When Ye Feng stepped onto the 61st floor, the entire preliminary tower changed again, and the formation on the surface of the tower shone brightly.

Originally there was only a pillar of light at the top of the tower, but now this pillar of light has extended to the entire tower.

And the formation above resonated with the entire city.

Even during the day, everyone in the city could see a bright beam of light rising straight into the sky from the Fifth Preliminary Tower.

Many people across the city raised their heads and looked towards the beam of light.

Some knowledgeable people immediately realized what happened and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Oh my god! This is the sky-reaching light pillar of the primary election tower, which means that a top genius is about to be born in our Rainbow City."

It's hard to say for other cities, but at least the entire Rainbow City was excited about it, and many people rushed towards the primary election tower.

The fifth primary election tower has been placed under temporary martial law by the newly arrived Tianyuan Shenting Guards.

At this time, a figure with a more vast aura seemed to appear out of thin air and arrived beside Huang Yunxiang.

This is a middle-aged woman wearing a water-blue Taoist robe. The other person's face is blurry because it is shrouded in rules. Most people can't see clearly at all. What can be seen is that she is a lady who still has charm. woman.

"Elder Zheng." Upon seeing the person coming, Huang Yunxiang immediately bowed respectfully.

Zheng Xiuqiong nodded and asked, "Deacon Huang, how is the situation now?"

When she was asking questions, she looked down at the primary election tower, and when the light on the 61st floor lit up, there was an obvious look of surprise on her face.

"To be honest, I don't know. At first, I thought this player named Ye Feng was quite reckless, but later I realized that I was wrong."

"The opponent breaks through the barrier very quickly, but he can always maintain that speed."

"Either the other party has some kind of powerful recovery method, coupled with some extremely precious elixirs, in order to maintain this consumption."

"Either the other party is really powerful, even surpassing the level of a top genius." Huang Yunxiang did not dare to hide anything and directly expressed his judgment.

Zheng Xiuqiong was a little surprised when she heard this, "If it's the latter case, do you think Ye Feng has the talent of a peerless genius?"

Huang Yunxiang's mouth squirmed, and finally he expressed his judgment, "If it's the latter situation, I'm afraid there will be more."

Zheng Xiuqiong was really moved now.

However, the preliminary tower was a treasure refined by the God King to screen geniuses. Even she had no way of understanding the internal situation.

But she soon regained her composure, and her eyes fell on the primary election tower again, "I guess we'll find out soon."

It's just that her voice was a little ethereal when she spoke, and no one knew what she was thinking.

At this time, Ye Feng was transported to the ancient battlefield again.

"I hope no more difficult-to-kill creatures will come and waste my time." Ye Feng whispered to himself.

As he finished speaking, new enemies appeared in front of him.

What caught Ye Feng's attention the most was naturally the giant dragon standing at the front of the team, with hard dragon scales, sharp claws, and exuding terrifying dragon power.

"It's only the 61st floor, and even giant dragons have appeared. What kind of creatures are guarding the following floors?" Ye Feng also looked a little surprised. He felt that Tianyuan Shenting was more powerful than he imagined.

Of course, he was surprised. Ye Feng had no intention of showing mercy. With a flick of his spear, he rushed out first.

What I have to say is that the strength of this giant dragon is quite good. The opponent's inner world is full of ancient dragons flying around.

This kind of projection of inner heaven and earth is much stronger than other strong men in the same realm.

But unfortunately, it met Ye Feng.

Ye Feng had no intention of competing with the opponent's strength.

As long as his space rules can withstand the pressure, it will be considered a victory.

When this giant dragon gets close, it's just a matter of one shot.

Although this giant dragon's defense power far exceeded that of the lava giant, it was a pity that he met Ye Feng.

Under the explosion of the thunder divine body, Ye Feng's attack power is already the strongest below the true god level. Unless the opponent's defense power reaches the level of igniting the divine fire, it will be in vain.

Obviously this giant dragon has not reached such a level yet, so with just one shot, the terrifying power of space shattered his head.

After dealing with it, Ye Feng quickly rushed towards the remaining enemies.

