Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 182 Fourth level superpower, soaring strength

As Ye Feng conveyed his thoughts through the contract, the mutated goshawk immediately flew up.

Then Ye Feng saw that there were hurricanes swirling around the opponent. As it flapped its wings, the hurricanes surrounding it suddenly turned into wind blades, cutting towards the space in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng suddenly became interested and stretched out a tree root to block the front of the wind blades.

Tsk tsk tsk!

There was a harsh friction sound, and those wind blades were like small knives, cutting the roots of Ye Feng.

As he cut, dense fine marks appeared on the surface of his tree roots.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng was a little surprised.

You must know that the defensive power of his tree roots may now exceed those of fifth-level mutant creatures that are good at defense.

The opponent's wind blade was able to leave small wounds on the roots of his tree, which was actually quite remarkable.

If these wind blades were to attack the remaining fourth-level mutated creatures, Ye Feng felt that they would be able to draw a wound of at least one meter long.

Even those fourth-level animals that are good at defense should have no problem cutting a half-meter-long wound.

Although, considering the huge size of the fourth-level mutant creature, a one-meter-long wound seems to be nothing, but the problem is that once the mutant goshawk releases its power, there will be hundreds of wind blades.

If all these wind blades were cut into a fourth-level mutated animal, it might be impossible to kill it instantly, but it would still be no problem to severely damage it.

At that time, if you go up and add a few more attacks, you can easily kill it.

Ye Feng originally thought that this was the mutant goshawk's superpower, but he discovered that it was much more than that.

The opponent began to fly in a circle. As it continued to accelerate, the speed of the mutant goshawk quickly increased to 1,000 kilometers per hour.

This is almost the limit it can reach now.

However, as the hurricane around it surrounded its wings, its speed actually began to surge for a second time.

A sound barrier soon appeared on it, which meant that the opponent's speed at this time was close to the speed of sound of 1,224 kilometers per hour.

Moreover, the opponent's acceleration did not stop, and soon broke through the sound barrier, truly reaching the speed of sound, and the speed was still soaring, reaching the terrifying level of 2,000 kilometers per hour in the blink of an eye.

This is almost twice the speed of sound.

Seeing the mutated goshawk showing such terrifying speed, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. This speed is invincible!

Ye Feng felt that after the big yellow dog broke through to the fourth level, it might not be as fast as the mutated goshawk.

Of course, the two cannot be confused.

The mutant goshawk's 2,000 kilometers per hour refers to the ultimate speed under straight-line acceleration.

If you try to make it suddenly stop and turn, it will be impossible. It will take a long circle to make a turn.

Of course, no matter what, it is much more flexible than a fighter jet.

The speed of the big yellow dog is the speed of running and dodging. At the peak of the third level, it can go from a static state to an explosion, with a maximum speed of 300 kilometers per hour, in less than a second.

This kind of terrifying acceleration is the core ability of Big Yellow Dog.

Just when Ye Feng was thinking about this, a fourth-level aura fluctuation suddenly appeared on the big yellow dog. It was obvious that he had successfully broken through.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng's attention immediately shifted.

The big yellow dog that has broken through to the fourth level is still small in size, with a length of 4 meters and a height of 3 meters. This size is comparable to ordinary second-level animals.

Of course, Ye Feng was not focused on this. He quickly conveyed his thoughts through the contract and asked the other party to show his powers.

The big yellow dog immediately understood what Ye Feng meant. He waited silently for a moment before a red light filled his body.

At this moment, he exuded an extremely violent aura.

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. Is this a power to enhance himself?

Before he could think about it, the big yellow dog started to change.


A harsh sonic boom suddenly sounded, and in just a moment, the big yellow dog accelerated from the forbidden state to the speed of sound.

Just the moment he broke through the sound barrier, the shock wave that erupted directly caused several giant trees dozens of meters high around him to collapse.

"This speed..." Ye Feng's pupils shrank.

The speed of sound exploded in the dense forest. How terrifying it was. Viewed from a distance, the big yellow dog really seemed to turn into a red lightning at this moment.

Ordinary mutated animals can't react at all, it has already moved from one end to the other.

