Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 203 Force the powerful enemy back and the war ends


The two sides collided head-on again, and a huge roar echoed in the field.

This time, the spear in Ling's hand was made of unknown materials. After the opponent injected spiritual energy, it actually exploded with powerful concussive force.

Therefore, Ye Feng's tree root collided with the opponent's spear, instantly shattering inch by inch, and a section was directly broken.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Although Ye Feng can suppress the opponent in terms of strength, he is only at the peak of the fifth level after all.

The defensive power of the tree root could not withstand the collision of the seventh level power, so it was not surprising that it was directly smashed.

But Ye Feng couldn't make it easy for the other party. His mental power had always shrouded the whole audience. When he saw the other party using the spear as a stick to hit him, he guessed that the roots of his tree might be broken.

So he had been prepared for a long time. The moment the tree root broke, he suddenly stretched forward a little further, as if the broken tree root had grown out of thin air, and hit the opponent's chest hard again. superior.


Ling was once again pushed back more than ten meters. Although this time he was prepared and kept taking off the strength from his body, there was still a burning pain in his chest.

On the one hand, this was caused by being smashed, and on the other hand, it was caused by the terrifying devouring power when the tree roots touched the body.

He glanced down at his chest, where the scales had dimmed and lost their luster.

At the moment of contact, he was actually sucked away another 1,000 points of spiritual energy. It was obvious that the other party's devouring power was stronger.

In fact, this is also true. Although his life level is higher, he is still protected by the power of rules in his body, which directly weakens Ye Feng's devouring power to only one-tenth of its power.

But the problem is that Ye Feng has many roots!

Ye Feng devours other creatures. Each root can swallow 500 points of spiritual energy in one second, even if it acts on Ling, it will be weakened to only 50 points.

But now he has gathered 250 tree roots together. Theoretically, he can swallow up 12,500 points of spiritual energy on Ling's body in one second.

It's just that the opponent also understands this. Every time they fight, they retreat with one blow, without giving him any time to entangle the tree roots.

Of course, as the battle continues, not much spiritual energy is absorbed at one time, but the amount added up again and again is considerable.

Moreover, Ye Feng also discovered that in addition to being able to absorb spiritual energy and biological energy from the opponent, he also had an extremely special energy.

Although Ye Feng could only absorb a little bit of this special energy each time, the quality was extremely high, but it was a bit difficult to control.

Every time he absorbed a bit of special energy, he almost had to consume a full 100 points of spiritual energy to suppress it.

But fortunately, this special energy is no longer violent after he activated the ability of the evolutionary fruit and condensed it into a fruit.

According to Ye Feng's guess, the reason why a seventh-level expert brings such a terrifying sense of crisis to himself is probably due to this special energy.

The special energy that Qiongqi exerted on his tree roots at the beginning should have been a similar power, but at a higher level.

He also didn't expect that by chance, he would actually get through this energy in advance. If he could obtain more and study it, he might be able to find a way to deal with it later.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng attacked even more vigorously. As soon as Ling stood firm, he swung the tree root and hit him again.

Ling on the other side was naturally even more angry. He swung his spear again and smashed it towards the tree root that was coming.


Ye Feng's tree roots broke in response, and then he extended the roots without warning and continued to attack like before.

However, Ling, who was well prepared, would suffer the same fate. He immediately used his other hand to block.

This time, he was never repulsed.

But he took a look at the dim scales on his palm, and there was no joy in his heart.

After fighting several times, Ling also discovered that the opponent would not only devour his spiritual energy and body, but also the power of rules.

He took a look and saw that the tree roots were still full of life and had no discomfort, but he felt that it was outrageous.

The power of rules, is this something a fifth-level creature can control?

But no matter what he thought, the battle continued, and it was still the opponent who took the initiative to attack.

But Ling, who had suffered secret losses one after another, no longer cared about face at this time.

As a seventh-level strongman, he did not dare to confront a fifth-level being head-on, but chose to roam and attack.

Relying on the absolute speed of the seventh level, he easily avoided Ye Feng's attack. Then, after smashing the tree root with his backhand, he immediately stepped back without giving the tree root a chance to get close.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng's heart sank. The opponent's physical fitness was ahead of him in all aspects. It was really difficult for him to deal with this style of play.

