Liu Ying and others, who were standing in the crowd at this time, looked at the list that was refreshed in real time.

Although this list is quite simple and does not even show the name, they know that it must be Ye Feng.

Listening to the comments from everyone around me, I felt like everyone was drunk and I was alone.

They all know very well that with Ye Feng's strength, he can reach anywhere and break the record for sure. I just don't know how much strength Ye Feng plans to show.

At this time, Ye Feng, who had reached the 11th floor, discovered that this ancient battlefield had actually changed.

The area of ​​the ancient battlefield was only about 1,000 square meters before, and it was surrounded by thick white fog.

During the battle, Ye Feng once approached the thick fog, but was bounced back by the invisible barrier. Obviously, the range available for fighting was only so large.

But when he reached the 11th floor, the scope of this ancient battlefield expanded to 5,000 square kilometers.

Moreover, it was a plain before, but now there are some changes such as hills.

More importantly, Ye Feng looked to the right, and with his mental power, he directly grabbed a boulder and threw it towards that location.


As the boulder fell, the formation there was immediately activated, and a pillar of fire rose into the sky, instantly melting the boulder into a ball of magma.

"Not only has the terrain changed, but there are also many traps. It seems that the next test will be comprehensive ability!" Ye Feng said softly to himself.

At the same time, a new group of warriors appeared in front of him.

Ten of them were lizard warriors in the early ninth level that Ye Feng was quite familiar with.

However, Ye Feng's gaze swept past them and landed on the front of the team, which was a larger warrior who was also wrapped in armor.

The opponent's body was thick and thick, giving Ye Feng an extremely heavy feeling, especially his arms, which were about the size of a normal person's waist.

Moreover, the aura emanating from the opponent's body has also reached the mid-ninth level from the early ninth level.

"What kind of species is this? It should be good at strength!" Ye Feng was a little curious.

Immediately afterwards, a space was imprisoned, and then with a wave of the palm knife, the power of space spurted out, immediately cutting open the opponent's armor.

Then Ye Feng saw clearly that it was actually a bear-man in front of him.

"So many bells and whistles?"

Ye Feng flipped his palm and sprayed out the power of law from his palm, killing the bear warrior and the group of lizardmen behind him.

Soon the same prompt sounded, and Ye Feng's consciousness returned to the preliminary tower, and then walked towards the 12th floor.

Next, not surprisingly, Ye Feng encountered 2 bear warriors and 10 lizard warriors.

Ye Feng gradually began to see some clues. As he continued to move up, there would be more changes in tactics under various combinations of animals.

After all, lizard warriors are more flexible, while bear warriors have stronger defense and greater attack power.

The combination of the two will undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble to the passers-by.

However, for Ye Feng, these are all negligible, and there is still no pressure.

Even these warriors are not as attractive to Ye Feng as the ever-changing terrain.

So Ye Feng rushed up layer by layer at his own pace.

Of course, this was not slow for Ye Feng, but it was different in the eyes of those outside.

At this time, due to Ye Feng's unparalleled performance, more and more people gathered at the preliminary selection tower, near this temporary list.

The discussion became louder and louder.

"Oh my God, it's already the 19th floor. Why can the opponent's speed at breaking into the tower be so terrifying?" someone said in shock.

"I stood here and watched from the beginning. Basically, the opponent can move up a level every 30 seconds. If you include the 10 seconds of waiting, doesn't this mean that the opponent can finish off the enemy in 20 seconds? Dropped?" Others are doing analysis.

"You also missed one thing, and that is the time to walk up the stairs. How many seconds does it take? If you really count, it is estimated that the enemy will be eliminated within 10 seconds." Someone next to him added.

As these words spread, more and more people gathered without a doubt.

At this time, no one thought that Ye Feng was deliberately showing off his speed.

Because in the first few levels, it may be possible to suppress by relying on the difference in realm.

But after reaching more than ten levels, it is already very difficult for most people, and the opponent can still maintain such a speed, which means absolute strength.

Some people might have used words of contempt before, but now they have all turned into admiration for the strong.

