Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 426 Ye Feng’s plan to become famous

Over Taidu City, the Thunder Dragon took about two minutes to circle around the city.

When it returned to its starting point, all the mutant creatures that besieged Taidu City, whether they were mutant animals or mutant insects, no matter what level they were, had been turned into charcoal.

The guards on the city wall all felt like they were surviving a disaster.

But before they could take too many actions, they saw this terrifying thunder and lightning dragon leaving in the distance.

At the same time, they also discovered that this brontosaurus did not fly randomly, but would fly along the main road.

And in the process, thunder and lightning are continuously released, killing mutant creatures that are close to the road and within 1 kilometer.

In this scene, many soldiers looked at each other in confusion, and they couldn't quite understand why the Dragon King did this.

There were also some officers on the battlefield who had seen the video of the mutated parrot giving a speech and immediately said: "Lord Dragon King, this is opening up the main road between other cities and us. Everyone, please pass on the order and be prepared. I'm afraid it will happen soon." People seeking refuge arrived."

And at this moment, they suddenly heard a high-pitched eagle cry from the sky.

When these soldiers and officers looked up, they immediately saw a giant eagle larger than a commercial airliner, circling in the sky.

The other party's body was unabashedly exuding a terrifying sixth-level aura, which made many people's faces turn slightly pale.

Because of their anti-aircraft firepower, there is no way to deal with mutant birds at this level.

Obviously, these defenders could not sit still and wait for death. Soldiers immediately controlled the anti-aircraft guns and prepared to take aim.

Fortunately, the officer who spoke before had a relatively in-depth understanding of the Dragon King. He was immediately frightened and shouted loudly.

"Put down your fucking weapons. These are mutated animals from the Dragon King Palace. They are here to protect our city."

After hearing this, all the soldiers put down their weapons in doubt, but they still looked at the air with some vigilance.

The giant eagle in the sky was really just hovering over the city and had no intention of coming down.

This made everyone breathe a long sigh of relief, and at the same time there was unconcealable joy on their faces.

They naturally know how terrifying a mutated animal that has reached the sixth level and can fly is on the battlefield.

Not only does it mean great strength, it also means super high mobility.

As long as there are no mutant creatures of the same realm appearing on the battlefield to contain them, the opponent can completely use this high mobility to influence the situation of a large battlefield.

This kind of thing not only happened in Taidu City, Ye Feng was doing the same thing in almost other cities.

However, due to time constraints, they only stayed in the Asian region for a quarter of an hour, and after rescuing 60 cities, they headed to the European region.

After all, Ye Feng's goal is always the same. His requirement is to improve his global influence, so the rescue location is definitely not limited to one city or one place.

Throughout Asia, he selected approximately 200 cities that provided the most power of faith.

The 60 cities he took the lead in rescuing were the cities with the worst defenses during this mutant biological crisis, and were even in danger.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no cities. The defenses of these 60 cities are even lower, and some are even on the verge of breaking through.

But the power of faith they provided was really limited, so Ye Feng gave up directly.

Again, what he wants is influence on all mankind. In this process, there will definitely be gains and losses, and Ye Feng naturally knows how to choose.

After Asia, there will be Europe, and then there will be Africa. Ye Feng plans to rescue each continent in a cycle.

While Ye Feng was busy running around, an emergency meeting was held in Yangcheng City, led by Liu Zaoxin.

The theme of this meeting is undoubtedly the Dragon King.

There were not many people attending this meeting, only 10 people, but the standard was extremely high, and all the attendees were high-level officials from Yangcheng City.

In addition, Chen Yuejun, the Minister of Security, also came.

Liu Zaoxin looked around the field and spoke straight to the point without any nonsense.

"I won't go into details about the Dragon King's information."

"Everyone must know what the Dragon King is going to do now. The other party is going to use such actions to maximize its international influence and gather the power of faith."

"According to the information Ye Feng gave us, the power of faith is the key to becoming a god after the tenth level."

"Now the Dragon King is obviously taking advantage of this opportunity to prepare for becoming a god, but Ye Feng's promotion is a bit weak."

"We can't control the overseas market, but we must protect the domestic fundamentals for Ye Feng."

Hearing what Liu Zaoxin said, everyone in the audience nodded involuntarily. This had long been the consensus of their senior leaders.

Compared to foreign races, the human race is naturally more reliable.

"In that case, let's do a good job in publicity." Bai Yinghui continued.

"That's true, but the question is, how should we carry out this propaganda work and where should we start?" Han Zhongwei, the propaganda minister sitting below, asked.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the venue fell silent.

In fact, there is no shortage of topics when promoting Ye Feng, and many aspects can be covered.

But the problem is that what the Dragon King is doing now is so sensational that ordinary things are not worth publicizing at all.

If you forcefully promote it, there will only be one result, and that is to serve as a foil.

The publicity work this time was not easy at all.

"To be honest, I haven't thought about how to publicize it yet, but isn't this what we are holding this meeting about?"

"Okay, now if you have any ideas, don't worry, just say it directly. We will combine everyone's wisdom and try to come up with a more perfect publicity plan." Liu Zaoxin said again.

The venue became quiet again. Cao Guangzhi, as the secretary-general, saw this atmosphere and took the lead in saying: "In that case, I will start by provoking some ideas. I think the starting point is Ye Feng's strength and cultivation."

Liu Zaoxin nodded and said, "I feel the same way. No matter how dazzling the Dragon King's light is, from a human perspective, Ye Feng's light cannot be covered up at all costs."

Next, everyone expressed their opinions. Under this situation, a relatively complete publicity plan gradually took shape.

