Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 164 Distributing Potions

Hearing what Zhang Ji said, Chen Dalong suddenly showed a look of disbelief on his face.

"Do you think it's strange why our treatment in Yangcheng City is so good?" Zhang Ji smiled and asked.

Chen Dalong nodded honestly.

"We didn't understand it at first. In fact, not only us, but other city leaders who knew the news also expressed protest."

"After all, these super-first-tier cities like Magic City, Guangdu and Shendu have only received 1,500 genetic medicines, and only the capital city can obtain 2,000 genetic medicines."

"Since there were many cities that protested, the Chinese Academy of Sciences also had to give an explanation."

At this point, Zhang Ji paused, looked at Chen Dalong and said, "And the reason why we can obtain so many genetic medicines is because of you."

"Me?" Chen Dalong's face was full of surprise.

"Yes, it's you. According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, genetic medicine is made by extracting gene fragments from you."

"Your gene fragment is very special and has very high compatibility, which directly increases the number of people with superpowers by a full 20 times." Zhang Ji looked at Chen Dalong with burning eyes.

Anyone with a little bit of brains should be able to understand the concept of increasing the number of superpowers by 20 times.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Chen Dalong has provided huge help to the development of all mankind... even though the other party did nothing.

Hearing such an answer, Chen Dalong was also a little stunned.

Others may just think that Chen Dalong is lucky, but he himself understands that this may not be a matter of luck.

He knew very well that he was just an ordinary person, and he was able to become a superpower only because of Lord Dragon King. Perhaps because of this, he was able to be different from other superpowers.

Seeing Chen Dalong in a daze, Zhang Ji didn't take it seriously. When he heard the news, he was stunned for a long time.

So he waited quietly on the side. Seeing that Chen Dalong seemed to have come to his senses, he answered: "In view of your great contribution to our Yangcheng City, the military department decided to give you 10,000 military merit points. award."

"In addition, this first batch of genetic medicines can be given to your Kuanglong Security Company 30 times."

"As you know, there are now more than 20,000 people with A-level genetic compatibility. Even if we get 2,000 genetic medicines in the first batch, it will still be too much, and military personnel will be given priority."

"So the total number of bottles circulated to your security company is estimated to be no more than 100, including the 30 in your hand. Do you understand what I mean?"

Chen Dalong instantly understood that his Kuanglong Security Company had 15 personnel with A-level compatibility ratings, and under normal circumstances only needed 15 genetic medicines.

The remaining ones can be used as bargaining chips to recruit people. With this kind of genetic medicine in hand, I am afraid that he can poach the other people in the security company at will.

However, he had other ideas.

"Thank you so much, Captain Zhang." Chen Dalong said immediately with a smile.

"If anything, it's better that we thank you." Zhang Ji sighed.

Suddenly he thought of something and said: "By the way, since these genetic medicines are made using your gene fragments, 99% of other superpowers will have the same superpowers as you after they awaken."

"However, the powers they have, depending on each person's physique, will strengthen the body to a different extent, but they all seem to be weaker than you."

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Dalong was surprised.

"Yeah! But this comparison is based on your battle video. The Chinese Academy of Sciences is worried that the data they collected is not detailed enough, so they want me to ask you. After you broke through and became a mid-level first-order superpower, what can you do with one arm? How many kilograms of force does it explode?" Zhang Ji asked.

"About 1,000 kilograms." Chen Dalong said after recalling it.

"It's really that high! According to the data released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, after the first batch of experimenters were injected with genetic medicine, their strength was only between 600 and 800 kilograms after breaking through to the middle stage of the first level. As expected, there is a gap between you and me. "

"And not only in terms of strength, there is also a certain gap in speed, defense and reaction, which is about 70% of yours."

"Sure enough, our technology still has a long way to go before it can truly analyze supernatural powers, but now it is the best result."

When Zhang Ji said this, he paused and asked curiously: "So you are in the late second level now! How many kilograms of power can you explode with one arm?"

"About 7,500 kilograms!" Chen Dalong said directly as he had nothing to hide.

When he reached the peak of the first level, he could almost explode with a huge force of 2,000 kilograms. After breaking through to the second level, his strength skyrocketed to 3,000 kilograms.