After 5 minutes, Ye Feng solved all the targets on this level and stepped on the steps leading to the 62nd floor.

outside world!

The expressions on the faces of Elder Zheng Xiuqiong and Deacon Huang Yunxiang changed at the same time.

Huang Yunxiang pulled out a few more beards at once, "How is this possible? There will be an ancient dragon guarding us from the 61st floor! Why does it feel like this ancient dragon is not as useful as those rock giants?"

At least judging from the time it takes to break through the level, that’s the case.

However, Zheng Xiuqiong's expression quickly returned to normal after a change. He looked at Huang Yunxiang and said, "You don't need to worry about the rest."

"Now it is almost certain that Ye Feng is also a peerless genius."

"So, the most important thing is to find out his identity and background. I leave this matter to you. I need to get the most accurate information before he comes out."

Hearing this, Huang Yunxiang seemed to realize something, and he couldn't help but ask: "Elder, do you mean that you want to bring Ye Feng into our lineage?"

Zheng Xiuqiong's eyes became a little distant, and she nodded slowly, "Not only that, if there is no problem with his identity, I will even accept him as my direct disciple."

Hearing this, Huang Yunxiang's body trembled slightly, "I understand."

He immediately restrained his aura and flew towards the Tianyuan Guards below.

As time passed, Ye Feng was still progressing through the primary selection tower level by level.

And his ranking on the overall list continues to soar like a rocket.

At this time, not only these contestants were paying attention, but even many big figures in Tianyuan Divine Court were paying attention.

It's just that this Tianyuan Conference is hosted by the Sixth Elder's lineage. According to past unspoken rules, the Sixth Elder's lineage has the right to select talents first.

So even if they see a genius, it's hard for them to intervene openly. Of course, they must inquire about the information.

Another half hour passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, the light on the 70th floor of the 5th preliminary tower had already lit up, which also meant that Ye Feng was challenging this floor.

Under the preliminary election tower, a large number of people had gathered, and everyone was witnessing Ye Feng's miracle.

This is a miracle for them, because before this, the first person on the overall list only made it to the 69th floor.

Now Ye Feng has broken the opponent's record.

And it has only been more than half an hour since Ye Feng was on the overall list, and he has already reached the top of the list.

Such a speed has definitely never been seen before, and it has not even appeared in the Tianyuan Conference held in the past.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Feng is not a genius who has long been famous in Tianyuan Shenting, but appears suddenly.

This is somewhat legendary, and almost everyone is discussing which force Ye Feng comes from, or whether it is a grassroots rise.

But at this moment of commotion, the Sixth Elder Zheng Xiuqiong, who was the organizer of the Tianyuan Conference, did not look at the Breakthrough Tower, but instead turned to the three people in front of him.

"Are you all Ye Feng's subordinates?" Zheng Xiuqiong asked calmly.

But every word she said hit the hearts of Liu Ying and the others like a heavy hammer.

They know very well that when facing a superior god, every emotion in their hearts will be detected. In front of such a powerful person, there is no reason to panic.

After the four of them looked at each other, Liu Ying answered on his behalf: "To be more precise, sir, we are prisoners, not subordinates."

Zheng Xiuqiong raised her eyebrows slightly, "Prisoner?"

"Yes, this is the contract mark." Liu Ying took the initiative to release the sea of ​​spirit and displayed the formation imprinted by Ye Feng.

The reason Liu Ying took the initiative to state this from the beginning was because he was worried that their original identities would be exposed.

If they are subordinates, they were formerly affiliated with the Great Desolate Temple. After this identity is exposed, not only them, but also Ye Feng will encounter suspicion.

After all, who allowed you to have subordinates from the Primordial Temple?

But if they were just slaves, it would be different. Ye Feng's identity would be completely separated from theirs, and he would even capture people from the Primordial Temple. This was originally a way to show goodwill to the Tianyuan Divine Court.

With Zheng Xiuqiong's eyesight, she could easily tell at a glance that this was a master-servant contract, and it was a very binding one.

"Then how long have you been following Ye Feng?" Zheng Xiuqiong asked.

"10 days." Liu Ying replied immediately.

