Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 340: Spiritual energy surges, holy land for cultivation!

After calculating that it would take three days to complete the formation disk, Ye Feng no longer hesitated. He could afford to wait for three days.

Then he lifted up a tree root, preparing to cut it off and make it into material for making an array disk.

Just looking at the tree roots in front of him, an idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

"That's wrong! I'm not a human being. It should be said that my World Tree is not a human being. Why should I insist on human ways."

"The formation master Kaduo is a strong human being. He only has two hands, so he must use his mental power to control the formation carving knife throughout the process."

"But I have more than 707 tree roots, and I can definitely use these roots for assistance."

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately tried it.

He stretched out 100 tree roots and wrapped them around each of the 100 formation carving knives. Of course, Ye Feng couldn't do everything at once, so that every tree root could carve the formation accurately.

But when using mental resonance, if there was a deviation in the individual formation carving blades, he could use tree roots to correct it immediately.

Gradually, Ye Feng carved more and more formation lines, and soon there were more than 20, and then 30.

If so many formation lines had been carved before, it is estimated that more than 10 formation disks would have been invalidated due to deviations during carving.

But now, although there were almost problems several times during the process, he was able to correct them in time with tree roots.

"This method really works." Ye Feng was a little excited, but he quickly suppressed it and concentrated more on carving.

Time is passing slowly. For fear of making mistakes, Ye Feng is very cautious when carving, and the formation is completed bit by bit, but doing so will definitely consume more time.

In fact, this is also true. The time it took Ye Feng to carve the formation this time was almost twice as long as usual.

But even so, when the final result came out, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile.

Even if the time is doubled, it is only 20 minutes, but a full 100 formations have been made. I don't know how much the efficiency has improved.

Moreover, practice makes perfect, and the time for engraving later can definitely be continuously reduced.

Time passed, and Ye Feng devoted himself wholeheartedly to making the formation disk.

After another hour, Ye Feng's time for making the formation plate was once again reduced to about 10 minutes.

Of course, with this efficiency, he would occasionally make mistakes, but even if he made a mistake while carving 100 array disks, it didn't matter if he lost one or two.

With this efficiency, Ye Feng can produce nearly 600 array disks in one hour.

Next, Ye Feng focused on carving the formation disk for the World Tree itself.

As for the human being, he sits in the Sunset Hospital all day long. He uses the rules of life to guide these patients to recovery and treatment. At the same time, this is also the process of understanding the rules of life.

And during this process, Ye Feng also needs to undergo lightning quenching.

To be honest, with his current first-level cultivation, if he didn't carry a large amount of Life Fruit and Spiritual Energy Fruit, he wouldn't be able to survive at all.

But when you are weak, to forcefully complete such a difficult thing is another kind of training.

And this busyness continued into the evening, and he didn't even go home for dinner.

However, his mother, Wang Shuwen, still prepared the meals directly and packed them for him.

"Son, don't you have many subordinates? There are some things that you really don't need to do yourself, just let your subordinates do it. Our family is not short of money now, so it doesn't matter if we make less." Wang Shuwen said a little distressed.

Ye Feng was a little dumbfounded. He pointed to the computer that was not turned on and the empty workbench, "Mom, do you see me working?"

"Then what are you doing?" Wang Shuwen asked a little confused.

"I'm understanding the rules of life! In my eyes, these patients have a missing part of their lives. Helping them with treatment is equivalent to filling in the missing part of their lives. This will give me new insights." Ye Feng said .

These words gave Wang Shuwen an unclear feeling.

"Okay, I won't say much else, but you have to pay attention to rest and don't wear out your body. After all, you have to go to the ancient ruins to practice at night." Wang Shuwen reminded.

After dinner, Ye Feng continued to stay in the hospital to understand the rules of life.

When it was past eight o'clock, Ye Feng hadn't gone there yet. Guoduo even took the initiative to contact him and asked him if something had happened.

After learning that Ye Feng was fine and was just carving the formation, it just casually told him to be relaxed and relaxed, and then said nothing more.

Ye Feng stayed here until 11 o'clock in the evening.

Suddenly sitting in the office, he had a smile on his face, "It's finally done!"

He immediately took out his identity token, injected spiritual energy and started to activate the teleportation array inside. Then he would no longer be needed here, and it was time for his human self to go back to training.

On the other side of the World Tree itself, after the last batch of formation disks were carved, the number of formation disks in hand exceeded 9,000.

"Finally we can set up the formation."

Ye Feng looked at the pile of formation disks in front of him, took out 1,000 of them, and let them float.

These array disks are the core of the high-level spirit gathering array. After making them, more than half of the high-level spirit gathering array has actually been completed.

Next, you only need to treat these formation disks as formation nodes, and then connect them to each other to form a large formation.

And this process is not complicated, at least for a mentally powerful person like Ye Feng, it is not complicated.

He stretched out a main root, used the entire Dongling Mountains as a formation plate, used the main root as a formation carving knife, and started carving.

Of course, this kind of carving is extremely rough. Every time Ye Feng waves, the tree roots will cut across hundreds of kilometers of land.

But this kind of carving is also delicate, because every wave of the maple tree roots will imply the trend of the mountains and rivers.

Of course, his "carving" did not really make the tree roots make deep carvings on the ground, but left thick spiritual energy beneath the ground.

These auras are the inscriptions of the formation.

Of course, no matter how strong the spiritual energy is, it will continue to dissipate over time.

At this time, the role of the formation plate is reflected.

Every time he reached a key node, Ye Feng would bury the array disks in the soil directly at that place, and they would become the formation nodes of the entire high-level spirit gathering array.

Ye Feng can carve high-level spirit-gathering formations very quickly. For normal humans, the most time-consuming part of arranging such a formation is actually traveling.

