Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 421 Understanding the rules of teleportation

After destroying the dragon restricted area, Ye Feng planned to rush to the next place.

There are nine restricted areas in the world. In addition to the three restricted areas in China, there are still six remaining in other continents.

The dragon forbidden zone in Europe has been destroyed, and Ye Feng's next target is the lava forbidden zone in Africa.

Ye Feng planned to eliminate the hidden dangers in the restricted area before the fifth spiritual energy recovery, and he was running out of time.

But at this moment, he seemed to feel that something had changed in this world.

"Huh?" Ye Feng looked up at the sky, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face.

He felt that his affinity with this world had increased a lot.

He could even vaguely feel that the will of this world was conveying a sense of intimacy to him.

Then the most intuitive manifestation is that his ability to control the world is stronger.

Originally, the scope of his control over the world reached a terrifying 3,000 kilometers.

And now it has been abruptly increased by 500 kilometers, reaching a terrifying level of 3,500 kilometers.

In addition, his desire to condense various celestial phenomena has become faster and more powerful, and the consumption has been relatively reduced.

Feeling the changes in himself, Ye Feng could be said to be surprised and happy.

At this time, he didn't understand that he should be more favored by the will of heaven and earth because he destroyed the restricted area.

If things continue like this, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a son of the plane.

He could even vaguely feel that being favored by heaven and earth was of great benefit.

This benefit is not limited to the improvement of controlling the world, but also the future, to be precise, after the gods.

Ye Feng took a deep breath and became more enthusiastic about the next operation of destroying the restricted area.

The next place he rushed to without stopping.

After arriving at the lava restricted area in Africa, Ye Feng first explored the place as before. The result was naturally no surprise, and the other party also closed the portal.

Ye Feng was not polite, and immediately released his own domain, annihilating each other with the power in the restricted area, and then destroying it.

The scope of the lava restricted area is only about 80% of the dragon restricted area.

So Ye Feng acted faster this time, and it only took about 20 minutes to destroy the entire restricted area.

And after the lava restricted area was destroyed, as expected, Ye Feng got feedback from the will of this world.

His ability to control the world has increased again, and to Ye Feng's surprise, the growth rate is the same as before.

"Huh? What's going on?" Ye Feng confirmed that he did not feel wrong.

This lava restricted area, both in terms of devouring power and range, is actually inferior to the dragon restricted area, and destroying it consumes just over 200,000 regular power.

Logically speaking, the rewards you can get should be less, but the result is the same.

Of course, Ye Feng also knew that he would not get results by making random guesses here.

So he immediately rushed to Antarctica, and this time the place he chose to destroy was the Ice Forbidden Zone of the Iceman Lord.

Since there are fewer creatures here in Antarctica, the restricted area naturally receives less energy replenishment. The range of ice entering is not even half of the dragon restricted area.

It was easier for Ye Feng to destroy it, but the reward was the same.

"Could it be that the reward from the will of heaven and earth is determined according to the nature of the threat?" Ye Feng whispered to himself.

If the three forbidden areas he destroyed had anything in common, it was that the beings behind them were all strong men at the top of the tenth level.

As long as they are given time, it is estimated that the restricted areas of these tenth-level experts can spread to the whole world.

So to a certain extent, the nature of these forbidden areas is the same, they can destroy the entire world, but the time it takes is different.

Perhaps because of this, in the judgment of the will of heaven and earth, their threats are the same, and the rewards given to Ye Feng are also the same.

Of course, these are all Ye Feng's guesses. As for whether the guesses are correct, Ye Feng actually doesn't care very much.

Anyway, getting the reward is the most important thing.

Therefore, Ye Feng rushed to the Angel Forbidden Zone in America, then to the Tentacle Monster Forbidden Zone in Australia, and finally to the Naga Forbidden Zone in the deep sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean.

When the last Naga restricted area was destroyed, Ye Feng couldn't help but let out a long breath.

