Chapter 0109 The King Of Zombies

As twelve o’clock arrived.

The acid rain that had been falling stopped, and the entire dim world became quiet.

“Boss, the Golden Warrior Legion, Mecha Warrior Legion, Mechanical Warrior Legion, and Wild Wolf Legion are all ready.”

Nami walked to Ye Han’s side and said.

Hearing this, Ye Han, who was standing on the wall of the city, turned and looked inside the city. In an open area, more than 10,000 soldiers stood neatly on it according to different legions.

Donald’s five thousand Lv5 golden warriors, one thousand Lv5 mecha warriors led by Farmer One, one thousand Lv5 mechanical warriors led by Klein, and five thousand Lv4 wild wolves led by Wangcai, a total of 12,000 warriors!

Of course, in addition to these, there are dozens of automatic artillery, battle formations formed by five helicopter gunships, and city defense weapons such as heavy machine guns and flamethrowers installed on the wall.

During the short time when Ye Han went out and took refuge under the management of heroes such as Daisy, he prepared for the battle.

【-12000000 points】

【-120000 points】

As the news that the points were deducted in Ye Han’s mind rang out, cheers rang out in the entire refuge because they received points rewards from the boss, with 1,000 points for each ordinary member and 10,000 points for each of the heroes and managers.

Daisy, Luna, Nami, Gunaza, Bai Song, Shi Zhenxiang and others all have a happy face. Although 10,000 points are not much for them, Ye Han used this to express his attitude.

“Everyone, the wave of zombies is coming. I just sent you a bit of pocket money. Which zombies are the real points? As long as we live in the wave of zombies, then I promise you that the points obtained by hunting zombies , I and you are divided into five to five. If you want points, kill all the zombies for me.”

Ye Han said loudly.

The soldiers of the following regiments also responded positively.

Just when Ye Han was about to say a few more words, a loud roar came through.

“Look, boss, that is the king of zombie. I didn’t expect that there would be a king of zombie in our first wave of zombies. This is too worthy of us.”

Daisy pointed to a humanoid monster 20 meters tall in the distance and said.

“Hey, this guy can easily climb over our walls.”

Nami opened her mouth slightly, her eyes even flashed with fear.

“Nami, you are also an Lv6 mecha fighter anyway. Your mecha is now ten meters tall. Isn’t this zombie king twice as big as you? What’s to be afraid of.”

Ye Han quickly determined that the level of the 20-meter zombie king now appeared was Lv10, and he was confident to get rid of it.

“Um, boss, you have to know that not all people are as perverted as you.” Nami turned her head and said helplessly: “If I really face this zombie king alone, I only have to run away. If you kill him at all impossible.”

“It’s not a big problem. We have tens of thousands of horses now. Even if we use a crowd of tactics, we can wipe out that guy.”

Ye Han was confident at this time, but soon he was a little dumbfounded, because after the first zombie king appeared, another zombie king appeared immediately, and soon the third…fourth zombie king appeared. .

“one two Three….”

“Don’t count, this time there are twelve zombies. If you really let them all get close to the city wall, then they can jump up, jump into the city wall, and make holes.”

Ye Han counted all the zombie kings almost in an instant.

“Boss, what should we do now?”

Daisy said anxiously.

“Huh, since this first wave of zombies is all boos, then we will take the initiative!”

Ye Han didn’t want to wait until the twelve zombie kings came outside the city wall before starting their hands. That would be too passive.

“The army of mech fighters will follow me, and the rest of the army will guard me on the wall.”

After speaking, Ye Han jumped directly off the city wall. When he was about to land, the Lv7 diamond horse appeared, and Ye Han rode on it steadily.

At the same time, the gate to the wall of the refuge opened, and mecha fighters five meters high rushed out in a row.

“There are a total of twelve zombie kings. You are divided into ten teams, each with a hundred people against one zombie king, and the remaining two are given to me.”

Ye Han held the dog hand knife in both hands and ran towards the two nearest zombie kings.


Mech fighters have two weapons, one is a long sword, and the other is a giant Gatling gun. It may be difficult to destroy a zombie king with a hundred mech fighters, but it is still very easy to do it if you want to hold it. Arrived.

And on the city wall, the mechanical warriors led by Klein were not idle either. They were equipped with long-range snipers, which could also interfere with the zombie king.


One of the zombie kings seemed to know Ye Han and ran directly to Ye Han. All of a sudden, the number of zombie kings Ye Han faced rose to three.

“You go to help others, not to help me.”

Because of losing the target, one of the mech fighters wanted to help Ye Han, but he refused.

“Hmph, just three zombie kings, today I will come to see what good things you can explode to me.”

In Ye Han’s eyes, these three zombie kings came to give him points and treasure chests.

“Roar, roar~”

The three zombie kings were clearly able to think, and they quickly surrounded Ye Han in the middle, but they were in a triangle shape, and there was always one attacking behind Ye Han.


Soon, the zombie king hiding behind Ye Han took the lead and raised his huge palm to pat Ye Han.

Ye Han had anticipated this a long time ago, using his own speed to get away easily, while throwing out the dog-hand knife in his hand, successfully hitting the zombie king’s arm.

But unfortunately, the dog hand knife did not directly cut off the zombie king’s arm, but was clamped by the muscles in the arm, which means that Ye Han lost a dog hand knife.

“Sure enough, as one’s level rises, facing the enemy’s level rises, this dog’s knife is no longer used.”

Dog hand knives are only purple treasures. If you want to cause considerable damage to Lv10 level monsters, you need golden weapons.

“Kill you, maybe you can explode golden weapons.”

After speaking, Ye Han jumped to the arm of the zombie king with extremely fast speed, and then pulled out the dog hand knife with all his strength. Before the golden weapon exploded, he had to continue to use the dog hand knife.

However, if you want to kill the three zombie kings in front of you with a dog-hand knife, you must deal with the weakness of the zombie king.

The weakness of zombies? Naturally the head!

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