Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 484 Absorbing the sky thunder, the Thunder Divine Body breaks through again!

In the boundless void, Ye Feng's figure suddenly appeared.

At this time, Ye Feng had officially left the scope of the universe wall, and he looked around cautiously.

What made him relieved was that he had not encountered any enemies yet. He had been prepared before that he would encounter strong enemies as soon as he entered here.

"Do you have any suggestions for the next action?" Ye Feng touched the wrist guard on his hand and asked Guoduo.

"My suggestion is to find a big force to join. Of course, don't ask me for specifics. I'm not good at these things. What I can do is take you away at critical moments." Guoduo said bluntly.

Ye Feng was speechless for a while, but what the other party said made sense and coincided with his thoughts.

Whether he wants to quickly improve his strength or find materials to help Guoduo transform into a truly eternal artifact, he needs to rely on a big force to accomplish it.

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng randomly picked a direction and started moving forward.

What he has to do now is to first find the creatures in this universe and find out the distribution of forces in this alien universe, so that he can make the next decision more easily.

Ye Feng directly entered the void layer and began to teleport aimlessly.

For others, this kind of teleportation is a useless effort, because they have no idea where they will be after teleportation.

But Ye Feng is different. He has mastered the rules of space. When teleporting, he can not only change the direction at any time, but also directly observe things in normal space.

But Ye Feng couldn't help but stop after teleporting 1 million kilometers.

"What's going on? Why do I feel there is a crisis somewhere?" Ye Feng's face looked a little confused.

However, he used all his energy and swept around, but he didn't find anything.

He checked several times in a row, but with the same result. He had no choice but to endure it and continue to move forward.

And as he continued to move forward, the sense of crisis became stronger and stronger.

After a moment, Ye Feng finally realized something, "I was targeted by the will of the universe."

At this time, Guoduo's voice also came from the arm guard, "It is probably caused by your movement. The greater your movement range, the more intersections you have with this universe, which will naturally cause the will of the universe." attention."

"Perhaps your disaster is already on the way."

After listening to Guoduo's analysis, Ye Feng nodded, "This makes sense. I was worried that I would be ambushed as soon as I came to the different universe. Now it seems that there is still a period of recovery. This is also in line with the operation of the universe. The principle is that any crisis can have a silver lining.”

After all, if it were anyone else, they would have been exhausted or even seriously injured after coming to this different universe.

If as soon as you enter a different universe, you will immediately encounter enemies that are two realms higher than yourself, then there will be absolutely no way for others to survive.

But now this situation is much more reasonable. We need to interact with this universe. If we fly normally, it will take at least a few days to travel such a long distance as Ye Feng.

If you stay where you are, you may be able to survive longer.

Of course, Ye Feng has no such idea. What he has to do is to get through this disaster as soon as possible, so that he can break through to the ninth level.

Otherwise, if you break through to the ninth level now, you will most likely attract enemies at the true god level.

As Ye Feng continued to use teleportation to move forward, he passed more and more places, and the crisis he felt became more and more intense.

Finally, when Ye Feng teleported to 3 million kilometers away, he stopped suddenly.

Because he felt a familiar aura, Ye Feng looked towards the space above. Sure enough, the terrifying power of thunder rules was rolling there, and a huge thundercloud was gathering.

"Is it actually a thunderstorm?" Ye Feng's face showed no panic, but a look of joy.

Although thunder catastrophe is a disaster for most people, this does not include Ye Feng.

What's more important is that his Thunder God Body can take advantage of this opportunity to complete the ninth stage of training ahead of schedule.

The lightning disaster was brewing very quickly. Just a moment later, there was a bolt of thunder that struck Ye Feng head-on.

"Eh! This is a bit weak!" Ye Feng frowned slightly as he felt the lightning tribulation of only the ninth level.

He was targeted by the will of the universe, and the disaster that occurred should logically be two realms higher than his.

But now it is only the ninth-level thunder catastrophe, and things are obviously not that simple. In other words, this catastrophe is far from over yet.