To be honest, even he felt a little tired along the way.

The most important point is that it consumes a lot of money. The power of rules in his body, which originally exceeded 4 million points, is now less than 1 million.

Of all the restricted areas, the one that consumes the most is undoubtedly the Naga restricted area at the bottom of the sea.

The scope of this restricted area has exceeded that of many medium-sized countries.

In order to destroy it, Ye Feng spent a full 1.5 million points of rule power.

But everything is worth it. At this time, the diameter range covered by Ye Feng's control of the world has expanded to 6,000 kilometers after a full 6 rewards.

This also means that Ye Feng's control over the world has exceeded that of China, and can even cover most of Asia.

"I feel like if I continue to expand like this, sooner or later I will control the scope of the world and be able to cover the whole world!" Ye Feng showed a smile on his face.

At this time, Ye Feng was at the bottom of the sea, and he took a look at the location of the portal.

Of course there was nothing there.

However, Ye Feng has mastered the rules of space movement and is naturally particularly sensitive to space fluctuations.

Naturally, he could sense that something was wrong with that space node.

Ye Feng still doesn't know how long these restricted area owners will be afraid if they are intimidated by him. Maybe the restricted areas will be reopened in a few days.

But he couldn't stay here forever, so after thinking for a moment, Ye Feng quickly came to the edge of the penalty area.

There were some marine plants here. After searching for a while, he quickly landed on a third-level kelp.

He directly used the newly acquired natural domain to directly transform this kelp into a tree man.

Then he moved the tree man near the portal, so that no matter when the portal opened, he would know immediately.

As for the remaining restricted areas, Ye Feng will also send animals from the Dragon King Palace to guard them.

In fact, Ye Feng was quite looking forward to the fact that the masters of these restricted areas would open the portal again and come out.

When they build the restricted area again, Ye Feng will destroy it once to see if there is any reward.

If there was, he would be able to get stuck with this bug and grind it infinitely.

After thinking about what to do next, Ye Feng quickly left the deep sea.

When Ye Feng appeared again, he had returned to the country. Of course, Ye Feng did not return to Yangcheng City, but came outside the northern restricted area where Chi You was.

Ye Feng found that the portal here was also closed. Originally, he wanted to have a good chat with Chi You.

Among all the restricted areas, perhaps Chi You is the only one who is likely to cooperate with them. This can be seen from the previous trip to the inheritance land.

But now that the other party has closed the portal, it is obvious that there is no such chance.

But Ye Feng thought about it and felt that it was normal. After all, no one would leave his life or death in the hands of others, and they had never had formal contact. It was not surprising that Chi You would make such a choice.

As for the northern restricted area, it must be destroyed, but Ye Feng does not intend to completely turn against the opponent.

Therefore, he planned to destroy only two-thirds of the area. The size of the northern restricted area was comparable to the Xiaofengshan restricted area.

When the time comes, he will set up two more high-level spirit gathering arrays here. The spiritual energy in this place will be three times as strong as other places, which can be regarded as compensation.

In this case, Ye Feng can be regarded as showing his goodwill. As for whether the two parties will cooperate or become enemies later, it depends on the other party's choice.

No matter what, Ye Feng has enough confidence to deal with all problems.

This action was very fast. After 10 minutes, only one third of the northern restricted area was left. Then he stopped and teleported back to Yangcheng City.

It is worth mentioning that throughout the entire process of Ye Feng's actions, he always used the invisible array to cover his actions.

Therefore, in the eyes of the other forces, World Tree disappeared for a while as usual. When he appeared again, he had already arrived in the Dongling Mountains in the Yangcheng City area.

The residents here in Yangcheng City have become somewhat accustomed to the sudden disappearance and sudden appearance of the World Tree. The most they can do is marvel at it, and then get back to work.

But no one knows that in just a few hours, Ye Feng has changed the fate of mankind and even many creatures on the earth.

