Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 188 The real body enters the restricted area

Seeing that after waiting for 30 seconds, the reconnaissance drone did not return, everyone's heart sank, including Ye Feng.

The reconnaissance drone cannot return because the portal is one-way? Or is there something wrong with the drone?

Questions appeared in Ye Feng's mind one after another.

If it's the former, then it's okay. Even if it's a one-way portal, they actually don't care.

But if it's the latter, that's a problem.

If there is a problem with the drone, does it mean that other instruments and equipment will also have problems? The main thing is whether the missile can be detonated after it passes by?

These are unknown.

At this time, Li Yongming, who was in charge of the command, took a deep breath and continued to order without waiting: "Carry out the next test, rocket bombing."

This time, 10 soldiers, including Li Yongming, were ready. Each one picked up a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher and installed a rocket launcher.

"Pay attention to the situation after launch. If there is any abnormality, everyone should return along the road as soon as possible." Li Yongming warned.

"Yes!" Everyone agreed, looking slightly nervous.

Because if this test has an effect, it may be fatal to them, but if it has no effect, it is not what they want to see.

Soon everyone was ready. With Li Yongming's order, everyone pulled the trigger, and 10 rockets flew out.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, the rockets continued to get smaller and then disappeared before their eyes.

They were all holding their breath, waiting for the result.

However, ten seconds, twenty seconds, half a minute, one minute, when a full minute passed without any movement, everyone's brows frowned, including Ye Feng.

Because this probably means that these cannonballs cannot affect things in different spaces. In that case, it would be the most disadvantageous for them.

"Keep trying, free bombing!" Li Yongming ordered again.

At the same time, open the tinder box they brought down.

Half of the items inside were filled with high explosives, not only grenades, TNT, and even high-explosive bombs.

Everyone picked up the bombs, pulled the fuses, and threw them inside.

There is no technical content in throwing bombs like this. In just three minutes, a whole box of bombs of various types was consumed by them.

However, the portal in front of them remained unchanged.

At this time, everyone's expressions were ugly. It can be said that the military's methods have been exhausted.

Although there is one last test next, it is not something that the military team can complete.

Their eyes couldn't help but glance at the big yellow dog standing not far away.

Ye Feng also took action at this time. He began to wave his claws to widen the platform they were standing on. In addition, the mutant rats were also helping.

Soon, the platform where everyone was standing was widened by more than three times.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fengzhan ordered the 50 mutated sparrows waiting above to also come down.

The second-level mutated sparrows are no longer small. Even if they stand with their wings folded, they are nearly half a meter tall. The newly widened platform can barely accommodate them all.

Li Yongming and others opened another box, which contained all miniature cameras.

Then they installed micro cameras on every mutant mouse and mutant sparrow.

This is the method that Ye Feng, Bai Yinghui and others have discussed above. If the drone doesn't work, then let these animals go in person.

There are hundreds of animals, one of them should come back!

Soon everything was ready, and Ye Feng also gave the order to set off.

However, these mutated mice and mutated sparrows hesitated a little, their animal instincts making them feel uneasy.

There was no other way, Ye Feng could only call down the fourth-level mutant rat king and mutant sparrow. Under the pressure of their own clan, they no longer dared to make any mistakes.


Chi Chi!

The mutant rat king and mutant sparrows screamed at the same time. Under their orders, 50 mutant rats and mutant sparrows rushed towards the portal in front of them.

As they entered the scope of the teleportation gate, their size shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, they appeared with a spatial fluctuation and disappeared directly.

Everyone once again waited with bated breath.

Ye Feng's order to them was to return immediately after entering.

But time kept passing, ten seconds, half a minute, one minute, three minutes, five minutes.

After waiting for 5 minutes and no mutated animals came back, everyone including Ye Feng didn't look very good.

Obviously, in the end, this method with high hopes also failed.

Ye Feng stopped waiting and started to return.

When everyone saw this scene, they started to return a little dejectedly.

After returning, Li Yongming immediately reported everything that happened below to Bai Yinghui and Dong Ming.

The more they listened, the tighter their brows became.

In the end, they all turned their attention to the mutant parrot, because at this time they had no choice.

"You guys rest where you are! The Dragon King will personally investigate next." The mutated parrot said after taking a deep breath.

Yes, he was ready to take action himself.

Now he has two last resorts. First, possess one of the mutated animals and enter the portal.

But if he did so, he was not sure whether his possession ability could be used across a space and transmit information.

And regardless of whether it can be done or not, the mutated animals sent there will probably have a narrow escape from death.

The second method is naturally to enter the real body.

Of course, Ye Feng would not be so stupid as to put himself in danger. His plan was to extend a tree root to explore, and when he was in danger, he would just abandon a tree root.

But there is a problem with this. When his tree roots pass through the portal, will they be able to pass through normally, or will they be cut off by the power of space?

If it was the latter, then there was nothing he could do.

Ye Feng shook his head and stopped thinking so much. He would try it later and find out.

At this time, as the mutated parrot spoke, all the officers in the field couldn't help but cast their eyes on the huge figure in front of the animal army, which was obscured by the thick fog.

Under everyone's gaze, the mutant king cobra slowly moved over, and did not stop until it reached the edge of the restricted area.

Then the thick fog around it began to billow, and soon the entire figure was covered.

Everyone was watching expectantly, wanting to know what kind of methods the mutated King Cobra could use this time.

Soon, everyone felt a violent vibration coming from the ground.

This was the movement that Ye Feng deliberately made when he moved the tree roots without any scruples.

One of his main roots has extended into the restricted area.