And this was just when he had just broken through. As his cultivation level continued to improve, his strength was still increasing rapidly. When he was about to break through to the mid-term, his strength had soared to 4,000 kilograms.

In other words, when he reaches the second level, he can increase his weight by a full 2,000 kilograms in one level.

When he broke through to the late second level, his strength had already reached 7,000 kilograms. Now he has practiced about 50% of the late second level, so he has increased his strength by 500 kilograms.

After he absorbs this spiritual energy fruit, he should be able to reach 8,000 kilograms of strength, and then when he breaks through to the third level peak, he will have 9,000 kilograms, which is a huge force of 4.5 tons.

After getting the answer, Zhang Ji was stunned on the spot.

Chen Dalong's figure doesn't look much different from before, but who would have thought that this body could easily explode nearly 4 tons of power?

This is simply a humanoid monster!

After being stunned, Zhang Ji's eyes quickly lit up. Although his genetic compatibility did not reach A level, it was still B level.

Therefore, the probability of becoming a superpower in the future is still very high. After all, taking one gene potion failed. With his military exploits, he should be able to apply for a second or even a third gene potion later.

By then, even if he can only have 70% of Chen Dalong's strength, that will be very scary!

The two parties talked for a while, and then Zhang Ji personally took Chen Dalong to the logistics department. After a series of tedious application procedures, Chen Dalong finally received 30 genetic medicines.

Chen Dalong left the logistics department, edited the information immediately, and reported all the genetic medicine to the parrot messenger.

To be honest, he felt a little uneasy, because these genetic medicines had similar effects to the evolutionary fruit given to him by the Dragon King.

So he was really afraid that this matter would offend Lord Dragon King.

As for hiding it, he didn't dare.

After all, there is a big difference between evolvers like him and real superpowers, because they are purely enhancing their bodies.

When a large number of evolvers appear, it is impossible for the Dragon King not to be able to guess what happened.

Rather than being questioned later, it is better to report the matter now. After all, he did not invent the genetic potion. He believed that even if there was punishment, it would not be too serious.

After the message was sent, Chen Dalong sat in the car and waited anxiously.

Ye Feng, on the other side, looked at it twice and showed a surprised expression after receiving the news.

In fact, when the genetic compatibility assessment was tested before, it caused a sensation and heated discussion on the Internet.

Under that situation, many people had already guessed something, and Ye Feng was certainly no exception.

He felt that this matter was most likely related to people with supernatural powers, and now it was finally confirmed.

"Will tens of thousands of evolvers appear in a city in the future? Sure enough! With human wisdom, even in the era of spiritual energy recovery, latecomers can still catch up." Ye Feng sighed and sighed.

As for the sense of crisis, there is none.

Take Yangcheng City as an example, even if there are tens of thousands of evolvers, it sounds really scary, but in fact these are first-order evolvers, and their actual combat power is just that.

It will probably take two or three months until they all break through to the second level.

By then, Ye Feng and Dragon King Palace will not know how strong they will be.

And more importantly, these people who rely on genetic medicine to become evolvers have a common problem with their group of mutated animals.

That means you can't break through on your own.

Like other mutated creatures, they need to wait for the spiritual energy to revive again and again before they can break through the bottleneck and break through to a higher realm.

This is destined that the Dragon King Palace will have the absolute top power. As long as this does not change, the status of the Dragon King Palace cannot be shaken.

Moreover, humans have developed this kind of genetic medicine, which is not all bad for Ye Feng.

He had wanted to help his family improve their strength before, but on the one hand, it was difficult to find an excuse to contact them and send them evolution fruits.

On the other hand, there were too few superpowers in the past. After helping parents become evolvers, they would definitely receive a lot of attention, and it would be bad if anything was exposed by then.

And now the time was right for him.

Thinking of this, he immediately edited the message and sent it to Chen Dalong.

Chen Dalong, who was waiting for the news in the car on the other side, suddenly relaxed after seeing the reply.

"Fortunately, Mr. Dragon King doesn't care about the blood sample I provided, and he actually has a mission for me to do. What mission will it be?" Chen Dalong muttered as he started the car.

