Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 524 The enemy has arrived

Upon hearing Ye Feng's inquiry, Liu Zaoxin originally wanted to pat his chest and say it was no problem.

But looking at the other party's serious expression, he was a little too hesitant, and couldn't help but cast his eyes on Bai Yinghui aside.

After Bai Yinghui was silent for a while, he did not choose to show off, but said honestly: "If the enemy is only a sixth-level mutant creature, we can deal with it even if the number is large, but if there are seventh-level ones, it will be difficult to deal with it. "

The gap between level six and level seven is too big. Although their mechas and the newly developed laser weapons can kill them slowly as long as they adopt proper tactics.

But in that case, the price they have to pay is also very high, and there is no limit to how many people will die.

Ye Feng nodded after hearing this, went to the window and opened it. Then with a wave of his hand, five 10-meter-tall metal puppets appeared in the open space outside the warehouse.

"These are war puppets of the seventh level. They have extremely strong defense and powerful repair capabilities. Even if they encounter enemies of the eighth level, they can delay them for a moment or two, and their command will be left to you." Ye Feng said.

"Okay, okay! In this case, we will be sure." Bai Yinghui said excitedly.

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng nodded, "Okay, if that's the case, then I'll leave first."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he took a step forward and disappeared into the military camp.

When he appeared again, he had arrived at the ruins of Heaven.

At this time, Ye Feng's parents and sister had been brought here in advance by him. After all, they were the safest among the ruins of Heaven.

Only by placing his family here can he truly feel at ease.

Seeing Ye Feng appear, the three people who were practicing immediately looked over.

"How is the situation outside Xiaofeng?" Mother Wang Shuwen said worriedly.

They were teleported here by Ye Feng as soon as their spiritual energy was revived. Ye Feng left after a few hurried explanations. How could they not be worried.

"Extraterritorial powers are expected to invade the earth soon. Of course, the situation is still under control, so you don't have to worry too much. I will stay here with you in the future." Ye Feng said with a smile.

Hearing what Ye Feng said, his mother Wang Shuwen breathed a sigh of relief.

But Ye Xiangfeng on the side asked with some confusion: " don't have to fight?"

You must know that Ye Feng is the patron saint of mankind. Faced with this situation, he must not be able to escape.

"Hey, what are you talking about! Isn't it good for my son to stay here?" Mother Wang Shuwen immediately said with her hands on her hips. She was the last person who wanted Ye Feng to take risks.

"Don't worry, parents, everything is under control. You also know that I am the patron saint. It is not my turn to take action against ordinary enemies. Just leave it to the master of the restricted area under me."

"When I encounter a powerful enemy, I will control this heavenly ruins to fight against the enemy. This is our biggest trump card." Ye Feng explained with a smile.

In fact, Ye Feng had been prepared for a long time. At this time, the entire heavenly ruins had arrived in the void layer near the earth and could appear at any time to attack or defend.

"That's good, that's good." Mother Wang Shuwen said repeatedly.

In her opinion, staying here to control the ruins of Heaven is definitely safer than going to fight in person.

Time passed quickly, and 12 hours passed in the blink of an eye.

And during these 12 hours of spiritual energy recovery, countless people took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break through the realm.

Of course, not only humans, but also a large number of mutated animals have also made breakthroughs.

With the end of the spiritual energy recovery, I am afraid that there will be a mutant biological crisis soon.

Of course, Ye Feng's focus is not here.

At this time, Ye Feng looked up at the sky on the side of the World Tree. Although it was daytime, he could see the vast universe.

And he has replaced the will of the world. At this time, with the blessing of the will of the world, Ye Feng's spiritual power is no longer limited to the earth, but is constantly spreading towards the stars in the universe.

"The enemy is coming, prepare for battle!" Ye Feng's voice was instantly transmitted to all the strong men above the seventh level through his mental power.

The seventh-order powerhouses scattered around the world were all shocked and immediately joined together as a small team to form a 10-man Heaven Punishment Battle Formation.

This is not only for the convenience of forming the Heavenly Punishment Formation at any time, but also to minimize consumption.

After all, if the Heaven Punishment Formation is formed, the consumption will be at least 10 times higher than that of the Heaven Punishment Formation.

As for not forming a formation at all, that's not possible. This is because we are worried that the enemy will have ultra-long-range attack methods.

Facing tenth-level enemies, it is possible for these seventh-level strong men to be killed instantly before they can react.

The stronger masters of the restricted areas were also standing in the air at this time, looking towards the starry sky.

With the strength of the tenth level, although they could not find the enemy so accurately, they could already sense that a huge and dangerous force was approaching.

After another minute or so, these tenth-level restricted area masters finally saw their enemies, and then the expressions on their faces changed.

"So many!" Blue looked solemn.

The expression on the face of Ice Queen Kathleen beside him also changed, "The number of tenth-level strong men actually exceeds 100. Can we alone be able to handle it?"

"It's hard to say. The main thing is to see how many demigods and artifact-carrying people there are. But don't worry too much. If we can't handle it, the Lord will definitely come out to find out. We just need to hold on to this area." Blue said.

Katherine nodded slightly and directly sent a message to the nearby seventh-level powerhouses, asking them to immediately form the Heavenly Punishment Formation.

At the same time, the battle formation runes also appeared on Catherine's body, instantly controlling the power of the battle formation.

If you want to fully unleash the power of the Heavenly Punishment Formation, you need at least a tenth-level powerhouse to become the core of the formation.

The Ice Queen Catherine is the core of this battle formation.

Of course, if you want to command the Heavenly Punishment Formation that can instantly kill a tenth-level expert, the consumption is very terrifying, so Ye Feng directly arranged for two people.

If Kathleen couldn't hold on any longer, Blue would immediately hit her.

Not only here, two huge battle formations also rose up in the other two places where strong men gathered, and they were ready for battle.

As the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, Ye Feng was also staring at the 100 tenth-level experts who were approaching the earth quickly, but his brows could not help but frown.

"There seems to be something wrong with this!" Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

Compared to others, his mental power has reached an extremely terrifying level under the blessing of the world's will.

So in addition to these people, he also felt that there was still a vague danger in the depths of the universe.

In other words, the more than 100 level 10 experts in front of us are probably not the limit. (End of chapter)

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