Because Ye Feng is their best performer so far today, some people even speculated that Ye Feng might be able to enter the finals.

If we can really get to that point, it will be a huge leap.

Because being able to enter the finals is basically considered to be on the list of Tianyuan Shenting, at least you can become a peripheral member, and you have the resources to support it.

Even if the breaker inside is only at level 7, with the support of that kind of resources, he can quickly surpass 99% of the people in the field.

While everyone was discussing, the light representing the 21st floor lit up, and everyone was shocked.

"Coming, coming, it's the 21st floor. I don't know if the opponent can maintain such a speed." Someone immediately shouted.

After hearing this, the attention of the others was involuntarily focused.

At this moment, they were almost counting the seconds silently in their hearts, wanting to take a look at this unknown strong man.

Can I pass the level at a terrifying speed like before?

As the person involved, Ye Feng was looking around at the surrounding environment.

Just as he expected, every 10 floors was a new stage, and the ancient battlefield had new changes.

The area has been further expanded, reaching 10,000 square meters. What is even more exaggerated is that it is like a real ancient battlefield, with soldiers fighting on both sides.

On one side is the human race, and on the other side is the beast race.

Of course, the strength of these soldiers on the battlefield is below level seven, so they definitely pose no threat to normal passers-by.

However, in this kind of battlefield, fighting will definitely be fought in formations, and there will also be some large war weapons.

Regardless of whether it is a combined formation attack or a large-scale war weapon, the power can reach the seventh level, or even the eighth level.

Under normal circumstances, you can definitely deal with it easily, but if you are suddenly attacked like this during a fierce battle, you may not know the direction of the battle, and it will be tilted.

Of course, the changes in the ancient battlefield can only be said to have added more uncertain factors. What really becomes difficult is the opponent we will face.

So Ye Feng soon saw that a total of 21 ninth-level experts rushed out of the enemy's large army.

Among them, there are 10 lizard warriors at the early ninth level, 10 bear warriors at the mid-ninth level, and one at the late ninth level.

And this person in the late ninth level was actually a giant eagle with wings.

There is no doubt that a giant eagle that is good at aerial combat will be another test for the aerial combat ability of the challenger.

Looking at the giant eagle flying down from the sky, Ye Feng didn't bother to dissect it this time. He just flicked his backhand, and a red thunderbolt several meters long struck towards the opponent at a faster speed.


A red thunderball suddenly appeared in the sky, but after the thunderball dissipated, most of the giant eagle's body had been scorched.

The opponent fell straight down from the air.

As for the other lizard warriors and giant bear warriors who surrounded them, Ye Feng also cut through the space one after another and quickly eliminated them.

As all the ninth-level experts were killed, the screen of the ancient battlefield was banned, and Ye Feng was teleported back to the 21st floor.

Ye Feng kept walking as if nothing was wrong and continued to walk upwards, but what he didn't know was that there was already an explosion outside the primary election tower.

"Fuck! 25 seconds. Why is this speed getting faster and faster?"

"Don't tell me that this big guy is still hiding his strength. The other party didn't even take it seriously before."

The heated discussion immediately attracted more and more people.

At the beginning, on the other side of the square, there were the most people watching the overall ranking and the rankings.

But now almost half of the people have come over and looked at this temporary ranking list.

Many people are even already discussing who this fierce man is.

Could it be one of those favorites.

After all, although the Tianyuan Conference is a conference used by Tianyuan Divine Court to recruit talents, this does not mean that people from Tianyuan Divine Court will not participate.

Even this can be regarded as an internal assessment for them.

If it weren't for the regulations of the Tianyuan Conference, each level would only have one chance to participate. It is estimated that all competition rankings would have been taken care of by these people from Tianyuan Shenting.

But even so, the top 10 are almost all geniuses from the Tianyuan Divine Court.

And these people have already stood out from the beginning, and there are even many people who are secretly betting on the rankings they can get.

And these people are naturally popular candidates, undoubtedly the favored ones of heaven.

It is precisely because of this that they will speculate whether the person who is currently breaking through the level is such a being.

