Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 512 The current situation of the earth

Seeing the nervous look on the other party's face, for fear of leaking the news, Ye Feng became more concerned about Xiao Yun'er's good intentions. He could sense that the other party was really worried about him.

"This is my secret. If you find out, what should I do?" Ye Feng said pretending to be serious.

"Ah, that...isn't me..." Xiao Yun'er was a little at a loss.

Ye Feng's face suddenly turned into a smile, "I'm teasing you, as long as you don't talk nonsense outside."

"Then...other people won't find out?" Xiao Yun'er asked after heaving a sigh of relief.

"Normally not. Even if I find out, isn't there still Master? She will help me deal with the follow-up." Ye Feng said.

Xiao Yun'er nodded, suddenly stunned and said, in other words: "Master also knows that you have mastered the supreme rules?"

"You already know it, can't you see it with your master's eyes?" Ye Feng asked.

"That's true." Xiao Yun'er nodded and said, "Now that you have made a breakthrough, what are your plans next?"

"What else can I plan to do? Let's continue to find a place where spiritual energy is easy to cultivate!" Ye Feng said.

Xiao Yun'er was a little ashamed. Ye Feng was so talented and worked so hard. He couldn't help but clenched his fists and felt that he had to work harder.

Not long after, the two found a place with rich spiritual energy and started practicing again.

However, Ye Feng transferred more consciousness to the World Tree itself at this time.

He first opened the system panel and took a look.

Host: Ye Feng (World Tree)

Tree height: 398,000 meters

Trunk width: 134,000 meters

Root length: 1821500 meters

Realm: Early stage of tenth level

Evolution points: 100,000/540,000 points

Special abilities: Devouring, Capturing, Evolution Fruit, Mental Power, Life Healing, Attribute Transfer, Inner World, Plant Domain, Plant Growth, Origin Assimilation

Aura value: 470,000/7.08 million points

Bioenergy: 470,000/7.08 million points

Power of rules: 47,000/708,000 points

Power of Faith: 80 billion 36 million points

The World Tree at this time is absolutely huge, reaching a height of 398 kilometers.

You must know that some low-orbit satellites are only more than 300 kilometers above the ground.

Of course, after breaking through to the tenth level, Ye Feng has already cultivated the magical power of Fa Tian Xiang and Earth to the state of Dzogchen, so Ye Feng's size can be reduced ten times.

In other words, the height shown now is only 39.8 kilometers, which overall does not look too exaggerated.

Of course, if Ye Feng were to use his magical powers normally, Ye Feng's body would surge 10 times, and his altitude would reach almost 4,000 kilometers.

At that time, the sky was truly blocked, and the area of ​​the tree crown alone could reach the size of a country.

Of course, in addition to the height, the width of the tree trunk also reaches 134 kilometers. If you use the magical power of heaven, elephant and earth, it can reach 1340 kilometers.

This kind of trunk width is actually quite important to Ye Feng.

You must know that the trunk of Ye Feng's world tree is actually the most important place to protect.

After all, tree roots and branches will be broken if they are broken, and they can grow back quickly.

But if the trunk is broken, it is equivalent to the whole tree being broken into two parts. It is not easy for Ye Feng to recover.

When fighting now, Ye Feng can make the diameter of the tree trunk reach more than 1,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to the combined area of ​​several provinces.

At that time, even if others can break through his defense, it will not be that easy to break the tree trunk.

Of course, the most exaggerated thing is undoubtedly the length of the tree roots. Under normal circumstances, the length is 1821.5 kilometers.

If under such circumstances, one uses the magical powers of heaven, earth, and heaven, it can reach 18,215 kilometers. Such a tree root length can actually extend to any corner of the earth.

In other words, now the entire earth is actually under Ye Feng's control.

Of course, breaking through to the tenth level is not just as simple as the body becoming larger, but more importantly, the growth of strength.

Ye Feng now has 1,010 tree roots that can be used for fighting, and each root can explode with a huge force of 60,000 tons.

You must know that this is just a normal state. If you use spiritual energy to possess it, the strength of the tree roots will be increased by three times, and it will be able to explode with a huge force of 180,000 tons.

On this basis, and using the magical power of heaven, earth, heaven, earth, etc., the power that a tree root can burst out is 1.8 million tons.

