Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 175 The Animal Legion Attacks

Shooting with a heavy machine gun is completely different from aiming and shooting under normal circumstances.

Because the normal human nerve reaction speed is 0.2 seconds, and a heavy machine gun can shoot 10 bullets in 1 second.

Therefore, when shooting with a heavy machine gun, you cannot aim accurately. You can only rely on your own experience and feel to shoot at a certain area.

But Chen Dalong is different. As a second-order evolver, his neural reaction speed can now reach almost 0.02 seconds, which is 10 times that of a normal person.

Even if the heavy machine gun fires a bullet in 0.1 seconds, theoretically speaking, Chen Dalong can still adjust the muzzle of the gun to carry out a precise burst attack every time a bullet is fired.

Of course, the reason why this is a theory is because it is very difficult to do it.

Therefore, Chen Dalong did not pursue the limit, or in other words, he could achieve a simplified version. That is, after each bullet is fired, it is only a rough aim.

But even so, Chen Dalong found after experiments that as long as he was within 10 meters, even with a rough aim, his hit rate could reach more than 80%.

The hit rate within 10 meters is 80%. This may not sound like much, but it is actually very scary.

You must know that the heavy machine gun in Chen Dalong's hand can fire 600 bullets per minute. The 80% hit rate also means that he can kill 480 mutant insects in one minute.

Such efficiency is terrifying.

But it is a pity that those mutated insects will not only attack him, but may even swarm to other places because the firepower here is too fierce. He will still have to go to rescue them when the time comes.

What he is doing now is just killing as many mutated insects as possible before the rescue.

At this time, Chen Dalong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the swarm of mutated insects rushing in the distance, making various plans in his mind.

The mutant insect swarm is also approaching quickly, 200 meters...180 meters...150 meters...130 meters...

Just when the soldiers holding high-pressure water guns were about to spray powerful insecticidal water, a sudden change occurred.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Missiles passed over the city wall one after another, shooting straight towards the direction of the mutant insect swarm.

Yes, it's a missile, not a cannonball.

This scene really exceeded everyone's expectations, including Chen Dalong.

He had excellent dynamic vision, and in that brief moment he had recognized that the missile being launched was a Reaper missile.

"Why are you firing missiles? Isn't this a cannon to kill mosquitoes?"

As soon as this thought rang in Chen Dalong's mind, more than 50 Reaper missiles had already crossed a distance of more than a thousand meters and landed behind the mutant insect swarm.

A rumbling explosion sounded.

Although the Reaper missile is only a small missile, it is still a missile anyway, and its power is not comparable to that of a mortar.

A huge 10-meter fireball rose directly from the spot hit by the Reaper missile, and the mutated insects within this range were instantly evaporated.

The violent shock wave swept across a distance of nearly a hundred meters.

Those who were closer had no resistance at all, and the shock wave directly tore their bodies into pieces. Even for those farther away, the result was that their carapace was cracked and their legs were broken.

It can be said that each Reaper missile took away the lives of at least tens of thousands of mutated insects.

At this moment, a full 500,000 mutated insects evaporated.

But Chen Dalong still felt a little baffled, because such a victory was obtained with a full 50 Reaper missiles, which was a loss to his grandma's family.

After all, to a swarm of insects measured in hundreds of millions, the number of 500,000 is nothing at all.

Just when he was puzzled and didn't understand why the military was doing this, a large part of the charging mutated insects actually started to commotion and even stopped.

And it's not just the charging mutated insects, but also the insect swarm behind.

At this moment, a series of question marks suddenly appeared in Chen Dalong's mind.

But this doubt only lasted for a moment, and he soon understood something.

"Those who were killed should be mutant insect kings and the like, beings that can control the insect army." Chen Dalong guessed in his heart.

Only in this way does everything seem reasonable.

Chen Dalong's eyes lit up instantly, looking forward to the follow-up development.

