Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 356 Ye Feng appears on the stage, stunning everyone

As the game came to an end, the look on Ye Rou's face was both a little excited and a little scared.

The excitement was naturally because she won and successfully advanced to the next round.

And she was scared because this was the first time she had actually fought against someone else.

Although she used to compete with Ye Feng every day, and she also competed with other children in school training classes, these competitions were never bloody.

But the battle just now was different. If she wanted to defeat her opponent, she needed to attack with all her strength, and injuries were inevitable.

In fact, at the beginning, she was a little timid in fighting, and she didn't dare to really make a fatal blow.

Because of this mentality, Li Sheng found the loopholes several times and punched or kicked her head and chest.

If Ye Feng hadn't had the foresight to let Ye Rou practice the martial art of ice crystal armor, with this kind of mentality, even if the overall strength was far superior to the opponent, he would have probably lost long ago.

But there are no ifs. The presence of ice crystal armor means that Ye Rou has a lot of error-tolerant opportunities.

In fact, it was because of being beaten continuously that Ye Rou quickly adjusted her mentality, started to fight back, and finally won.

It's just that when we were fighting, we were too excited to think too much, but now we calmed down and looked at the bloody holes on the opponent's body. It was inevitable for a little girl to be a little scared.

"Don't worry, there are healing superpowers here, and this wound will be fine." At this time, a big hand reached out and touched Ye Rou's head.

Ye Rou suddenly felt that most of the fear in her heart had disappeared. When she looked up, she found that Ye Feng had walked over without knowing it.

"Cauldron!" She immediately jumped up excitedly and was hugged by Ye Feng.

"You performed very well this time. Please remember this feeling later and don't hesitate any more. This is just a discussion. The referee in charge is at least two levels higher than you. If it is dangerous, the opponent will definitely make the final decision. Good judgment.”

"So unless the opponent surrenders or the referee declares victory, you don't have to hold back. All you have to do is defeat the opponent." Ye Feng said.

At the same time, he also continued to release his mental power to soothe Ye Rou's emotions so that she could adapt as quickly as possible.

"Okay, Big Pot, my goal is to enter the finals with you." Ye Rou clenched her fist.

When the two returned to the lounge, the video of Ye Rou's game naturally spread to the Internet and received huge attention.

In fact, many people paid attention to Ye Rou before the game started.

She is the youngest among all the contestants. Of course, if that's all, people may only take a glance at her and not really remember her, but the problem is that Ye Rou is still a person with supernatural powers.

This is completely different.

After all, in the entire Yang City, the total number of superpower users participating in the competition was only 55.

It is worth mentioning that the number of superpowers in Yangcheng City now exceeds 80, but the batch of superpowers that were previously selected to enter the inheritance land will not participate.

Because this group of people have understood the origin of the rules, their probability of becoming a seventh-level powerhouse is much greater than that of others.

In this case, they can be selected into the talent development program without any competition.

What's more, these people have more than one martial arts move and secret technique in their hands. If they really participate in the competition, it will definitely be unfair to the others.

So these people have basically become referees.

Closer to home, although many people have paid attention to Ye Rou, most people just sighed that this little girl is so lucky.

But no one would think that a 6-year-old girl could go far in such an event.

It's even possible that they won't even survive the first round and will be eliminated.

But Ye Rou won this game with a huge advantage.

This huge contrast will naturally attract the attention of many people.

"I watched the video over and over again. This is unscientific! Although the little boy she fought against was only at the late second level and was a small level away from her, the gap couldn't be so big." Someone commented under the video. road.

"There's nothing surprising about this! People with superpowers are generally more powerful than evolved people, not to mention that they are ahead of others in realms. Isn't it normal to win?" Someone else said.

"I don't agree with what you said. Under the same realm, even if a person with superpowers is stronger, there is a limit."

"And haven't you understood yet? Ye Rou's strength does not lie in her powers, but in the armor she wears that is made of ice." Some netizens said.

This comment immediately attracted the attention of many people, because behind the real-name authentication of this netizen was a scientific researcher from Yangcheng Laboratory.

So someone immediately commented below, "Boss, tell me carefully, I don't understand very well. Isn't that set of ice armor equal to her ice power?"

The certified scientific researcher immediately replied: "Of course not. The control power of second-level ice superpowers is limited, and it is difficult to achieve this level."

"Even if it is done, how strong is the general ice defense? A late second-level evolver's punch has at least 3 to 4 tons of force. Not to mention ice, steel plates of the same thickness can also be broken open. "

"But this set of ice armor withstood a total of five punches, seven kicks, and three elbow attacks from beginning to end, but there was not a single crack."

"To sum up, there is only one possibility, and that is that this is not a simple superpower, but some kind of defensive martial arts move, and it perfectly matches the ice superpower."

The researcher's speech immediately aroused greater discussion.

Although martial arts moves are expensive, ordinary people can't afford them if they take out a loan, but few people will do so.

The reason is also very simple, that is, practicing is too difficult.

Because whether it is a martial arts move or a secret technique, if you want to truly exert its power, you need to reach level seven or above and use the power of rules to activate it.

Even though some martial arts moves are relatively easy to master, most require fifth or sixth level to get started.

But now, Ye Roucai is only at the second level, but the opponent can successfully master a martial arts.

Although this is possible because Ye Rou's martial arts is extremely suitable, he must have extremely high talent to be able to do this.

To say genius is never an exaggeration.

So many people want to find out more information about Ye Rou.

But they soon discovered that unlike other players, Ye Rou had very little information, as if someone had deliberately erased it.

But the more mysterious it becomes, the more people pay attention to Ye Rou.

Soon, among the nearly 10,000 contestants, Ye Rou's popularity actually broke into the top 50.