When all the tree roots are added together, the combined force of the attack will reach 1.818 billion tons.

According to what Ye Feng learned, the average true god powerhouse can only explode about 1 billion tons of power at most.

In other words, even now, the attack power that Ye Feng can burst out has surpassed most of the true gods.

What's more, Ye Feng's roots are not only powerful in attack, but also equally terrifying in defense.

Although Ye Feng's divine body of all things lacks the spiritual plant of Colorful Tianteng, it cannot cultivate to the state of great perfection.

But Ye Feng also successively refined all the exotic flowers and fruits in the ruins of Heaven into his body, and has refined more than 5,000 kinds of exotic flowers and fruits.

Under this situation, the basic defense power of the tree root is almost touching the threshold of the true god. Coupled with the aura possession and the increase of magical power of Fa Tian Xiang and Earth, Ye Feng's defense power is definitely stronger than most true gods. .

With this kind of defensive power, coupled with the terrifying healing ability, Ye Feng is confident that he can easily resist the attacks from several powerful true gods.

If there is any aspect in which he is slightly inferior, it is speed.

After breaking through to the tenth level, the base speed of Ye Feng's tree roots has also reached 2400 times the speed of sound. As long as he uses the spiritual energy possession, he can reach 7200 times the speed of sound.

What's more, there is also a 10-fold bonus from the Law of Heaven and Earth, so the ultimate speed of Ye Maple's roots can reach 72,000 times the speed of sound.

With such a speed, it is impossible to instantly kill the same level, and even the powerful demigods can leave the opponent behind.

But compared to the powerful True God, there is still a gap.

After all, most of the average True God experts can explode at 500,000 times the speed of sound when they explode with all their strength.

However, Ye Feng was not too worried about this. After all, he had never thought about catching up with those powerful true gods.

If the opponent comes to invade the earth, Ye Feng only needs to defend it, and its roots can cover the entire earth, so it can completely counterattack with a backhand.

Of course, what Ye Feng imagined were all extreme situations.

Now there should be no true god and strong man who would come here despite the gaze of the will of the universe.

The next time the spiritual energy is revived, the opponents should be tenth-level strong men. With Ye Feng's current strength, they will definitely die as many as they come.

After seeing his own changes, Ye Feng quickly moved his attention to the system panel.

To be precise, it was the new ability given by the system after he broke through the tenth level.

Origin assimilation!

To be honest, Ye Feng was really scared when he obtained this ability.

Because this ability is too abnormal.

The effect of source assimilation is to use your own will to assimilate the source.

The origin here refers to the origin of the world.

As long as the origin of the world is controlled by him, then his will can replace the will of the world.

After Ye Feng broke through to the tenth level half a month ago, he couldn't wait to try this ability.

To be honest, it is still a bit difficult to use.

Because first you need to lock in the origin of the world before you can assimilate it.

Ye Feng didn't know how to do it at first, but after asking Qiongqi and Blue, he quickly found a way to lock the origin of the world.

However, when assimilating, the origin of the world will also resist, and if the operation is not performed properly, the origin of the world will be damaged.

If the origin of the world is damaged, the earth will suffer another catastrophe.

So Ye Feng came little by little. After half a month, he had assimilated about 30% of the world's origin.

Of course, the speed of assimilation will be faster the further you go, according to Ye Feng's estimate, it should be completely assimilated in about half a month.

When the time comes to master the origin of the world, it will really be a veritable world tree.

The power of heaven and earth on the earth will be completely under his control. He can call the wind and rain, open mountains and seas, all with just a thought.

After Ye Feng felt about himself, he looked at the development of the earth.

Although it's only been a month, there hasn't been much change. My parents have their avatar with them every day, so they naturally live quite comfortably.

In particular, the Sunset Inn opened by my father has now opened branches in several nearby provinces. If it continues like this, it will probably be listed on the market in less than a year.

In addition to studying, the younger sister also goes to the Special Operations Department for training every day, but it is inevitable to be lazy occasionally, and Ye Feng is not too harsh on this.

As long as he is here, the burden will not fall on Ye Rou's generation.

And after the sixth spiritual energy recovery, it will be difficult to play any role on the main battlefield without reaching the seventh level.

