Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 334 Harvesting the entire Dongling Mountains

Half an hour later, Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes.

"Huh~ It's finally over." Ye Feng exhaled a long breath.

Even now, the tearing pain still gave him a lingering fear.

If he hadn't been mentally strong enough, he felt like he would have fainted from the pain.

Of course, this tearing pain is caused by the severe strengthening of the body, so the more painful it is, the better the effect is.

At this moment, Ye Feng felt how strengthened his body was, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I really didn't expect that my physique has improved by two small realms, reaching the late second level." Ye Feng said with emotion.

You know, the gap between first-order and second-order is still huge.

Take strength as an example. At the first level, every time you improve to a small level, you can increase your strength by about 500 kilograms.

But when you reach the second level and advance a small level, you can increase your strength by at least 2,000 kilograms, and the difference is a full 4 times.

In other words, if compared with a first-order evolver, he is equivalent to eight small realms.

That's why Ye Feng felt so incredible.

Of course, the breakthrough in realm improves not only his physical fitness, but also his supernatural powers and mental strength.

It can be said that Ye Feng's comprehensive combat power has more than doubled.

He stood up and moved his body. After getting used to it for a while, he once again fought against the rock puppet at the peak of the third level.

This time, the battle situation was completely reversed. Ye Feng was able to suppress the rock puppet and fight without any pressure.

If it weren't for the rock puppet, which had the ability to quickly repair, it probably wouldn't have lasted more than a dozen rounds before it would have been dismantled by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng fought for a while, then stopped, and then slowly increased the number of rock puppets until it increased to 4 rock puppets before he was suppressed back to the previous situation.

In fact, Ye Feng's combat power is more than that.

Because when fighting these rock puppets, he couldn't use his mental power at all.

But since it was to hone his fighting skills, Ye Feng didn't care about it.

In the blink of an eye, the night passed.

The next day, at 7 o'clock in the morning, Ye Feng was teleported back to the room again.

Even he was quite tired after a night of high-intensity training, but as a core member, he naturally had many benefits, one of which was soaking in the water of the Life Pool.

The life pool water is refined from many restorative heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and has miraculous effects on all kinds of recovery.

Ye Feng soaked in it for an hour. Not only did his body return to its best condition, but even the origin of his divided soul also recovered a little.

Therefore, when Ye Feng reappeared in the room, he had returned to a state of high energy.

"Get familiar with your body during the day, and you can make a breakthrough when you go back tonight." Ye Feng clenched his fists, relaxing both physically and mentally from the high-intensity training state.

In fact, he had reached the bottleneck five hours ago, but after discussing with Guoduo, he still postponed the breakthrough.

After all, it is not a good thing for the body to improve drastically in a short period of time. There must be a familiar process.

What's more, Ye Feng still has to find time to use the Thunder Divine Body to complete the body tempering.

If you want to directly absorb the rules of lightning into your body at the seventh level, this is no joke and requires sufficient preparation.

Therefore, starting from the first level, each stage requires a thorough lightning tempering of the whole body. This not only enhances the body's strength, but more importantly, allows the body to gradually adapt to lightning.

Ye Feng went to the bathroom to wash up first, then returned to the bed and sat cross-legged.

The most difficult part of the Thunder Divine Body is the body tempering stage. To be honest, Ye Feng is a little worried whether it will be too difficult.

He closed his eyes and began to operate the Thunder Divine Body technique.

Normally, those who want to practice the divine body of thunder need to use some objects containing thunder and lightning for assistance in the early stage, such as thunder crystals and the like.

But Ye Feng has mastered the thunder power, so he naturally doesn't need such a thing.

As he displayed his thunder power, thunder and lightning suddenly began to swirl in his palms, and soon filled his body. Then these thunder and lightning penetrated along the skin and penetrated into the body.

The previous steps are not much different from the direct use of supernatural powers to temper the body before.

However, after these thunder and lightning entered the body, they did not move around. Instead, they were gradually drawn into the meridians as the Thunder Divine Body technique moved.

It is strange to say that the meridians are originally an extremely fragile part of the body, but when these lightnings entered the meridians and mixed with the spiritual energy inside, they actually became docile.