The simple thing is that he often pulled out big yellow dogs for training before, so he naturally has his own experience in dealing with such fast dogs.

Ye Feng immediately gathered all the remaining 10 thick fog giant dragons and scattered them around, preparing to limit Ling's movement speed.

"Ha! Do you really think you can restrict me like this?" Ling chuckled, holding the spear in his hand and started to charge forward again, while his figure brought out illusory afterimages.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng couldn't help but frown. The opponent's absolute speed was not much faster, but it became weird and unpredictable, making it difficult to guess the direction of his movement.

"No, 10 giant fog dragons still can't restrain him, unless I can separate 100 of them." Ye Feng frowned.

However, it is not feasible to separate 100 giant fog dragons, because if the number of tree roots is too small, it will not pose a threat at all.

So Ye Feng quickly changed his tactics. He gathered all 10 giant thick fog dragons and guarded them beside the giant thick fog dragon formed by the main root system.

He no longer planned to actively restrict the opponent's movement, but adopted a defensive strategy.

As long as the opponent comes to attack, no matter which thick fog giant dragon is attacked, the rest can swarm up and fight back.

Sure enough, after Ye Feng changed his tactics, it was Ling's turn to frown.

He can use his body skills to easily get rid of the entanglement of these thick fog giant dragons, provided there is enough space.

Now that the opponent is shrinking together, it will be difficult for him to use his body skills.

Moreover, the opponent can take a defensive approach and slowly consume it with him, but he cannot, because the effect of the rhombus crystal is limited in time.

One minute has passed now, and he not only wants to break all the tree roots, but also follow them to find the opponent's body. It is obvious that he can no longer waste time with the opponent.

"Very good, then let me see how many tree roots you have, enough to be broken by me." Ling said coldly.

Next, the fighting situation on the field changed instantly, becoming Ling's attack and Ye Feng's defense.

Each of Ling's attacks was powerful and heavy. As long as Ye Feng was hit, a section of tree roots would be broken.

Of course, Ye Feng doesn't just defend but not attack. He will also constantly look for opportunities to counterattack.

Ling was wary of Ye Feng's attack of 250 roots, but he was not too worried about the attack of 25 roots.

Basically, you can dodge if you can. If you can't dodge, just resist the attack directly. After all, with a force of 1,000 tons, even resisting it is not a big problem.

Ye Feng also discovered this after attacking several times, so he changed his tactics again and changed from beating to entangling.

Since the attack can't cause much damage, then just use the devouring ability as the main means of attack.

Sure enough, as Ye Feng's tactics changed, Ling became uncomfortable.

But at this time, he had no better way to deal with it. He could only tear off the tree roots wrapped around him while attacking the giant fog dragon formed by 250 tree roots.

Next, the two sides fought for nearly 5 minutes between attack and defense.

In these five minutes, Ling's crazy attacks had broken Ye Feng's tree roots nearly 100 times.

However, he found with some despair that the other party's tree roots seemed to be endless, and they were still extending continuously.

On the contrary, his side was constantly being devoured, and he had lost more than 50,000 points of spiritual energy in his body. Even his body had lost a lot of weight. Even the power of rules in his body, he felt, was reduced by nearly 10%.


After breaking Ye Feng's tree root again, he stopped entangled and pulled back, panting slightly, his eyes full of disbelief.

Even if there is no time limit, if he continues to spend so much time, it will be difficult for him to determine whether he will die first or the other party will die first.

As for Ye Feng on the other side, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw the other party retreating on his own initiative.

He was really not afraid of such a war of attrition, even though in just 5 minutes, he had tree roots broken hundreds of times.

But in the process, he also tried his best to reduce the damage.

Every time the opponent smashes it down, he will shrink the tree roots as much as possible to make the broken part of the tree roots as short as possible.

Therefore, basically every tree root Ling breaks is only thirty or forty meters long, and none exceeds 50 meters at all.

In other words, in these 5 minutes, even if the opponent broke Ye Feng's tree roots hundreds of times, the total length was only about 4,000 meters.

The total length of the Ye Maple tree's roots was 15,500 meters, and the length that was broken by the opponent was less than one-third of the total length of the tree's roots.