What's more important is that with such complex terrain in the dense forest, it is simply impossible to lock the opponent's movement trajectory with the naked eye.

Even Ye Feng couldn't do it. He could only capture the big yellow dog's movement by using his mental power.

"Okay!" At this moment, Ye Feng showed a look of surprise.

Tree roots shot up from the ground and struck at the big yellow dog.

Ye Feng's roots can reach the speed of sound in an instant when struck with all his strength. However, the big yellow dog is too flexible. If Ye Feng's roots were single, they would not be able to touch it at all.

But his biggest advantage is that he has many roots. If one root cannot solve the problem, then 10 or 20 roots will be needed.

Finally, after Ye Feng dispatched 50 tree roots to pursue and intercept him, the big yellow dog was gradually trapped, compressing all the opponent's dodge space.

However, under the trapped beast, the big yellow dog also burst out with fighting power that made Ye Feng look at him.

Every time the opponent swings his claws, the sharp claws carrying red energy can leave a wound more than ten centimeters deep on the root of his tree.

This attack power is directly more than ten times that of the wind blade. Ye Feng has no doubt that if it hits the other fourth-level mutated creatures, even the bones can be broken.

Of course, the most powerful attack power of the big yellow dog is not its claws, but its sharp fangs. With one bite, it was able to bite out a tooth mark half a meter deep at the root of the tree.

This kind of attack power has probably reached its peak among fourth-level animals.

Of course, if there is any shortcoming, it is that the big yellow dog is too small, so the wounds caused every time are not big, and it cannot kill the same level instantly.

In addition, the big yellow dog's defense is also quite poor. As long as one of Ye Feng's tree roots hits the opponent, it will be knocked away directly and he will cough up blood.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that each of Ye Feng's tree roots can explode with a huge force of 20 tons.

If the big yellow dog faces the other fourth-level mutant creatures, its attack power is not particularly strong, and it should be able to hold on for a while or two.

After testing the three mutant animals, Ye Feng was quite satisfied with their combat prowess.

At this time, his attention also shifted to the other mutated animals.

The remaining mutated buffaloes, mutated black crows, mutated bats, mutated mice and two mutated sparrows all relied on the fruits of evolution to forcibly improve themselves.

He was very curious whether they would have special powers after breaking through to the fourth level.

Or are superpowers exclusive to those mutant creatures that are gifted and able to break through on their own?

Ye Feng waited for another moment, and the mutant mouse took the lead in breaking through.

At the fourth level, the mutated mice are already comparable in size to normal humans.

Seeing that the mouse that was originally only the size of a palm, after four breakthroughs, turned into the size of a normal human being, even though Ye Feng had expected it, it was still quite complicated.

He immediately adjusted his mentality and conveyed a thought through the contract, asking the other party if he had any new abilities after breaking through to the fourth level.

The mutated mouse seemed to be standing there in a daze. Just when Ye Feng thought that the other party had not awakened his powers, a strong spiritual energy wave appeared around the other party.

Inside the mutated mouse, spiritual energy spreads outward and finally adheres to the body surface.

"Hey!" Ye Feng was a little surprised.

Immediately let the mutant mouse demonstrate it.

He soon discovered that the mutant rats in this state had improved speed, strength, agility, reaction and other aspects.

Of course, this improvement is not huge, probably about 50%, but it can barely be regarded as a superpower.

Soon, mutant buffaloes, mutant black crows, mutant bats, and mutant sparrows all broke through to the fourth level. Ye Feng asked them to show their abilities and found that they were all the same as mutant mice.

They all release the spiritual energy in the body to the body surface for bonus.

Ye Feng studied it again and found that this way of expression was very similar to a superpower.

Because whether it is the hurricane released by the mutated goshawk or the red energy released by the big yellow dog, it actually requires the consumption of spiritual energy.

It's just that during the process of releasing spiritual energy, they undergo a unique change in nature, and they appear in different forms.

But when he studied the mutant wolf king, the look on his face became a little uncertain.

Because the mutant wolf king consumes mental power when releasing his powers, not the spiritual energy in his body.

