Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 239 The statue shows its power and supports Europe

In fact, someone started to snatch the Dragon King statue in the second hour after Ye Feng's breakthrough, that is, at one o'clock at noon.

You know, these people who arrived in Yangcheng City on their own have no place to stay for the time being.

Of course, they can apply to the municipal department, in which case they can get the right to live in a simple board house.

But everyone knows that the location of the simple board house is in Beicheng, which is full of construction sites, so no one is willing to go there unless necessary.

Many people would rather crowd their tents in Nancheng than go to Beicheng.

After all, if you stay here, you will have more job opportunities and be able to support yourself.

Old Man Hu is one of them. He is in his 50s and came to this strange city with his little granddaughter.

As for the other family members, they all died in the earthquake.

There happened to be a crack in the open space where they took shelter from the earthquake, and many people fell to death on the spot, including his son, daughter-in-law, and wife.

He was standing next to his little granddaughter at that time, protecting her at the critical moment and falling together.

Fortunately, he did not die on the spot, but unfortunately, he was covered in injuries, his arm was almost broken, and the bones were almost exposed.

In that situation, the only thing that supported his belief in living was his little granddaughter who was less than 6 years old in his arms.

He didn't dare to give up because he knew that after he died, his little granddaughter would have no one to support her and would continue to fall, and the probability of survival would be even lower.

Just when he lost too much blood, his consciousness gradually became blurred, and he was about to despair.

A mutated sparrow flew down, grabbed the grandfather and grandson, and pulled him up. The medical staff also fed him a fruit, forcefully pulling him back from the hell gate.

Only later did he learn that it was the Dragon King Palace's animal army that came to their city to rescue them, and that was how they could rescue the wounded so quickly.

As for the fruit given to him, it was called the Fruit of Life, and it was also made by the Dragon King.

From that moment on, he understood who was the savior of their grandfather and grandson.

Later, he heard that someone was going to Yangcheng City, and without hesitation spent most of his savings to buy two tickets to Yangcheng City.

Feeling grateful, he came to the outside of the Sunset Valley. With an extremely pious attitude, he kowtowed to the inside seriously and thanked the Dragon King for his life-saving grace.

Originally, he didn't think much about it, but as he finished kowtowing, a suspended statue of the Dragon King appeared in front of him.

What surprised him even more was that he and his granddaughter couldn't lift the nearly 200 kilograms of Dragon King statue.

Just when he was at a loss, the Dragon King statue suddenly became as light as nothing again.

All of this he could only attribute to the appearance of the Dragon King.

After getting the Dragon King statue, his luck seemed to have improved. After entering the city, no one else could find the house, but he found it.

Although it was just a temporary iron room built next to the original house, after the boss heard about their experience, he generously waived their rent for one month and introduced him to a hardware processing factory. .

Originally, there was no shortage of people in the processing plant, but after hearing that the old man was actually recognized by the Dragon King and received a statue, his attitude changed 180 degrees.

Not only was he hired directly, but he was also assigned a relatively relaxed position, and his salary was directly based on his regularization.

Old Man Hu knew that all this was possible because of the Dragon King.

So when someone comes to the door and wants to buy the Dragon King statue.

Even though the other party's offer was as high as 500,000 yuan, as long as he nodded, he could completely change his living conditions, so he refused without hesitation.

At noon, when he returned to his residence during the lunch break, he made a simple lunch. After eating it with his little granddaughter, he told her to stay at home and went out again.

What Old Man Hu didn't know was that less than ten minutes after he left home, three men wearing caps, masks on their faces, and covering their bodies tightly, came outside their tin house.

The leading man held a crowbar and easily pried open the flimsy door, and then led the two of them in quickly.

The little girl who was still lying on the table doing her homework suddenly stood up with a look of horror when she saw the three people barging in.

"Don't make a sound, or I will kill you now." One of them took out a butterfly knife and said in a sinister tone.

The other two men's eyes instantly fell on the Dragon King statue placed on the altar table.

"As expected, she's here. Third child, go get the cart. Second child, tie up this little girl and gag her."

The man with the strongest body walked towards the Dragon King statue happily as he gave instructions, as if he was seeing the most precious treasure.

Just a few hours ago, a buyer was willing to pay a high price of 5 million to buy a Dragon King statue.

Although he didn't understand why the other party was willing to pay so much higher than the market price.

But these are not important. What is important is that the other party has already paid the deposit in advance.

However, at this moment, the little girl who had been frightened before had the courage to stand in front of them.

"This is given to us by the Dragon King, you are not allowed to take it away." The childish voice echoed in the iron room, almost making the strong man at the head laugh angrily.

But the next moment his expression changed, because the little girl screamed at the highest decibel level and shouted: "Help!"

The leader of the strong man, a fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes. He stepped forward, took out a dagger from his arms, and stabbed the little girl directly in the head.

Under normal circumstances, I am afraid that a hole will appear in the little girl's head in the next second, and a living life will die.

But the next moment, the strong man only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the dagger in his hand seemed to have pierced a hard object.

But before he could react, he felt an unparalleled force coming from the hard object. The next moment, his elbows and wrists began to twist.

Then there was a click, the sound of a joint being dislocated. Before he could react, the thing hit his chest hard.

In an instant, he flew up, still in mid-air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

The moment before he passed out, he saw the statue of the Dragon King that he had longed for flying in mid-air.


All this happened in the blink of an eye. When the strong man fell to the ground, the two people who followed him seemed to have no idea what happened.

But the next moment, when they saw clearly the statue of the Dragon King suspended in the air, their faces gradually turned pale.

