Ye Feng was a little dumbfounded when he heard that this was the reason.

Indeed, if magical power is a fighting method used by true gods, based on this alone, its price cannot be that low.

And if what Guoduo said is true, then this kind of inheritance crystal is equivalent to a disposable item and is indeed precious.

So he didn't hesitate at all and directly spent 2,000 points to redeem the magical power of "Fa Tian Xian Di".

"In this case, the tiger skin that was pulled off before is considered to be round." When he got this inheritance crystal in his hand, Ye Feng was a little sad.

When I was trying to create the image of the Dragon King, I had magical powers when I opened and closed my mouth.

Now the lie is complete.

He didn't expect that there really were magical powers in ancient times, and they were the skills of god-level experts.

After getting the inheritance crystal, Ye Feng did not hesitate too much. According to the information given above, he directly injected a trace of the power of rules into it to activate it.

Suddenly, a huge spiritual wave bloomed from this inheritance crystal, which was directly transmitted into his spiritual sea.

At this time, a huge figure appeared above the sea of ​​​​spirits, and the other party was using the magical power of heaven, earth, and heaven.

With the use of magical powers, the opponent's body suddenly expanded several times, and a breath of fighting against heaven and earth burst out from the opponent's body.

These images and the information about magical power cultivation were constantly imprinted in Ye Feng's mind, giving him a clearer understanding of this magical power.

Even with Ye Feng's current mental strength, it took a full 5 minutes to receive all the information in the inheritance crystal.

"It is indeed a true god-level method. It is really amazing! However, the difficulty of cultivation is also much higher. It actually requires a seventh-level cultivation level to barely get started." Ye Feng said with emotion.

It is not too difficult to know the rest of the cultivation methods, or martial arts, at least at the entry level.

For example, his Ten Thousand Woods Divine Body, in theory, is only a first-level cultivation level, and can be practiced to get started.

Of course, this is just an introduction. If you want to continue to practice, there are still requirements for cultivation.

If you want to reach a small level of cultivation, you must reach the seventh level, to reach a great level of cultivation, you need the eighth level, and to achieve perfection, you need the ninth level.

Of course, because the Wanmu Divine Body is the most advanced cultivation method, the requirements are relatively high.

In general, at the sixth level of cultivation, as long as you have the ability, you can practice it to the level of great achievement.

Therefore, from the difficulty level, you can see that this magical power is extraordinary.

After Ye Feng sighed with emotion, he began to look through the good things in the treasure house again.

There were many things in it that made him excited and wanted to buy them, but he reluctantly endured them.

After spending another 10 minutes, Ye Feng carefully explored all the items in the treasure house, and then slowly exhaled.

Although he planned to buy a few things, he did not act immediately. He planned to think about it carefully after returning.

After all, he is different from others. He can come to the inheritance place at any time in the future, and it will not be too late to redeem it then.

He took a look at his remaining points, and saw a total of 15,750 points left.

Of course, there are 10,000 points in it, which are left to understand the origin of the rules, and only 5,750 points are left that can be used.

"It's so little, it's gone all of a sudden." Ye Feng muttered the basis, and then dragged the exchange list to the place where he understood the origin of the rules.

Then I directly spent 10,000 points, redeemed 100 times, and had the opportunity to understand the origin of the supreme rules.

Because there were too many good things in the treasury, he was afraid that he would not be able to resist using up his points, so he spent the 10,000 points first.

After all, after redeeming the number of times you can understand the origin of the rules, you can save it first and come back to understand it when you want to use it.

At this time, he glanced at the metal platform. The rest of the people had basically been replaced, and they were all seizing the time to understand the origin of the rules.

Because just now, Guoduo informed everyone that they could stay on this platform for up to 12 hours.

In this case, of course, take the time to understand.

And 12 hours is neither long nor short.

Even if you try your best, you can only let these people understand the origin of the rules 24 times at most.

Under normal circumstances, the number of such insights is definitely not too small. As long as the talent is good, you can basically get started with a basic rule.

However, the vast majority of people on the field are strong in the penalty area, and they only have 24 perceptions. This is definitely not enough for them, after all, they want to go further.

