Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 169 The Eve of the War (Part 1)

As soon as Zhang Ji got out of the car, he saw a mutated parrot falling from the sky.

"Parrot Messenger, we have already discussed a plan. We are here to invite your Dragon King Palace to send troops." Zhang Ji said quickly.

"Then how many mutated animals do you want to invite to help in the battle?" Ye Feng asked.

"In terms of third-level mutated animals, we hope to invite all the envoys from the Dragon King Palace." Zhang Ji said quickly.

"Invite all the third-level mutant animals?" Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise: "Do you know how many third-level mutant animals we have in the Dragon King Palace?"

"According to our understanding, you should have a total of 25 third-level envoys! One envoy costs 30 million Chinese coins, a total of 750 million. Of course, if you have more third-level envoys, we are also willing to spend more money to invite them. "Zhang Ji said immediately.

Although the numbers the other party said were wrong, they were almost the same. They probably didn't include the queen ants and queen bees. After all, they stayed in the beehives and ant nests to lay eggs and didn't usually show up.

Of course, Ye Feng had no intention of correcting the other party. Neither the queen bee nor the queen ant had strong fighting ability, and Ye Feng had no intention of letting them fight.

Moreover, he sent 25 third-level mutated animals to help in the battle and directly earned 750 million. For him, such a huge sum of money was already a bit beyond expectations.

He had thought before that the senior management of Yangcheng City would come to negotiate the price after discussion, so when he made the offer, he really opened his mouth, but he didn't expect that the other party actually agreed directly.

And instead of just inviting a few, he asked for almost all of them, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Of course, what he didn't know was that during the meeting, no one had proposed bargaining, but Bai Yinghui rejected it.

After all, this kind of thing is not a transaction. You negotiate to keep the price down, but when the other party comes and fails to do the work, it is they who lose in the end.

"What about the second-level mutated creatures! Do you still need an invitation?" Ye Feng suppressed the emotions in his heart and asked with some anticipation.

"Of course we do. We plan to spend 800 million Chinese coins to invite 400 second-level mutant creatures to help in the battle. We hope to select mutant animals with stronger combat capabilities." Zhang Ji said.

"Of course it's no problem. You can choose which mutated animals you want to help in the battle. All costs added up, the total is 1.55 billion Chinese coins." When he said the next part, Ye Feng felt that his heart was beating wildly.

This is simply a wave of fat!

With this 1.55 billion in hand, he can even buy five to six hundred mutated tigers, mutated lions, etc. in one go.

By then, the overall strength of the Dragon King Palace will probably be doubled.

The two sides had a pleasant conversation, and then under the leadership of Ye Feng, Zhang Ji began to select 400 second-level mutant animals.

Among them, he picked half of the flying animals and half of the ground animals.

Of course, the range of flying animals to choose from was very small. After Zhang Ji selected 5 mutant goshawks, he then selected 95 mutant bats and 100 mutant black crows, and that was the end.

However, when selecting ground animals, Zhang Ji found that their previous worries were completely unnecessary. They originally thought that if there were not enough mutant animals, they would find mutant dogs to make up the number.

But now I've discovered that this doesn't have to be the case.

The number of mutated animals in the Dragon King's Palace was more than they imagined, which even made Zhang Ji feel a little dazzled. Finally, after careful consideration, he finally settled on it.

He chose 30 mutant Siberian tigers, 30 mutant Asiatic lions, 25 mutant African elephants, 25 mutant white rhinos, 25 mutant hippos, and 20 brown bears.

In total, there are 155 mutant animals.

As for the last 45 animals, he chose mutant buffalo after careful consideration.

"Okay, when do you want these mutant animals? You can go there at any time." The mutant parrot said.

"Ahem! There's no need to be in such a hurry. It won't be too late for you to come over after the mutant biological crisis breaks out." Zhang Ji said quickly.

Are you kidding? If so many mutated animals entered Yang City now, they would definitely cause a huge commotion.

"Okay! Then I'll let them go there tonight." Ye Feng nodded and said.

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Zhang Ji was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized what he was saying, his face changed and he asked, "You mean, those mutated insects will attack tonight?"

"Well! There is a high possibility that they will launch an attack, but don't worry. I estimate it is just the vanguard and not a large number." Ye Feng said.

He has always sent his men to monitor the movements of those mutated insects, so he is quite aware of them.

A small number of mutated insects have approached less than 5 kilometers away from Yangcheng City.

Moreover, Ye Feng can use his mental power to sense that the desire of these mutated insects to attack is already very strong, and there is a high probability that they will launch an attack tonight.

However, because these mutated insects are a bit out of touch with the larger army, that's why he said they were the vanguard.

Zhang Ji's expression changed continuously. Finally, he thanked him and left quickly. This information was very important and he needed to report it as soon as possible.

Watching the other party leave, Ye Feng thought for a moment and controlled the mutated parrot to return to Sunset Valley.

He switched the possessed state back to the main body, then opened the system panel and took a look.

His evolution points had reached the full value of 2,000 points this morning as he added points.

In other words, now he can add points to make a breakthrough at any time.

To be on the safe side, Ye Feng stopped waiting and directly chose to break through.

"Ding! Please choose the direction of strengthening."

When Ye Feng broke through to the mid-term and late-stage, he strengthened the root strength and flexibility respectively.

So this time, Ye Feng chose to strengthen the toughness of the tree roots.

As he made his choice, more than 2,000 points of evolutionary power instantly poured into the tree, allowing him to start a breakthrough.

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds at some point, and then it began to rain heavily, completely covering up the movement of Ye Feng's breakthrough.

As Ye Feng breaks through to the fifth level, the height of the tree has exceeded 2,000 meters, and he is still using thick fog to cover his body, which is a bit deceptive and looks quite inconsistent.

After all, there is not much difference between the sudden appearance of dense fog reaching a height of more than 2,000 meters and directly telling others that something abnormal has occurred here.

Therefore, without lacking the power of faith, Ye Feng changed his approach.

That's when dark clouds are summoned, and then it rains heavily.

In this way, it can also block the satellites above your head and other people's sight, and it will also look very natural.

If there is any shortcoming, it is undoubtedly that the power of faith is consumed too quickly.

Although summoning dark clouds to rain is not an attack method and consumes much less, the range of Ye Feng's control is too large. It is estimated that when he completes the breakthrough, he will consume at least 20,000 to 30,000 points of faith power.

This kind of consumption is hundreds of times higher than creating dense fog.

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