Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 166 The Rapidly Growing Kuanglong Security Company

Ye Xiangfeng didn't hesitate much, and quickly decided to take Wang Shuwen and Ye Rou to the Kuanglong Security Company.

At this time, the scale of Kuanglong Security Company was really not small, with 300 core combatants alone.

In addition, there are more than 200 people in the Commerce Department, Public Relations Department, Finance Department, Legal Department, Logistics Department, etc.

Therefore, Kuanglong Security Company directly rented the first to seventh floors of the largest office building in the city center as their office space. .

"Hi boss!"

"Good afternoon, boss!"

Under the leadership of Chen Dalong, a group of people walked inside. Many people greeted them along the way.

Of course, there are not many combatants left in the company, only 100. As for the other more than 200 people, they went with the Obsidian Security Company to perform the escort mission of Red Star Technology.

Now with the development of Obsidian Security Company during this period, the number of people has expanded to 200. Together, they have nearly 400 people, which is almost close to the strength of a battalion.

And now that Chen Dalong has been promoted to an honorary major, his weapons quota has become 300 automatic rifles, 3 heavy machine guns, 3 rocket launchers and 3 armored vehicles.

This refers to the part of his weapons quota that can be purchased with Chinese coins.

In addition, he previously used his military merit to purchase additional 45 automatic rifles, 5 rocket launchers, 4 heavy machine guns, and 2 sniper rifles.

Of course, this includes 50 automatic rifles and a heavy machine gun that were previously lent to Qin Yaowen by the Obsidian Security Company.

However, as Qin Yaowen accumulated military merit during this period, he upgraded his military rank to an honorary captain and returned the weapons.

In addition, after the mutant creature crisis ended, Chen Dalong was awarded nearly 10,000 military points for his outstanding performance and made some purchases.

So now, Chen Dalong has 500 automatic rifles, 30 heavy machine guns, 30 rocket launchers, and 3 armored vehicles.

Such a luxurious weapon configuration is not much worse than that of the regular army.

Moreover, Chen Dalong's team has a full 100 veterans with rich combat experience, so Chen Dalong no longer needs to follow every time he goes to perform escort missions.

With such a weapon configuration and such a large team, even if they encounter a third-level mutant creature, they can completely suppress it with powerful firepower and force it back.

Of course, the third-level mutated creatures already have considerable intelligence. Under normal circumstances, they would not attack such a large convoy in a thankless manner.

While leading the way, Chen Dalong introduced the company to Ye Xiangfeng and others behind him.

"The first floor of this office building is mainly the reception hall. There is the conference room over there, the reception room over here, and the lounge over there. Generally speaking, business is discussed on this floor." Chen Dalong introduced.

Ye Xiangfeng and others watched with surprise, and wherever they passed, many employees cast respectful glances at them.

There is no way, no one dares to underestimate the people entertained by the big boss himself.

Chen Dalong led everyone up the escalator.

"This is the second floor. It is mainly used for training. All kinds of fitness equipment are very complete. In addition, a batch of special equipment for superpowers is being customized over there. It will be available for use in a few days."

"After you become superpowers, if you want to train, you can come here to train for free." Chen Dalong said with a smile.

"Ah! No need, this is too troublesome for you." Ye Xiangfeng waved his hand quickly and said.

"No trouble, there is a VIP card here. Just come over with the card and give it directly to the front desk, and they will receive you." Chen Dalong said, taking out a card from his pocket and stuffing it involuntarily In the hands of Ye Xiangfeng.

After Ye Xiangfeng hesitated for a while, he still put it in his pocket. It would be a bit offending to insist on giving it back at this time.

Soon, everyone passed through the gym on the second floor and followed the escalator to the third floor.

As soon as the soundproof door in front of them opened, everyone heard the bang bang bang gunfire, which frightened Ye Xiangfeng's family of three and almost ran back.

"This third floor is the shooting training ground. The place where we practice marksmanship, whether it is a fixed target, a moving target or a flying target."

"If you are interested, you can also come here to practice. Just show your VIP card and have someone bring you up." Chen Dalong introduced while leading everyone forward.

Ye Feng's family is much more curious about this floor than the first two floors.

After Ye Xiangfeng entered, he saw many combatants practicing their guns, and he was really tempted.

