Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 205 The gods’ plan to destroy the world

Seeing the lava giant interrupting his words, the Seraphim frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything.

That's fine with the others, but the lava giant's temper explodes at that point, and arguing with the other party will only lead to a fight in the end.

Besides, other people are also quite curious about this issue about the lava giant.

If it was before, that would be fine. Now they have been claiming it for nearly 100,000 years. Everyone is in an extremely weak state and has nothing important to do. Who is willing to spend so much energy to activate the void formation.

"Now the concentration of spiritual energy has reached the standard for us to barely recover. Presumably everyone has spread out the field and absorbed the spiritual energy and vitality to restore themselves!" Qiongqi said.

"Little Tiger, you didn't talk so much nonsense before! Are you still asking about this kind of thing?" the lava giant frowned and said.

Qiongqi's forehead bulged with veins, but he still endured it and continued to ask: "So, have the areas that everyone spread out been bombarded by the seventh-level peak power?"

The lava giant was just hot-tempered, not brainless. When he heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"You mean, there are actually creatures that have reached the seventh level in the outside world? But how is that possible? In the Land of Resurrection, only the nine of us who have won the different space can still stay." The lava giant frowned and said.

Qiongqi did not answer immediately, but took a look at the expressions on the other people's faces.

Immediately I noticed that in addition to the lava giant, there were also tentacle monsters, naga and ice women with surprised expressions on their faces.

At this time, Qiongqi was not angry anymore. He stretched out his paw, pointed at these people and asked, "You guys haven't been attacked?"

At this time, the lava giant's temper suddenly improved, and he analyzed calmly: "Did your former enemies come to visit?"

Qiongqi ignored him, but looked at the other four, the Crow Man, the Armored Man, the Seraphim and the Dragon.

"It seems that your experience is the same as mine. I propose to launch the world annihilation plan. What do you think?" Qiongqi asked.

"That's not enough! How much will it cost?" the lava giant couldn't help but say.

"You know what the heck! Think about it when you expand your domain and there are seventh-level experts squatting outside and constantly bombing your domain. What will happen?" Qiongqi angrily yelled.

"Is there really a seventh-level strong person outside?" The person who spoke this time was a woman with a beautiful face whose whole body was made of ice crystals. She was also the only female creature in the field.

Without waiting for Qiongqi's reply, Seraphim took the lead and said, "Luo Ya, there are no seventh-level experts in the outside world."

With a gentle smile on his face, he explained: "They are just a group of weak humans. They are basically unawakened. Even the few who are awakened are only level one and two, and they do not pose any threat to us at all."

"However, they have a strange weapon. It has neither the power of rules nor spiritual energy in it, but it can explode with terrifying power after explosion. The most powerful weapon can even rival the full blow of a seventh-level peak expert. .”

"However, they probably don't have many of these weapons. My territory continues to expand. After they discovered it, they tried bombing a few times at first. After finding that it had no effect, they gave up bombing."

Hearing this, Qiongqi was obviously stunned for a moment, and he doubted whether he heard it wrong.

Why is there such a big gap in "treatment" between the two sides?

But before it could speak, the crow man with the head of a bird and body covered with jet-black feathers took the lead and said, "Adams, what did you say? You only suffered a few seventh-level attacks, and there were no more attacks after that?"

When he said this, his sharp eyes looked at the humans wearing armor and the fiery red western dragon in the distance.

When Qiongqi revealed the news, he naturally saw the changes in the faces of everyone in the field, and he could also tell whose fields had been bombed.

The Western Dragon was the first to speak: "My side is similar. Of course, I have been bombed more times than Adams. In the past few days, I have encountered a total of more than 20 attacks. So it will have an impact on my domain expansion. But we won’t spend a lot of money to launch a plan to destroy the world!”

At this time, the only human in the field spoke, "It seems that our situation is different."

"My domain has been bombarded by seven levels of forces. They will not stop bombing until the infiltrated domain forces are reduced to a certain level."

"But even so, my area will be bombed more than 50 times a day."

The crow man fell into deep thought, "Chiyou, Qiongqi, then the situation of the three of us is the same. The situation of Dragon Bray and Seraph Adams is much better than ours. As for the others, they were not attacked at all. Why?"

"It's a matter of region." Chi You said almost without thinking: "The three of us are in the same region, or the area ruled by the same human tribe. It should be the tribe left by Emperor Yan."

Back then, he fought against Emperor Yan. Although he lost, he found a different space first and seized control of it.

On the contrary, Emperor Yan, although stronger, was dragged down by his own people and could not even find a different dimension.

"Damn! I just said that you humans are not good people." Qiongqi couldn't help but curse.

However, after he said this, everyone except the dragon cast unkind eyes on him.

Except for Chi You, no one else in the field is considered a real human being.

But why are they all humanoid?

Because this form is the easiest for them to fit in with the Dao, so they are all evolving in this direction. Qiongqi's words almost offended everyone.

Of course, this atmosphere did not last long. The lava giant took the lead and said: "If this is the case, then I have no reason to agree to the plan of annihilation. I am not affected at all now."

Although this was a bit offending, the nine of them were not in a cooperative relationship, or even in a competitive relationship, so the lava giant said it directly.

The Nagas, Ice Maidens, and Tentacle Monsters also nodded directly at this time. Even the Seraphim and the Dragon were a little hesitant because it had little impact on them.

"But what if I say that humans still have weapons that can explode to the eighth level!" Qiongqi suddenly said.

"What!" As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Because after 100,000 years of self-proclaimed status, they have basically fallen to the eighth level.

But now the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has just begun to recover. Let alone return to its peak state, even if they want to return to the ninth level, it will probably take a year and a half.

In other words, if there is a weapon that can really explode with the eighth level of peak power, it can truly threaten their lives.

