After awakening, Ye Feng clenched his fist vigorously, and then suddenly swung it forward, and an explosion instantly sounded in the air in front of him.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Ye Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"The strength has actually increased so much."

He came to a boulder and punched it. The boulder in front of him suddenly shattered and his fist had completely penetrated into the boulder.

"The power of my punch should be close to 1,000 pounds!" Ye Feng was really surprised.

Because this is already a power that can only be possessed by a first-order peak evolver, and he is a superpower, and he is only at the early stage of the first-order.

"Not only the strength, but also the defense is much stronger." Ye Feng took out his hand and looked at the skin on his fist. It was only slightly red. His defense should have reached the peak of the first level.

Next, Ye Feng tested his speed again. As expected, it was also the standard of the first-order peak.

And all of them are aimed at evolutionaries.

"It really deserves to be the strongest foundation!" Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Then he closed his eyes and sensed his two superpowers.

Crack, crackle!

Suddenly, tiny thunder and lightning began to flash on Ye Feng's two palms, and then became more and more dense.

"Thunder in the Palm!" Ye Feng said softly to himself as he sensed the information fed back from the mark.

Palm thunder can be released into battle to maximize the power of supernatural powers, or it can be released from the hand to attack from a distance.

No matter what kind of attack it is, it can cause fatal damage to the enemy, and it also has a paralysis effect.

Generally speaking, Ye Feng felt that he had a decent thunder ability.

Of course, compared to ordinary abilities, it is definitely better.

Regarding this, Ye Feng was neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

After all, at his level, although the strength of the superpower is given by the mark, it is not entirely the same.

At this time, he used all his strength to activate the thunder and lightning powers in his body, and the thunder and lightning in his palm became more and more dense.

Then under the control of his mental power, these thunder and lightning continued to gather, and then gradually formed the shape of a spear.

Thunder Spear!

After Ye Feng condensed it, he felt not very satisfied.

Soon, these thunderbolts dispersed, extending along the palms to the wrists, arms, chest, and then the upper body, and finally filled the whole body, forming the appearance of a set of armor.

Thunder Armor!

These are the superpowers that Ye Feng has seen.

Now that he has huge mental power as a backing, he can easily display it.

Of course, Ye Feng has not forgotten that among all the lightning power users, the most powerful one is Fang Ziyuan.

The reason why the opponent is powerful is not because of how strong his lightning powers are, but because he has extremely strong control over lightning and can use his lightning powers to temper his body.

"Thunder Tempering Body? I'll give it a try too." Ye Feng looked forward to it.

Then the thunder armor that wrapped his whole body began to release electric current into his body.

You know, the resistance of lightning power users to lightning is actually not very high.

They are not afraid of their own lightning, because under the constraints of supernatural powers, the lightning released will only stay on the surface of the skin and will not enter the body, so it will not cause harm.

But now Ye Feng was about to do the opposite. He suddenly felt his body convulsing slightly, his hair standing on end one by one, and even his internal organs were slightly injured.

"It's really not easy to control that speed. From this aspect, Fang Ziyuan is really a genius." Ye Feng sighed with emotion.

Of course, after the first attempt, Ye Feng had mental power as an aid and quickly analyzed the problem and made adjustments immediately.

He then tried it twice in succession, and on the third time, he finally mastered the technique of thunder and lightning body tempering.

"This method is not bad." Ye Feng felt that his body was slowly getting stronger under the stimulation of thunder and lightning.

Over time, the strength of the body can definitely reach an exaggerated level.

"It just takes a long time and cannot achieve immediate results." He felt a little regretful.

He has basically finished exploring the thunder power in his palm, and the next step is the space power.

Ye Feng closed his eyes, felt the mark in his body, and quickly came to a realization.

The superpower he has mastered is called: Space Movement!

This ability is somewhat similar to space teleportation, but space teleportation only teleports people or objects away.

Space shifting means moving the entire space.

With a thought in Ye Feng's mind, he immediately activated his power and directly moved the space he was in to the open space in front of him.