But it is a pity that the commotion of the insect swarm only lasted for a moment. As the insect swarm army heard high-pitched insect sounds one after another, the commotion was quickly calmed down.

"No! Unless all the insect kings are killed, it will be difficult to achieve the effect." Chen Dalong looked at the mutated insects that launched another charge and sighed with some regret.

Just as he adjusted his mentality and prepared for the battle again, the harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded again.

This time it's a mortar!

Moreover, the number of mortars invested this time was unprecedented, with thousands of them in total.

The violent roar resounded throughout the battlefield.

Chen Dalong looked at the swarm of insects in the distance that was instantly submerged by gunfire, and felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Even though he has now reached the peak of the second level, his lethality against insects is far from comparable to human thermal weapons.

A single mortar would kill at least a thousand mutated insects, possibly four or five thousand, depending on the density of the insect swarm.

Although Chen Dalong is said to have superior combat power, killing these mutated insects is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables, but after a wave of insect swarms, the number killed rarely reaches 1,000.

Such a gap made him sigh and made him eager to become stronger.

After the bombing, nearly two-fifths of the huge insect swarm was wiped out. In other words, this round of bombing killed at least 2 million mutated insects.

In just ten seconds, so many mutated insects disappeared. For the surviving mutated insects, it is inevitable to have emotions such as fear and panic.

They were originally very aggressive, but now they started to become timid.

If it weren't for the high-pitched chirping of insects from behind, which kept urging him, Chen Dalong would have suspected that these mutated insects would have fled in all directions.

Although the remaining 3 million mutated insects continued to attack, their advance speed had undoubtedly slowed down.

The slower speed means that they will suffer greater damage when passing through the "insecticidal water area" and "fire area".

In fact, this was also the case. After they passed through these two areas, their numbers were almost reduced by half again, and the number of remaining mutant insects had dropped sharply to 1.5 million.

However, this is still unbearable for the soldiers defending the city wall.

Not to mention 1.5 million, even 500,000 mutated insects can cause big problems in the defense line.

But the soldiers on the city wall didn't care so much at this time. They subconsciously took out the grenades and threw them downwards, while pulling the triggers in their hands.

We want to eliminate as many mutant bug swarms as possible before they climb the city wall.

But everyone knows that no matter how hard they try, the number of mutated insects that can be eliminated within the last 20 meters is absolutely limited, and only four to five million will be able to survive.

By then, there will probably be millions of mutated insects gathering under the city wall and starting to climb up.

So how many can be eliminated before they climb up to the city?

At this moment, let alone those ordinary soldiers, even Chen Dalong felt a trace of despair in his heart.

But at this time, there was a sound of flapping wings.

Chen Dalong heard the sound, looked up, and immediately saw a mutated black crow with a wingspan of more than 5 meters, landing on their section of the city wall.

As the opponent's wings flapped, a strong wind blew up, blowing towards the bottom of the city wall, causing some of the mutated insects that had arrived first and started to climb the city wall to fall down again.

The mutated black crow's claws flexibly grasped the edge of the city wall and moved.

While flapping its wings, it used the strong wind to delay the mutant insects climbing up. At the same time, it used its sharp claws to trample to death each mutant insect that climbed up to the city wall.

The efficiency of killing mutated insects is not much slower than Chen Dalong.

And this scene does not only appear here. Chen Dalong raised his eyes and looked into the distance. Almost every distance, a mutated black crow or a mutated bat would appear.

At this time, many places burst into cheers because of the Dragon King Palace's participation in the battle, and even Chen Dalong breathed a long sigh of relief.

He took a careful look at the black crow in front of him and found that the other party had also reached the second level peak. No wonder it was so efficient at killing mutated insects.

"If other mutated animals are also in this realm..." Chen Dalong's eyes lit up.

He knew more about the situation than others. He knew that a total of 400 second-level mutant animals had been dispatched from the Dragon King Palace.

And the combat power that these mutated creatures burst out is definitely comparable to 10 first-level evolvers.