Ye Feng quickly gave up his distracting thoughts. No matter what happens next, he should improve his strength first.

Facing the thunder falling from the sky, Ye Feng directly faced it without even using the black iron ice armor on his body.

Of course, during this process, he had already released the divine thunder body, and reached the tenth level of the heaven and earth realm's phantom thunder rules, surrounding him.


The sky thunder first fell on the shield formed by the rules of phantom thunder.

Although Ye Feng's phantom thunder rules are losing ground, the power of the sky thunder is also constantly weakening, and more importantly, the violent power contained in it is constantly decreasing.

When this thunderbolt fell on Ye Feng, most of the remaining lightning was pure lightning.

This kind of pure thunder and lightning is undoubtedly the most suitable for cultivating the thunder divine body.

At the same time, there is a hidden station on an asteroid hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from Ye Feng.

At this time, 5 people were preparing to go out. A voluptuous woman in the team asked the big man at the head.

"Brother Li, how long do we have to lurk here! We have to stay here every day, it's boring to death."

The big man was arranging his equipment and said, "Being bored is better than losing your life! Do you really want to return to the main battlefield?"

The enchanting woman smiled sweetly and said: "That's not what I mean, little girl. Brother Li Sheng, didn't you say before that if you have connections there, you can transfer us back to the rear and join the logistics force?"

After hearing the enchanting woman's words, the other three people immediately cast their expectant eyes over.

Li Sheng said with a smile: "This is natural. It's just that if I were alone, it would be relatively easy. But if you also want to follow me back, the difficulty will naturally increase."

"But we are all brothers. If you want to go back, I can help you make connections. If anyone wants to follow you back, you can come and talk to me in private."

Hearing this, many people rolled their eyes wildly. It was obvious that this was a favor to them.

But if they want to leave here, they have to do this.

While everyone was talking about Gong Wei's words, they were thinking about whether they had something they could take out.

Just when everyone had different thoughts, a sudden wave of waves swept across their hiding place.

Feeling this scene, the expressions on everyone's faces suddenly changed.

"It can't be someone from the Tianyuan Divine Court who is calling us, right?" The enchanting woman said with a pale face.

"Don't scare yourself. We are only at the edge of the battlefield and have no strategic value. It is impossible for people from Tianyuan Shenting to attack in this position." Li Sheng said coldly.

But he was very attentive and adjusted the power of the concealment formation to the maximum state.

At the same time, another young man in the team immediately took out a formation disk. His spiritual power was continuously injected into the formation disk, as if he was using this formation disk to sense something.

The others were observing this scene nervously.

After a moment, the young man opened his eyes, and Li Sheng immediately asked: "Ye Song, how are you? Did you detect anything?"

"Not an enemy." The young man named Ye Song said with a strange expression: "If I feel it correctly, it is the breath of thunder."

"Heavenly thunder? Could it be that someone overcame the tribulation and became a god here?" Someone immediately said in surprise.

"Unlikely." Li Sheng denied: "Whoever becomes a god is not cautious. Even if he does not have the protection of the elders of the master, he will at least go to the divine court to rent a safe breakthrough place. How can he be here."

At this time, the young man named Ye Song continued: "Those thunder and lightning auras are not at the level of true gods. If I feel it correctly, they are only at the ninth level. Although they are still getting stronger, I estimate that the tenth level will only be enough." Oh my god."

Hearing this, everyone's faces once again showed expressions of surprise, but someone quickly reacted.

"It is possible that some kind of strange treasure bred by the universe was born, which caused the baptism of thunder."

"Let's go over and take a look. It's just a ninth-level thunder. Even if there is danger, we should be able to resist it. It's up to you Liu Ying. We have to go over as quickly as possible to avoid being overtaken by others." Li Sheng looked at said the somewhat enchanting woman.

In their five-person team, Li Sheng, as the captain, is the strongest and has reached the late tenth level.

The remaining three are also at the peak level of ninth level.