So everyone is seizing the time to start to understand.

Ye Feng thought for a while, and also used up an opportunity to understand the origin of the rules of life.

This is Ye Feng's first realization after comprehending the rules of life. Coupled with his previous combat experience, and after breaking through to the seventh level, the use of the power of the rules has become an accumulation.

So this time, Ye Feng experienced a lot of things.

"The origin of this rule is so magical. No matter which step I realize, it can continue to guide me forward." Ye Feng sighed a little.

But after realizing it once, he didn't continue.

The continuous enlightenment effect will become worse and worse. According to his plan, he will enter the inheritance place every three or four days to gain enlightenment.

In this way, if you spend a year and use all 100 times of enlightenment, the effect should be the best.

At this time, others are still comprehending the rules.

Ye Feng thought for a while, but did not leave. Instead, he planned to start practicing "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth" first.

Because as long as he begins to practice this magical power, his combat effectiveness will be able to make a qualitative leap again.

Moreover, "Dharma of Heaven and Earth" can not only make one's body grow larger, but also shrink it in proportion.

This ability is also what Ye Feng wants.

After all, his current body is too huge. With his current size, if he returns to the Sunset Valley, the tree crown may extend to the suburbs of Yangcheng City.

And after returning, he plans to quickly break through to the seventh level peak. At that time, his tree crown will probably cover most of Yang City's sky.

At that time, it will be inconvenient for the residents of Yangcheng City, so he needs the ability to reduce the size of "Fa Tian Xiang Di" even more.

Just do it as soon as you think of it, and Ye Feng immediately started practicing.

The principle of law, heaven and earth is actually to use the power of rules to stimulate the body's potential to the greatest extent.

Of course, if it is just to stimulate potential, then many secret techniques can do it.

However, Fa Tian Xiang Di can stimulate his potential without causing any harm to himself, but will only consume the power of the rules.

It is precisely because of this mystery that it can be called a magical power.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The biggest shortcoming of Fa Tian Xiang Di is that it is very difficult to practice. It requires the power of rules to be integrated into every part of the body according to some special fluctuations before it can be displayed.

Whether it is the power of the rules or the degree of control over one's own body, the requirements are very high, and the two need to reach a certain resonance.

However, Ye Feng is not worried about this because his mental power is strong enough. Therefore, both the power of rules and the ability to control oneself are extremely powerful.

In fact, the cultivation method of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth" has mentioned that strong people who are good at mental power will master "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth" more easily than others.

It's just that the "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth" is purely a magical power that enhances the physical body, and generally those with strong mental power have relatively fragile bodies, so naturally they will not waste time cultivating this kind of magical power.

However, even if it is easier for those with strong spiritual power to practice, it is still relative.

In fact, when Ye Feng started practicing, he felt that cultivating the Heaven, Elephant and Earth was even more difficult than cultivating the Wanmu Divine Body.

But now he has broken through to the seventh level, and his mental power has been greatly enhanced.

In addition, when practicing the Wanmu Divine Body before, the fine control exercise was difficult, but Ye Feng's training speed was still very fast.

Three hours later.

Ye Feng can control the power of rules in his body to start vibrating at a special frequency.

Waves of special fluctuations spread throughout Chao's body.

"According to the description in the inheritance, it would take at least 10 days and a half for an average seventh-level powerhouse to complete this step."

"I finished it in three hours. I should be able to practice the magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' before I go out."

A smile appeared on Ye Feng's face and he continued to practice. This constant attempt was very draining of mental energy, but what he was not afraid of the most was the consumption of mental energy.

The next step is to make the cells in the body vibrate according to a special frequency, and finally let the power of rules resonate with the cells in the body.

This time Ye Feng took a little longer, taking nearly 4 hours to complete, but it was earlier than expected.

At this moment, the fluctuations generated by the power of rules are integrated into the cells in a specific way, and the two resonate instantly.

The cells in Ye Feng's body seemed to have opened some shackles, and began to expand and become larger, and his aura continued to increase.

The most intuitive manifestation of this is that Ye Feng's size is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the aura on his body was also rising steadily.