After all, in today's world, there is absolutely no harm in learning marksmanship. Although the city wall is safe now, who can guarantee that nothing will happen! Then you may have to rely on yourself.

Everyone stayed on this floor for the longest time. Chen Dalong even brought two automatic rifles over and taught Ye Xiangfeng how to shoot. After emptying two magazines, he took everyone to continue to visit.

The 4th floor is a comprehensive practice field. There are various obstacles and bunkers here. It is usually used for actual combat training. It is equivalent to the advanced version of the 3rd floor.

As for the fifth and sixth floors, there are offices for various departments.

The Ministry of Commerce, in particular, occupies almost the entire fifth floor.

When Chen Dalong led everyone through here, the department manager hurried over with a document as soon as he saw Chen Dalong.

"Boss Chen, Feike Instrument Company has delivered the first production line. According to the contract, we need to pay the first payment before they will continue to install the second and third production lines. The total is 15 million. This I need your signature." Hu Shixuan, the department manager, handed the document to Chen Dalong and said.

He didn't want this either, but early in the morning, Chen Dalong disappeared.

And this project was urgent, and even related to whether he could secure his position as department manager, so when he finally met Chen Dalong, he couldn't control it so much.

Chen Dalong was initially a little unhappy when he was stopped, but when he heard that the first production line had been installed, his mood suddenly improved.

"Very good. You ask the people below to hurry up and work overtime for debugging. The overtime pay will be tripled. We must strive to produce the 'original solution of life' during the period when the mutant biological crisis breaks out."

"Whether our pharmaceutical company can become a hit depends on this time. If the product comes out smoothly and achieves the expected results, the salary of everyone in your department can be doubled this month." Chen Dalong patted the other party's shoulder. , said in a good mood.

"Don't worry, boss, I promise to complete the task." Hu Shixuan said confidently after hearing Chen Dalong's reward plan.

If you want to make the people below work hard, it is useless to simply draw a big pie. After all, others are not stupid.

But it's different when real money is used. Without saying anything, it can directly stimulate 200% of employees' work enthusiasm.

After Hu Shixuan left, Ye Xiangfeng couldn't help but asked curiously: "Boss Chen, your company also has a pharmaceutical industry?"

"Haha, that's right! It's a subsidiary of the company, and we have obtained the production patent for a project in cooperation with the Yangcheng City Research Institute."

"If this 'life liquid' can be produced, in the subsequent war against mutated organisms, the mortality rate of soldiers can be reduced by at least 50%, and the continuous combat capability can be increased by 200%." ​​Chen Dalong said with a smile. .

This is a cooperation with Professor Xu Liang that Mr. Parrot ordered before.

They are responsible for providing raw materials for mutant plants, and the condition is to obtain exclusive patent rights.

A week ago, Professor Xu Liang finally successfully developed it.

After receiving the news, Chen Dalong almost immediately purchased a small pharmaceutical factory and changed its name to Jinlong Pharmaceutical.

At the same time, according to the parameters and research and development steps given by Professor Xu Liang, we will rush to customize the production line of this life liquid.

Now it seems to be bearing fruit. If everything goes well, then Jinlong Pharmaceutical will definitely become his cash cow in the future, thus further enhancing his status and influence.

Ye Xiangfeng felt a little sad when he heard Chen Dalong's explanation. He seemed to be able to see that in the near future, Kuanglong Security Company would become one of the top large enterprises in their Yangcheng City.

But precisely because of this, he became increasingly confused and confused about the friendly attitude shown by Chen Dalong.

He could only guess that all this might have something to do with his son.

Of course, Chen Dalong didn't want to mention these things, and he was quite sensible and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, it was a good thing that was beneficial and harmless to them, and that was enough.

Soon everyone arrived at the 7th floor, which is also the highest floor of this office building. Almost the entire floor here is Chen Dalong's office.

In fact, it is more appropriate to think of this place as an office than a presidential suite.

After Ye Xiangfeng followed in, he found that there were already more than a dozen people in the living room.

"Boss, the members who have reached A-level genetic compatibility assessment and who can be called back urgently by me are all here. There are still 5 people on mission. I'm afraid it will take two hours before they can come back." Li Huosheng reported.

"Yeah!" Chen Dalong nodded.