This publicity plan is relatively perfect in all aspects, but there is one flaw that cannot be erased, and that is how to avoid the popularity of the Dragon King.

If they can't avoid this topic, no matter how much publicity resources they invest, it will probably be difficult to achieve the desired effect.

After all, they are not competing for a hot search, but for belief.

Belief does not mean that you can have something if you want it. You must make others truly believe in you before it can be born.

"Actually, we don't need to deliberately avoid this matter." Chen Yuejun, who had been sitting and listening, finally said at this time.

You must know that Chen Yuejun, the security minister, has the highest position. As he spoke, everyone in the audience couldn't help but cast their eyes over.

"The Dragon King's heat has already risen, and it cannot be suppressed. If you suppress it forcefully, it will only be counterproductive."

"And facing the crisis of mutant organisms, we humans as a whole are relatively weak. This is a fact that cannot be concealed."

"Instead of being secretive, we might as well admit this directly and generously, and then directly use this as the entry point." Chen Yuejun said.

After everyone heard this, their faces showed thoughtful expressions.

"Do you have any specific ideas?" Liu Zaoxin asked impatiently.

Chen Yuejun did not answer in a hurry, but clicked on the tablet in front of him, opened a video, and pushed it in front of everyone.

This is a video from abroad. A city in Asan Kingdom was attacked by a large number of mutated animals not long ago. The city walls collapsed and the city was directly destroyed.

From the video, you can see that there are fires everywhere. Although there are still armed forces resisting, they are very powerless against mutant animals without heavy weapons.

If the people of this city want to survive, the only hope may be to escape to the next city, because that is a city protected by the Dragon King Palace.

This video is only three minutes long, but the content inside is very tragic.

When the video finished playing, Chen Yuejun said: "This is the information I got not long ago. In fact, there will be more than one city that is about to be breached."

"The strength of the Dragon King is terrifying. Even the summoned Thunder Dragon can protect a city, but it still cannot protect all cities by itself."

"It is precisely because of this that the Parrot Messenger's initial words came into being."

Having said this, Chen Yuejun paused, opened a list on the tablet and said: "This is our latest intelligence summary. The Dragon King will only rescue one-third of the city, and the remaining two-thirds will be rescued." Cities can only rely on themselves."

"Think about it, how many people will die in this disaster? Isn't this cruel?"

After hearing this, everyone gradually understood what Chen Yuejun wanted to express.

"What do you mean, we publish these to discredit the Dragon King?" Han Zhongwei, the propaganda minister, couldn't help but ask.

"No, no, no." Chen Yuejun shook his head and said, "The Dragon King is our ally, how can we do this?"

"We are just revealing the true side of the matter. Of course, we only need to disclose it and cannot make any comments."

"Our purpose is to enable all people to clearly understand that in the face of these disasters, the most important thing is to be strong enough."

"And in this process, we will promote our philosophy and never abandon any city. At the same time, we also have high-end combat capabilities to protect everyone."

"We can make Ye Feng break through to the seventh level, and join forces with the Dragon King to suppress the two restricted areas, and announce it to the public."

"Then you guide public opinion and try to equate the strength of Ye Feng and Dragon King. Even if it is not possible now, it will be possible in the future."

The more Chen Yuejun spoke, the brighter everyone's eyes became.

"This method is good." Liu Zaoxin was the first to clapped his hands and praised.

The rest of the people also nodded, saying that there was nothing wrong with such a publicity strategy.

What follows is just a discussion of some small issues. Those are just minutiae. Each issue can be finalized in one or two sentences. Even many things can be left to the people below to handle them themselves.

So in just 10 minutes, a large number of battle videos from overseas cities suddenly appeared on the Internet.

# We can't just focus on the cities being saved. #

# These abandoned cities deserve more attention. #

# We should lend a helping hand to them. #

Suddenly, one news headline after another rushed to the hot search list. In this case, these news undoubtedly received a lot of attention.

The weak deserve more sympathy, so many people's focus is involuntarily misdirected.

"Yes, they are all so pitiful. Why doesn't the Dragon King rescue them?" someone said.

"Haha, there are so many cities in the world, how can the Dragon King save people in them all?" Someone immediately replied below.

"Then we should also lend a helping hand and rescue him!"

"I agree with your point of view, so hurry up and go to Asan Kingdom for rescue!"

"Why are you like this? You have no sympathy at all?"

"It's not that I have no sympathy, but I am self-aware. Unlike some people who just carelessly talk but don't do anything."

The comments below are just two people arguing pointlessly.

In fact, this situation is not unique. When these videos first came out, they received a lot of sympathy and asked for assistance to those cities.

The officials seemed to have made corresponding plans long ago. This quarrel lasted for less than half an hour. Each city's official website opened a channel for material assistance.

If that's all, what's even more amazing is that all accounts under your real name will be marked with an icon that has provided assistance to everyone who has provided assistance.

No matter who you are, you can see the amount of your assistance by clicking in.

Then many people discovered that those who originally made the most noise often donated the least amount, or even did not donate at all.

And these people are still deleting posts quickly, as if this kind of thing has never happened.

It can be said that in a very short period of time, the quarrel stopped instantly, and after the people calmed down, it was clear that any rescue or the like was simply unrealistic.

If the country had not taken advantage of the rapid development in the past few months, it would be difficult to say whether the city where they are located could maintain stability, let alone support overseas rescue.

Perhaps all they can do is to provide some supplies during post-war reconstruction.

At this time, a large number of posts appeared on the Internet, and they became hot searches at a rapid speed.

All the content of these posts revolves around one thing.

That is the crisis in the three major restricted areas in the country. Will it break out?

This kind of thing related to one's own safety instantly attracted everyone's attention.

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