More importantly, it's not like Ye Feng's roots have stopped growing.

His root repair speed was already terrifying. After breaking through to the fifth level, he gained the ability to heal life. With the superposition of the two, he only needed about 15 minutes to grow a tree root. .

Calculating this, in 5 minutes, his tree roots can grow about 5,166 meters.

Therefore, Ling's speed of breaking tree roots was not even as fast as Ye Feng's root repair speed.

In addition, Ye Feng had devoured a full 120 million spiritual energy and biological energy from the ferocious beast before, and was not afraid of a war of attrition at all.

Not to mention playing for 5 minutes, even if it lasted for 5 days and 5 nights, he would not be afraid.

However, Ling's actions next made Ye Feng a little wary.

I saw spiritual energy gushing out from the opponent's body, which looked like he was being possessed by spiritual energy, but it didn't look like it.

And all these spiritual energy gathered behind the other party, and gradually formed the shape of a wing.

Ye Feng could only marvel at the ability to control this kind of spiritual energy. Even if he had the blessing of spiritual power, he could not do it.

Then he saw the other person flapping his wings, and he actually flew.

Seeing Ling's movements, Ye Feng suddenly became excited. He had already guessed what the other party wanted to do.

The other party should want to fly high into the sky to find his true body.

As long as the opponent finds his position, with the opponent's speed, he cannot intercept it at all, and he will die suddenly when the time comes.

Yes, this is what Ling is doing now.

Before, he wanted to break all the tree roots that could be attacked, and then follow the roots to find Ye Feng's body.

But let’s not talk about it now. Whether he can do it or not, time does not allow it.

So Ling planned to fly into the sky to look for him. If the other party had the ability to disguise, he would admit it.

But if not, it should be easy to find it. As long as the target is found, all problems will be solved.

Ye Feng did not have the ability to disguise, so the moment Ling flew into the sky, all his tree roots moved and also rose into the sky.

"Ha! Are you anxious?" A smile appeared on Ling's lips, and the other party's reaction confirmed his suspicion.

But the smile on his face froze in the next moment.

Because at this time, an overwhelming thick fog appeared, covering dozens of kilometers in radius.

At this time, let alone looking for Ye Feng's body, even trying to identify the direction seemed a little difficult.

Whoosh whoosh!

But Ye Feng's tree roots did not stop, and the whole place was shrouded in thick fog at this time. He did not need to use the thick fog giant dragon to cover his body. He could fully use his combat power and move the tree roots as he wanted. How to move.

Boom boom boom!

The tree roots that gathered together struck Ling's body, causing him to stumble and fall from a high altitude.

Moreover, at this time, the opponent's line of sight is blocked, and it is not that flexible to dodge at all, although the opponent can rely on the perception of danger to dodge in advance.

But when there are tree roots and danger coming from all directions, this kind of perception is not so useful.

Boom boom boom!

Although Ling was dodging quickly and counterattacking, breaking tree roots one by one, he was no longer intact like just now.

Several times, he was hit by 250 tree roots gathered together, and wounds gradually appeared on his body.

This battle lasted for another two minutes. Seeing the rhombus crystal, the time for protection was about to pass, Ling gritted his teeth and returned to the restricted area unwillingly.

Seeing that the opponent was about to retreat into the penalty area, Ye Feng controlled the tree roots and chased after him. He also wanted to absorb more of the opponent's special energy in the last moment.

"Die!" Ling came to the edge of the penalty area. It seemed that he finally couldn't bear this cowardice and completely exploded.

Balls of black flames emerged from the opponent's body, all injected into the spear in his hand, and the flames of the gun burst out all over the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Every flame gun glow seemed to contain energy that could destroy the world.

When a single flame gun explodes, the terrifying shock wave generated is not inferior to the damage caused by a thermobaric bomb.

Almost instantly, all the tree roots that Ye Feng pursued were destroyed, and even the entire area 1 kilometer in front of Ling was razed to the ground.

This is because after the opponent's explosion, it instantly caused the suppression of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, Ye Feng feels that let alone the 1 kilometer range, the power generated by the full burst of the flame gun light may be able to directly level the 10 kilometer range.

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