But these are not problems at all for Ye Feng, and he even sent out 10 tree roots to help arrange the formation.

Even though he was very unskilled the first time, in just half an hour, he had already "carved" the high-level spirit gathering array, and all the array disks were turned into array nodes and buried in the soil.

As Ye Feng injected a trace of spiritual energy into the core formation eye, after activating it, the formation nodes were lit up one after another.

The spiritual energy marks left by Ye Feng in the entire mountain range were pulled by the formation nodes at this moment, and then continued to shuttle through each formation node according to a specific route.

Suddenly the entire spirit gathering formation seemed to come alive.

A steady stream of spiritual energy from heaven and earth converges towards the Dongling Mountains from everywhere.

The intensity of spiritual energy here began to soar rapidly.

10%, 20%...80%...

In just 5 minutes, the intensity of spiritual energy in the Dongling Mountains doubled to twice its original level.

At this time, the mutated animals living here were all looking around in surprise. Even ordinary mutated animals are very sensitive to changes in aura.

So this immediately made them happy, but some of them didn't quite understand why this change occurred.

Ye Feng was also feeling the improvement in spiritual energy and nodded with satisfaction.

Suddenly his eyes looked not far away, where there was a second-order peak plant. As the aura here increased in intensity, it actually began to break through.

You must know that the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy between second-level plants and third-level plants is completely different, at least five times higher.

In this case, the amount of spiritual energy that Ye Feng can harvest will naturally increase five times.

Of course, if it was just a tree that broke through, Ye Feng would not care.

But this is a signal!

Soon, as Ye Feng guessed, he cast his gaze into the distance, and plants began to break through one after another.

You know, even if it is not a breakthrough in a big realm, but a breakthrough in a small realm, such as breaking through from the late second level to the second level peak, the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy can be doubled.

Therefore, Ye Feng immediately paid attention to it.

"Originally, I thought that by increasing the spiritual energy here in the Dongling Mountains 10 times, the daily income of spiritual energy would only increase from 20 million to 200 million."

"But if all the plants here break through a small level, then my daily income of spiritual energy can be increased from the original 200 million to 400 million!"

"Of course this is the most ideal situation, but even on the basis of 200 million, an increase of another 20 to 30 percent is quite good."

"Furthermore, the aura in Sunset Valley is 10 times richer, which also means that the cultivation speed of these mutant plants is 10 times faster. Even if there is no breakthrough now, they can quickly reach the bottleneck and then break through."

Thinking of this, Ye Feng didn't feel so distressed about the spiritual stones that would be consumed by the high-level spirit gathering array.

However, there are still considerable reasons. With the 530,000 spirit stones in his hand, he cannot sustain it for long.

After all, maintaining a high-level spirit gathering array requires 10,000 spirit stones a week, and 40,000 spirit stones a month.

Then the nine advanced spirit gathering arrays will consume a total of 360,000 spirit stones in a month.

The spiritual stones in his hand cannot last more than two months. In the future, he can only rely on the human beings to exchange points for spiritual stones for support.

Ye Feng calmed down, stopped thinking so much, and began to arrange the second high-level spirit gathering array.

This time, after gaining experience, Ye Feng deployed the formation faster. In less than 20 minutes, another high-level spirit gathering formation was completed, and it was superimposed on the first one and played a role at the same time.

After another 5 minutes, the spiritual energy here was already three times as dense as the outside world. Of course, Ye Feng did not stop to feel it this time, but continued to arrange the high-level spirit gathering array.

Of course, during this process, he still paid attention to the changes in those plants.

As the spiritual energy here in the Dongling Mountains continues to become stronger, more and more trees are beginning to break through.

Of course, it's not just the mutated plants, but the mutated animals also have the same changes. Basically, those who were stuck at the bottleneck before have begun to break through at this time.

It's not just the mutated plants and animals in the Dongling Mountains that feel these changes at this time.

Because when Ye Feng set up the formation, there was another place he included in the scope of the formation, and that was Sunset Town.

Although it was past 12 o'clock at this time, at least one-third of the people in the town had not rested yet.

In addition to those who often stay up late, many of these people have already obtained the skills and want to become evolutionaries quickly, so they seize the time to practice at night.

At this time, the expressions on these people's faces were a little surprised and uncertain.

Because more than 20 minutes ago, they felt that the aura of this world seemed to be much stronger.

However, since they are just ordinary people and are not that sensitive to spiritual energy, they cannot guarantee whether they feel wrong.

But at this time, with the second high-level spirit gathering formation taking effect, the intensity of the spiritual energy has increased three times, and even ordinary people can clearly notice that something is wrong.

Then these people either wake up family and friends, or go out on the street to find someone to ask if other people feel this way.

As people continued to confirm, especially some evolutionists living in Sunset Town, they confirmed this matter.

The town that originally became quiet as night fell gradually became a little more lively.

You must know that this is three times the intensity of spiritual energy!

What is this concept? This means that their cultivation speed here is three times that of other places.

This is a matter of vital interest to everyone, even ordinary people.

After all, in other places, it may take a month to practice to become an evolver, but 10 days is enough here in Sunset Town.

This difference is not just a tiny bit.

Many people who came to travel alone quietly called their relatives and friends.

Some smart people even booked rooms at various inns overnight, or extended their stay.

When everyone is feeling excited about Sunset Town, the aura here is three times that of the outside world.

The richness of the spiritual energy here has actually begun to increase again, from 3 times to 4 times.

And this is not over yet. Almost every ten minutes, the intensity of spiritual energy in Sunset Town will increase a lot.

When the time came to 2 o'clock in the morning, the spiritual energy in Sunset Town was already 10 times stronger than in the outside world.

It was naturally impossible to hide such breaking news, especially when someone posted it on the Internet, even late at night, it immediately caused an uproar.

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