Chapter 0103: New Owner

“From the current situation alone, our chances are the same as each other’s.”

“Of course, if someone comes to interrupt, then our chances will still be greater.”

After Bai Song finished speaking, he looked in the direction of the hall.


At this time, a huge explosion sounded.

“This voice came from across the hall. Did something happen?”

Ye Han was racing against the people in the hall now, and didn’t get up to observe.

Bai Song immediately came to the window to check. After a while, he turned his head to look at Ye Han, “Boss, someone has attacked the hall.”

“It seems that God is still helping us.” Ye Han smiled and closed his eyes directly.

“Donald is in charge of the defense work, Bai Song, you pay attention to the situation in the good hall, I will try my best to start stealing the house!!”

Through a night of familiarization, this home stealing skill has a lot to do with the user’s concentration. Ye Han is now going all out to speed up stealing.

“Yes, boss.”

Bai Songzeng nodded his head, the whole person was even a little excited, because they are now fighting for hundreds of millions of points. As long as Ye Han can seize this Lv10 personal refuge, they will also have an Lv10 personal refuge. The possibility of passing the wave of zombies is almost a certainty.

Time passed again.

Although someone is attacking the hall.

But the man sent by the Night King this time is his most powerful man, Lv10 the Hawkman Luke.

With a harsh eagle cry, another violent explosion occurred in the hall. This time the eagle rushed out of the hall and began to attack the forces besieging the hall.

After a few minutes, the Hawkman wiped out the first offensive force alone.

Then the eagle’s eyes fell on Ye Han and their barracks.

“Huh, you’re pretty smart, do you want to hide in the barracks and reap the benefits of the fisherman?”

The eagle waved his wings and flew towards the barracks where Ye Han they were.

“Master, the enemy has flown over, the level is Lv10!”

Donald walked in to report.

“Well, I already know. There are three minutes left. You Golden Warriors will delay me for three minutes.”

Ye Han has now reached a critical time. Lv10’s sensory system is very powerful. There is reason to believe that even if the Eagle does not know what Ye Han is doing, he knows that Ye Han is his greatest enemy.

“Please rest assured, the Lord, we will do our best. If there is any danger, we will choose to let the other party enter.”

After listening to what Donald said, Ye Han was choked for a while, but he knew very well in his heart that after all, Donald and his golden warriors were not very loyal to Ye Han, and it was obviously unrealistic to want them to drag the Hawkman with death.

“Go, as long as you can hold each other for three minutes, I will give you a bonus.”

“How many?”

Donald asked quickly.

“One person has one hundred thousand points, and you have a total of 51 people, that’s 5.1 million points!!”

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Ye Han exchanged five million points for one hundred million points, which would not be a loss compared to how to do business.

“Five…million points?!” Donald was stunned. This was a value he hadn’t heard in his entire life.

“The premise is that you have to stop the enemy for three minutes to get it. No, it’s only two and a half minutes now.”

Ye Han said with a smile.

“Lord, then you can take a good look.” Donald immediately raised his sword and shouted: “All the golden warriors are ready!!”

“Stop that guy for me. As long as you block for two minutes, each person will have 100,000 points. This is what the Lord personally said!!”

After speaking, Donald rushed up first.

The remaining fifty golden warriors heard that they had 100,000 points, and they rushed out of the barracks one by one, and stopped the Hawkmen.

“Sure enough, I really want to know what you want to do in hiding here.”

The Hawkman came to the barracks alone, but at this time he was surrounded by Donald with fifty golden knights.

“Then I will kill you first, and then go in and take a look.”

After speaking, the Hawkman stopped talking nonsense, and directly pounced on the Golden Warriors.


Donald is also an experienced veteran, and he has already had his own way of dealing with enemies taller than himself.

“Boom boom”

Almost at the same moment when Hawkeye started his hand, the Golden Knights had formed a formation. This was a disc shape. In the direction facing the Hawkeye, the Golden Knights pierced a long spear on the side and at the same time. Raise the round shield in his hand aloft.


With his powerful Lv10 body, the eagle slammed into the golden knight’s spear and shield. At this time, a miracle happened. The spear and buckler were not damaged at all, and the golden warrior was not too problematic.

“This…this is impossible. When I dealt with you before, why didn’t I see you using this formation.”

The Hawkman looked at the golden knight formation in front of him in a somewhat unbelievable way. In his impression, the golden knight should not have such a thing.

“Hmph, it’s impossible for us to fail twice in the same opponent’s hands.”

Donald looked at the Eagles coldly, and he was even more uncomfortable. This was the power that Ye Han squeezed out of his points. In order to get a reward of 100,000 points, these golden fighters were crazy.

“Damn it!”

The Hawkman looked at the time passing, but he was a little anxious. He now clearly felt that the control of this refuge was falling into a situation of contention.

Obviously someone in this barracks is using a special method, and they must be stopped! !

“Eagle hits the sky!”

In the next second, the eagle man transformed into a ten-meter-sized giant eagle and slew towards the golden warrior where Donald was.


Unlike the previous one, this time even the golden knight in formation failed to block the eagle, and overturned everyone with just one attack.

Even Donald fell to the ground seriously injured.

“Huh, a bunch of garbage dare to stop me.”

The eagle turned into a human body again, and said indifferently at the golden warrior who fell on the ground.

“Hehe, we did lose to you last time, but this time we won because we have blocked you for three minutes!”

What flickered in Donald’s eyes was not the decadence of defeat, but the excitement of victory.

“You have to use your life to pay for these three minutes!”

Hawkeye was immediately ready to kill the group of ants in front of him, but when he was about to start, the entire refuge trembled violently.

The indifferent voice of the system sounded in the air.

[The ownership of this refuge has been changed, please evacuate immediately if you are not members of the refuge. 】

“Haha, this refuge is already the king’s, you just wait for death.”

Hearing this, the eagle smiled triumphantly.

“Keep your eyes open and see clearly, who is the new owner here!!”

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