With the construction of the city wall completed, it is no longer so easy to leave Yangcheng City.

On every road leading to the outside of the city, an alloy gate was built.

If it were normal times, it would be fine, but now there is a possibility of encountering a mutant biological crisis at any time. The alloy door is already in a semi-closed state. If ordinary people want to go out, they need to apply.

Fortunately, Kuanglong Security Company often has to go out to perform tasks, so he has the right of passage, and he is also an honorary major. No matter which identity is revealed, he can easily get out.

Of course, in order to prevent the problem from being discovered, he had to make up a more reasonable excuse.

"Then let's go to the mine later and talk about the difficulty of the inspection mission." Chen Dalong muttered.

Because these days, the three mines have mutated animals from the Dragon King Palace to assist in defense, and the difficulty of defense has been greatly reduced. The military has begun to outsource tasks to various security companies.

No one should suspect him of making such an excuse.

Soon, Chen Dalong left Yangcheng City and drove in the direction of Hongyan Mine.

Because the military already knew that the Sunset Valley was the headquarters of the Dragon King Palace, and there might be satellites watching from high altitude at all times. Of course, he couldn't go there directly, so after discussing with the mutant parrot, he changed the meeting place to another place.

Five minutes later, Chen Dalong looked at the map and parked the vehicle casually on the side of the road.

Not long after, there was a rustling sound in the woods, and the mutated parrot walked out of it.

"Sit on it and follow me." The mutant parrot pointed at the mutant jaguar following him with its wings.

"Well, okay, then my car..." Chen Dalong hesitated.

"Don't worry, just follow me." The mutant parrot said.

Hearing this, Chen Dalong didn't dare to delay anymore, came to the mutated jaguar, and rode directly on it.

With the improvement of his strength, Chen Dalong is no longer as fearful as before when facing these mutated creatures, and the jaguar in front of him is only at the second level. If the two sides really fight, it is still unclear who will win.

After Chen Dalong sat on it, the mutated jaguar began to shuttle quickly through the dense forest.

That strong figure can easily reach a speed of 300 kilometers per hour even in complex terrain such as dense forests. Chen Dalong truly felt what it means to be fast and lightning fast.

The mutated parrot also flapped its wings and flew past at low altitude.

After they left, a tree root broke out of the ground and easily grabbed the chassis, pulling the vehicle into the woods.

At this time, Chen Dalong didn't know where he was being taken. He felt a little uneasy, but before this uneasy emotion fully emerged, he felt the jaguar under him begin to slow down.

When the other party stopped, he had reached the depths of the jungle. At this time, a huge king cobra lay quietly. The aura emanating from the other party made Chen Dalong feel as if he was suffocating.

"Lord Dragon King!" Chen Dalong quickly got off the leopard's back and said respectfully.

The mutant king cobra nodded its huge head, and then Chen Dalong felt his backpack being lifted up by some force. Before he could react, he flew in the direction of the mutant king cobra.

Seeing this scene, Chen Dalong felt a chill in his heart, and the expression on his face became even more respectful.

At this time, he heard the sound of flapping wings, and the mutant parrot fell from the sky and landed next to him.

Although the mutated parrot didn't say a word, Chen Dalong was secretly relieved. He still felt that it was easier to get along with the mutated parrot.

At this time, the backpack opened, and a glass test tube was wrapped by Ye Feng's mental power and flew out.

Due to the ability of spiritual power to penetrate matter, the glass test tube was useless in front of him, and it was impossible to block his exploration.

And soon, a look of surprise appeared on Ye Feng's face.

Although he could not analyze the ingredients of the genetic potion, the spiritual energy contained in it certainly could not escape his perception.

"A genetic potion actually contains 10 points of spiritual energy. It seems that humans have found a way to collect and preserve spiritual energy, but they don't know how high the cost is." Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

You must know that one genetic potion costs 10 points of spiritual energy, so as long as 10 genetic potions are needed, it is equivalent to one spiritual energy fruit.

Even though this kind of genetic medicine is very expensive, as long as the price can be paid, humans can quickly cultivate some top powerhouses.

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