Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 321 Genius Training Plan

In a temporary military camp in Tianhe City, frontline reporter Du Gulan, who has interviewed mutated parrots many times, is quickly editing the information in his hands into pieces of news and posting them online.

There was excitement that could not be concealed in her beautiful eyes.

There was nothing she could do about it, the news materials in her hands were really astonishing. As a person involved, she was still in a daze, let alone the people she saw on the Internet.

Soon another draft was edited by her, leaving only the title.

After a while, another article appeared on the already boiling Internet.

"King's return! The eighth-level powerhouses could only flee in front of the Dragon King, while the seventh-level powerhouses had no power to resist. ”》

The title is a bit long, but it undoubtedly summarizes the facts very clearly.

After the news was released, Du Gulan went to pour a glass of water. In less than two minutes before returning to the computer, it had already entered the top ten of the hot search list, with more than 500,000 views.

"Real or fake? These photos are not synthesized by AI, are they?"

"To be honest, if this was not an officially certified reporter, I would not believe such exaggerated content at all, but even so, I feel it is only one-tenth of the credibility."

Du Gulan browsed through the comments for a while, and she was not surprised at all by these doubts.

She opened another folder on her computer and sent the high-definition video she had taken previously.

In fact, it's not just her. Almost all the frontline reporters staying here in Tianhe City are doing similar things.

As more and more reporters posted what they shot, especially high-definition videos from all angles, people on the Internet had fewer and fewer doubts.

When they accept this fact, it's exciting.

You know, just a few days ago, those ancient ruins were opened, and when the armies from restricted areas around the world came out, everyone actually felt a sense of despair in their hearts.

They all couldn't imagine what a tragic scene it would be if these restricted area armies directly launched attacks on various cities.

I'm afraid no city can stop it.

But in the next few days, their mood was like riding a roller coaster.

They were still at a low point two days ago, but they waited for the first batch of strong human beings to return from the land of inheritance.

When they discovered that the top experts in their human race were generally at the third or fourth level.

But after coming out of the ancient ruins, they all improved by at least one or two major realms, directly becoming the fourth or fifth level.

What's more, after reaching the sixth level, everyone became happy and excited.

Because this at least allows them to see that the gap in individual combat power between strong humans and the rest of the top mutant animals is getting closer.

And after just one day of this joyful mood, they got an even bigger surprise.

Because the group of sixth-level experts who entered Rule Mountain also returned one after another, and they actually brought back the cultivation method.

Anyone who is not stupid can understand what this means.

This is the foundation for the true rise of mankind!

Of course, while they are excited, they are also worried that there will be no time left for human development.

Because in the human camp, there is never anyone who can truly carry the cauldron, that is, the top powerhouse of the seventh level and above.

You know, every strong person at this level is equivalent to a walking nuclear bomb.

But each restricted area can send five or six such strong men. In other words, they have the ability to flip the table at will.

As long as they wait for further spiritual energy recovery, these top powerhouses will be able to come out.

Therefore, the time left for mankind is really very short, even so short that it makes people despair.

It was under this situation that Ye Feng single-handedly suppressed the six top experts sent from the Xiaofengshan restricted area.

For everyone, this is like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Haha, the video has also been released on the official website. It seems that the news is confirmed. The Dragon King is awesome!" someone cheered excitedly.

"I really want to know what the Dragon King has gained in the Land of Heritage? In just a few days, his combat power has undergone earth-shaking changes." Some people lamented.

"Everyone, go check out the external network. A large group of people are looking for lemons! We must win over the Dragon King and don't let those coquettish bitches from abroad seduce him."

This comment quickly attracted the attention of many people, even Du Gulan. She immediately opened the external network and read the comments.

I found out that they were all looking for lemons, saying that they were just lucky.

Du Gulan just smiled at these comments, but there were also some comments that made her frown slightly.

These comments all said that the Dragon King was too kind. It was unwise to give up because of a city when he clearly had the opportunity to kill a group of strong men in the Xiaofengshan restricted area.

Du Gulan wanted to start spraying directly, but after putting her hands on the keyboard, she didn't know what to say.

Because he knew the essence of this matter very well. In fact, they were too weak. Even an entire city had no ability to resist in front of a strong man of that level. They were even simply a bargaining chip for blackmail.

While the entire Internet was in uproar, a highly confidential meeting was taking place.

The number of people who could participate in this meeting was very small, less than 30 people in total, and both Liu Zaoxin and Bai Yinghui were among them.

However, the two of them were able to participate not because of their high status, but simply because they had the most dealings with the Dragon King.

The two people in the conference room were a little nervous looking at the projector in front of them.

"Two sirs, the confidential line has been connected, and the meeting will start in three minutes." An officer in charge of confidentiality came over and whispered, and then exited the conference room along with the rest of the people.

No one will be able to come in until the meeting is over.

Liu Zaoxin and Bai Yinghui looked at each other, quickly adjusting their mentality and sorting out what they wanted to say later.

Three minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and soon the projection screen in front of him lit up, and figures appeared on the screen in front of him.

Mr. Zhang, who was sitting in the first place, put down the document in his hand and said slowly: "Today's meeting mainly has two topics. The first topic is about the Dragon King. Let's take a look at this latest information."

When Liu Zaoxin and Bai Yinghui heard this, they immediately lowered their heads and looked at the tablets in front of them.

The document that was originally blank has now been refreshed with content.

Liu Zaoxin browsed quickly. He knew a lot of the information in front of it.

But when he saw the content behind it, he couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face.

Because the following content is all about Dragon King, his performance in the Land of Heritage, and some overviews of battles.

Although these battles are simply described in words, as long as you take a look at the enemies and their realms, you can imagine how terrifying and fierce such battles are.