At this time, they all wanted to turn around and flee through the door, no matter how much they dared to hit the Dragon King statue.

However, with two loud bangs, the two men fell directly to the ground.

When someone outside heard the little girl's scream and ran in, they saw three gangsters who had fallen to the ground, and above them, there was the statue of the Dragon King floating quietly in the air.

Just a few minutes later, a piece of news hit the hot search list at a terrifying speed.

# The gangsters robbed the statue of the Dragon King to protect its owner. #

Although there is no video in it, only a few pictures and simple text descriptions, it has attracted many netizens to go crazy.

Below this news, many netizens are commenting.

"Here I go, this statue is too awesome!"

"Does it mean that having a statue at home is equivalent to having an extra bodyguard?"

"I'm so jealous! I obviously went to the Sunset Valley, but why is there no statue? I feel like I'm also very pious to the Dragon King!"

Suddenly, the popularity of the Dragon King statue became even higher, and at the same time, the price of the statue soared.

After all, most people thought that getting the Dragon King statue was just a symbolic meaning before, but now that they understand that there are substantial benefits, their attitudes are naturally completely different.

The price of the Dragon King statue quickly soared from 500,000 to 1 million, and this was only the apparent price.

In fact, many people will offer higher prices in private when contacted to buy.

At the same time, more and more people will begin to study how to obtain a statue, and whether there is a certain standard or something like that.

Not long after, there was a post that once again attracted widespread attention.

The poster is a news media person. After visiting all the way, he found 30 people who had received the Dragon King statue.

But he did not interview the person involved. Instead, he directly interviewed the relatives and friends around the person and asked them if there had been any changes in the person involved during this period.

Then they came to the conclusion that during this period, they were very devout in their belief in the Dragon King.

Obviously, the content of this post confirmed a guess in people's minds.

Only pious people can obtain the Dragon King statue.

"Can any kindhearted person tell me how I can be religious enough?"

"People upstairs, don't be joking. I graduated from the performance department. I've been there for a while, but it won't work, let alone you."

"Okay, everyone, stop daydreaming. Just look at the selection criteria of the Dragon King. How many people go to Sunset Valley? How many people get the statue? There is no way the Dragon King will let his statue ruin the streets. Yes, so you’d better save your worries!”

No matter what kind of mentality everyone has, time is constantly passing by.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Feng once again completed the breakthrough and successfully reached the late sixth level.

"Hmm! My height has actually exceeded 7,000 meters. If I break through again, will my height be able to catch up with Mount Everest?" Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

In addition, the length of his tree roots has reached 36.5 kilometers.

Ye Feng harvested a wave of spiritual energy with some anticipation, and found that now, on average, he could receive 138,700 spiritual energy per hour.

Then there are 3.3288 million spiritual energy in one day.

"According to this progress, as long as I break through to the peak of the sixth level, I shouldn't have to worry about spiritual energy anymore." Ye Feng said with some expectation.

With enough aura, it's hard to say what else, but at least all the animals in the Dragon King's Palace can be trained to the fourth level, with the ability to be possessed by aura.

In addition, you can also train a group of talented people to the fifth level or even the sixth level to cooperate with your own "attribute transfer" ability.

By then he will have enough confidence to deal with the threat in the penalty area.

After the breakthrough was completed, Ye Feng checked the news.

The scene where he discovered that he controlled the statue through his mental power was indeed a hot search, and the response was pretty good.

"With this incident, the status of the person who received the statue from me should be able to rise to a higher level. I hope he will not disappoint my expectations." Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

The stage has been set for these people, and it will be up to them later to see how they influence the people around them and become more devoted to the Dragon King.

After checking the news, Ye Feng continued to add points and cultivate his mental power.

Originally, he thought that apart from the mirage-like temple, nothing would be able to affect him.

However, when the time came at night, bad news came from Liu Zaoxin.

"What! Does Europe need our support?" Ye Feng, who was possessed by the mutated parrot, looked at Liu Zaoxin in front of him and asked with some confusion.

"Yes, everything went smoothly there originally. In one day, we killed 24 giant dragons."

"But it is precisely because of this that it seems to have driven those giant dragons into panic."

"Just ten minutes ago, the remaining 29 dragons actually gathered together and even took the initiative to attack a fighter group. In just a few minutes of fighting, 10 fighter jets from European countries were destroyed. "

"Moreover, those giant dragons cover each other and resist missiles. They cannot be killed for a while, and their recovery speed is too fast. If the fight continues like this, the European countries may be defeated, so they have begun to ask for help from us. Liu Zaoxin said quickly.

Ye Feng was a little surprised. It took him half an hour to sense the location of those giant dragons.

If the other party gathers together when he is not sensing it, he will not know it.

Ye Feng quickly switched his consciousness back to his body, and then through the feedback of the world's will, he sensed the position of the dragons and found that they had indeed gathered together.

After confirming the information, he possessed the mutated parrot again and asked, "What are your plans for the call for help over there?"

Liu Zaoxin quickly stated the above decision, "We plan to send a fighter formation to support. After all, the sincerity there is quite good. For every fighter we send here, they are willing to pay 100 million yuan. If there is a If there is any loss or anything like that, they are more willing to pay double compensation.”

"Of course the most important thing is that these European countries can actually become our targets. After this dragon attack, as long as we show enough goodwill, it is entirely possible to draw them into our alliance. .”

After hearing what Liu Zaoxin said, Ye Feng understood immediately.

Previously, because the United States also formed a federation, these European countries were in a state of swing.

But now this matter has undoubtedly broken the balance, and now all it takes is a little more effort to pull them over easily.

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