And with the operation of the skill, the violent meaning contained in the thunder and lightning is also disappearing, and gradually seems to become a part of the skill.

Then it follows the circulation of the meridians and penetrates into every part of the body.

"It's amazing. It's easier than when I tempered my body with lightning before." Ye Feng was a little surprised.

But he soon figured out that if the Thunder Divine Body was really so violent when it was tempering its body, how could it dare to temper such fragile parts as the internal organs.

"In addition, there is another big difference between me and the ancients, that is, I have thunder powers, which is something that belongs to me."

"Compared to using foreign objects to release thunder and lightning, my superpower will cause less damage to myself, which makes it easier."

After thinking about this, Ye Feng relaxed, so he could really relax during the day.

Of course, there was one more thing to do now. The storage bracelet on his hand flashed with silver light, and a Fruit of Life appeared in his hand.

Ye Feng swallowed it directly.

Tempering the body with thunder and lightning will leave some damage to some extent. If ignored, it may even leave hidden injuries.

Therefore, those who practice the Thunder Divine Body need to soak in medicinal baths for a long time.

Ye Feng has the Fruit of Life, so he doesn't have to worry about this problem. In addition, he also needs to use his life force and cooperate with the rules of life to heal the origin of his soul.

Although it is said that even half of the soul origin is already extremely powerful for Ye Feng's human form.

But who would dislike someone whose spirit is too strong?

Half an hour after Ye Feng started to temper his body, someone suddenly knocked on the door, and at the same time there was a sound coming from outside.

"Big Pot, are you up? You agreed to take me to the amusement park today."

Ye Feng got up and went to open the door, and found Ye Rou standing outside the door, and she was wearing a princess dress today, which was quite cute.

He hugged Ye Rou and said, "Brother, how could I lie to you? Let's go now and take you to have a good time today."

Although he wants to temper his body with lightning, with Ye Feng's mental strength, there is no problem at all if he can do two things at once.

"Okay!" Ye Rou jumped up immediately.

While the human being is going out to play with his family, the World Tree is seizing the time to practice.

"One night, I finally finished it with extra points and reached the bottleneck of breakthrough."

"But it's a pity that the origin of my soul is missing. I can't break through for the time being, otherwise the foundation will be unstable." Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, after resurrecting the human being, he began to use the rules of life to quickly repair the origin of the soul.

But even the rules of life are not that easy to repair for the origin of the soul.

"Half of my soul's origin was split before, leaving only 50%."

"Now that one night has passed, my soul's origin has only recovered to 52%. In this case, I will only recover about 4% in one day."

"According to this progress, it will take at least 12 days for me to fully recover the origin of my soul. It's really slow!" Ye Feng felt distressed.

Of course, if his words were heard by the other seventh-level experts, they would probably want to die.

That is the origin of the soul!

The average strong person, even those who are good at spiritual power, would not even think about restoring half of their soul origin for more than ten years.

As for those who are not good at mental power, they start with a hundred years.

Of course, if you get that kind of extremely precious treasure of heaven and earth that is of great help to the soul and can take it, then that is a different matter.

But even if you really get that kind of natural treasure, if you want to restore the soul's origin, it will take at least ten days and a half.

In other words, Ye Feng, who has mastered the rules of life, is actually equivalent to possessing endless treasures of heaven and earth that can be used.

It's just that Ye Feng was able to recover extremely quickly when he was injured before, but this time it actually took more than ten days. Such a gap made him feel like it was a long time.

Of course, Ye Feng also knew that this kind of thing could not be rushed, so he quickly adjusted his mentality.

He took a look at the current length of his tree roots, which is 40,750 meters. Of course, this is because Ye Feng is in a reduced state. If he returns to his original size, his current tree root length will have reached 81,500 meters.

Compared with the time when the breakthrough was just made, with the completion of adding points, the tree roots have grown a full 20,000 meters.

Of course, this is not the limit of the root length of the leaf maple tree.

If he uses the magic of heaven and earth to expand his body, the maximum length of his tree roots can even reach 163,000 meters.