It is worth mentioning that in this month, 10 more original fruit trees have bloomed and bear fruit.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the violent fluctuations in the rules, the number of seventh-level human beings has been directly increased from 27 to 97, an increase of 70, which is completely accumulated.

In addition, the animal legion cultivated by Ye Feng is not bad either. Of course, the main reason is that he opened the back door so that these mutated animals can go to Rule Mountain again to understand the origin of the rules.

So in one month, the number of seventh-level mutated animals increased from 16 to 71, a remarkable increase of 55 animals.

At this rate, when the time comes and including those seventh-level experts in the restricted areas, we can form three hundred-man-level Heavenly Punishment Formations.

With the power of the Heavenly Punishment Formation, one can fight ten. In other words, three Heavenly Punishment Formations can completely block 30 Tier 10 experts under normal circumstances.

Of course, it would be a different matter if a powerful demigod came.

But when that time comes, Ye Feng will definitely take action.

Ye Feng looked around and nodded with satisfaction when he saw that everything was progressing according to plan.

Redirect most of your energy to the human being.

The human being has nothing to say here. Of course, he must continue to practice. With such good things as earth vein chalcedony, Ye Feng is about to touch the bottleneck in the middle of time in just half a day, regardless of the cost.

However, Ye Feng did not break through immediately because the Tianyuan Conference finals was finally over.

Ye Feng and others were re-transported to the square where they originally stood.

At this time, everyone can see 4 huge lists as soon as they look up.

There is no doubt that he won the first place in the ninth level score list and the first place in the overall list with an overwhelming advantage.

Xiao Yun'er also won the first place in the ten-level ranking list and the second place in the overall list with a big score advantage.

"Brother Ye, thank you so much. I won't have to worry about the training resources when I reach the true god level." Xiao Yun'er said with a smile on her face.

Although she is the elder's true disciple, the amount of training resources she can receive each month is limited.

Although normal practice is definitely enough, if you want to be extravagant, it will be a bit stretched.

But taking into account these resources, there is no problem.

And Ye Feng was thinking about this harvest with a smile on his face. The crystal core he got from killing the ferocious beast was worth about 20 million Tianyuan points. Adding the earth vein chalcedony, it was about 9 million, making a total of 29 million. .

Of course, Ye Feng does not intend to sell the Earth Vein Chalcedony, but even if it is 20 million Tianyuan Points, that is completely enough.

"Ye Feng, congratulations!"

Hearing the sound, Ye Feng looked aside and saw a young man cupping his hands and saying.

Before Ye Feng could speak, another young man also said: "Ye Feng, you are definitely the most evil genius I have ever seen."

At this time, more and more people found Ye Feng here and came to congratulate him.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng was a little surprised. He still underestimated his own influence.

Of course, others greeted them with smiles, but Ye Feng would not be cold-faced and responded with smiles.

The direct result of this is that more and more people gather here.

It wasn't until Huang Yunxiang saw this scene and came over to take Ye Feng away that he was able to escape.

"How does it feel to be famous?" Huang Yunxiang said with a smile.

"It's okay!" Ye Feng said calmly. After all, this is how he was treated on earth, with everyone watching.

Huang Yunxiang said thoughtfully, "Then I will take you there now, collect the reward, and then take you to another place."

"Where?" Ye Feng couldn't help but ask when he saw the other party's somewhat mysterious look.

"You'll know later." Huang Yunxiang gave up.

Soon he took Ye Feng and flew to the Treasure Hall.

Ye Feng took out his identity token and player token and handed them to the staff for verification.

Soon, Ye Feng's identity token had 3 million more Tianyuan points and a storage ring.

Of these 3 million Tianyuan points, 2 million are rewards for ranking first in the overall ranking list, and the other 1 million are rewards for ranking in the ninth level ranking list.

As for the storage ring, there are various types of elixirs, some to enhance cultivation, some to enhance understanding, some to increase mental power, some to enhance physical fitness, and some to heal injuries.

In addition, there are several disposable jade plaques.

These jade tablets correspond to several holy places of cultivation in Tianyuan Shenting.

Even if you have Tianyuan Points in these holy cultivation places, you cannot use them. You must achieve great merit before you can enter.

To be honest, Ye Feng was quite curious about these holy places for cultivation.

But before he could ask in detail, he was pulled away by Huang Yunxiang, and then he watched Huang Yunxiang take him and fly towards the main peak.

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