"Only 10 days?" Zheng Xiuqiong frowned slightly. If this is the case, their understanding of Ye Feng must be limited.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Xiuqiong began to ask about Ye Feng.

Liu Ying said everything she could.

As for what cannot be said, such as the matter of Ye Feng's transcendence of the heavenly tribulation, and his ark-type artifact that is likely to be the supreme divine weapon, these will definitely not be mentioned.

Regarding this kind of thing, she made it clear directly that she could not tell it.

But at this time, the importance of her taking the initiative to confess that she was a slave was revealed.

Because in many master-servant contracts, the master will impose various restrictions. In many cases, the person who is planted in the master-servant contract will die on the spot as long as he exposes some information.

Of course, Ye Feng did not plant such a mark on Liu Ying and others.

But Zheng Xiuqiong and others did not know this clearly. They only thought that they were under the control of the master-servant contract and could not speak out, so they did not force them.

After a while, after basically understanding Ye Feng's information, Zheng Xiuqiong asked the four of them to wait aside.

Generally speaking, her attitude towards Liu Ying and others is pretty good, especially towards Liu Ying, a pretty woman.

Because according to unwritten rules, since these people were captured by Ye Feng, they are Ye Feng's personal property.

Since Zheng Xiuqiong intends to accept Ye Feng as her disciple, she will definitely not touch his "private property" out of respect.

"Elder Zheng, we know too little information. What should we do about Ye Feng's side?" Huang Yunxiang asked hesitantly.

Because after he inquired around, he didn't even find out where Ye Feng was from. There was something strange about this matter in itself.

"Just follow the original plan." Zheng Xiuqiong said nonchalantly.

"But there is obviously something wrong with Ye Feng's identity!" Huang Yunxiang couldn't help but say.

"Then let me ask you, do you think that the Ancient Temple will allow a peerless genius of Ye Feng's level to come out as a spy?" Zheng Xiuqiong asked.

"That's not the case." Huang Yunxiang replied.

"That's fine. As long as Ye Feng doesn't come from the Ancient Temple, even if he comes from some secret ancient forces, it doesn't matter."

"Our Tianyuan Divine Court, except for the Ancient Temple, can accommodate any genius."

"Of course, just in case, before accepting a disciple, I will definitely ask Ye Feng to make an oath of heaven and let him prove that he does not come from the ancient temple." Zheng Xiuqiong said.

If one violates the oath of heaven, not only will the other party's practice be disturbed by inner demons, it will be difficult to move forward.

Even if you use some special spiritual objects, you can forcibly suppress the interference of the inner demons.

But when you break through to become a god in the future and overcome the heavenly tribulation, in addition to the thunder tribulation, there will also be the inner demon tribulation, which will almost make you die without life.

Hearing what Zheng Xiuqiong said, Huang Yunxiang naturally no longer meant anything. After all, he was just a reminder before.

At this moment, both of them looked slightly moved and turned their attention to the barrier tower.

Because the light on the 71st floor lit up.

"It's really scary. I passed the 70th floor in less than 6 minutes. I really don't know where Ye Feng will go in the end." Someone said excitedly.

"No matter which step he can reach, he is setting records now. Although there are still some geniuses from Tianyuan Divine Court who have not yet broken into the tower, it is estimated that such a record will not be broken." Someone answered.

"I also found out the news. It is said that as long as you pass the 71st level, you will be considered a peerless genius in the internal evaluation of Tianyuan Shenting. As long as you don't fall, you will definitely become a high-level god, and you will be among the most powerful ones. "There are also insiders sharing information.

These words made the atmosphere in the venue a little more lively.

For those who can live on Tianyuan Star, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have been members of Tianyuan Divine Court for generations.

The stronger Tianyuan Shenting is, the prouder they will naturally be, so every Tianyuan person is happy to hear about the emergence of geniuses.

Not to mention a peerless genius.

"Congratulations to you, Player Ye Feng, and welcome to the 71st floor. Because you have not been warned before, you can rest here for half an hour. But you only have one chance. Do you want to use it now?"

When Ye Feng arrived at the 71st floor, an elf-like tower spirit condensed in front of him and asked.

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