However, the person who put forward this point of view was quickly refuted, because those who entered this preliminary tower were generally entertained by foreign contestants like them.

The contestants of Tianyuan Shenting have several special preliminary towers for them to challenge.

While everyone was talking about it, Ye Feng's speed did not slow down at all.

Basically, the speed was maintained at one level every half minute, and the 30th level was quickly passed.

When the light on the 31st floor of the tower lit up, everyone held their breath.

Every 10 levels, the difficulty will increase by one level. Everyone knows, where is the limit of this level breaker?

After the difficulty of level 31 soars, can the opponent still break through the level as quickly as before?

At this time, Ye Feng was also curious. When he entered the ancient battlefield again, he subconsciously looked around to see what new changes there were.

There is no doubt that the area of ​​the ancient battlefield has become larger again, expanding to 100,000 square meters.

But there are no other new tricks, it's just that the power of traps everywhere has become stronger.

"Isn't there anything new?" Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

Of course, Ye Feng came here to break through, so he didn't care about it. He immediately turned his eyes to the battlefield, and the enemy was about to appear.

"Huh? Why are there only 30 enemies?" This time, Ye Feng was really surprised.

Soon his expression changed slightly and he turned his gaze to the ground, "It turns out to be the enemy hidden underground."

Under the exploration of Ye Feng's mental power, it was a creature somewhat similar to a pangolin, and its strength had undoubtedly reached the peak of the ninth level.

And seeing that the opponent was hiding underground, he seemed to be an assassin, which made Ye Feng feel even more interesting.

It is completely conceivable that if someone else breaks through, he is equivalent to being watched by a peak ninth-level assassin at all times.

In this case, even if the assassin squats underground and does not take action, it will probably involve a lot of energy from the intruder to be wary of the opponent.

Not to mention, at the critical moment, if the other party breaks out and attacks, it will definitely be a thunderous force, and it will probably be difficult to resist.

Of course, these things are nothing to Ye Feng.

Looking at the besieging lizard warriors, bear warriors and giant eagles, Ye Feng locked them in place with a spatial restraint, and then silently waited for the pangolins below the ground to attack.

But the pangolin didn't know whether it was frightened by Ye Feng's methods or felt that it didn't have the opportunity, so it lay there quietly.

Ye Feng frowned slightly and looked unabashedly in the direction of the other party. However, the pangolin seemed to have been discovered, and actually retreated instead of advancing, heading deeper into the ground.

Seeing this move, Ye Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

But Ye Feng has no intention of spending time with the other party here.

He pulled directly above his head, and a space crack hundreds of meters long suddenly appeared, and then a terrifying space storm surged out from above, sweeping towards the entire ancient battlefield.

Suddenly, the entire ancient battlefield, whether it was living creatures or the soil below, was turned into powder under the raging space storm.

The entire ancient battlefield is sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all objects are constantly being shattered by space storms.

The pangolin, who was hiding underground and preparing for a sneak attack, now had a humanized look of fear on his face.

He wanted to continue drilling downwards, but this ancient battlefield not only had range restrictions around it, but also had range restrictions at high altitudes and underground.

The deepest point does not exceed 500 meters, and in the face of space storms, there is no difference between ordinary solid soil and tofu.

In just a few seconds, the entire ancient battlefield, together with the pangolin that was at the peak of the ninth level at that time, was shattered into powder.

"Congratulations, you passed the test, please go to the next level." At the same moment, a mechanical sound sounded in Ye Feng's ears.

For Ye Feng, this level is just a matter of consuming some power of rules and using space storm. There is no essential difference from the previous levels.

But at this time, outside the primary election tower, there were continuous exclamations.

"It passed, and the speed was also very fast. It only took 40 seconds. The speed is simply unbeatable!" Someone suddenly said with emotion.

"He passed the 31st floor so quickly. I guess the next few floors won't be able to stop him. I feel like our ranking record for the preliminary tower is about to be refreshed!" someone else said.

"Yes, he passed the 31st floor, so he must have been on the list. Let's go and see who is the strong one." Some people woke up and immediately ran towards the score list on the other side of the square.

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