This is equivalent to a length of 163 kilometers, which means that Ye Feng's current root length can extend to any place in the Dongling Mountains.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng was ready to harvest spiritual energy again.

It was also his first time to harvest spiritual energy on such a large scale, and he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Of course, because the scope is too large, it is impossible for Ye Feng to harvest even those weeds and bushes with spiritual energy like before.

In that case, harvesting spiritual energy alone would take up all of his time.

So Ye Feng thought about it. From now on, he could only harvest the aura of trees, and he should at least break through to the second-level taller trees.

Because trees of this level, even if they swallow a little more spiritual energy, their roots will not be damaged. Ye Feng can completely harvest spiritual energy every five hours.

Second-level trees and above account for about 70% of the total number. As for the remaining 30%, let them grow well. When they reach the standard, it will not be too late to harvest them.

At this time, all 700 tree roots of Ye Feng were deployed, and at the same time, the laws of heaven and earth were deployed to increase the length of these roots.

Of course, Ye Feng gradually became familiar with the magical powers of Fa, Tianxiang and Earth, and was able to use them partially.

That is to say, the length and volume of the tree roots are only increased, while the trunk and crown remain unchanged.

Soon, these mutated animals in the mountains could feel the slight vibrations coming from the ground, which was the movement caused by the high-speed movement of tree roots underground.

Some animals also saw a huge black shadow passing by huge trees.

At first these animals were frightened, but soon they discovered that it seemed to have no impact on them, and they came out to look for food again.

Although Ye Feng lowered his demands again and again, the workload was still too much to harvest the spiritual energy of the plants in the entire Dongling Mountains. It took him half an hour to finally complete it.

Ye Feng glanced at the system panel expectantly, and then his heart beat a little faster.

Since he harvested 5 hours of spiritual energy at once, the system panel directly increased the spiritual energy value by 4.075 million points at this time.

Even if the spiritual energy value increased every hour on average, it would still be a huge amount of 815,000.

Definitely an unprecedented new record.

There are 815,000 spiritual energy points in one hour, so at the end of the day, there are 19.56 million spiritual energy points, which is close to 20 million points.

If he had such a spiritual energy income before, there would be no need to worry!

As for Ye Feng's demand for spiritual energy now, it's really not that high.

After all, after going to the inheritance place, the Dragon King Palace, whether it was mutated animals or mutated insects, had already broken through to the sixth level.

Of course, Liu Zaoxin will send 10,000 mutant animals later, but these are things that will happen later, so now these spiritual energy are for his own use.

But Ye Feng doesn't need so much spiritual energy to add points at all. Even at level seven, the amount of spiritual energy required to add one point is only increased to 100 points. He needs to add points a full 200,000 times to get 20,000 evolution points for a breakthrough, but that It only requires 20 million points of spiritual energy.

For him now, this is just one day of harvesting spiritual energy, not to mention that he still has a reserve of 2.4 billion points of spiritual energy.

"Storing so much spiritual energy is of little use to me. I still have to convert the spiritual energy into the power of rules to improve my combat power, but my speed of converting the power of rules is too slow." Ye Feng sighed.

Even if he uses the Wanmu Divine Body, he can only convert up to 100 points of spiritual energy into 10 points of rule power in one minute.

So if you convert 600 points in one hour, you can only convert 14,400 points of rule power in one day.

This speed is really too slow.

"But the transformation speed is so slow. It's not that the Divine Body of Ten Thousand Trees is not good, but that the realm of the technique is too low. Next, we should upgrade the Divine Body of Ten Thousand Trees to the level of Xiaocheng." Ye Feng whispered to himself.

Of course, cultivating the Wanmu Divine Body is not easy. It requires extremely strong mental power to support it.

Unfortunately, the origin of his soul has just been cut into half, so the subsequent cultivation of the Wanmu Divine Body is destined to be slow.

Of course, Ye Feng is not in a hurry now. He can accept it even if it takes a few days or even ten days to upgrade the Wanmu Divine Body to the Xiaocheng state.

From the beginning to the end, there was only one most important thing for him, and that was to improve the state of the rules of life as soon as possible.

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