Although Ye Feng's realm was suppressed back to the peak of the sixth level after returning to the metal platform, at this moment, he gave people a sense of danger that was no weaker than that of a strong seventh level person.

At this moment, a group of powerful people on the platform who were comprehending the origin of the rules were also awakened and looked in the direction of Ye Feng with some shock.

"Is this the magical power of heaven, earth, and heaven?" The strong angel Karadar has a good eye. He saw the magical power displayed by Ye Feng at a glance, and his face immediately became ugly.

After hearing this, none of the others looked pretty.

The magical power "Fa Tian Xiang Earth" is relatively famous because it has a relatively large increase in the body, and the stronger the strength, the more exaggerated the increase. It is sought after by many strong physical practitioners.

Among them, the dragon powerhouse Emre and the lava giant Urros were covetous of the magical power of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth".

However, all magical powers require the transmission of artistic conception, which can only be achieved by a true god.

But how could they possibly know a true powerful person? And even if they did, they wouldn't be able to pay any price for him to teach him.

As for the treasure house of the inheritance place, although there are still a few inheritance crystals of magical powers, they require at least a first-level authority to be eligible for redemption.

So you can imagine how they feel when what they are thinking about is grasped by the enemy.

More importantly, these people have personally experienced how powerful Ye Feng's body is.

With the powerful strength of the opponent's body, coupled with the current magical power, can they still survive in the same realm?

Especially the ferocious beast Nether, his eyes flickered and he immediately sent a message to his subordinates.

While all the eighth-level experts were shocked, even Ye Feng himself was surprised by his own changes.

At this time, due to his state, he was suppressed back to the peak of the sixth level, and his abilities in all aspects also regressed.

For example, the strength of each tree root has returned from 500 tons to the previous 200 tons.

In this state, when he uses spiritual energy to possess him, a tree root can only burst out with a maximum of 600 tons of power.

But at this time, with the use of the magical power of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth", his power directly increased to 1,200 tons.

This is equivalent to a 6-fold increase.

If he is not suppressed and returns to the seventh level, then the power of each of his roots can reach a terrifying 3,000 tons.

You must know that for ordinary seventh-level experts, even if they reach the peak of seventh level, their basic strength rarely exceeds 10,000 tons.

"And not only strength, speed, reaction ability, recovery ability, etc., everything has been greatly improved."

"If we are besieged by those eighth-level warriors again, I will be able to kill at least half of them." Ye Feng was secretly assessing his own combat power.

But at this time, he suddenly felt several spatial fluctuations rising.

When he looked up, including the eighth-level powerhouse You Ming, the six seventh-level and above powerhouses in the Xiaofengshan restricted area had all disappeared. It was obvious that they had left the inheritance place early.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng was slightly startled, but soon figured out that these people were probably afraid that he would block them after he went out.

In fact, he did have this idea before, but he was worried that these people would kill them all and cause a lot of casualties to surrounding cities.

So he was a little undecided and planned to play it by ear after going out. He didn't expect these people to be so vigilant and leave early.

Ye Feng directly conveyed a few words to Chen Dalong and a group of his subordinates, and then took the mutant king cobra and teleported away in the same way.

He was a little worried that if Netherworld and the others went out to cause destruction, an eighth-level strong man would go crazy. Even if he was suppressed, it would not be something any city could bear, so he had to go out and keep an eye on it.

Seeing Ye Feng teleporting away, the expressions on the faces of the other strong men on the platform were constantly changing.

In the end, Klero, the strong crow man, also made a decisive decision and chose to leave with a group of his men.

Although, they were not teleported in from the ancient ruins near Tianhe City.

But with Ye Feng's current strength, if he really wanted to rush over and block them, it would be easy.

So he didn't hesitate much and teleported away directly with his mobile men. The most important thing now was to return to the restricted area.

The other eighth-level experts, after looking at each other, gritted their teeth and chose to leave.

They were also worried that Ye Feng would come and block them.

In the end, of all the strong men in the restricted area, only the giant strong man Sin and a group of his men were left.

"Continue to understand and go out when the time is up. We have not offended him, and if we really want to fight to the death, Emperor Yan will help us." Sin said in a low voice.

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