"Qiongqi, you couldn't stand being bombed, so you deliberately deceived us!" It was the tentacle monster who spoke this time.

Although he is humanoid overall, his upper body is composed of countless tentacles, whether it is the head, torso or arms, and he constantly exudes a twisted and evil aura.

Not to mention normal people, even these few people in the field dislike the person in front of them extremely, and no one even likes to be close to him.

Qiongqi did not explain, but closed his eyes, and a special wave extended from its forehead.

When everyone in the field saw this scene, they immediately understood what the other party wanted to do. Qiongqi was opening a part of the "Sea of ​​Consciousness". As long as they connected their spiritual consciousness to it, they could see the opened memory fragments of the other party.

If it were in reality, no one would dare to do this, because the side that opens the Consciousness Sea will be very dangerous. If the two sides are close in strength and the explorer suddenly launches an active attack, it will be easy to capture the opponent's Consciousness Sea.

There is only one outcome for the collapse of the sea of ​​consciousness, and that is death.

But it doesn't matter here. The spiritual consciousness they transmitted is only a part of the body. Even if this consciousness completely collapses, although it will have an impact on them, it will not be fatal.

Seeing Qiong Qi doing this at this time, everyone didn't say anything, and they all stretched out their own consciousness and connected to the other party's sea of ​​consciousness.

Then they saw the scene where Qiongqi was bombed by a hydrogen bomb.

At this time, the expressions of some people who had been watching a good show also became solemn.

"The power of this kind of weapon is indeed terrifying, but didn't you tell me that the strength of those humans is only one or two levels? We can completely ignore these weapons and go directly to kill those humans. By then, these weapons may still be able to kill those humans. We use it." The lava giant said again.

The rest of the people couldn't help but nod, and even some people in the field wanted to go back and take action.

After all, humans are still easy to kill now, but if time drags on, it will be hard to say.

"You think I haven't thought about it?" Qiongqi glanced at the other party and let go of the sea of ​​consciousness again.

This time, everyone didn’t ask anything and immediately used their spiritual consciousness to connect.

Soon they "saw" the scene of Qiongqi summoning his army and fighting out.

However, the war didn't seem to be going well.

Although they could only observe Qiongqi's perspective, they could not truly see the confrontation between humans and Qiongqi's army.

But Qiongqi has already arranged several ferocious beasts here, traveling back and forth between the different space and the outside world, constantly reporting the battle situation, so Qiongqi can understand the direction of the battle even in the different space.

And this information naturally passed through the sea of ​​consciousness and was transmitted to the minds of other people.

At this time, many people frowned. Just through the battle report, they could see that human beings were not simple.

Mainly the endless variety of strange weapons.

"If this is damn true, then these humans have embarked on a completely different path. If they are allowed to develop for thousands of years, they might be able to create weapons that destroy gods." The lava giant couldn't bear it. Zhu muttered.

But seeing this, everyone still didn't think that Qiongqi's army would be defeated.

The situation in the battle soon changed.

The giant dragon in the thick fog appeared, and relying on the fifth-level realm, it exploded with seventh-level power.

"How can this be!"

This time, let alone the lava giant, it was difficult for everyone else to remain calm.

If this information is not directly obtained from the memory of the other party's consciousness, it cannot be faked, and they will not believe it even to death.

"Keep reading, the more incredible thing is yet to come." Qiongqi said calmly.

Next, because the army suffered heavy casualties, Tianyun came back to ask for help.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field was not surprised. After all, when 20 giant fog dragons that could explode with seventh-level power appeared, this scene was doomed.

After all, if Qiongqi's army goes out, they will all be suppressed to level five. The power gap between the two sides is really too big.

So defeat is a matter of time.

And Qiongqi's next response method also made them look at him.

"Little Tiger, you are so willing, that is the origin of the domain!" The lava giant couldn't help but say.

"I was very angry at that time. If it were now, I probably wouldn't have taken it out." Qiongqi said with a sigh.

After all, this is the origin. If this thing is damaged, it will be extremely difficult to repair. If a suitable genius treasure cannot be found later to repair the field, even if it returns to its peak state, its strength will still be weaker than other strong people of the same level. Some.

When the others heard this, they looked at Qiongqi with a little pity.

But soon they could no longer pity him, because Qiongqi's seventh-level subordinate was protected by the origin of the domain and actually lost in a battle with a fifth-level creature without falling into the realm.

"What a waste. If I had such a subordinate, I would have slapped him to death." The lava giant said with anger, but under this anger, there was still a trace of fear.

The rest of the people were also quickly digesting the information they had just received.

The unknown tree, at only the fifth level, can explode with a huge force of 10,000 tons.

The opponent has terrifying devouring abilities, can control lightning and dense fog, and even has powerful mental power.

Although the effects displayed by mental power are not as dazzling as pure power at low levels, they all know that the higher the level, the more important mental power becomes.

Combining all the information, that unknown tree is simply a monster.

"Under the same level, I am not as good as it." Chi You commented slowly, a little sighing.

Qiongqi glanced around the field and said in a solemn tone: "This is also the most important reason why I proposed to implement the plan of annihilation."

"I encountered a creature like this at the level of a strange tree not long after I expanded my domain. Who knows how many creatures with terrifying potential there are in the outside world?"

"When we fully recover, how powerful will they be? Let's not say whether they can reach our level, but at least they will pose a big threat to us."

"Don't forget, this is a place of resurrection, and they are the last batch of living beings."

At this moment, the entire strange space became quiet, and everyone fell into deep thought.

But that didn't last long.

"You're right. This is a place of recovery. Everything is possible. Even if the creatures here are still weak, we can't underestimate them, so I agree."

The lava giant who was the first to oppose the plan of annihilation is now the first to stand up and express his approval.

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