Does this mean that if the other party can control the spiritual energy in the body and attach it to the body surface, it can achieve the spiritual energy amplification effect like a mutant mouse?

And not just the mutant wolf king, but also his ability to control the world.

When he exerted his control over the world, he consumed the mysterious power of faith.

As for the huge spiritual energy in his body, it has not been consumed at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng became slightly excited. If his idea could finally be confirmed, his combat power would undoubtedly increase a lot.

Next, he began to experiment, possessing animals such as mutant mice, mutant buffalo, mutant sparrows, and mutant black crows, and felt the process of their releasing spiritual energy again and again.

With strong mental power, after groping for nearly an hour, Ye Feng finally started to try it on his own.

The process was very fast this time. After only half an hour of trying, a strong spiritual energy appeared on the surface of one of Ye Feng's tree roots.

The intensity and concentration of the spiritual energy he releases are much stronger than those of mutant mice.

Moreover, the increase in strength, speed, defense, etc. has also been increased from the original 50% to 100%.

Ye Feng estimated that this was because he was at the fifth level, and the increase in spiritual energy he released was naturally not comparable to that of the fourth level.

At the same time, he also gave this ability a simple and straightforward name: spiritual energy possession.

The fourth-level creature's use of spiritual energy possession increases by 50%, and the fifth-level creature can reach 100%. Ye Feng is a little curious as to whether there is any limit to the ability of spiritual energy possession.

You must know that this kind of percentage increase is very scary for the strong.

Take him as an example. The power of a tree root now reaches 20 tons. With a 100% bonus, it has soared to 40 tons.

If all the tree roots were put together, it would exceed an exaggerated level of 20,000 tons.

In addition, after doubling his speed, he once again sparred with the big yellow dog and completely suppressed it with only 20 tree roots.

"Not bad, not bad!" Regarding the ability of spiritual energy possession, Ye Feng could not be more satisfied.

Then his eyes couldn't help but fall on the mutant wolf king.

After the mutant wolf king also learns to be possessed by spiritual energy, the opponent will be equivalent to having double powers. In this case, the potential is still great.

However, the idea is good, but the process of letting the other party learn is not so easy.

After all, although the mutant wolf king's wisdom is relatively smart, it is still difficult for him to understand the spiritual energy and how to use and mobilize it.

Even though Ye Feng possessed it and released several spiritual energy possessions, the mutant wolf king still failed to learn it.

Ye Feng thought for a while and realized that it was useless to rush the matter. He planned to possess him once or twice a day to demonstrate to the other party. He believed that even if it was a pig, the other party would be able to learn it sooner or later.

The overall strength of Dragon King Palace has improved again, and Ye Feng feels that he can try to solve the problem of the restricted area again.

Unlike his previous attempts, this time he planned to go in in person.

Just the roots of course.

Sunset Valley is less than 8 kilometers away from Xiaofeng Mountain, and in the past few days, he has completed adding points to the fifth level peak, and the length of the tree roots has been extended by another 2,000 meters.

Now that the total length of the tree roots has reached 15.5 kilometers, he can already enter the restricted area directly. However, he likes to be completely prepared, so he plans to be on the safe side for the time being.

It is worth mentioning that even when Yangcheng City was attacked by mutated insects, the military in Yangcheng City still maintained a missile squad that bombed Xiaofengshan every day.

So a few days have passed, and the scope of the restricted area has not expanded much.

Ye Feng thought for a moment, then controlled the mutated parrot and flew towards Yangcheng City.

Bai Yinghui had told him before about improving the ground-penetrating bombs. Now that a few days have passed, it's time to ask about the progress.

At this time, the sun has already set below the horizon. The entire city of Yang is brightly lit and the streets are crowded with people. It does not look like it did after the war at all, but is becoming more and more prosperous.

In fact, this is also the case. In just two days, with the immigration of a large number of people in Yangcheng City, the number has increased to a terrifying number of 10 million.

And that's not enough. If you look down from a high altitude, you can see that on the main road leading to Yangcheng City, there are traffic queues approaching one after another, all of which are full of people.

Obviously, population migration is not over yet, and it is becoming more and more exaggerated.

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