At this time, although there was no corrosive energy in the restricted area, when Ye Feng stretched the tree roots in, he immediately discovered that this space was different.

It was as if this area had been forcibly taken away from the main world. The rules here seemed to be different. As for why it was different, Ye Feng couldn't tell for a while, but he just felt uncomfortable all over.

Of course, he only sensed it briefly at this time and did not study it deliberately. The tree roots spread straight towards the portal below.

Soon Ye Feng's tree roots came to the portal.

But when he got here, he paused.

Because as the true body enters, his perception ability is not comparable to that of any mutant animal possessed.

With the powerful intuition of the fifth level peak, he could sense that there was something behind this portal that could pose a fatal threat to him.

"It's not as simple as I thought!" Ye Feng breathed out slowly in his heart.

Then without any further hesitation, the tree roots continued to stretch forward, approaching the portal.

When the tree roots entered the range of the portal, Ye Feng's perception was quite strange.

As he continued to approach, the portal, which was originally only 10 meters, was continuously expanding. It could also be said that the section of tree roots he stretched in was constantly shrinking.

At the same time, there was also a force of space gravity, pulling his tree roots inwards.

Ye Feng felt it for a while and found that the suction force was not too strong for him, only about 10 tons.

He exerted a little force, and the tree roots stopped advancing, and then he observed his condition.

Now the front end of his tree roots has shrunk nearly 100 times in almost the same proportion.

In other words, this portal with a diameter of only 10 meters can actually accommodate a behemoth with a diameter of 1,000 meters.

According to Ye Feng's guess, this should be similar to some kind of space folding method. This portal originally had a diameter of 1,000 meters, but it was folded to 10 meters.

After observing for a moment, Ye Feng's roots continued to stretch forward. This time, just a moment later, his frontmost roots seemed to touch some barrier.

Then an extremely powerful spatial suction force pulled him towards the opposite space.

If the suction force acting on him just now was 10 tons, then it has now soared to 1,000 tons.

With such terrifying force, Ye Feng's tree roots were suddenly pulled in a large amount before he barely stopped.

This is because Ye Feng's many tree roots are rooted in the mountains. Otherwise, with thousands of tons of force, Ye Feng's body may be pulled directly in if he is caught off guard.

Now Ye Feng is at a stalemate with the space suction force, but he is also extremely uncomfortable, because this huge force is all blessed on a tree root.

Even though he has reached the peak of the fifth level, the toughness of the tree roots has been strengthened many times, but at this time, his tree roots are constantly being torn apart.

If Ye Feng hadn't used his life healing ability immediately to quickly repair the tree root, his tree root would have been torn off by now.

Ye Feng endured the pain and felt his own condition. After confirming that the tree roots were not in danger of being torn off in a short period of time, he transferred his consciousness to the section of tree roots that entered the different space.

When Ye Feng transferred his consciousness, he saw a land like the Gobi Desert. There were no plants here and there were traces of weathering everywhere.

Looking up, it was a gray sky, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

This is a dead world.

However, a low humming sound instantly attracted Ye Feng's attention.

It was a reconnaissance drone, and the other party was constantly hovering nearby.

There is no doubt that this is the drone sent in by the military.

The other party is executing the return command.

But unfortunately, it cannot pass through the portal at all.

Because Ye Feng has discovered that this portal is one-way, which means that you can only enter, but not exit.

Even if he wanted to pull back the roots of the tree now, he couldn't do it unless his power was strong enough to shake the entire space.

Of course, even if it does get to that point, the entire portal will probably be shattered.

His eyes moved downwards, and there were large marks of bombing here. There was no doubt that these were caused by the bombs just thrown in by the military team.

His eyes continued to move forward, and there were a series of miniature cameras scattered in front.

Those things were originally installed on mutant mice or mutant sparrows, but at this time there was no trace of them at all.

With careful observation, Ye Feng discovered that there were some hairs on the ground that had not been completely corroded.

There is no doubt that the recent mutated rats and mutated sparrows were not so lucky, and were directly swallowed by the corrosive energy inside.

Yes, the entire space here is filled with corrosive energy, and the concentration is surprisingly high, hundreds of times that of the outside world.

Even with Ye Feng's powerful defense, he could feel the vitality of his body being drained at this time.

According to his estimate, he would have to spend 1,000 points of spiritual energy and biological energy every minute to convert into vitality to offset the consumption here.

Ye Feng tried his best to look far away, trying to see the space clearly, but the gray fog around him allowed him to only see things a thousand meters away.

Moreover, this place was filled with corrosive energy, and he could not release his mental power to explore.

"It's so scary! It's unknown whether the corrosive energy that spreads to the outside world accounts for 1% of the total amount here." Ye Feng sighed a little.

It can be said that it was only then that he truly realized how terrifying the forbidden area was. If all the corrosive energy here was released, I really don't know how much of the area would be turned into a forbidden area.

"But the good thing is that the instruments and equipment can operate normally after entering here. Then I can go back and prepare to send the thermobaric bombs." A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth.

Based on the concentration of spiritual energy here, the effect of detonating a thermobaric bomb here would be comparable to 100 bombs outside.

Although there is a lot of corrosive energy here, he believes that it will eventually explode.

Just when Ye Feng was about to cut off the roots of the tree and return, he suddenly felt that the speed at which his life force was being extracted suddenly soared.

In the blink of an eye, it increased to 10 times or 20 times. Before Ye Feng could react, the speed at which his life force was extracted increased to 100 times.

He could almost feel that his huge life force, after being extracted, seemed to be condensed into substance and sucked into one place.

He looked in that direction and his eyes suddenly widened.

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