Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 416 Conquering the Messenger of Death (Part 1)

When the generals saw Ling walking away so obediently, they suddenly had a little more trust in what Ye Feng said.

"General Ye, did you and Dragon King really conquer Qiongqi? Could it be a fake surrender or something?" Chen Yuejun asked immediately after confirming that Ling had really left.

In fact, this worry is not only shared by him, but also by all the officers. They are indeed worried that Ye Feng is too young and easily deceived.

Moreover, after such a false surrender, a fatal attack at a critical moment is more troublesome than direct hostility.

"Don't worry, everyone, this situation will never happen."

"Of course, I'm not saying how trustworthy Qiongqi is, but we have placed restrictions on its spiritual sea."

"In this case, it is equivalent to being under the surveillance of the Dragon King and me at all times. If there are any signs of rebellion, we will be able to discover it as soon as possible."

"The second thing is that if the opponent rebels and the restriction we impose on the opponent's mind is activated, even if the opponent does not die, he will be severely damaged. Whether it is me or the Dragon King, we can easily kill him." Ye Feng said.

He deliberately exaggerated the contract effect of the system. After all, the loyalty of the system cannot be exposed, and these people may not believe it if he says it.

Instead of this, it is not directly explained by prohibitions and the like.

Sure enough, after listening to Ye Feng's explanation, the expressions on the faces of all the generals on the helicopter suddenly relaxed.

Ye Feng has such a method, which can indeed minimize the possibility of betrayal by the other party.

But there are still concerns.

Chen Yuejun signaled to the pilot to fly the armed helicopter into the distance.

After flying several kilometers, he lowered his voice and asked, "I have one last question. Is this restriction in your hands or in the hands of the Dragon King?"

Ye Feng knew the elegant meaning after hearing the sound of the string, and naturally understood what the other party really wanted to ask. He thought for a while and said: "Actually, you don't need to be too wary of the Dragon King. Now we have a common enemy, which is the restricted area."

"And when the threat from the restricted area is gone, the extraterrestrial creatures will probably arrive on a large scale, and the situation will only be more dangerous by then."

"You have to know that this universe is very big, and there are even forces formed by true god-level powerhouses. Compared to them, we humans are just weak babies."

"So if there are no surprises, with such external pressure, we will continue to cooperate, even after both of us become gods."

"Of course I understand your concerns. The current ban on Qiongqi is jointly controlled by both of us, but this is only because we only control a restricted area."

"In fact, our goal is not limited to one penalty area. When we win another penalty area, we can distribute it evenly."

Since the information on extraterrestrial creatures is still top secret, some generals still don't know about this kind of thing, and they were a little confused when they heard Ye Feng's words.

However, senior generals like Chen Yuejun and Bai Yinghui were naturally qualified to know, so when they heard Ye Feng's explanation, they all agreed.

Of course, regardless of whether they agree or not, after they heard Ye Feng's words and were amazed by Ye Feng and Dragon King's generosity, they had no doubts.

As long as these restricted areas are not all controlled by the Dragon King, there is a complete basis for cooperation.

When Ye Feng grows up in the future, the situation of mankind will be completely changed.

"As long as you think about it clearly, we are just worried that you will suffer a loss. Now, if there is anything else you need our help with, just ask." Chen Yuejun has the highest military rank. When he speaks at this time, he can completely represent everyone.

"Nothing at the moment. I need help."

Ye Feng shook his head, but after thinking for a moment, he added: "Since the Xiaofengshan restricted area has been conquered, the garrison here can also evacuate."

"Of course, if you are worried, you can leave a small part to keep track of them."

"But don't do things like bombing. The scope of the Xiaofengshan restricted area will not be expanded in the future."

"Okay, no problem." Chen Yuejun agreed immediately.

After confirming this matter, Ye Feng did not stay here any longer.

The time for the fifth spiritual energy recovery was getting closer and closer, and he wanted to take advantage of the last period of time to deal with all the things that needed to be dealt with.

Ye Feng took out his identity token and teleported back to the inheritance place first.

Since we still have to conquer the restricted area, we must make every preparation possible.

Things like boundary-breaking talismans and space-anchoring arrays needed to be prepared. He planned to use the same method to trick the other party into opening the portal.

"Hey, you are not injured at all. It seems that the process went smoother than I expected!" Guoduo said in surprise as he circled around Ye Feng.

"As long as Qiongqi knows how to consider the gains and losses, it will not go all out in the face of the conditions I offer. And if it doesn't burn the divine fire with all its strength, it will naturally not be able to hurt me." Ye Feng said in a calm tone.

Guoduo did not refute this time. After all, it was clear how strong Ye Feng was.

After Ye Feng spent more than 10,000 points to redeem two items, he quickly returned to the Dongling Mountains.

Then, after notifying Chen Yuejun and the others, they took the World Tree and started teleporting again and again.

Well, at least that's the explanation he gave to the military.

As for the specific execution, it doesn't matter who teleports whom, since others can't sense it anyway.

Ye Feng, World Tree, Dragon King and Ling began to teleport on their way. However, due to the size of World Tree, every teleportation would make a huge noise.

Naturally, this has attracted a lot of attention. I don't know how many satellites are watching Ye Feng's action.

Of course, although every movement is loud, but with all the strength, the distance of one transmission can reach 200 kilometers, so it only takes a few transmissions in total, and it is already close to Mount Everest.

Yes, Ye Feng's goal this time is the restricted area near Mount Everest.

Unlike Qiongqi's forbidden area, where corrosive power is born, what is born in this forbidden area is the pure power of death.

During the final assessment, Ye Feng also fought against the strong crow man Klero and felt the opponent's death rules.

At this time, Ye Feng also learned more information from Ling's mouth.

First of all, the owner of this restricted area calls himself the "Messenger of Death". Of course, Qiongqi and the others usually just call each other Black Crow.

Because the opponent's body is a crow born in the netherworld.

However, when Ye Feng heard such information, the expression on his face became a bit more solemn.

Although the place of birth is a bit extraordinary, there are many creatures in the Netherworld, and the other party is just an inconspicuous one.

But the final result was that this messenger of death became a tenth-level powerhouse, and he also fought for an independent space in the Land of Resurrection. This was not something that could be achieved by luck.


I haven’t finished writing yet, so I’ve posted this much first, and I’ll make up the rest tomorrow!

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