He looked at the time and saw that there were less than 3 hours left before the fifth spiritual energy recovery.

Therefore, when Ye Feng's human self returned home, he was immediately visited by Chen Yuejun and Bai Yinghui.

"General Ye, how is the situation over there in the restricted area?" Chen Yuejun asked impatiently, and Bai Yinghui also looked at Ye Feng with burning eyes.

Both of them knew what Ye Feng had done, and naturally they also understood how much benefit Ye Feng would gain if he succeeded.

Under their expectant gazes, Ye Feng nodded slowly and said with a smile: "Of course I successfully conquered it."

"Now I can choose between the Xiaofengshan restricted area and the death restricted area. Which one do you think is better?"

Hearing this question, both of them were surprised and happy. That was a forbidden area to conquer!

It is no exaggeration to say that in each restricted area, their combat power is comparable to that of a country, especially in terms of high-end combat power, which is incomparable.

Now the fifth spiritual energy recovery is about to take place. By then, the seventh-level powerhouse can enter and leave the restricted area at will, and this importance is even more highlighted.

However, after hearing Ye Feng's question, the two of them were slightly entangled, especially Bai Yinghui. He naturally wanted the Xiaofengshan restricted area, after all, it was close to them.

But again, this restricted area is far and near from the Dragon King, and they must consider the other party's feelings.

So the two quickly reached a consensus, and I suggested choosing the death zone.

"Okay, no problem! I will discuss this matter with the Dragon King later."

Ye Feng nodded and then asked: "Do you have any other questions? If not, I will practice."

"Ahem!" Chen Yuejun coughed lightly and said, "There is indeed one more problem. As you know, the fifth spiritual energy recovery is about to begin."

"Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with the threats posed by mutant creatures and restricted areas?"

Ye Feng thought for a while and said: "You don't need to pay attention to the threats in the restricted areas. After the Dragon King and I successively killed the chickens to scare the monkeys, they have already closed the transmission channels, and they will definitely not dare to open them in a short time."

"As for the mutated animals around the cities, I think you should already have a response plan!"

"In addition, this spiritual energy recovery is also a rare opportunity for us humans."

"Some people who are stuck at a bottleneck can often break through easily. This is true whether it is a big realm or a small realm."

Chen Yuejun and Bai Yinghui looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

They came to look for Ye Feng, but what they actually asked was how to deal with the restricted area.

Now Ye Feng has told them an answer they had never thought of.

"When you say the restricted area portal is closed, do you mean the domestic one or the foreign one?" Chen Yuejun asked.

Although Ye Feng had made it very clear just now, he still wanted to ask for confirmation. The reason was naturally because this matter was of great importance.

"Of course I am referring to all restricted areas around the world." Ye Feng said.

Not long after, both Chen Yuejun and Bai Yinghui left, and the news quickly spread throughout cities across the country, especially those near restricted areas. The original defense plans were urgently adjusted.

If there is no threat from the restricted area, then they can do a lot more. They can even take the initiative to go out of the city to look for the mutated animals that are breaking through. It is not impossible to easily solve them while they have little resistance.

Ye Feng naturally ignored these things and concentrated on practicing.

After the previous two battles, Ye Feng gained a lot, especially in the use of the power of rules.

After all, how can daily practice compare to real actual combat?

Therefore, he has some understanding of the various rules he has mastered.

Of course, if that's all it is, it doesn't matter. After all, with his talent, it's not difficult to improve his understanding of any rule. At most, it just takes a little more time.

But what really made Ye Feng stop in such a hurry and start to understand the rules was.

During this battle, he had used the space movement rules many times and even used them as teleportation rules, which allowed him to gain some understanding of the real teleportation rules.

Of course, this does not mean that Ye Feng has mastered the rules of teleportation, but that he has seen the way forward.

You know, mastering a rule from scratch is actually the most difficult thing.

As long as you see the road and know the direction, as long as you keep exploring in this direction, there is always a possibility of success.

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