Ye Feng didn't know much about these things, and of course he had no interest in knowing about them.

After confirming that Ye Rou's mental state would not have any psychological shadow due to today's first actual battle, he continued to understand the power of the rules.

Time passed quickly, and nearly an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, it will be the turn of the third-level players to compete.

Ye Feng's phone vibrated. He picked it up and took a look. Sure enough, the information sent was the competition information, and he was arranged to be among the first batch to wait in the ring to compete.

"I'll be back as soon as I go." Ye Feng stood up and said.

"Son, come on!"

"Cauldron, come on!"

Looking at his family members cheering him on, Ye Feng smiled and said, "It's not too late to cheer me on later, it's not my turn yet."

After hearing this, several people were stunned for a moment, but before they could ask, Ye Feng had already left.

After Ye Feng left the private room, he quickly followed the passage to the backstage where the players were preparing.

Of course, in addition to the prepared players, there are also a large number of reporters and photographers here.

Some popular players will start following them from the moment they prepare.

The filming here will be directly broadcast on the Yangcheng City TV station.

In fact, Ye Rou's popularity just now was pretty good, but unfortunately, the staff here thought that she was probably in the first round, so they didn't pay too much attention and went to interview another popular player.

But things are different when Ye Feng comes in. Ye Feng's information was posted on the official website last night. This player is officially recognized as a popular player who may win the first place in the national competition.

So when he appeared backstage, several reporters immediately surrounded him.

And the person walking at the front can be considered an old acquaintance of Ye Feng, the reporter Du Gulan.

Of course, Du Gulan did not know Ye Feng's human form, but this did not affect the enthusiasm on her face.

"Hello, Mr. Ye Feng, you are officially rated as the number one genius in Yangcheng City. Do you have anything to say?" Du Gulan asked.

"The evaluation is quite fair." Ye Feng replied.

Du Gulan was immediately choked. Is this person so arrogant?

But other reporters are glaring. This is the kind of answer they want, so that there will be topics and controversy.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Sunshine News. Do you think you can pass the audition and enter the finals?" Another reporter asked.

"This is inevitable." Ye Feng replied.

"Hello, may I ask, what kind of power do you have?"

"You will know this later."


"Stop, stop, stop! I'm about to time out, please let me go first, okay?" Ye Feng stopped the chattering reporters and quickly passed through the crowd.

Although these reporters still had many questions to ask, they did not dare to really hinder Ye Feng.

Otherwise, the staff here will definitely ask them to leave in the name of hindering the players.

Although the interview just now was short, the topic was already quite exciting.

The TV station is still unclear, but in the live broadcast room, the number of barrages increased instantly.

"Holy shit, is this guy so crazy? He was rated as the No. 1 genius, and he actually said that the assessment was quite fair."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Even before the actual competition has started, you are saying that you will definitely pass the audition. It would be funny if you fail later."

"I feel the same way. He is too arrogant. Even if he is really talented, actual combat has nothing to do with talent. He might be eliminated in the first game if he gets nervous and doesn't perform well."

Many of the comments on the Internet were made because of Ye Feng's "arrogant" performance.

But will Ye Feng care? Definitely don't care.

If you are not strong enough, no matter how humble you are, you will be looked down upon.

But if he is strong enough, even if he goes out of his way, he will still be considered to have character.

After passing the reporters, Ye Feng quickly came to an instrument for detecting realms.

This is a process that must be followed before participating in the competition. If you break through the big realm, your opponents will be readjusted according to the level of strength after the breakthrough.

The purpose of those who come here is to pass the audition and participate in the finals. Therefore, there is no one who can break through to the big realm yet, and they will try to stay at the peak stage of the realm.

After all, players at the same level would be at a huge disadvantage when facing off against the top players in the early stages. No normal person would make such a choice.

So when the staff here saw Ye Feng showing his player card, the machine's scan had not yet been completed, so he checked it and was about to hand it to Ye Feng.

However, when he saw Ye Feng's state on the machine out of the corner of his eye, he felt that his brain suddenly shut down.

Naturally, this staff member also knew Ye Feng.

The first genius, they are the favorite in Yangcheng City.

Therefore, he also knew Ye Feng's information very well. A week ago, the opponent was only at the third level of peak.

But what does he see now?

Peak fifth level! ! !

This means that the other party actually broke through two major realms in a row in just one week.

At this time, Ye Feng also felt a little surprised. You must know that he is only in the late fourth level now. Even if this instrument is as inaccurate as last time, shouldn't it be in the late fifth level? How did it reach its peak?

And soon he figured out that this should be the effect of the Thunder Divine Body, and the further he practiced, the greater the physical gap between him and those in the same realm.

Ye Feng felt that after he completed the fourth level of his Thunder Divine Body, he might be able to surpass two realms and have a sixth-level physical fitness.

At this time, the scene of Ye Feng testing his strength was also photographed by a reporter who followed him.

In his live broadcast room, the barrage that was originally criticizing Ye Feng suddenly stopped.

The next moment, more barrages flew out.

"Holy shit, is it true? I haven't been able to break through a small realm for a week, but he directly crossed two big realms. How did he do this?"

"Isn't it worse for me? It's been half a month since I got the practice technique, and now I can barely sense the spiritual energy, and I haven't become an evolver yet."

"Haha, look at the staff member, he seems to be stupid. He is debugging the instrument now, and it seems that he needs to re-test."

"The test results are out, and he is still at the peak of the fifth level. Will he be able to reach the peak of the sixth level and catch up with Chen Dalong and the others in another week?"

"It's really amazing. Although he hasn't fought and his strength is unclear, his cultivation talent is really hard to say. He is worthy of being the number one genius in our Yangcheng City."

The topic of Ye Feng once again became a hot search topic.

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