"Mr. Zhao, is the following information accurate?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"It's absolutely true! Bai Junheng, the strongest man in our country, has returned early, and he gave all this information." Mr. Zhao nodded.

Even though the people present were all big shots, they could not help but breathe a little heavier at this time.

There is no way, according to the description of the data, the combat power displayed by the Dragon King is really terrible.

The previous battle was just that, but in the final assessment, he was able to withstand the siege of 8 eighth-level experts and fight his way out of the siege. He was the first to obtain the artifact, and there were two artifacts.

Later on, he directly broke through to the seventh level, overwhelming all the eighth level experts, and won the first place in the final assessment.

Seeing these contents made Liu Zaoxin feel a little excited.

However, when he saw the end of the information, which was about an inference made by the General Staff, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"The staff speculates that there is a 70% probability that the giant tree is the Dragon King's body? Isn't this impossible?" Liu Zaoxin couldn't help but say.

This incident shocked him no less than when the Dragon King won the first place in the final assessment.

Not only Liu Zaoxin was shocked by this incident, many people also had incredible expressions in their hearts when they saw the last contents of the intelligence.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Zhao looked at the officer at the head.

The other party immediately stood up and said: "According to the information provided by Bai Junheng, the Dragon King and the Giant Tree had two different avatars in the final assessment, and the rankings were calculated separately."

"In addition, whether it is inside the land of inheritance or outside, the one who fights is the giant tree, and it uses the roots of the tree."

"And this kind of fighting method has to make us suspicious. Please look at the picture below."

The officer paused for a moment when he said this, and then Liu Zaoxin noticed that a picture popped up on the tablet in front of him.

This is a comparison picture. The former is a scene of fighting with tree roots, and the latter is a scene of fighting with giant dragons in thick fog.

If appearance aside, their movements are exactly the same.

After seeing this picture, many people's pupils shrank slightly.

The officer continued: "As you can see, as long as a layer of thick fog is wrapped around the roots of these trees, it is actually a giant giant dragon of thick fog."

"Of course, the above are all speculations based on existing information. I have finished reporting."

After the officer finished speaking, he sat back, and the audience fell into a long silence.

Everyone involuntarily turned their attention to Mr. Zhao, but they soon discovered that the expression on Mr. Zhao's face remained unchanged.

He slowly said: "You don't have to worry about this matter at all. Whether the dragon king is a mutant king cobra or that giant tree, it actually makes no difference to us."

"As long as the 'Dragon King''s attitude towards us remains unchanged, that's fine, isn't it?"

Hearing what Mr. Zhao said, everyone in the venue couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, no matter who the Dragon King is, as long as they can continue to maintain this relationship, it must be right.

Mr. Zhao continued: "One day ago, Tianhe City was relatively intact, and the Dragon King Palace contributed the most, and there were many casualties."

"In this case, we will definitely express our gratitude. Xiaoqian, you can tell us what happens next."

After hearing Mr. Guo's words, a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses stood up on the left side of the conference table. "According to our group's urgent discussions, there are three things that need to be dealt with as soon as possible."

"The first is that the pensions for the animals killed in the Dragon King Palace battle must be distributed as soon as possible. Since all the animals killed in the battle are sixth-level animals, according to our budget, each animal must pay at least 50 million to 100 million. .”

"For specific details, we can negotiate with the Dragon King Palace."

"Second, the Dragon King Palace has lost a lot of animals this time and will definitely ask us to continue collecting animals."

"We need to do this in advance, collect the animals, and send them to the Dragon King's Palace to win the Dragon King's favor."

"Third, the Dragon King has always wanted to be famous, or want a good reputation. This should be to achieve a certain purpose. We must also take the initiative to publicize this matter."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he sat down again.

And everyone can hear that these three things the other party has done are purely to gain favor.

If this was done before, some people would still question it, but in this situation, everyone knows that this is the wisest choice.

On the one hand, it's because the Dragon King's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. He is completely able to suppress one or even multiple restricted areas on his own, which they cannot afford to offend.

Whether humans can develop stably in the next period of time actually depends to a large extent on how much the Dragon King can help them.

On the other hand, the Dragon King obviously had the strength to kill all the strong men sent out of the Xiaofengshan restricted area, but he had scruples because they were a human city.

This proved without a doubt that their previous practices and strategies were correct.

The Dragon King still has a good impression of them.

Otherwise, with the current strength of the Dragon King, there is no need to care about the life and death of millions of people.

After the middle-aged man finished his report, Mr. Zhao glanced at everyone in the audience and said, "Besides the above three points, if you have any suggestions, you can feel free to speak."

Most of the people in the audience remained silent, because these three suggestions basically covered what they wanted to say.

Mr. Zhao waited for a minute and saw that no one spoke. When he was about to move on to the next topic, Liu Zaoxin raised his hand.

He said: "I have a little suggestion."

"According to my observation, the Dragon King is very concerned about the Sunset Town he built with his own hands. He will send parrot messengers every now and then to discuss the town's development plan with me."

"So I suggest that we increase the allocation of resources to Sunset Town so that the town can develop faster. What I am saying is that it should develop in the direction that the Dragon King wants."

Hearing these words, Mr. Zhao barely hesitated and said directly: "No problem, a special fund will be transferred to your account soon. You can do whatever you want."

The first motion was finalized, and the meeting moved on to the second agenda.

Mr. Zhao once again took out a document, distributed it to everyone, and said: "These are the resources obtained by the strong men in each city from the place of inheritance."

"There are a lot of good things here, especially with the cultivation method, we can now do things that we wanted to do but were unable to do before."

"Next, we will select a group of top geniuses from across the country and train them to be strong. This plan is the Genius Cultivation Plan."

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