Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 468 The King of Angels Surrenders

There is a saying that is right, the person who knows you best is always your opponent.

So Yuris actually knows Blue very well. Although the other party is smooth and cunning, he actually has a bottom line.

This bottom line does not mean that Bludo has a conscience, but that the other party will not become a slave in order to live.

What's more, Yuris could also detect that Blue's attitude towards Ye Feng was not only awe, but also a kind of respect from the bottom of his heart.

It means that the other party is now willing to become Ye Feng's subordinate.

After Blue came over, his first words were earth-shattering, "Follow Lord Ye Feng, and you have at least a 90% chance of surviving the cosmic catastrophe safely."

"How is this possible!!!" Yuris said with shock.

Looking at the other party's reaction, Blue was quite satisfied. The next thing was very simple. Let's introduce Ye Feng, the World Tree, especially the ability of the inner world.

And listening to Blue's description, Yuris also changed from being skeptical at the beginning to being skeptical.

Finally, Ye Feng's World Tree appeared and opened the portal to the world inside his body.

Looking inside through the portal, Yuris saw some animals that had been put into life by Ye Feng, and his attitude was completely shaken.

"You can go in and take a look." Ye Feng looked at the hesitant look on the other person's face and said with a smile.

"Is this...really possible?" Yuris said with some uncertainty.

Although Ye Feng didn't know what method he used to open up this inner world, he could feel that the space inside was not very stable. It was hard to say anything else, but at least he definitely couldn't bear the tossing at his level.

Even Blue on the side had a surprised look on his face after hearing this. You must know that when Ye Feng subdued him, he only allowed him to penetrate with his mental power.

Now looking at Ye Feng's attitude, Blue suddenly showed a thoughtful look on his face.

"Of course it's true, and if you don't go in and see it with your own eyes, you probably won't feel at ease!" Ye Feng chuckled, then took a step forward and entered the light door.

Blue followed closely and was the second to walk in.

As soon as he came in, he discovered something different. The first was that the size of the world inside his body was much larger than when he used his mental power to explore it before.

It is already comparable to the size of Yangcheng City. This expansion speed is quite astonishing. You must know that it has only been a few months!

The next cosmic catastrophe will be at least several decades away, and the scope of this exaggeration will be quite huge by then.

What's more, this expansion speed is accelerating as Ye Feng's realm improves.

In addition, he also found that the world inside his body had become increasingly stable.

According to Blue's feeling, it is difficult for practitioners below the seventh level to shake the stability of the entire space.

At this time, Yuris, after a slight hesitation, also followed in.

Looking at the lush plants around him, there was wonder in his eyes at first, but it soon turned into a hint of fear.

He finally knew why Ye Feng dared to let him in, because after he came in, a shadow of the inner world covered the inner world.

At this time, he has entered Ye Feng's inner world. If he wants to cause any damage to this weak world, he must first break Ye Feng's inner world projection.

And this magical change was only discovered by Ye Feng after he broke through to the ninth level.

His inner world projection can be integrated with the inner world. In this case, he can achieve absolute control over all living things in the inner world.

"When the cosmic catastrophe comes, you can all enter the world inside my body. As long as I don't die, you will be safe."

"If I can't survive the cosmic catastrophe, then it's unlikely that you can survive it. This is my greatest benefit to you subordinates."

"As for other benefits, there are of course them, including providing the power of faith to help you become gods, but whether you can get them depends on whether you have made enough contributions."

"Now I will give you 10 minutes to think about it. If you agree, then we will sign a contract." Ye Feng said.

"No, I agree." Yuris said directly.

In fact, Blu had just made it clear to him what he needed to know. The reason why he hesitated was just that he didn't quite believe what the other party said.

But now that I have witnessed it with my own eyes and know that what the other party said is not false, there is nothing to hesitate about.

Seeing that the other party agreed so simply, Ye Feng couldn't help but nodded and said: "Then let go of your spiritual sea."

"Okay!" Yuris gritted his teeth and nodded.

Although Blue told him that the contract he made with Ye Feng was not very binding, and it was not the kind of life-or-death contract.

But who knows if Blue is lying to him.

But at this point, he could only give it a try.

Seeing that the other party agreed, Ye Feng immediately asked the World Tree itself to use the power of the system to directly make a contract with the other party.

With Yuris's full cooperation, everything went smoothly. The contract ended 10 minutes later, and Ye Feng established an invisible connection with the other party.

At the same time, Yuris's loyalty to him was forcibly increased to 60% by the system.

So when Yuris came back to his senses and looked at Ye Feng, he suddenly felt that the other party seemed a little friendly.

Yuris was naturally aware of this change, but he didn't care. After all, any contract is binding.

In his opinion, the contract signed by Ye Feng and him was already the one with the least binding force. For a slight change in senses, it was insignificant at all.

And after thinking that Ye Feng had mastered the two supreme rules and the miraculous ability of the inner world, he was just glad that he agreed to become his subordinate.

Otherwise, the best outcome that he could achieve by himself would be to successfully become a true god and then join one of the top sects.

Even in those top-level Taoist traditions, the high-ranking gods within them are not very sure that they can survive the catastrophe of the universe, let alone an ordinary outside true god.

It is estimated that the probability is not even one in ten thousand.

But now he looked at Ye Feng, with a hint of enthusiasm in his eyes. After his mentality changed, he was already thinking about how to make meritorious deeds.

"Lord, what do you need me to do next?" Yuris immediately asked respectfully with a correct attitude.

"Prepare actively for war, and of course cooperate with my propaganda work before then so that I can collect the power of faith." Ye Feng said with a smile.

Outside, Du Gulan waited for less than 10 minutes. She hadn't even finished recording her analysis of Ye Feng when she saw the surrounding scenery becoming distorted.