For an instant, the space around him was slightly distorted, and the next moment, it was as if he was teleported, appearing in an open space a hundred meters away.

The scene before him was a bit surprising to Ye Feng.

At the same time, he stretched out his palm and grabbed a piece of gravel in the distance. As the space fluctuated and flickered, the piece of gravel suddenly came to him.

"Yes, the actual combat effect of this spatial movement should be much stronger than that of spatial teleportation."

After only two attempts, he had already thought of many cool operations in actual combat.

He can move directly in front of the enemy and attack face-to-face, or move away to avoid the attack.

You can also directly move the attack released by the enemy, or move the weapon in the opponent's hand.

Of course, whether it will work or not will have to be tested in actual combat.

Of course, space movement also has shortcomings compared to space teleportation, that is, the distance of movement is far incomparable to teleportation.

Space teleportation can reach hundreds or even thousands of kilometers in an instant, but if he moves in space, at this stage, with his first-level strength, he can only move up to 1 kilometer.

"However, the pros and cons are not important to me. The most important thing is that I got a stepping stone and a chance to knock on the door of space rules." Ye Feng couldn't help but smile on his face.

Having the ability of space movement means that he can master the rules of space movement in the future.

It is worth mentioning that the rules of space movement can only be regarded as upper-level rules.

It is not the supreme rule of space rules.

Because space rules include rules at all spatial levels, including space movement, space transmission, space cutting, space oscillation, etc.

Therefore, whether it is him or Bai Junheng, the space system abilities they master can only allow them to understand a superior rule, not a supreme rule.

If he wants to master the supreme rules, he must use space to move and master more space system rules by analogy.

As he learns more and more about space and masters more and more rules of space types, he can grasp the essence of space and understand the rules of space.

Otherwise, if you can understand the supreme rules with just a random power, then the supreme rules will be too worthless.

As for why he was able to realize the rules of life in one fell swoop, that was entirely due to the system.

The life healing ability given by the system can directly convert spiritual energy into vitality.

This is the essence of the rules of life.

Therefore, every time Ye Feng uses his life healing ability, it is equivalent to understanding the rules of life. This allows him to directly understand this supreme rule in one step.

"The road has to be walked step by step. Now that I have two major deities, the efficiency of comprehending the rules is twice as high as before. Coupled with my strong mental power, this is also a huge advantage."

"With enough time, it should be no problem to understand the rules of space." He said, and used his mental power to control himself to float up and fly towards the World Tree itself.

He planned to grab some things and get ready to go home.

Now that he has been resurrected, he is becoming more and more urgent to see his family.

But he just floated up, frowned slightly, and couldn't help but look up into the sky.

At this time, there were still dark clouds above the head, and streaks of electric light were flashing in the clouds, and they were getting denser and denser.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Ye Feng feels that he is locked by something in the dark.

He looked at the sky and then at himself, and a kind of enlightenment gradually emerged in his heart.

"Am I going to go through a catastrophe?"

With a thought in his mind, the World Tree's body immediately released the ability to control the world and communicated with the world.

It didn't take long for him to get feedback.

"It's true. Resurrection from the dead violates the rules of this world. That's why the heavenly catastrophe was unleashed to kill my human being." Ye Feng was not panicked.

The flying speed of the human being suddenly accelerated, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at the trunk of the World Tree.

Although the natural calamity will inevitably come, the World Tree himself is the one who exerts his abilities and can take over this period of cause and effect.

In other words, it can help resist natural disasters.

At this time, the black clouds in the sky were getting heavier and heavier, and the thunder below was getting denser and denser. Finally, after brewing for another minute, a thick thunder and lightning came straight towards Ye Feng's human form.

Ye Feng could feel this thunder and lightning, which should have reached the third level, which means it is two levels higher than the human being.

Of course, this is nothing to the World Tree itself. Ye Feng stretched out a tree root at will and easily intercepted this thunder.