He looked at the 10 people standing respectfully in a row, and a hint of coercion gradually appeared on his body, "I think you know why I called you here!"

"Clear!" 10 people replied neatly.

"Then do you know how precious the genetic medicine is?" Chen Dalong continued.

This time no one said a word.

"Let me tell you a statistic. The number of people who have passed the genetic compatibility assessment in Yangcheng City is about 2 million, and the number of people whose genetic assessment has reached A level has exceeded 20,000."

"In addition, you should also know that our Yangcheng City is still expanding, and the population will exceed 10 million in the future. Calculated based on this ratio, the number of people with genetic A-level assessments will be at least 100,000."

"But in this batch, we only got 2,000 genetic medicines. This is because of the special situation. If under normal circumstances, it is estimated that there are only 1,000, and there is a batch of 10 days, then you can imagine how many days we need to wait under normal circumstances. Got the gene potion?"

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Chen Dalong gave the answer, "A batch of 1,000 genetic medicines requires 100 batches to produce 100,000. If one batch takes 10 days, it will take 1,000 days."

"In other words, if you are unlucky, you will have to wait close to three years. Even those who get the genetic medicine within a year may be considered lucky."

"And you all know what the situation is now. Let alone a year, even a month from now, I'm afraid the situation will have changed a lot."

"So, time not only represents life, but also represents strength. The sooner you become a superpower, the greater the advantage."

Having said this, Chen Dalong opened the safe and took out a suitcase from inside.

"The things stored here are things that can change your destiny, but what I want to ask is, why should I give it to you first?"

"Just because you are my employees? This is definitely not enough. To put it bluntly, I made you become superpowers, but you just changed jobs. Wouldn't I cry to death?" Chen Dalong said calmly.

"Don't worry, boss, we will never do it."

"Yes, boss, you are the strongest superpower. Everyone knows that following you is the most promising one. Who would be foolish enough to change jobs?"

At this time, several people quickly began to express their loyalty, but Chen Dalong was unmoved and still just looked at them calmly.

Finally, someone said: "Boss, we can re-sign the contract and set liquidated damages."

After hearing this, Chen Dalong finally showed a smile on his face. It seemed that there were still smart people out there.

At this time, there was no need for him to speak. Li Huosheng on the side took out the new contract, handed it to everyone's hands, and said at the same time.

"This is a five-year contract. You can take a good look at the regulations, especially liquidated damages."

"You can take the contract back and think about it carefully before coming here. If you have any questions about the contract, you can also go to the legal department for consultation. Once you sign the contract, you can get the genetic medicine."

"It doesn't matter if you don't sign. You are still employees of the company, but you have to rely on yourself to find a way to obtain the genetic medicine."

Everyone was reading the contract in hand. This contract was not too harsh. It was almost the same as the contract they signed before. The only difference was that they could not leave the company within 5 years. If they broke the contract, the liquidated damages would be as high as 100 million Chinese coins. .

If a company is really willing to spend 100 million to poach people, Chen Dalong would also be happy. After all, it is money earned in vain and he will not lose at all.

Among these 10 people, there were some who were hesitant, but there were also those who were decisive. They signed immediately after reading the contract.

As someone took the lead, others soon began to sign contracts one after another.

The current situation, let alone waiting for two or three years, even waiting for one year is probably fatal. It has only been more than half a year since the spiritual energy was revived, and earth-shaking changes have already taken place. Who knows if it will be another year? Year, what will it be like.

During this process, Ye Xiangfeng also walked over and took a look at the contract. When he saw the column for liquidated damages, he couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue.

He began to doubt whether his son had taken a bullet for the other party during his lifetime, otherwise why would the other party have done this?

Soon these 10 people received the genetic medicine, and Chen Dalong waved his hand and let them leave.

Then he took out three bottles of specially marked genetic medicine, handed them to Ye Xiangfeng's family, and said in a gentle tone: "You can take the genetic medicine here. The whole process will take about half an hour, and then you can become superpowers." ”

After Chen Dalong finished speaking, he could not tolerate Ye Xiangfeng's refusal, so he waved to the female secretary on the side, "Xiao Lin, take Mr. Ye's family to the lounge. I have some things to deal with. I'll come back later."

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