Liu Ying is the weakest, only at the peak of the eighth level, but she has mastered the rules of space cutting and can also explode into the ninth level of combat power.

Therefore, as a team of five, they might not be unable to fight even if they meet a tenth-level warrior who has already ignited the divine fire.

Naturally, I have such confidence.

"Okay!" Liu Ying nodded immediately, then took out a teleportation array, injected the power of rules into it, and activated it.

Although he only masters the rules of space cutting, they are still the rules of the space system, so driving any item with space attributes can get twice the result with half the effort.

Soon, a force of space enveloped the figures of the five people and then quickly teleported them in the designated direction.

Ye Feng on the other side naturally didn't know these things.

At this time, he was enduring one thunder after another.

Without activating the artifact, it was actually quite difficult for Ye Feng to withstand these nine-level thunder.

After all, defense is his weakest point.

Of course, no matter how weak he is, his defense power at the peak of the eighth level has reached the ninth level.

In addition, there are life rules that can quickly restore injuries, so there is no need to worry.

And as his body continues to absorb the power of thunder and lightning, the Thunder Divine Body is rapidly transforming.

"It's almost time. After absorbing this wave of thunder and lightning, my thunder body should be able to reach the ninth stage." Ye Feng looked up at the thunder and lightning brewing above his head, his eyes became more and more expectant.

Moreover, Ye Feng also discovered that as he was baptized by the thunder, the invisible feeling of rejection towards him in the universe was constantly weakening.

After this catastrophe, that feeling of rejection will probably dissipate.

Boom boom boom!

Soon, thunder struck down from the sky one after another. Ye Feng did not resist at all and was just bathed in the thunder.

Suddenly his eyes looked in a certain direction.

"There are spatial fluctuations. Is this someone teleporting here?" Ye Feng felt a warning sign in his heart. He knew that the will of the universe was targeting him. How could he get over it so easily?

Clearly, this is the real danger.

Ye Feng stretched out his palm, and the rules of space spurted out, and he was directly driven into the void layer.

Suddenly, within tens of thousands of kilometers with Ye Feng as the center, the power of space in the entire void layer became chaotic. In a short period of time, no one could use the teleportation ability in this area.

Of course, this is not absolute. If a true god comes, it will be a different matter.

But below the true god level, Ye Feng believes that his control over space is impossible for anyone to surpass him.

"It should be able to block the intruder for a moment, which is enough for me to survive this catastrophe."

Ye Feng whispered to himself, then closed his eyes and let the thunder fall on his body, while he guided these thunder and lightning with all his strength to temper his body.

Thunder fell one after another, and time continued to pass.

Three minutes later, the last thunder struck down, and this disaster was finally over.

Ye Feng experienced a total of four waves of heavenly tribulation, and all had nine thunders. This was also called the Four-Nine Thunder Tribulation.

The power of each wave of sky thunder will increase, especially by the fourth wave, the power has reached the tenth level.

"It's a pity. If there are five or nine heavenly tribulations and another wave of thunder, my thunder divine body may be able to be tempered to the tenth stage, and it will be completely perfect." Ye Feng said with some regret.

Don't say this to anyone else. Even Guoduo, who knew Ye Feng thoroughly, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly after hearing this.

This is the forty-nine heavenly tribulations! For many tenth-level experts who have become gods, it is like a nightmare, but Ye Feng is not strong enough.

"Ye Feng, the enemy is coming, you have to be careful." Guoduo sighed when he saw Ye Feng was still there, and couldn't help but remind him.

The Hidden Sky Boat also has spatial attributes. In terms of its perception of the enemy, it is not much worse than Ye Feng, but it is unable to intervene like Ye Feng.

"Yes!" Ye Feng nodded and looked into the distance.

His mental detection range can reach 3,000 kilometers, and now he can already feel the five alien humans approaching quickly.

Especially after finding out their strength, Ye Feng was determined.

"They came just in time to get some information about the universe from their mouths." Ye Feng said with a smile without being nervous at all. (End of chapter)

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