"Hey! Is this thunder? It's really different from ordinary thunder and lightning." Ye Feng felt a little surprised after sensing it.

This thunder and lightning is more violent and destructive than ordinary thunder and lightning.

But within this destructive power, there is also a source of vitality.

After feeling this, Ye Feng took another look at the second thunder that was brewing. He suddenly changed his mind and directly controlled the human being to fly out.

With his current physical strength, if he resists a thunderbolt, he will be seriously injured at most, and he will definitely not die.

What's more, he is a person with lightning powers, so how can he not have the means to deal with thunder and lightning?

More importantly, he fell in love with the vitality contained in the thunder and lightning, and his intuition told him that this vitality would be of great use to him.

At this time, Ye Feng stood in the air, and thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in his palms and quickly filled his body, forming thunder armor.

Just as he was getting ready, another thick thunder struck directly at his head.

This sky thunder fell on the thunder armor first, and immediately blended with the thunder and lightning released by Ye Feng.

The violent force in the sky thunder is constantly being weakened, greatly reducing its power.

Even so, Ye Feng's body surface was a little burnt black by the lightning, and there was blood oozing from the corners of his mouth. It was obvious that he had suffered serious trauma.

But he didn't care about this at all. Instead, his eyes were bright.

Because Ye Feng felt that his body, after being struck by thunder, absorbed the vitality inside, as if it had undergone a tempering, and its physical strength was significantly enhanced.

Feeling this scene, he even thought about it and activated the method of thunder and lightning body tempering.

Under the control of his seventh-level mental power, the remaining thunder in his body circulated in the way Ye Feng wanted, like obedient sheep.

Suddenly Ye Feng felt that the effect of Tianlei tempering was greatly enhanced.

"The body-tempering effect of a thunderbolt is almost comparable to the effect of using lightning to temper my body in a week."

Ye Feng's eyes were bright. He was still worried about the speed of lightning tempering before, but he didn't expect that this disaster would actually help him.

Soon the third thunder struck down. This time, after Ye Feng gained experience, he became more calm in dealing with it, and his body was greatly strengthened again.

Soon the 4th, 5th, and 9th thunder fell, and the thunder and lightning in the sky gradually subsided, and then slowly dissipated.

Obviously, the disaster is over.

But Ye Feng's face was full of unfinished expression.

"It's a pity that the World Tree itself blocked a thunderbolt, and I only absorbed 8 thunderbolts. But even so, it is equivalent to the effect of the lightning tempering body for almost two months."

He carefully sensed the changes in his body. If his previous physical fitness was comparable to that of a peak first-order evolver, now it is definitely comparable to that of an early second-order evolver.

"In other words, even if I don't use any powers now, I can sweep through the same level just with my powerful body."

"If you include thunder and space abilities, I estimate that we can easily defeat even third-level evolvers."

"However, my strongest method is mental power. With my second-level physical strength, the total amount of mental power released is already comparable to that of a third-level mental power user."

"Using only mental power, we should be able to defeat level 4 or even level 5 enemies." Ye Feng quickly assessed his combat power.

The reason why his mental power is so abnormal is because this body only limits the total amount of mental power he can release.

But his mental strength is still at the seventh level.

So it is no exaggeration to say that if Ye Feng uses mental power to fight against the enemy, it will not be much different from cheating.

Ye Feng shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He quickly flew back to the trunk of the World Tree, then took out a storage bracelet from the inner world and put it on his wrist.

This is the largest piece of storage equipment he has obtained, containing a space of 1,000 cubic meters.

Ye Feng has long recognized the owner of these storage equipment, and since the souls of the two deities are the same, these storage equipment can be shared.

He immediately took out some of his belongings from his storage bracelet, such as clothes, watches, wallets, notebooks, pens, etc.

These things were kept away for fear of damage when the body was being sacrificed. Looking at it now, it was obviously foresight.

After putting on all these things, Ye Feng couldn't wait to walk out of the Sunset Valley.

He could finally go home openly.

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