400 mutated animals can be regarded as 4,000 evolvers!

Even, maybe more than that!

Because whether they are mutated black crows or mutated bats, their combat effectiveness is at the bottom among all the creatures in the Dragon King Palace.

Chen Dalong's eyes couldn't help but look towards the distant city gate.

At some point, the heavy alloy door was slowly opened from the inside.

But there was no mutant insect swarm that dared to rush in from the gate. On the contrary, they began to retreat in fear.

Because huge mutated creatures rushed out from inside.

Mutated Siberian tiger, mutated Asiatic lion, mutated brown bear.

Each of them is as big as a big truck, but their speed is not slow at all. After rushing out, they are like heavy tanks, crushing past the mutant insect swarm.

Their front paws may step or slap, and each attack can take away the lives of more than a dozen mutated insects.

Especially Siberian tigers and Asiatic lions are extremely flexible and their efficiency in killing mutated insects is terrifying. In the blink of an eye, they can wipe out all the mutated insects near the city gate.

After the city gate was closed, it spread out, running along the city wall, quickly killing mutant insects, and its efficiency was not comparable to that of the mutant black crow.

If the mutant black crow can rival 10 first-order evolvers, then the mutant Siberian tiger can rival at least 50 first-order evolvers.

And more importantly, with their defensive power, even beings with extremely high attack power like mutant mantises can only leave an inch-long wound on their body surface at most.

But such wounds are not a problem at all for the huge size of these second-order mutated animals.

Therefore, they can rush to the place where the insect swarm is the densest and fight without any scruples.

The appearance of this batch of mutated creatures instantly reduced the pressure on the city wall a lot.

But it's not over yet.


There was a continuous roar in the distance, like countless heavy objects falling to the ground. Chen Dalong could feel the city wall under his feet shaking slightly.

He threw two grenades casually and immediately took a moment to glance in the direction of the sound.

And just one glance almost stunned him.

It was a huge team of mutated creatures.

At the head are 25 mutated African elephants, and on both sides of the team are 25 mutated white rhinos and 25 mutated hippos.

At the end of the team were 45 mutated buffaloes.

There are a total of 120 mutated creatures, and all of them are huge species. When they run, it really feels like the mountains are shaking.

Every step he takes will crush at least a dozen mutated insects to death.

Even if some mutated insects can avoid being trampled by one mutated animal, it is impossible to completely avoid the second, third, or even the 120th one that follows.

So when they ran past, what was left behind were mutated insect corpses that had been trampled into pulp.

This scene is definitely a great morale booster.

Wherever the animal army passed, all the soldiers cheered.

The scene that happened in this short period of time made everyone feel like they were on a roller coaster. One moment they were at the bottom of the valley, and now, although they couldn't be said to be straight up to the sky, their morale was already high.

Bai Yinghui and other high-ranking generals naturally saw this scene. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The overall combat power unleashed by the Dragon King Palace really exceeded their expectations.

And the reason for this is entirely because of the tactical arrangements of the Dragon King Palace.

It can be said that for every mutated animal, Dragon King Palace has fully brought out their characteristics and advantages.

Instead of giving an order, just let them rush out and fight on their own.

With these tactical arrangements, the efficiency of these 400 mutated animals in killing mutated insects was at least two or three times higher than the two people expected.

"Commander, do we still need to implement our follow-up arrangements?" Jian Yan asked.

Originally, in their opinion, even if the Dragon King Palace took action, it would be impossible to completely block such an offensive.

So they made arrangements later to launch 20 thermobaric bombs to clear out the subsequent insect swarms, and then pulled the resting teams to the city wall for reinforcements.

But I never expected that this scene would appear.

Bai Yinghui pondered for a moment and then said: "Put the arrangements on hold for now, and we'll see what happens next."

Originally, they all thought that the Dragon King Palace's performance was already quite amazing.

But they didn't expect that something even more surprising to them was yet to come.

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