their reply. Open it and read that the two zombie kings have been They wounded one head seriously, and the wave of zombies was almost half cleared by them, and the current situation in the shelter is very good.

Seeing this, the Ye Han warrior gave up the idea of ​​returning immediately and set the Stone Man as his goal.

At this time, the stone man had recovered to half his size, but he was still far from the peak period, but he was still devouring the stones madly, obviously trying to restore his strength.

Ye Han would naturally not give him this opportunity.

Picking up the sniper was a shot at the Golem, and soon there was a sound. The bullet shot by the sniper only left a crater in the Golem’s chest, which tickles the Golem.

At this time, Ye Han is almost a kilometer away from the Golem, and the effective shooting range of the sniper is about one kilometer, and the grade of the Golem is almost Lv20, so the defensive ability is naturally very strong.

He was shot by a little human, and he was almost swallowed by zombies just now. At this time, the stone man was extremely angry. After locking Ye Han’s position, he immediately rolled into Ye Han.

Ye Han took a deep breath when he saw this, and the Flying Dragon Slash he was holding in his hand also began to prepare.

Eight hundred meters…500 meters…200 meters, entering the effective attack range of Flying Dragon Slash, but Ye Han still has no intention of doing it. The distance between the two sides began to narrow again, one hundred fifty meters, one hundred Meter!

Ye Han moved, and saw him jump, flying into the air, and then one after the other, he threw out the flying dragon in his hand.

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