Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 399 Rules of life, realm! (Down)

"It's finally done. The mental strength has been increased three times. It is indeed a secret technique that Guo Duo also highly praised." A smile appeared on Ye Feng's face.

A majestic spiritual power was released from his body and circled around Ye Feng. The surrounding space was trembling because of this invisible and qualityless spiritual power.

If there is a strong person who is good at mental power present at this time, he will definitely be shocked, because the intensity of the mental power released by Ye Feng has completely reached the ninth level.

Of course, Ye Feng would retract this spiritual power as soon as it was released, and then he continued to look for those sixth-level mutant animals for spiritual refining.

Humanity has reached its limit, but the World Tree is still a little behind!

And even if the World Tree has reached its limit, these spiritual origins are of great use to him.

If Ye Feng wants to cultivate his ordinary Golden Crow into the Great Sun Golden Crow, he will also need spiritual origin, and a massive amount of spiritual origin.

It is precisely because of this that he cleared 80% of the area in the Greater Khingan Mountains, leaving 20% ​​unattended.

The purpose is to leave enough mutated animals for him to use later to improve the Golden Crow.

"Isn't the leader back yet? What are we going to do next?" At this time, Bai Junheng found Chen Dalong and asked on behalf of the others.

They have retreated to the base camp outside for more than an hour, and they are almost in repair, but they have not seen Ye Feng, which inevitably makes people confused.

"Oh, I just received news from the boss. He said that the task has been completed and we can disband on our own."

Chen Dalong said as he turned on the tactical computer and handed the message sent by Ye Feng to Bai Junheng for a look.

"This...then what are we going to do next? No plans?" Bai Junheng asked hesitantly.

"Of course it's time to rest! We've been fighting at high intensity for three days, and we can't take a few days' rest!"

"What's more, according to the boss's estimation, the fifth spiritual energy recovery will begin in 4 to 5 days at most. I'm afraid there will be no leisure time by then."

"So let me inform the brothers and let them cherish these few days! Seize the time to improve your strength." Chen Dalong said.

Bai Junheng nodded with a heavy expression, "Okay, I understand!"

As he said this, he turned around to leave, but was stopped by Chen Dalong.

"Wait! Lao Bai, if you have nothing to do next, you want to go to Sunset Town with me!"

"You will understand the rules much faster inside. You can ask Wu Yuqin about this. She is a strong spiritual person and feels it most clearly." Chen Dalong invited.

Bai Junheng hesitated slightly and nodded, "Okay!"

In fact, he had such a plan before, but he had been busy.

But now that he has entered the Dragon Soaring Department, his previous affairs have been handed over to others, and now he is free and can concentrate on his cultivation.

"By the way, call all your brothers from the special battalion! The 10 times cultivation speed will be more effective for them. Anyway, my brothers from the first special battalion will be invited over." Chen Dalong continued.

"Okay, then I will also notify the third and fourth battalions and ask for their opinions. Everyone can go there together." Bai Junheng said.

At this time, Ye Feng really had no time to pay attention to these members of the Longteng Department.

After he used the Golden Crow to refine 30 sixth-level mutant animals, he continued to use the space movement ability and returned to the Sunset Valley.

Then, using the previous method, the two Golden Crows transferred their spiritual origins to the body of the World Tree.

With the influx of a large number of spiritual origins, the spiritual sea of ​​the World Tree itself is also rapidly expanding.

Finally, it reached the triple limit.

However, because the mental power of the World Tree itself is not as good as that of human beings, even if the mental power is increased three times, it is still only at the peak of the eighth level, and there is still a gap between it and the ninth level.

However, Ye Feng is also quite satisfied. You must know that this is the intensity of mental power under normal conditions, but there is no secret mental technique.

If you use the Burning Soul Technique to increase your mental strength by 10 times, you can easily reach the ninth level, or even the middle of the ninth level.

Of course, what Ye Feng is actually more concerned about is the sudden increase in mental power, which greatly increases the speed at which he can comprehend the rules.

Especially at this time, when the mental power reaches a limit, it will give people a feeling of perfection.

Under this feeling, a little inspiration suddenly appeared in the mind of the World Tree itself.

Ye Feng caught this bit of inspiration and quickly started to deduce it. The human being also immediately sat cross-legged and began to comprehend together.

Originally, Ye Feng was only one step away from reaching the realm. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the final step.

At this time, with the help of this flash of inspiration, Ye Feng finally stepped forward.

The entire World Tree has become lush and green, giving people a sense of vitality.

This special wave is gradually spreading outwards. Under the influence of this wave, the surrounding flowers, plants and trees seem to have received invisible nourishment and are growing rapidly.

"Is this the realm?" Ye Feng felt quite amazing. In the space he was in, he seemed to be able to make his own rules.

And this is purely the influence of realm, he has not really injected the power of rules into it to form a domain.

Otherwise, the power will only be more terrifying.

"It seems luck is on my side." Ye Feng whispered to himself.

After truly entering the realm, Ye Feng realized that he seemed to be only one step away from entering.

But if he didn't have this aura and relied solely on himself, he would have to realize it for at least another week, and he might even enter the realm.

If that's the case, then it's too late.

As for now, Ye Feng closed his eyes, controlled the world and released it, and quietly sensed it.

"There are still 4 days and 13 hours until the next spiritual energy recovery. There is still plenty of time."

As Ye Feng said, the human being took a step forward and disappeared into the Sunset Valley.

If the human being wants to retreat, he must inform his parents first.

As for the World Tree itself, it was not that troublesome. Ye Feng's mental power directly enveloped the entire Yang City, and then his voice resounded in the sky.

"I will be away for a few days, don't think about it!" Ye Feng said as the huge figure of the World Tree slowly disappeared.

Of course, during this process, he did not forget to use the space movement ability to send the mutant king cobra in the Sunset Valley into the depths of the Dongling Mountains.

Otherwise, if he leaves but the Dragon King is still here, his secret will be revealed. Although with his current strength, he is not worried about his secret being revealed.

But in order to better collect the power of faith, it is best not to drop the dragon king vest.

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