She was no longer unfamiliar with this scene, and knew that this was a scene that would occur during teleportation.

When she saw the surrounding scenery clearly again, she had arrived in a strange place.

Du Gulan's heart suddenly tightened, but after seeing Ye Feng, he immediately relaxed.

"General Ye, could it be that you have defeated the owner of the restricted area here?" Du Gulan said hesitantly.

Although she believed that if Ye Feng dared to do this, he would be sure to deal with the owners of those restricted areas.

But because Ye Feng solved it, her opponent's speed was too fast, which made her a little uncertain.

"Yes, that's the battlefield over there." Ye Feng pointed towards the distance.

When Ye Feng teleported Du Gulan over, he specifically chose this hill because it has an excellent view and is a good place to take pictures.

Du Gulan immediately looked along the place pointed by Ye Feng and saw that area. The mountain peaks were broken, the woods collapsed, and it turned into ruins.

But at the same time, an eight-winged angel who was over a hundred meters tall and emitted golden light also caught her eye.

It's just that this powerful eight-winged angel is a little embarrassed. Not only does he have a lot of wounds on his body, but even a pair of wings are broken.

"That's..." Although Du Gulan guessed something, he was a little unsure.

"That's the King of Angels, Yuris." Ye Feng introduced.

The King of Angels, when they came in, seemed to be explaining something to the other strong angels. At this time, just after the explanation, he led a group of strong angels and flew in this direction.

Seeing this scene, Du Gulan suddenly became nervous.

But these were at least seventh-level angel warriors. They were so fast that she didn't even have time to make any moves before the group of angels had already arrived under the hills.

Then he knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and shouted in unison.

"See my lord!"

This scene was so impactful that Du Gulan was unable to recover for a moment.

But these are not important. Ye Feng glanced at the photographer who was following Du Gulan. At this time, the photographer's hands were trembling slightly because of nervousness or excitement.

However, the camera in the opponent's hand, under the control of Ye Feng's mental power, remained motionless and faithfully recorded the scene.

Whether it was the injuries on Yuris's body or the scene of surrender in front of him, it was naturally what Ye Feng had deliberately requested.

Everything is to harvest the power of faith and not be shabby.

In fact, Yuris was a little resistant when Ye Feng made this request.

But when Ye Feng expressed his willingness to give 10 million points of faith power as reward, the other party immediately agreed happily.

He was even very considerate and made some preparations beforehand. For example, he broke his broken wings himself in order to create a more realistic atmosphere.

At this time, Yuris's part was finished, and naturally it was Ye Feng's turn.

He put his hands behind his back, looked at the group of kneeling angel warriors with a serious expression, nodded and said: "From today on, you will be our human super-staff team. Tomorrow, you will go to the death penalty zone and join our human warriors." training.”

"Yes!" A group of strong angels echoed in unison again.

After these powerful angels accepted the order and retreated, Du Gulan and the photographer Da Ge came back to their senses as if they were waking up from a dream.

"This, this, this..." Du Gulan felt that he had many things to ask, but for a moment he didn't know which one to ask.

"Okay, I'm in a hurry, let's go to the next restricted area now!" Ye Feng said.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to reply, a force of space enveloped everyone and instantly disappeared into this independent space.

When they appeared again, they had reached the outside of the European dragon restricted area.

Ye Feng took out the formation disk and activated it just like before. After guarding the two of them, he took Blue and teleported in.

The next process is the same as before, but the strongest person in the dragon restricted zone, Dragon God Dis, has a much hotter temper.

The fight started as soon as they came up, even if it was divided by the space used by Ye Feng, it completely cut off the connection between him and the defensive formation, as well as the dragon.

Without the blessing of the big formation and the battle formation, he refused to admit defeat, even if he relied on his own strength, he would fight Ye Feng desperately.

Faced with this situation, Ye Feng naturally would not tolerate the opponent. He unleashed his thunder body and used extreme speed to continuously beat the opponent.

If the Dragon God's physical defense was not strong enough, he would not be able to hold on after being attacked by Ye Feng with all his strength.

But now, even if his defense is strong, he is just a sandbag that can withstand a little beating.

When Ye Feng violently beat up the Dragon God, the domestic Internet had already exploded.

Du Gulan and the others filmed the extremely respectful scene of Blue, the messenger of death, in the forbidden area of ​​death, and they have already sent it back.

This scene naturally shocked those in the Propaganda Department, and after they came to their senses, they immediately realized how important this matter was to improving Ye Feng's image.

So after the video was slightly cropped, it was released directly.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Feng once again topped the list of hot searches.

"I'm going! I always thought that the relationship with the Death Forbidden Zone was just a cooperative relationship, but looking at the attitude of the owner of the Forbidden Zone, he has been completely conquered. The other party's attitude seems to be that of a servant." Someone immediately commented .

"Upstairs, be more confident and remove the image. At this moment, I just want to say one thing, Ye Shen is awesome."

"Everyone, please take a look at Yangcheng City's official website. It has posted another update. It seems that the first restricted area has been established."

"Really or not? It's only been ten minutes!"

"Damn it, everyone, go watch the second video. More than a dozen powerful angels kneel down together. This is absolutely explosive!"

On the Internet, the heated discussion about Ye Feng continues to rise, and it is not even limited to the country. Ye Feng's news has always been the focus of attention from all countries.

So it quickly spread to all countries around the world.

The name Ye Feng spread to thousands of households in a shocking way.

The most direct manifestation of this is that Ye Feng, who is fighting the giant dragon, can feel that the power of faith gathered is rising at a terrifying speed.

Ye Feng knew that this propaganda offensive was working.

With a snap, he distanced himself from the giant dragon.

"Okay, after fighting with you for so long, I have tested my current strength. It's time to end." Ye Feng put the gun behind him and said slowly.

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